"Boom boom boom------"

Countless light guns fell in the park, like a neat formation of bombers carrying out carpet bombing on the city, with fire and thunder, although these... Guns: The accuracy is not high, but there are so many of them that in the blink of an eye...the park is completely submerged.

The terrifying serial explosions could not be blocked even by the silent magic set in advance, and woke up the entire Misaki City residents. Many people got up from their beds with sleepy eyes and looked at the serial explosions somewhere in the city from the window. , they were all smacking their tongues, thinking that some underground pipe had been set on fire.

Under the protection of the Giant of the Bridge, Youzhu of Jiuyuan Temple was bombarded by starlight. The surface of the Giant of the Bridge was also bombarded by such great magic, and cracks appeared on the surface, and from time to time, the body was completely cracked somewhere, but this demon is worthy of It is a rarity that is rare in the entire magic world, using his thousand-year-old fairy tale fantasy-style mystery, he just blocked the bombardment of this starlight.

But the witch is just as the celestial monarch said, in such a carpet bombing, her fragile body could not withstand the terrible shock wave shock and burning flames, under the pity of Marys Billy, the witch's body finally It was still torn apart by the roaring starlight and turned into pieces of blackened minced meat.

"It's over, the last fairy tale witch."

The astronomical monarch sighed, when the great magic ended, when the stars in the night sky disappeared, what was left for everyone was... It was completely broken, and there was no trace of an intact park. smoke, whatever....

Whether it's a bead or a giant of a bridge, it's all turned into pieces.

Just when Maris Billy was about to go to Roy and discuss with him how to use the spiritual veins of Misaki City, he suddenly changed his expression and saw a sapphire blue bird in the blackened ruins. The child flew out.

"Who killed the robin, who killed the robin!"

Along with the song, the robin died, and Youzhu's intact body appeared on the land where the robin died. The resurrected witch did not hesitate, and immediately stretched out her hand, and countless stones and wood were combined again. Completed, the giant of the bridge is formed again.

At this time, Maris Billy had already used up his magic and lost his strongest attack.

The monarch of the astronomical department gave a wry smile, "...It's a magic for death, is this also in your calculations, witch? Use that...golem and your own magic to replace my celestial ritual, and then Using the mystery of the golem to defeat me, as far as modern magicians are concerned, there is really no magic that can harm that... fairy tale monster Zhao."

"...This kind of fighting strategy may not work well for other monarchs, but it is the most correct tactical choice for me, the... astronomical monarch, who can kill me as soon as I see me. It's a terrible woman to think of such tactics."

Although he said that, Maris Billy was not desperate, he stretched his hand into his arms and sighed: "...but modern magic can't hurt the monsters in fairy tales, but the magic of the gods is not necessarily, no Thinking that I will eventually use the ancestral attire that the Animusfia family kept."

This is the monarch's biggest means of pressing the bottom of the box. Those... Magical costumes of the age of God or the treasures that survive in the world, although you have to pay a certain price every time you use them, but when you use the costumes of the age of God, A modern magician is comparable to a magician of the age of gods.

No matter how strong the giant of the bridge is, it is impossible to resist the magic of the Age of Gods.

Just when Maris Billy was about to use the heirloom of the Animusfia family, a voice just came, "...

Animusfia, let's save some strength to transfer the spiritual veins."

"...And now, it's witch hunt time!"

Roy took Anastasia and walked slowly from the ruins.

Chapter 167 Witch Hunting

The explosion in the park didn't even cause a piece of dust on Roy and Her Royal Highness. The two came hand in hand and came to Marys Billy's side.

The celestial monarch, who was about to take out the Animus Fia family **** costume, breathed a sigh of relief, put down the things in his arms, put on his white gloves dashingly, and saluted Roy: "... …I made you laugh, Your Excellency the Supreme Bishop!"

"...The power of the witch is indeed beyond expectations, and I am deeply sorry that you have to do it yourself."

"Hunting witches is the responsibility of the clergy, and they should be handed over to me from the beginning."

Roy shook his head at Maris Billy, and then turned his eyes to the beads of Kuonji Temple.

Hearing Roy's words, the expression on the fairy tale witch's face was very unsightly. As Roy said, the clergy of the Templar Church always liked to hunt witches, especially in the Middle Ages, when witch hunting was popular. I don't know how many witches died tragically under the church's butcher's knife.

And among those witches who died, there must also be the ancestors of Kuonji Yuzhu.

"Kuonji-kun, how about changing an opponent and letting me fight?"

Roy spread his hands to Youzhu at Jiuyuan Temple, with a gentle smile, "...I just hope that classmates at Jiuyuan Temple don't always be so alienated and indifferent, and don't stay out of contact with people, you should communicate more with your classmates. it is good."

Roy seemed to have turned into Yuzhu's teacher at Jiuyuanji again, persuading him with the teacher's 367 tone.

But the witch at this time had no time to listen to Roy's words, she just silently calculated the possibility and means of victory.

She finally defeated the celestial body monarch, no, even the celestial body monarch actually did not defeat her. With all her means, the opponent's ultimate move has not been used for a long time. The dress will definitely be longer and stronger than what her... witch clan has left behind. As long as the monarch uses the god-generation dress, with the strength of the monarch, she... the witch has no chance of victory at all.

But now that the monarch is off, it is the leader of the Church of the Holy Church. Compared with other magicians, the agent of the Church of the Holy Church actually knows the means of killing magicians. As the leader of the Church of the Holy Church, how can he It is almost equivalent to the status of the head of the clock tower.

Sure enough, from the beginning I had no chance of winning, and I don't know what happened to Aoko.

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu sighed secretly, she let her mind empty, temporarily forgetting Aozaki Aoko, compared to Aoko and her elder sister Chengzi fighting somewhere, she is actually much more dangerous here.

At least Aozaki Aoko still has the possibility of victory and survival.

'I don't know how to use giant bridges. If I can go a step further, I might have a chance... but if I stay here... wait for death, then...' the witch's Her eyes condensed, and her left eye suddenly turned into a scarlet color, which was her magic eye.

This magic eye is not a high-end product, it only has the function of confinement. It is more like a familiar. You don't expect this magic eye to really control Roy, but as long as she can make the other party have a spirit, she will Opportunities will be created.

Just when Youzhu activated the magic eye, Qiao also suddenly accelerated, raising his fist and slamming at Roy.

The witch knows that she will never be spared, so she must try to use sneak attacks to achieve brilliant results.

The fist pressure of the giant of the bridge made Roy and the princess in front of the palace feel squeezed. If this fist really hit a person, it would definitely smash the person into flesh in an instant.

"Are you looking for death?"

Roy hadn't moved yet, but Her Highness the Queen's eyes froze, her face was cold, the temperature around her dropped sharply, and even snowflakes floated. Under the power of the tsar, the witch even felt her body and consciousness froze. .

The giant of the bridge's huge fist, capable of smashing people into debris, solidified in mid-air, the entire surface of the giant's body was covered with a layer of frost, and its speed slowed down until it was completely condensed by ice crystals.

Seeing this scene, not only the beads, but even the celestial monarchs were stunned. Her Royal Highness's magic level is not high, and this frozen magic is extremely simple, similar to those used by witches...... .Magic comparison can even be described as rough one-on-one, but Her Royal Highness The high quality and huge magic power, almost reaching the level of the real ether of the gods, using the most violent method, there will be a thousand-year-old mysterious bridge giant. frozen in place.

The giant is still there: struggling, the ice crystals are cracked piece by piece, but Anastasia is not in a hurry, holding up the doll in her hand.

"'Vi', open your eyes and pierce it!"

With the whisper of Her Royal Highness, the last secret treasure of the Romanov Dynasty opened his eyes, the evil eyes of the deep sea giant king in Celtic mythology and legends descended, and the effect of 'direct death' burst out instantly.

This level is as high as: Exceptional Noble Phantasm showed its extraordinary power. When 'Vi' opened his eyes, there were death lines and death spots on the giant of the bridge. Anastasia did not need it. Use your own mind to understand what 'death' is, because her 'dimensional' can directly give the enemy the weakness of death.

Her Royal Highness gently waved her hand, and a ferocious blizzard violently swept out, and the ice crystals smashed onto the stone and wood body of the giant bridge, smashing the dead point, tearing the dead line, silently. , the mystery of this fairy tale is... falling apart.

Thousands of years of mystery, after all, it can't compare to the king of evil gods in Celtic mythology.

Seeing that Anna had done everything he had to do, Roy smiled helplessly. He raised his left hand to dote on Her Royal Highness Princess Shun's smooth and shiny silver hair, showing a pair behind him. Wings of Light.

This wing just waved lightly, and it caused the restlessness of the atmosphere. The air turned into sharp blades and swept away, cutting the earth into ravines. After the witch was blown away by the storm, her body stiffened for a moment, and the next moment That is... there are dense bloodstains appearing on her thin and delicate body, blooming like a fountain.

The delicate witch fell in response, her bloodless cheeks became even paler, as if the snow-white skin that had never been exposed to the sun was completely soaked with red blood, and the severe pain did not make Jiuyuan Temple make a sound. But the difficulty in breathing in her lungs made her panting rapidly.

"Alice has beads!"

Lidel, who had been watching from a distance and did not dare to go forward, ran over with tears on her face, knelt beside her friend, and looked at Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu's body with almost no intact body, tears like tears. under the rain.

As a magician, as a witch, she should not cry for this kind of thing, but the uncontrollable fear and the miserable appearance of her friend made her only cry to vent her inner emotions.

Kuonji Yuju opened her mouth, and a piece of blood poured out from her nose and mouth, making her whimper. At this time, the witch saw Roy and Anastasia walking towards her, she wanted to push Lidai away Er, but now she finds it so difficult to even lift her arms.

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