"It's so beautiful, my lovely little goblin, it's almost like the Lord sent his angels to me."

Roy's face that can be described as beautiful and beautiful has a smile that can make countless girls heart beat, and said politely.

Anastasia looked around carefully, there was no one near the corridor, and she was proud and happy when she saw the light in Roy's eyes looking at her.

4 The smile was sweet, like a blooming white lotus. Although he was shy in his heart, he pretended to be reserved and said: "...Your praise really makes me happy, but you are the Lord. My angel, it is the Lord who brought you to me, to my parents, my sisters and brothers, and Russia is grateful to have such a great spiritual leader as you."

Roy listened to Her Royal Highness's words like that of a little adult, just...with a smile, worthy of being a princess from the royal family.

"Although it is common sense for a gentleman to wait for a lady, you are too slow."

Roy quipped.

"That's because Mila's makeup is too slow."

Her Royal Highness was lying, not talking about her dawdling at all, but blaming everything on her maid.

"It's because you have too many things to do and cause trouble to other people's work."

Roy said amusingly, directly breaking the lie that Ana was Tacia, and stretched out a finger to flick her forehead.

"Oh, it hurts, Godfather!"

Her Royal Highness clutched her forehead in a coquettish anger, immediately revealing her true form.

"Let's see if you tell a lie or not next time, you're wasting too much time, we're going to St. Petersburg now.



Come on, my little goblin."

Roy stretched out his hand to Her Royal Highness, and made the gesture of a man inviting a woman to dance at a court ball.

"I won't lie next time."

Her Royal Highness stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and then blushing lightly placed her jade hand wearing white silk gloves in Roy's big hand.

Chapter 87 Two or three things with the princess

Go to St. Petersburg.



In the carriage, Anastasia reclined on the seat cushion, her two delicate little hands folded on her slender thighs, and from time to time she secretly looked to the side with those lively beautiful eyes.

There was a heater in the compartment, and the rising heat seemed a little sultry, which made Her Royal Highness take off her waistcoat and coat and hang it on the wall of the compartment, but a pair of white shoulders were exposed.

"Godfather, where are we going"

Although Anastasia always gives the impression of being quiet and cold in front of outsiders, in fact, Her Royal Highness prefers to be more lively with people who are close to her, such as being noisy with her family, such as... .Godfather chatting and laughing together.

"Where do you want to go, my little goblin doesn't care...

I will accompany you wherever you want to go."

Roy turned his head to the side, staring at Anastasia's elegant and refined face, his hand was... subconsciously stretched out and held her petite woman wearing white silk gloves.

The Grand Duchess's heart beat a little faster, her eyes were looking forward, and there was a little bit of joy and shyness in her.

After calming herself down a bit, Her Royal Highness said in a soft and crisp voice: "...I live in the summer palace most of the time, and I am very friendly to St. Petersburg.



I'm not familiar with it either, it's up to the godfather to make the decision, no matter what...

Wherever I go, I'll be happy as long as the godfather is by my side, even if it's just a day in church."

She mustered up her courage, and confided a little lingering in her light voice.

Because she is a princess raised in a deep boudoir, Anastasia does not have the freedom of ordinary girls, and most of her life is faced with the luxurious life of the court, and she is unaware of the suffering of the people.

Of course, she can't be blamed for this. This is what happens to the royal family of any country. The children of the poor are not well-dressed, and the princesses of the royal family have no freedom. In Roy's view, it is actually those... The daughters of the capitalists are happier, they live a luxurious life without so many rules and constraints, they can be described as the ladies of the upper class.

Roy held the jade hand of the female archduke, his fingers lightly pinched her palm, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "...Go to St. Petersburg.



The Grand Theater, I haven't watched the drama with you yet. There are really no entertainment activities in this era, so we can only do these.... Elegant entertainment, if it is in modern times, then It's much simpler, take Her Royal Highness to go shopping for a meal, watch a touching movie and try to make it late, and go straight to the hotel under the pretext that it's too late, where are there so many troubles.

"I still love drama."

Anastasia's eyes lit up, and she said happily, she is still a young girl after all. In this age of lack of entertainment, drama and the like will always make people like it, but this kind of elegant entertainment is different from ordinary entertainment. The people are out of luck.

After opening the chat box, Her Royal Highness was like a cheerful lark, chatting with Roy non-stop, telling him all the trivial things that happened at home, the life of Her Royal Highness is only these things, in her It seems that the only thing I can talk to with my godfather, that is, those things in the court... messy things.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to visit the soldiers who came down with my mother and sister. I'm a little scared. Godfather, can you go with me?"

Anastasia grabbed Roy's cuff and said pleadingly, her big eyes were watery, pure and charming, but she could clearly see some worry and fear between her brows.

This is an excellent biography of the Tsar's family.

Organizing visits to soldiers for the Queen and Princess Association, and no matter what...

Is it the queen or Anastasia's two eldest sisters, qualified nurses, although Anastasia today is still young and does not need to be involved in the medical treatment of bandaging and rescue of soldiers, but as a princess, she must also Go see those soldiers.

"It's just to see the soldiers on the front line. Your mother and sister have been there several times. Why should you be afraid? My little goblin, although you are still young, your status as a princess requires you, you It is imperative to know what those soldiers... who are fighting for their country are doing on the front lines."

Roy stroked Her Royal Highness's beautiful hair like the Milky Way, and at the same time added another sentence in his heart: Although this is an unjust war of imperialism.

"But aren't all soldiers brutish, savage, tyrannical, presumptuous and cunning...I hate it.

these things."

Anastasia bit her cherry lip, and there was a hint of disgust on her face. If Roy, who was an ordinary person in the past, heard these words, he might have a sudden drop in his affection for this... princess, but watching the princess grow up Roy knew that it was not her fault. She had lived in the court since she was a child, and everything she saw and heard was the luxury of the nobles. It was normal for Anastasia to have such thoughts. She didn't like rude things. , because her world is full of elegant etiquette.

This may be the reason why the Russian royal family has such a fine tradition. I hope that the children in the court can see the real bottom, and the people's life can be ignored. …

, but the soldiers must visit, because this huge army is... the guarantee of the royal family ruling this country.

"I know my thoughts may be wrong, but I will try to correct them. I will go with my mother and sister tomorrow."

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