"This is something that has been discussed with the academy for a long time.

Dean Ren also agreed."

Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu said bluntly, feeling more and more impatient, she glanced at the sky outside the principal's office without any trace, it was already a little dark, the home where she learned from her is still a little far away, and she will not stay any longer. Know what time it will be time to get home.

But even if she is a rare fairy tale magician, she has no ability to resist when facing the principal.

Kuonji Yuzhu is a very traditional magician. Even if she is not from the clock tower faction, she strictly abides by the obligations and requirements of magicians, such as 'hidden magic', so unless she has to, she generally does not reveal magic. existence, or use them on ordinary people, especially witches more or less know the difference between this Liyuan Women's College and the relationship between it and the Holy Church.

Therefore, she is even less afraid to use magic here casually. If the Church of the Holy Church discovers her existence and knows that she will use magic in school, then the peaceful life of Jiuyuanji Yuzhu will be broken. , this will be a devastating blow to the witch who lives in seclusion.

In fact, she doesn't want to go to school, but this is the request of the Jiuyuanji family. Although the Jiuyuanji family has been estranged from her... witch since her father died, they still provide her with a lot of money every month, except... .....Is that bungalow as a heritage, and the Jiuyuan Temple has pearls or needs the support of the Jiuyuan Temple family, otherwise she doesn't even have the extra money to do magic research.

In this case, it became reasonable for the Jiuyuanji family to ask her to go to school. This is also her obligation as the daughter of the Jiuyuanji family, and she must abide by... "That was the matter of the former dean, and I have nothing to do with it. relation."

Roy responded with the very irresponsible, officials' favorite excuse.

This made Kuonji Yuju feel as if she was about to be in trouble.

Sure enough, I only heard the temporary dean in front of me say: "...I have already contacted the Jiuyuan Temple family, your elders said that they will not be too concerned about your affairs, so I have the full authority to hand you over to me. ."

Roy raised his head and looked at the unbelievably delicate witch in front of him, who was as beautiful as a princess in a fairy tale. There were sparks of fire in his eyes, as if saying, 'You belong to me now'.

"Listen to the tone of your elders, Kuonji-san, do you have a bad relationship with your family?"

Roy is like a good teacher who cares about his classmates. He is getting to know the lonely and unsocial children and hopes to help them through the difficulties.

"It's my family's problem."

Kuonji Yuju replied in a blunt tone.

As for the response of the Jiuyuan Temple family, she had already expected that the Jiuyuan Temple family would only raise her until she was an adult. Thinking about it, anyway... In her opinion, it's a big deal for her to live in seclusion in a modern city, and no longer... just have a connection with society.

She actually really wanted to forcefully drop out of school here, or use magic to force the dean in front of her to forget that she was looking for her, but she thought that if she did this, the Church of the Holy Church might come to trouble her, and her future would be zero.

6 The peaceful life plan is about to be broken, and thinking of this... It's just that the temporary dean will leave soon, and she has resisted her impulse.

Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu now misses the dean who left. She was a kind old lady. Although she was gentle with everyone, she was not very serious and responsible. This allowed Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu to cross the ceremony garden. The many requirements of women's colleges.

"Kuonji-san, if you have to go home because you are withdrawn and do not match your classmates, then this is a big problem. Even as a temporary dean, I must be responsible for my students and solve them for them. Psychological, and... problems."

Roy almost said the 'physiological problem', but fortunately he swallowed it back at the critical moment.

Jiuyuanji Youzhu knew that the other party was entangled with him.

Chapter 155 I suspect you are helping xx

Jiuyuanji Youzhu was silent, she really wanted to leave now, but she also knew that it was inappropriate to do so, although witches are always willful, but Jiuyuanji Youzhu also understands what is reasonable willfulness and what is unreasonable willfulness.

The dean's concern for the students is... it belongs to the rational category, which makes the witch who is studying in this school unable to let her thoughts run wild as she did with Aozaki Aoko, so all she can do is keep silent, I hope the dean will let her go quickly.

"The psychology of students is also important. It's not good for you to be withdrawn like this, classmate Kuonji. Could it be that you encountered bullying at school. If you encounter bullying, tell the teacher or tell me, although I am only a temporary The dean, but also hopes to help you in your short term of office."

Roy's tone is sincere, like a good teacher who cares about his students.

Bullying in Japanese schools is an ancestral ability.


Jiuyuanji Youzhu said coldly, concisely.

"Kuyuanji classmate, you are born with a withdrawn personality, it's even worse, it's fashionable in school, what should I do when I step into the society in the future? Although I'm not from this country, I know how serious the island people are. The concept of superiority and inferiority, such as the character of classmate Kuonji, will suffer a lot in the workplace."

2 Youzhu of Jiuyuan Temple only felt that the dean in front of her was very annoying, but she was not easy to refute. Unlike the cold and alienated appearance on the surface, she was actually a girl with a lot of emotional drama in her heart, and she even had a girlish heart. , Under Roy's words, she couldn't help frowning, and said angrily and stubbornly: "...I don't need to go into society!"

To refute the teacher like this is seriously rude. The two of them were silent for a while, and the atmosphere in the dean's room was a little dull, but the witch would never apologize.

After staying in the dull atmosphere for a while, Roy sighed: "...Well, maybe what I said made you a little unhappy."

Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu nodded, the dean in front of him was a little noisy, but Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu was just annoyed at most. He felt that he was nosy, but it wasn’t to the point of disgust. Anyway, he cared about her, even if the witch didn’t need these....... care.

"Actually, what I want to ask Kuonji-kun is that all the students in Reiyuan Women's College are girls, which will more or less cause some behavioral disorders and rebellion. Has anyone in this school ever offered assistance? Communicating 'this kind of thing'

Roy suddenly said in a serious tone.

"Assistance Communication"

This word is somewhat unfamiliar and new to Jiuyuanji Yuzhu, but now Jiuyuanji Yuzhu is not a witch who lives in the mountains. Since she can go to school, she will have contact with the society. For... some daily common sense It is understandable, so even if the word sounds new, she can understand other meanings.

It was precisely because she understood the meaning of it that the witch's cold and alienated white face was flushed, not shy, but angry.

Could it be that the temporary dean thought she was doing this kind of thing? She acted like a girl who would do 'assistance and communication', although her life was indeed a little tight and hard, but she still didn't sell her body and magic.

Well, that's right, in the view of Yuzhu in Jiuyuanji, this is actually... selling magic power for money, which is very different from the general understanding of selling one's body, because it is very common for the group of magicians to do this kind of thing, especially those. ........The new generation of the magic family within three generations, many desolate magicians do not care......

Men and women sell their bodies in exchange for money, so they can continue to study magic.

Aside from the normal people's views on this kind of thing, from the point of view of being a magician for a long time, she understands and agrees with this kind of thing very well, except... Aozaki Aoko... a half-ass magician , The magician does not think this kind of thing is so strange, but this does not mean that she needs to do this step as a witch.

"Sorry, it may be that my words are somewhat ambiguous. I don't doubt that Kuonji classmates will help you... This is actually my concern for the students of this school."

Roy took back his words.

"...Schools with only girls can easily cause girls' inner deformities, plus they are still in the rebellious period of youth, and they are usually the eldest lady of the rich family, and they will do outrageous things. It is possible, especially the recent economic downturn, many rich people are bankrupt, and some eldest young ladies who used to live a prosperous life cannot adapt to the bankruptcy of their families, and in order to maintain their living standards, they are likely to make wrong choices. ."

Roy explained to Jiuyuanji Yuzhu in a scholarly manner, these girls of Reiyuan Women's College.... the possible rebelliousness of the daughters.

And his analysis is correct, the cultural rise of island countries' aided diplomatic relations began in this era of economic collapse, regardless of...

Whether they are young ladies or ordinary girls, they used to buy and buy casually when the economy was booming, but with the rapid decline of the economy, their pocket money is not enough, and they exchanged their bodies for money from middle-aged uncles, and they became became a popular.

Roy's explanation made Jiuyuanji Yuzhu's expression a little better, but the witch's indifference did not change. She still said indifferently: "...I don't know."

This... Temporary Dean seems to be in charge of a lot of things, but after all, she is kind, but as a witch, she has no interest in caring about her classmates, who knows what her classmates have done.

"That's it..."

Roy's eyes narrowed, his 'clairvoyant', which didn't work when it failed, was telling him that a large-scale aid incident did happen at Liyuan Women's College, but now it seems that the time is not right, it should be in the next few years. what will happen.

He stood up and looked at the weather outside, and said to Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu: "...Sorry for delaying your time, classmate Jiuyuan Temple."

"Nothing, Dean."

When Youzhu of Jiuyuan Temple heard Roy's words, she was relieved, thinking that Roy was finally ready to let her go, but Luo 800 Yi continued: "...it's getting late, I know Classmate Jiuyuanji, you don’t live on campus, you still live alone, it’s not good to let the girl go back alone so late, I’ll take you off.”

"No, I can go back by myself!"

What Jiuyuanji Yuzhu thought about was... Rejection, she doesn't like to be in contact with people, and even hates human beings a little bit, if it weren't for Roy's current status as the interim dean of Liyuan Women's College, and after the witch, she would still be here At least one year of schooling, she ignored him for a long time, and left by herself.

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