Chapter 91 My Daughter...

A low-key carriage stopped in front of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, and Nicholas II came in a hurry. This... tsar should be visiting secretly. Except for... a few personal guards, he did not Bring any followers.

Under Roy's introduction, the two came to Roy's office in the innermost part of the church. Roy lit the candle in the house, and the flickering light reflected on the face of the nearly fifty-year-old tsar. It made him look gloomy and gloomy.

"His Majesty visited the church late at night, what's the matter?"

Roy walked to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of vodka and two wine glasses, poured some wine, and put the glasses on the coffee table beside Nicholas II.

The Tsar did not hesitate much, he picked up the wine glass and drank the spirits in it without any extra expression on his face. It seemed that Her Royal Highness had inherited her father's good drinking capacity.

After taking a cup of vodka, feeling the burning heat and slight smokiness in his stomach, Nicholas II's tense face eased a little, and he said to Roy with a long sigh of relief: "... Every time I am in front of the majesty, I can soothe my emotions and not feel any fear, and it is no wonder that my 28-year-old wife and children always like to invite you to the summer palace."

'They may have other reasons for inviting me to the summer palace.

Roy sneered in his heart, but he still said with a smile: "...As the monarch of this huge empire, what are you afraid of?"

Nicholas II smiled bitterly: "...Your Majesty, you don't have to pretend that you don't know, you have become the supreme bishop of the Holy Church, and you must have heard about the current situation. Russia is not doing very well in this war."

"...and while the soldiers are fighting **** battles on the front lines, those...damn worms are messing with me in the rear!"

Nicholas II clenched his fists, his eyes were bloodshot, showing that His Majesty the Emperor had been sleeping poorly recently.

Judging from the tsar's words alone, there are front-line soldiers fighting, but some people in the country are holding back. How do you see this... The tsar all represents justice, but Roy, who is very clear about the historical development, knows that those so-called "give him in the country" The people who are holding back are actually war-weary people and those capitalists who are full of complaints. It can be said that the current tsar has stood on the opposite side of the people.

Of course, Roy knows the current situation in Tsarist Russia very well. It is hard to describe how decadent it is. This... Nicholas II is a mediocre monarch. Great ambition, he believes in 'the divine right of the monarchy', and takes it for granted that he becomes the tsar, he doesn't need to be responsible to anyone at all except for being responsible to God, so he has long since left Contact with the toiling masses, step by step to the abyss.

When this... Tsar came to power, the entire sand was on the verge of collapse, but he didn't have any intention of striving for strength. Instead, he hoped to use war and repression to maintain the rule. It's a pity that the war between Tsarist Russia has not been won in the past 20 years. The Russo-Japanese War was a fiasco, and now the First World War has also been defeated, completely exposing the problems and weaknesses of the entire country.

Although Tsarist Russia has a huge army, it is almost... paper, the level of development of technical weapons is not enough..., the domestic economy is on the verge of collapse, and its industrial strength is completely incomparable with the major European countries. In addition to the transportation that is extremely important to the war The transportation problem is also inefficient, and logistical supplies cannot keep up. The dilemma facing Russia today can be described as 'embarrassed on all sides'.

'Although I was also beleaguered back then, I meant it.

' Roy's smile didn't change, but he was thinking about himself.

Nicholas II didn't know what Roy was thinking, he was still: telling his thoughts and ideas, "...I'm ready to make peace with Germany in private, hoping to transfer the troops on the front line back, Let’s suppress the rebels at home first, I suppressed them ten years ago, and I can still do it this time.”

Ten years ago, Nicholas II was forced to convene the State Duma in order to ease the contradictions. He suspends the contradictions by deceiving the people, but it didn't take long for this... greedy tsar to... In its true colors, the State Duma, which is not in line with its own will, will be dissolved, and the power will be monopolized again.

Ten years ago, he succeeded in deceiving, but now, ten years later, it is estimated that it is very difficult for him to deceive again. Although this... Tsar's mouth is ruthless, but from the slightly trembling corner of his mouth, it can be seen that he has already deceived. scared.

Today is different from the past, the tsar of ten years ago still has many supporters, but now except...the people and the bourgeoisie who have lost their interests are rebelling against him, Even some enlightened factions of the feudal aristocracy were dissatisfied with him. The army's defeat at the front line made it difficult for logistics and supplies to keep up. The huge imperial army had also complained, and the army's mutiny would be the last to overwhelm Nicholas II. a straw.

Even if Roy doesn't have any historical foresight, he can now assert through the information he has that this huge feudal empire that has ruled Russia for hundreds of years is about to collapse.

Roy is not interested in helping this... the tsar to tide over the difficulties. This is the torrent of history and the general trend of human rights. Although Roy's strength can even fight the rolling wheel of fate by himself, it will take a lot of effort. There are too many things, and the tsar is not qualified to let Luo 577 do that. The room fell silent. Roy held the cross and chanted the prayers of the Bible. The breath of holiness and kindness made the tsar's tense mind and heart feel uneasy. The trembling body gradually calmed down. Nicholas II sat on the chair and leaned forward, his hands intertwined back and forth, showing that he was absolutely not at peace. After a long silence, this... Tsar finally became hoarse. The voice said: "...I want to tell the Lord that I lied, Your Majesty, in fact, I am very afraid now, and I have no confidence to suppress those who resist again. As an emperor, I am afraid of death, But as a father, I'm not afraid of death, the only thing I'm worried about is my children."

"Your Majesty, I know that you hold the sanctity bestowed by the Lord. I don't ask you to save me in the name of the Lord, but I have only one request, hope..."

Nicholas II stayed in the church for two hours, then just... left in a hurry.

Roy stood in front of the window and watched the carriage sink into the darkness. He blew out the candle, and the church fell into peace. Only the Son on the cross watched silently.

...On the second day, Her Majesty the Queen brought her four 44 daughters to the private hospital of the Tsar's Villa to visit the wounded soldiers, and Roy also accompanied him.

Chapter 92 The oldest selfie and the arrival of February

In order to show his concern for the front line, Tsar Nicholas II used his private hospital to treat wounded soldiers who had withdrawn from the front line, most of them were officers and only a small number of ordinary soldiers.

Compared with the wailing of the front-line field hospitals, this royal private hospital, which is located in the safest place in Tsarist Russia, is much more orderly, with wounded soldiers lying on the beds, and doctors and nurses in white coats coming and going.

As one of the nurses, Queen Alexandra personally went into battle, with her eldest daughter and second daughter busy with the nurses. Although the three of them did not have any brilliant medical skills, they were absolutely professional in nursing. .

The reporter followed the queen and the princess, taking pictures one after another with an old Kodak camera. The visit and care of the wounded soldiers on the front line by members of the royal family will be the front-page headlines of today's Russian newspapers. Inspiring soldiers who are still fighting on the front lines.

Roy, the Patriarch of the East is also a member of the reporters. He walked among the patients and prayed for each soldier. Compared with the visit of the queen and the queen, these soldiers faced Roy instead. more respect and devotion.

Tsarist Russia is a big country that believes in cross religion, almost everyone believes in religion, and war is the best missionary environment for beliefs. Every soldier on the front line will almost pray with cross religion before the battle, and there are even front line priests. They pray.

These............The soldiers who were wounded and returned to the country were, in a sense, blessed by the Lord. As for these............I don't know if they can... For the soldiers who will live to tomorrow, they are more willing to dedicate their beliefs, even if they know that it is useless, they want to have a psychological effect.

Although the several countries fighting on the front line almost believed in the Cross religion, only they themselves knew who God would favor in the war.

An officer closed his eyes, held Roy's hand in prayer, and even had tears in the corners of his eyes. The photographer on the side hurriedly fiddled with the old camera to take a picture of this scene. Roy was visiting many soldiers in succession, offering condolences. After a lot of people, I finally have free time.

"Your majesty, you have worked hard, go and rest first, Anna is there, because she has no time to talk to you since she came here: she is willful and angry... I don't know when she will grow up. Big."

While resting, the queen in a white coat came to Roy and chatted with him about her daughter.

"She will grow up soon, so will you, Her Majesty, don't be too tired.."

Roy comforted Alexandra softly.

"Hey, I hope, as you said, Anna can grow up soon... These soldiers are all fighting on the front line. As a queen, this is the only thing I can do. To be honest, I really don't want to. There is a war, especially when both sides of the war are my motherland, which makes me in a dilemma."

Her Majesty the Queen shook her head and sighed. Seeing these many soldiers from the front line who were seriously injured or even required amputation, you can see the cruelty of the war ahead. The entire First World War was due to the replacement of weapons, but the tactics did not keep up. These... advanced weapons, so that the entire war during the First World War was completely... a meat grinder, a victory piled up with human blood and flesh.

Before she had time to wipe off her sweat, Her Majesty the Queen and Roy chatted for a while and then fell into busyness again. Her eldest daughter and second daughter smiled shyly at Roy, and followed their mother to continue to take care of the wounded.

Roy did not find Anastasia in the hospital until there was no one else around. Her Royal Highness, because she couldn't be a nurse like her mother and sister, was playing chess with some officers, as her role as the princess. condolences.

Her Royal Highness, who was playing chess with an officer, paid attention to Roy at the door. Her face suddenly became anxious. The officer was also very discerning, and excused herself for being tired and wanted to rest. , Her Royal Highness the Queen apologized very solemnly, and it was the trot that came to her side, her cold little face showing a smile.

The two didn't say much, just walked in the hospital corridor like this, until they came to the garden outside, Anastasia was like a cheerful lark, chirping: "...Godfather , I thought the soldiers were rude, impolite and savage, but now I see that I was wrong, many are very learned and polite like gentlemen."

When Roy heard the words, he just smiled and didn't say anything. He wouldn't tell the emperor, these... Most of the people who can come to the Tsar's private hospital for treatment are middle-level or grass-roots officers , they are all well educated, and there is a big difference from those soldiers who...

Although these officers will also go to the battlefield, the environment will be much safer, at least, unless they are on the brink of desperation.

"Godfather, godfather! Look there's a camera there!"

Anastasia's eyes suddenly lit up. She saw that there was a camera placed in the garden, and someone was adjusting it. It seemed that the person should be a photographer from a certain newspaper.

Her Royal Highness immediately picked up her skirt and ran over, and started talking to the photographer. The photographer very respectfully stepped aside and handed over the Kodak camera in the old wooden box to the princess for operation.

"Don't break it, Anna..."

Roy walked over here unhurriedly, reminding this...lively princess.

"No, godfather! I used to play with these things when I was in the summer palace.... But I'm very professional. Even if I break it, I'll pay him back!"

Her Royal Highness said indifferently, as the Grand Duchess of Tsarist Russia, she does have such willful power, the photographer will hand her an expensive camera of this era to play with, knowing that even if it is broken, it doesn't matter, the royal family still has it. You can't afford to pay for a camera.

As Anastasia said, she was very professional in fiddling with the camera, and after a while... After debugging, she pointed the lens on the wooden box at Roy, and said softly: "... Godfather don't move, just stand there!"

Roy obeyed and stood still, knowing that the goblin in front of him wanted to take a picture of him.

"Godfather, move forward, move forward!"

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