The proprietress, who is very good at Japanese cuisine, makes exotic and delicious food here every day. The boss does some dishes and chores, laughs with the guests from time to time, or drinks vodka when someone is toasting. ..for Russians, being able to have a glass of vodka in such a tavern after a busy work is...the greatest happiness in life.

It's a pity that even if it is such a lucky "seven six seven,"

Fu, in today's era of war and chaos, in this economically backward country, it is more and more like a luxury, a warm flame is burning in the hearts of every people.

"Jingle Bell------"


The wooden door was pushed open, the bell on the door rang, and the cold wind from the outside blew in, in exchange for the momentary silence of many guests and the greeting from the proprietress in half-baked Russian.

Then, there was no other sound in the izakaya, which should have continued to clutter, and the Slavs who were drinking happily seemed to be poured over by a cold water, and even the wine woke up a lot.

Because the two people who came in the izakaya were dressed too luxuriously, and there was a huge class gap between them and the ordinary workers who wore old leather jackets. Even if they didn't know them, it was just their body The dazzling ornaments and the luxurious carriages parked outside the house will also recognize that they must be those big nobles or big capitalists who are the pinnacle of power.

"Welcome, guests! Do you need anything?"

At this time, the tall boss tried to stoop as much as possible, immediately.

Instead of his wife, he came to greet him. He was not very literate. He tried to be more euphemistic, not to be as carefree as usual. As an ordinary family, if you offended him, you would look like... ladies and gentlemen of the big nobles, In this rotten and fallen empire, they must not be able to be in St. Petersburg.



Continue to operate such a liquor store, and without such a store, their family economy will collapse immediately.

The izakaya is very clean, the burning fireplace brings bursts of warmth, and there is a huge contrast with the ice and snow outside, there is no extra odor in the room, and the most vodka smell.

Anastasia is not allergic to the smell of alcohol, but she is not used to such a noisy environment. She secretly tugged at Roy's cuff and whispered, "...Godfather, It's too messy here, why don't we leave."

"Anna, don't you want to eat ramen all over St. Petersburg.



I have searched all the shops related to that island country, only this one has the most authentic and delicious ramen.”

Hearing Roy's answer, Her Royal Highness suddenly felt delighted and continued to bite her ear: "...Godfather, you have searched all over St. Petersburg to take me to eat the best ramen.



all restaurants”

"Of course, since it's my little one: request, I'll go out and put everything in St. Petersburg myself.



The restaurants that make ramen have tried it myself, and I don't trust even my subordinates."

Roy whispered and took Her Royal Highness's hand, "...If you really don't like this kind of atmosphere, then let's go to another place, St. Petersburg.



There are still high-end restaurants that match your identity.”

"No, right here, Godfather!"

This time, Her Royal Highness is unwilling to change it.

The godfather tasted all of St. Petersburg for her.



The restaurant, for the godfather's sacrifice, she can't continue to be self-willed, although this place makes her... proud princess a little unhappy, but if even the godfather has eaten here, then it is considered a body of yourself, and you can't be too self-willed.

Anastasia took the initiative to hold Roy's hand, and she looked around in a circle. Although she was wearing a veil, none of the drinkers around dared to make fun of her. Everyone who saw her looked at her. She lowered her head subconsciously to dodge, captured by her aura as a princess.

Soon, Her Royal Highness... found a corner of the izakaya, took Roy and walked over, she sat in the farthest corner, and let Roy sit beside her, so that she had a small A small space to isolate myself from those drinkers.

Roy knew very well about her little actions, and he didn't break it. He called the owner of the tavern to order some Japanese dishes and Her Royal Highness's favorite ramen, and asked for two glasses of vodka. Now that she knew about Her Royal Highness's With the attributes of a fighting nation, Roy won't let her drink juice.

Having lived in this Tsarist Russia for 16 years, Roy is also accustomed to drinking vodka, and even kept two bears in the church.

Not long after, the hot ramen was brought up. Anastasia is the most skilled in the Russian royal family... using chopsticks. In order to eat ramen, she learned this specially. She took off her white silk gloves, revealing A pair of finely carved jade hands, like works of art, picked up the ramen with chopsticks and blew a few breaths, took a sip while it was still hot, and immediately...the eyes lit up: "...even though there is no word Feng's cooking is delicious, but it is much better than that of the chefs in the court."

"The essence of many folk foods can only be tasted in this kind of small shop. Although the palace cuisine is exquisite, it lacks some cultural atmosphere. Eat slowly, Anna, don't burn it... "

Roy instructed the princess while sipping the vodka in the glass. Soon after the two of them ate, the izakaya became lively again. Although the workers did not dare to make a loud noise because of the presence of the two of them, they were also whispering. .

Roy's ears are very sensitive, listening to the words of these workers, he is probably like people in the 21st century, talking about gossip among colleagues in the factory and complaining about his boss, but these... ........There is a lot of fire in the complaint, like a barrel of firecrackers, and it was almost ignited by the flames.

Taking Anastasia to the most abbreviated dinner in her life so far, Roy just... bid her farewell in front of the royal carriage at the entrance of the restaurant, watching Her Royal Highness's tearful eyes. Seeing that, Roy couldn't bear it and said, "...Go back to bed early today, Anna! I promised you tomorrow to visit the soldiers from the front line with you, and I will never break my promise."

After getting Roy's assurance, Her Royal Highness put away the pitiful expression on her face. She secretly looked around. After seeing that no one noticed it, Her Royal Highness... gently opened it. The corner of the head curtain showed her small embellished cherry lips and high nose, she stood on tiptoe to kiss Roy's cheek, but she was really not tall and Roy was not short, so that in the end she Only kiss on Roy's chin.

After doing this............, she jumped back like a frightened squirrel, escaped into the carriage, lifted the corner of the curtain and waved to Roy: "... ...then see you tomorrow, Godfather!"

"See you tomorrow, Anna! Have a good dream."

Roy said politely, watching the carriage go away, but Her Royal Highness, who was sitting on the carriage, turned his head three times and looked from the car window to where Roy was standing.

Luo 38 knew that if she wanted to keep this... Her Royal Highness, Anastasia would never refuse, she would even live with him without hesitation, and even give her everything, but Roy felt Such a beautiful pearl should be carefully cared for, and at the best time, it will be the last piece on the necklace of Tsarist Russia.

Roy can easily step on the bed of other queens or even queens, but he is unwilling to devour the most beautiful pearl of the Romanov Dynasty.

The best things always stay last.

Saint Petersburg in winter.



When it started to snow, Roy stepped in the snow and walked to Peter and Paul Church. When he returned to the church, he welcomed an uninvited guest.

The visitor was Roy's friend, Tsar Nicholas II of the Romanov Dynasty.

Roy didn't know why this... Tsar came to the church to look for him so late. Could it be that he finally found something and had doubts, and he received this... His Majesty the Czar.

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