This... Your Majesty is really powerful, and she guessed the truth just by guessing. She also thought about it after inheriting the monarch, and then she roughly understood what her father meant. It seems that the act of helping her become the monarch is actually I was preparing for forty, or even fifty years later, but I didn't expect the crown in front of me to think of it at once! Enolai closed her lips tightly and didn't say a word, even if Roy guessed she couldn't directly Explain that it is about the internal struggle of the clock tower, and it is very dangerous for this kind of thing to be known by the 'enemy'.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in your infighting in the clock tower. In fact, the only thing I praise you as a group of magicians is... 'The Theory of Escaping the World', although the reason for your 'rescue' is to prevent the mysterious loss, but from the It turned out to be good.”

"...If your clock tower still adheres to this principle and does not affect the lives of ordinary people, and if there is a magician who has done too much to allow our church to do justice', I don't think the church will Interested in the tomb of Albion."

Roy suddenly talked about the clock tower again after going around in a circle. Enola sat upright and respectfully listened to Roy's words. When he heard that the church would not take action against Albion, it was... I'm relieved, this is the biggest bottom line of the clock tower, as long as the church can't reach this line, everyone can talk about it.

'This... Your Majesty wants to have certain law enforcement powers, which belongs to the category of the Law and Politics Division.

'Roy's sentence that the church executes autonomously', which can be expanded too widely, is completely... the leadership is a style, which is a typical political discourse.

"I will tell the clock tower what you mean, and the monarchs will use: the fastest time to negotiate and let you know the result!"

Enola said respectfully.

She decided to go back and have a good meeting with the other monarchs, and try to settle this matter. The Church of the Holy Church wants some of the powers and responsibilities of the Law and Politics Department, except... The other twelve subjects would definitely approve.

It just so happened that the current Fazheng Koba Samero clan suffered heavy losses, and their Balu Yereta also parted ways with the noble faction of Bar Samero. This time, she must take good care of the behavior that can attack the political enemy, and even as long as the operation is good, she Inola can better improve his authority in the clock tower.

This once simple girl has become more and more powerful as the monarch of the Clock Tower, but what Roy appreciates is... Inola's majesty of the monarch, the three-legged toad is hard to find, and the beautiful female magician is also Little? Magicians are not uncommon for Roy, but the monarch of the clock tower has a sense of expectation. In any case, in the modern magic world, this is also the top existence. ...... just creating When the monarch of Section sighed that Roy was so good at talking, he didn't expect Roy to suddenly say, "...Miss Inola, our church has suffered a loss, and I don't know how you can make it up."

Roy's half-smiling expression made Enola's heart break, she gritted her teeth and said, "...Your Majesty, I will report your request to the Clock Tower first, if the monarchs agree with your request plan, I will compensate you in private for your losses!”

"Then I'll wait and see."

Under the smile of Roy's control over everything, the monarch of the Creation Division released the magic and hurried away.

"Let's go too, Anna..."

After drinking the last sip of coffee, Roy also got up and left.

Her Royal Highness, who had always maintained restraint and remained silent, followed Roy silently back to the church.

...At night, the bedroom was brightly lit. Roy closed the file in his hand and looked at Her Royal Highness standing beside him without saying a word, just... asked: "... What's the matter, Anna, you haven't spoken much since this afternoon."

Roy is well aware of Her Royal Highness's thoughtfulness, but a smart man must not say more at this time.

There was mist in Anastasia's eyes, she pursed her lips, and gently lifted her royal dress with overlapping ruffles, slowly revealing her slender legs in white stockings like a stage curtain , the mouth is even more greasy: "...Godfather, who is the magician in the afternoon?"

Her Royal Highness felt a sense of crisis, even after obtaining the Heroic Spirit's 3.

5 strength, but she is just a young girl.

Seeing that Her Royal Highness actually took the initiative, Roy, who took advantage, said quietly: " was in St. Petersburg ten years ago.



A magician I know, I know what Anna you want to say, don't worry, I won't leave Anna alone...



Her Royal Highness blinked her big eyes and asked pitifully.

"Of course it's true, my goblin"

Roy said softly, beckoning her with his eyes.

With Roy's assurance, Anastasia was overjoyed and felt that her temptation tactic was successful. She walked to Roy with her toes on her toes, and looked at Roy in this way. in front of him.

Sleepless night.

......A few days later, Roy met the monarch of the Clock Tower Creation Section in private again. Of course, Roy didn't break his promise. He promised that Her Royal Highness would not abandon her, but he didn't say that he would not be with Roy. Meet Noley!

Chapter 115 The Fallen Clock Tower Monarch

It was still the small cafe, still by the window, and Roy and the monarch of the Creation Division, Enola, sat opposite each other, their expressions very relaxed.

Inola's dress is very bold and avant-garde. Britain is a conservative country that advocates gentlemen and nobles. In this era, the dress of nobles is different in every time period and every place.

For example, wearing a morning dress in the morning and a dinner dress in the evening, there is also a special manor dress when going to the manor, which can be described as extremely complicated.

But after the end of the First World War, because of the rise of the feminist movement, women in the UK also began a liberation movement, and their dressing rooms began to refuse designs that emphasized feminine characteristics, such as Inole’s simple and loose shift dresses, which were conservative in the past. Britain is almost never there.

Ten years ago in St. Petersburg.



At the time, Roy noticed the difference in Enolai, she was always at the forefront of fashion, not rigid in etiquette, and even Roy suspected that when she got old, she would become a punk old lady listening to heavy metal music, maybe Only such a person can become the teacher of the future crowned puppet master.

"What about Her Royal Highness Princess Anastasia?"

Compared to a few days ago, Enola's expression was much more relaxed today, and he could even smile in front of Roy and even ask questions.

"I was afraid that she would disturb 09, so I left her in the church."

Roy said in an ambiguous tone, which filled this small cafe with a taste similar to dating.

The monarch of the Creation Section held up the coffee cup and smelled the smell of some inferior coffee. If some other monarch was here, she would definitely dislike it, but this... The monarch who is at the forefront of the times doesn't mind, she Looking at Roy with eyes, he was about to move. After considering his tone, he asked in a low voice, "...Is Her Royal Highness Princess Anastasia your goddaughter?"

"It's a well-known thing in the world, what's the problem, Miss Enolai"

Roy's expression is gentle. Today, he is not wearing that school uniform, but a suit and leather shoes, which complements Enola's clothes, just like those... who are always at the forefront of fashion Young men and women.

"Then what is your relationship with Her Royal Highness?"

Although Enolai had guessed the relationship between the two from the hostility in Anastasia's eyes that day, she was still excited and asked gossip.

Gossip is a woman's nature.

"As you can see."

Roy's simple words told the relationship between the two quite bluntly.

"She is your goddaughter, you are her godfather!"

Enola said word by word, the godfather is actually the second father of the child, so the things involved are terrifying.

"What's the problem? Could it be that you magicians will care about this..."

Roy asked a question in return, choking Enolai speechless, as a magician, she would care about the ethics of the three views, that is the biggest joke.

But you are not a magician, you are a cleric of the church! The lady monarch of the Clock Tower is slandering in her heart, but in front of this... cleric once raised the princess of the true ancestor and the dead apostle in the church, and once disturbed the Russian court, she I felt that my excitement was over.

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