Roy stared at the blond boy for a few seconds before he said, "...His magic circuit is quite good."

"You're right, for magicians, Kirshtalia's magic circuits are crushed in quantity, almost impossible miracles, and the quality is also very good, but no matter...

How good the magic circuit is, he is just a modern magician."

Maris Billillo shook his head with regret and smiled.

"Indeed, he was born in the wrong age!"

Roy nodded in agreement with Maris Billy's words, referring to Kirshtalia.

Wodem's excellent talent, if he lived in the age of gods, in the age when a small section of magic can be comparable to a bomber, he can show his true talent.

But he was unfortunately born in the modern age, no matter how good he is, there is an upper limit.

In fact, if the monarchs of the Clock Tower were born in the generation of gods, their strength could be greatly improved. At least everyone would have no problem in single-handedly taking on Duke Bai Yi. The reason why these monarchs seem too weak is because of the environment. restricted them.

Kirshtalia bowed to Roy cautiously, standing nervously beside the teacher and didn't dare to make a sound.

Ignoring this... the future chief of the astronomical department, Roy once again focused his attention on the astronomical monarch, "...

Animphia, Misaki is still shrouded in the spiritual barrier no matter what, you came here so struttingly, aren't you afraid of being discovered by the witch administrator here?"

"Please rest assured on this point. Under the investigation of our astronomical magician, I have discovered all the nodes of the enchantment, and with the help of a kind person, I have secretly removed two of them. Misaki The witch lady of the city probably doesn't know that she has become blind at this time."

The monarch of the astronomical department said casually, and I have to say that this monarch's external senses are very approachable, and there is no other monarch's... arrogant.

"Ha, it looks like the oranges have arrived."

Roy raised his eyebrows, knowing that the center of the astronomical department's monarch's mouth must be Aozaki Orange. As a magician trained by the Aozaki family since childhood, no one knows the spiritual veins of Misaki City better than Aozaki Orange, and is the current manager. Kuonji Yuju and Aozaki Aoko can't add up.

"Then according to the agreement, when the spiritual veins here are guided to Shinjuku, Tokyo, I will complete the last step and the continuation of the 'realm record belt'."

Roy knew the reason why Maris Billy came to see him, hoping to get his own guarantee. He had been preparing for this Holy Grail War for 40 years, but he failed in the most crucial step, and he needed an external force from Roy. Help, if Roy suddenly quits at this time, this... astronomical monarch doesn't know if he will vomit blood and die suddenly.

After getting Roy's assurance, Maris Billy exhaled and finally felt relieved.

"Then I will not disturb your night life with Miss Anastasia."

The monarch of the astronomical department said ambiguous, as for Anastasia's identity, it is not a secret to this monarch.

"Good night,.


"Good night, Your Excellency!"

Maris Billy left here with a nervous Kirshtalia. Her Royal Highness continued to maintain her cold personality. Even in the face of the ambiguous speech of the celestial monarch, her expression remained unchanged, but when there were no outsiders , her snow-white and delicate face was on fire: , snuggled beside Roy and asked softly: "...Godfather, what are we going to do next?"

"You don't have to do anything. I guess it only takes two or three days to finish things here. Watching the monarch's performance is..."

Roy said with a slightly happy expression: "...Marys Billy is a little too big, he underestimated the only fairy tale witch in the world, it is a fantasy and mystery close to magic, if he A slight negligence and failure to prepare in advance is likely to fail.”

The magic of the astronomical department is some big ceremony, which requires a long time and preparation. If it is in the age of the gods, borrowing the environment of the age of gods to reduce the ritual time, the magic of the astronomical department is indeed very strong, but in the modern environment, The magic of the astronomical department is very long, and it is not suitable for magic battles at all.

0........."Then why don't you remind him?"

"Why do you want to remind the monarch looking at the clock tower to fail in front of a young magician, how funny it is, do you think Maris Billy can still laugh at that time, and he will keep that same 's gentle expression?"

Roy looked up, looking extremely happy.

Her Royal Highness tilted her head, and she pursed her lips...with a smile: "...the way you look now reminds me of a description you said in the past."

"what to describe"

"It's... pleasure guilty!"

Anastasia said with certainty.

"Hahaha!! People live too long to have some fun, don't they? Seeing the unfortunate appearance of a confident person in the end makes people feel happy."

Roy laughed happily.

...Misaki City and Kanbuzi City both belong to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and at the junction of these two cities, there is a noble girl, the school - Riyuan Girls' College.

This is a Christian college. Although it adopts a free attitude in belief, in fact, many students and parents of this college are Christian believers.

This is a completely residential school. Normally, all the students are required to live in the school, and day study is not allowed, and the fairy tale witch Kuonji Yuzhu also studied in this academy.

It's just that the current Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu is a little annoying. The former headmaster of Liyuan Women's College has been transferred from his position due to some special reasons. Before the new headmaster arrives, there will be a temporary headmaster here. Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu is now facing the situation. This... Temporary principal has been making things difficult for a long time.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 154: The Entangled Witch

Liyuan Women's College is a school for a young lady. It has been built for a long time. Therefore, it is extremely famous among the rich and powerful in the island country. Many famous rich and powerful people will send their daughters to study here. daughter gets ladylike elegance.

The headquarters of this specialized women's college is in Inge, but the school has been abolished, but this branch in the island country is in full swing, and it has become the first choice for noble ladies.

Although there are directors in this school, the dean is all held by members of the Church of Sanctuary. Even the rich and rich can only give power.

Because no matter what...

How much money do you have, you definitely don't have the money of the current Sanctuary Church.

As the highest "eight seven three" of the church today

Bishop, the dean of Liyuan Women's College can be dispatched at will. As the current dean is old, Roy will transfer her to enjoy her old age, and he will temporarily take charge of this young lady before the arrival of the new dean. their boudoir for a while.

The decoration of the principal's office is very simple, all of which are elements of the Christian religion and believers. The Jiuyuan Temple Yuzhu wearing the uniform of the Liyuan Women's College is standing here beautifully now. As a Christian school, the uniforms here are also close to the clothes of the monastery. It looks like a nun at first glance, but it has been improved to a certain extent for the sake of beauty, bringing an air of elegance and sacredness of the eldest lady to every female student here.

Jiuyuan Temple has a beaded face and expressionless, her delicate face is bloodless, it looks like transparent ice, and it is like a fairy tale standing pretty in the snow, giving people an unreal feeling of dreaming.

It wasn't that she was willing to come to the principal's office, but she was called by the temporary principal. Even if she didn't want to, as a student, she couldn't refuse the principal's request.

The man sitting behind the very dated desk has... dazzling silver hair, looks quite young and handsome, and his expression is soft, which makes it difficult to tell his age. At this time, he is sitting Looking back at the desk and looking at the text in his hand, which is the detailed information of the school students.

"Kuonji Youzhu, the eldest lady of the Kuonji Group"

Roy opened the information in his hand. The contents were very detailed. In addition to...height and weight, there were measurements. Roy took a closer look and found that the...witch's measurements were not as a whole. The words are ordinary, but if compared with her excessive slender appearance, it is a bit amazing.


Jiuyuanji Yuzhu responded coldly, even in the face of the most powerful person in the school, she had no emotional ups and downs, which can be described as indifference.

In fact, this... witch's heart is not as cold as her surface, on the contrary, there are many emotions, as if she is impatient now, but the witch won't show it.

"Liyuan Girls' College is a boarding school, but it has been a day student for a long time."

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