Her Royal Highness pursed the corners of her mouth and said in a low voice.

"I'll go with you, too, to give you courage, my little goblin, so let's laugh happily now."

Roy saw fear and worry on the girl's face, but... comforted.

"Sure enough, the godfather is the best for me."

Anastasia leaned like a kitten, pressing all the weight of her entire body, and just leaned on Roy's shoulder.

Roy could sense the stiffness of her body, which was the shyness of the girl, he shook his head and put his arms around her shoulders, which softened the female grand duke's delicate body.

While chatting all the way, the carriage drove into St. Petersburg.



, stopped in front of a splendid building, which is the famous St. Petersburg.



The Bolshoi Theater, its full name is the Petersburg Mariinsky Theater Ring.

After arriving at the destination, Anastasia quickly sat up straight, she put on a coat and waistcoat, and a side on her head... It was very French, with a white turban like a wedding dress, covering the A beautiful face of a country and a city.

A doorman wanted to come over to pull the carriages away, but the royal guards quickly stopped the doorman. When Li Haohao doorman saw the sign on the carriage, he also shrank his neck and stepped aside. Sometimes people came to the entrance of the theater, and after seeing the badge on the carriage, they also stepped aside like the doorman, showing their respect.

The guard opened the car door, and Roy stepped down first. He looked around before standing sideways in front of the car door, and politely stretched out his right hand.

A small hand with white silk gloves protruded out of it and landed in Roy's palm. Her Royal Highness held the corner of her skirt with her right hand, bent her waist and lowered her head, gracefully stepped out of the car, After the silver high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground, she wrapped around Roy's arm very naturally, and put her body close to him kindly.

Feeling the young girl's well-developed tenderness, Roy and Her Royal Highness just... walked towards the theater, the surroundings were quiet and silent, and the most arrogant aristocrat bowed his head at this time to show respect.

Her Royal Highness, the noble princess of Tsarist Russia, has always been on the side of being worshipped by others.

Chapter 88 Fighting nations all use vodka as water

"Ah, our spiritual beliefs, great Roy.

Her Majesty Crowley and Archduchess Anastasia came to the Mariinsky Opera today, I didn't get the news before, I'm really sorry for the loss."

An aristocratic man in his fifties who was wearing gorgeous clothes embroidered with many embroidery and many medals hung around his neckline said exaggeratedly, he quickly came to Roy and the princess, took off his hat respectfully, and said yes. Roy gave a deep salute, and then he looked at Her Royal Highness again.

Anastasia frowned slightly with her embroidered brows under the white veil, and an imperceptible flash of boredom flashed in her azure blue eyes, but she still stretched out her right hand with a taut face.

The kissing ceremony is a kind of etiquette for meeting among the upper class nobles, even if Anastasia doesn't like it, she must follow it on such a serious occasion.

Her Royal Highness is still wearing white silk gloves, which is actually a very rude behavior, and Her Royal Highness also exudes a cold aura of refusing others thousands of miles away, the whole person looks arrogant and cold, and in front of Roy The cheerfulness of the look is completely different.

The nobles in front of them obviously already knew the temperament of Her Royal Highness, and didn't care about her indifference at all, they just took her right hand and kissed them to show their loyalty and respect to the royal family.

Although the man's mouth did not touch her glove, Anastasia was still disgusted. There were actually only two men she had intimate contact with in her life, one was her father Niko 457 La Er The other is her godfather Roy.

The noble man may have also sensed the indifference of Her Royal Highness. After he stood up, he quickly said: "...Today's performance in the theater is by Peter.

Composed by Tchaisky and adapted from Pushkin's novel of the same name, "The Queen of Spades", since the opera premiered here twenty-five years ago, it has become one of the masterpieces of Russia. Have a nice weekend."

After bending over and giving a big gift again, this... noble man just... retreated with great discernment.

Anastasia nodded lightly, and then motioned for the guards to lead the way to the royal private room of the theater. She kept her eyes fixed along the way, and the slight corner of her delicate chin exposed under the veil was enough to make people dizzy and charming, as if Jae: Tell others about this... Under the veil of the Queen's Highness, there is a stunning beauty, but her indifferent appearance makes young noble men dare not approach easily.

Roy knew that this was actually Her Royal Highness's distrust of strangers. As long as she was trusted by her, she would turn into another... clingy appearance, but he wanted to make this... female archduke hug him. There is trust, so far except... her family, Roy is the only one.

The private room of the royal family is located in the very center of the second floor of the theater. After the waiter brought delicious snacks and drinks, he just... bowed respectfully with the guard and hurriedly left, daring not to disturb it too much.

When there was no one in the private room, and the outside could not be seen at all, Her Royal Highness's delicate body just softened, and the indifferent temperament of the whole person disappeared, adding a touch of kindness to the nobility.

She took off her veil, revealing her well-dressed beautiful face, took off her coat and waistcoat, and sat beside Roy in an elegant but inexplicably hearty manner, picked up the crystal glass on the table, Pour out half a cup of rich alcoholic liquid, and tons of it is... drink it up.

"Wait a minute, that's vodka! Seeing this, Roy wanted to stop it, but it was too late. The Queen's Palace drank the wine in his glass.

He shook his head, and at first glance the wine was... prepared for him, but unexpectedly, Her Royal Highness drank it secretly.

"What's the matter, Godfather"

Her Royal Highness raised her head, she had a few strands of blush on her white, fragrant lips: she spit out a strong aroma of wine, usually such a high concentration of wine, it is easy to eat half a glass in such a hurry.

But looking at the princess, it seemed like nothing happened.

"Forget it, it's alright..."

Roy opened his mouth and said nothing more.

Although the Russian royal family is Germanic, they may have stayed here for a long time and have forgotten that they are also a fighting nation... Vodka is an alcoholic drink that is extremely popular in Russia, and it is said that the first vodka tavern was the famous one Opened by Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Anastasia looked at Roy with some doubts, not knowing that she was... After drinking half a glass of vodka, what is the godfather making a fuss about? Don't look at her young age now, but she has tried to drink it secretly Half a bottle of vodka is fine.

Without outsiders, Her Royal Highness also became more casual. She didn't even take off her gloves, she just... picked up the chocolate on the table and threw it into her mouth and chewed it.

"If your parents see you like this, they will definitely scold you for having no manners."

Roy scolded Her Royal Highness, but his face was full of smiles.

"Will the godfather tell my father and mother?"

In the middle of the royal private room of the theater is a beautiful sofa, and the two of them are sitting very close. It's a little closer.

The scent of orchid like musk flickers on the nose, the light and green smell of the girl's body goes straight down the nose into the lungs, Roy took a deep breath, and said softly: "...by my side, you don't have to be Those... etiquette restraints can show your true face, Anna... but don't be so casual when there are outsiders around, it will make you scolded."

Roy, who said this, picked up a round chocolate with his hand and handed it to Her Royal Highness's mouth.

Anastasia opened her lips slightly, and carefully swallowed the chocolate between Roy's fingers like a cat licking it. While enjoying the sweetness of the chocolate, she said with a smile: "... .I am the princess of Russia outside, and I will not lose the face of Russia, nor will I lose the face of the godfather. I will only show the godfather alone."

Her Royal Highness's face was flushed, like a tempting apple.

Perhaps being too shy, she quickly changed the subject and said, "...Since Kotomine left, my father has also hired Toyo's chefs, but the ramen they make is not delicious at all, and the noodles are chewy and yummy. Feng has done far worse."

Thinking of the food she loves...can't eat anymore, Her Royal Highness just... complained.

Roy burst into laughter when he heard the words, Yanfeng is considered a master of Bajiquan after all, and the strength and technique of kneading dough are of course not comparable to ordinary chefs. If Kotofeng, who is already far away in Fuyuki, knows that Her Royal Highness is still there: miss Looking at his ramen, I don't know if he should feel honored or helpless.

"By the way, Godfather, I... I have never given you a gift... This time I finally had the opportunity to be alone with you, and I want to give you a gift."

"Oh, little Anna would think of giving me a gift, so I have to look forward to it."

Roy raised his brows and said with interest.

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