Sometimes Enolai felt that the person in front of him was really not involved in various behaviors, and even the monarch of the clock tower could not compare with the chaos in his private life, but he was undoubtedly the highest position in the church, holding almost A miraculous power, paradoxically unbelievable.

Just when Enolai was thinking about it, Roy said again: "...what is the answer from the clock tower?"


Balu Yereta quickly calmed down and said in a sonorous voice: "...The monarchs agreed to your proposal after an emergency meeting!"

"Oh, Bartholomew didn't object"

Roy was a little surprised. It is the duty of the Law and Politics Department to execute those magicians who have gone too far in their behavior. If magicians are all scumbags, then the magicians of the Law and Political Department are... The scum among the scum, robbing Bathemello's power, that... the family at the top of the clock tower didn't respond at all, it's really strange.

"The Bathemellos believe in 'perfection', and for this family, they will only do something if they are absolutely certain, otherwise if they fail in doing something, they will It is their formal policy that has caused the family's prestige blow for many years, which has allowed Bathemello to reign over the clock tower for the past thousand years."

"...But in the Tunguska incident ten years ago, the master of Bathermelo led the magician directly under Bathermelo to go out and lose a lot, and even almost destroyed his own magic engraving, This can be said to be a shame within a shame. Before there is another monarch who is enough to rule the bell tower in Barthemelo, it is estimated that this family will not show up, otherwise we Baru Yereta and Bellantrio will not be able to get from Break away from the noble faction headed by Bartholomew and establish our democratic faction!"

"Bathermelo is a loser, and you are a winner. The winner takes the power of the loser away. This is not a matter of course, but Bathemello has already regarded you as his own enemy!"

The Patriarch of Balu Yereta talked eloquently and looked extremely confident. It seems that the success of the 'negotiation' with the church this time has made her self-confidence soar, and her status in the Clock Tower has also changed.

"Although I don't like the arrogance of the nobles, I appreciate the quality of admitting defeat and willing to admit defeat. As for treating me as an enemy or something, this is really stupid. I hope the next head of their family will appear. Just don't cry in front of me."

Roy laughed and made fun of the uncrowned king of the clock tower.

Then, he just... looked up at the young and beautiful monarch in front of him, playing with his taste: "...then Miss Enola, this time you come out to see me except... tell me the clock In addition to the tower's decision, it is also here to give compensation."

Being stared at by Roy's piercing eyes, and being directly attacked by these blunt words, Enola was not at all shy, she said with a solemn expression: "...if you want Balu Yereta's The owner of the house bows his head, and I am also willing to obey!"

That overly generous attitude made Roy startled.

Perhaps sensing Roy's surprise, Enolai said slowly: "...Magicians don't care about this aspect, those male magicians with insufficient family algebra often sell their rice greens to make a living, while women do not care about this. Magicians will sell their bodies to be lovers of noble magicians, which is an honor for many new-generation magicians."

"... Who is the monarch of the Clock Tower without a bunch of wives and lovers."

Enola didn't have any shame in telling the magician's point of view, but one thing she didn't say clearly, that is, those who would do these things are those... the new generation of magicians, or nobles A member of the magician family on the fringes of the faction, and as one of the clock tower monarch 443, one of the three nobles, and one of the real powers of the clock tower, it is impossible for someone to do such a detrimental thing to the family.

She just used some well-known behaviors of magicians as an excuse, but in fact she was willing to, and even had some secret joys.

However, the lady monarch of the clock tower still looks like that.

"But I also have a request."

Enolai suddenly felt embarrassed, she raised her head and looked out the window of the cafe, staring at a building not far away, hesitantly said: "...if you really want to do something, there is it okay"

Roy followed her line of sight and found that she was looking at a hotel. Roy laughed dumbly. It seemed that this lady monarch was still afraid that her actions would cause gossip in the clock tower, so she would rather put down her noble status and choose such a shabby one. A small hotel, and will never go to the family domain of Balu Yereta or just find a church.

Roy felt that many of the monarch's actions were really like modern women in the 21st century, out of tune with this era.

However, Roy would still be satisfied with this little request from women, he nodded and said, "...let's finish the coffee first."



Balu Yereta responded with a sound. She lowered her head and rubbed her coffee cup without taking a sip. On the surface, she seemed calm, but she was actually nervous and even panicked inside.

It's not that there has been news of the church's clergy and magician getting together in the past, but now the identities of the two are completely different from those......ordinary clergymen and little magicians!

Chapter one hundred and sixteen forever seventeen-year-old princess

Option 1: By changing the system of the Great Holy Grail, summon a special agency called Avengers, who will be the anti-hero Angora Manuel, who has been cursed in the world, he is the nameless who is called the 'King of Demons' Heroes, once successfully summoned, will surely be able to kill all the others, so as to achieve the purpose of starting the Great Holy Grail.

Option 2 2: Abusing the system possessed by the Great Holy Grail itself, summoning an agent with unparalleled power that originally existed to adjust the balance of the Holy Grail War, and a conspiracy to take advantage of the great privilege of possessing the Command Spell.

Whether it is to choose strength or wisdom to reject, in order to fulfill the thousand-year-old wish of the Einzbern family, the possibility of victory in the Holy Grail War should be optimized to the greatest extent, Einzbern Center.

Calculation, 'Humanoid Terminal' Ubsta Kuhayd .. Einzbern makes a decision here: we all choose! ...... In 1934, London, England was living in an economic crisis In the fake boom just after it ended.

Less than 20 years have passed since the end of the First World War, but under the appeasement policies of the United Kingdom, the United States and France, the dark cloud of war has once again shrouded the planet, and the axis is just around the corner. The worst war ever.

London, England, corner of Newgate Street and Newchanji Street on the north bank of the Thames, St. Paul.




Roy habitually stood on the top of the church tower, like a **** far away from the world watching the last splendor of this ancient city, a magnificent bell rang on the top of the church not far away, and a white dove symbolizing peace flew up. , The sparkling water in the Thames makes this church seem to be in a beautiful picture scroll of another world.

Roy was playing with a simple ring between his fingers. The ring was engraved with 'God's Glory' in Hebrew. It was found in the temple of Solomon excavated nearby, which is the 'symbol of wisdom' given to Solomon by the legendary Yahweh.

"This is the second time I have dug up Solomon's grave."

Roy muttered, and he almost laughed.

In the godslayer world, he dug Solomon's grave once, and in the moon world he dug up King Solomon's grave again.

The news from the Eighth Mystery Society of the Holy Church said that they did not find the body of King Solomon in the first temple of Solomon. According to the report of the Eight Mysteries Society, there is no sign of the tomb being robbed at the location of the First Temple, and the magic mechanism still exists, but the body of King Solomon cannot be found, as if the King Solomon suddenly cheated and ran away the same.

"It should be out of the world..."

Roy pondered, if it is outside the world, then even he can't find it, and the inhibitory force can't find it, the space formed by the crowned time temple, that is, Solomon's body, exceeds the inherent enchantment, and it is located in time. Out of the world, where you can easily avoid the prying eyes of inhibitions.


Just as Roy was thinking, Roy heard the voice of Her Royal Highness, Anastasia carried her long skirt and ran up the stairs with 'Wei' in her arms.

"Anna, you are not too young.

To be so frizzy."

Roy put away the ring in his hand with a wrist, turned his right hand back, and looked at Her Royal Highness, who was running in the wind, just... said with a smile.

"That's not what a gentleman should say to a lady, godfather! I'm only seventeen this year, so how can you say I'm not too young."

Her Royal Highness pouted and snorted.

According to the normal age, the current Her Royal Highness should be thirty-three or three years old, but because she completed the fusion with the heroic spirit at the age of seventeen, her age will always be fixed on that day, so Her Royal Highness said that she is There is no problem with being seventeen forever.

Her appearance has not changed in any way, no matter how you look at it, she is a young girl in bloom, except...because of the precipitation of time, her temperament has become much more stable, Her Royal Highness does not care...

Both the body and the mind are the same.

"Anna, what are you looking for me for?"

"A middle-aged aunt came to find you. Although I don't like that... aunt, but I was afraid that she had something important to do, so I had to inform the godfather."

The little devil carelessly spoke words that were completely vicious to another person.

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