There are many letters in Roy's private locker. In addition to ...... Annas 753 Tasia, there are also four princesses written with '', that is, the initials of the four princesses' christian names. The letter basically meant that he hoped that the Patriarch could go to the court to meet them. They believed that only in the presence of the spiritual leader they believed in could they truly feel peace and stability in their hearts.

In addition to the secret letters in the royal family, there are also letters written by most of the nobles and young women and girls in Tsarist Russia in the cabinet. Although it seems normal for nobles who believe in Cross religion to write letters to the Patriarch, But if the content here is exposed, it is estimated that it will cause an uproar in the world.

"The haze of war is about to dissipate, and the dark clouds that hang over Tsarist Russia are about to be lifted."

Roy carefully put away the letter in his hand. Since Her Royal Highness had invited him, Roy, who had nothing to do after thinking about it, also decided to go to the summer palace to go around.

... Before Roy went to the summer palace, he came to the cafe where he had been, and then saw the man in a neat suit and a bow tie.

The man's baldness became more serious, and there were no more hairs on his head, but he was in good spirits, with bright eyes. After seeing Roy, he looked happy and hurriedly invited him to take a seat.

"I had a hunch that I would see you here, so I came to this cafe today. Ten years later, it still hasn't closed, and the owner's coffee making skills are better than before."

After the man invited Roy to be seated, he said incessantly: "...Thank you very much for helping me to leave my motherland and go to France. I have been in these years: with the financial help of the soldiers, I know that it is you. I did, but you didn't say it, and I didn't bring it up."

"...I don't understand why you have been helping me, you have always been optimistic, for this I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you! My motherland is now at war, this is an unjust war, this is a mistake Tsar Nicholas II, regardless of the people's life, forcibly launched this unjust war of imperialism, look at the people outside, this is St. Petersburg.



, is our capital, but there are so many homeless and poor people without food."

"St. Petersburg.



Not to mention other things, this time I was invited back here, I came here to end this mistake for the people. Maybe I will fail. If I fail, I will probably be hanged with my brother. Fight, but I'm ready!"

The bald man solemnly took out a lot of things like books and documents from the briefcase he brought, "...this is what I have written in the past few years, I Don't know what they are for, but I think they should be useful because they will point the way to the people! Thanks for your help over the years, I have nothing to repay you, and I don't know when I die What people say about me, maybe I'm nothing but a nobody, but these...   are all my spiritual treasures!"

Roy took those... wrinkled papers, and the topics on them were mostly vague words such as outlines, drafts, outlines, etc.

"I have a hunch that this may be my last meeting with you, no matter what...

Victory or defeat, I have made up my mind."

The bald man packed his things and was about to leave.

Roy didn't get up to see him, just whispered: "...The Lord will bless you, Mr. Vladimir!"

"Thank you, although I don't believe in the Cross religion, but I know the cross believers better than anyone else, and may the Lord bless you, Your Majesty! Although your private rumors are a little... um, too loose, you are also with the court. It's too close, but I firmly believe that you and the Bloody Tsar' are not the same raccoon dog, you are compassionate and considerate of the people in this country who are crying!"

In a hurry, the bald man left the cafe, looking like he was in a hurry, probably because he was afraid that the tsar's people would discover his return, but even so, he still took a huge risk to come to St. Petersburg.



I met Roy at this cafe.

Looking at the various documents in his hand... neatly and thoughtfully written, Roy thought about it and called an agent to instruct: "... Things are stored in the 'Eighth Mystery Society', to a certain extent, they are rare and powerful sacred relics in this world."

"Yes, Supreme Bishop!"

The agent does not know why these junk are called holy relics, and they have to be stored in the 'Eighth Mystery Society' of the Holy Church, but since this is the order of the supreme bishop, the agent does not ask much, and carefully stores them. took over.

"There has never been a savior, and neither does it depend on the emperor! To create the happiness of mankind, it is all up to us!"

Ou Ren heard faintly in his ears.

Baudier and Pierre.

Degate's composition in 1888, the city seems to become hot and burning.

"Nicholas II, you are in the wrong place and the wrong way."

Roy murmured.

Although he is very close to this... tsar, but Roy doesn't like him very much. If we want to compare him, he is probably similar to the old Buddha in the late Qing Dynasty, but it is more **** than that. .

"But you have given birth to a good daughter."

Roy shook his head, he ordered again, a luxurious carriage had already parked outside the cafe, and since he had promised his goddaughter, he would also go to the summer palace.

Happy Spring Festival everyone, about the Spring Festival update~

Today, New Year's Eve is going to be with my parents. I can't guarantee whether it can be updated today. It will be updated every day during the Spring Festival, but the amount of updates is estimated to be unstable. Don't run around during the Spring Festival. I wish everyone good health in the new year. , make a fortune!!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


:: Immediate top-up event time: August 7th to August 9th

Chapter 85 The Queen and the Princess

High-headed horses gallop in St. Petersburg.



On the way to the Summer Palace, Roy was sitting in the car. The walls of the car were covered with thick cushions, so that the carriage could not feel much vibration when it ran, but even so, Roy still felt that a modern car would sit up. More comfortable, this kind of behavior that relies on riding a carriage to show one's aristocratic status is really unnecessary...  

After a long journey of nearly an hour, the carriage finally stopped at the gate of the luxurious palace. The imperial guard of honor of the imperial court of Tsarist Russia had already prepared a luxurious lineup, waiting for Roy, the Patriarch of the Eastern... , There are several men and women dressed in luxurious aristocratic costumes waiting for him there.

The woman at the head looked like she was in her 40s. She was graceful and graceful. Although she did not have the vigor of a young girl, she had the charm of a mature woman. It was Alexandra, the wife of Czar Nicholas II.


Surrounding her are her four daughters and one son, Queen Olga, Tatyana "Nine Sixty Seven,"

, Maria and Anastasia, and Alexei, the only son of the Tsar.

The tsar's four 44 daughters all inherited the excellent genes of the royal family, with charming beauty, the eldest queen Olga is 21 years old, and the youngest Anastasia is 15 years old and 15 years old. Among the princesses, the youngest princess, Anastasia, has the most outstanding appearance.

When the four princesses were young, their tutor once said that Anastasia was the most naughty among the four princesses, but at the same time the most beautiful, and would definitely be pursued by many noble men in the future , but up to now, even the oldest Olga is not married, which makes the nobles in Russia talk a lot and don't know what the Tsar's majesty thinks.

According to the historical trajectory of Europe in the past, these four princesses should all be married into the royal families of other European countries, or married to real nobles in the country. This is the marriage of the royal families of various countries in Europe for hundreds of years. However, in this era of prosperous democracy and freedom, the current situation of the royal families of various countries is not very good.

"Your Majesty, my children and I have been waiting for you here for a long time, God, the battle on the front line is tight, and it is said that too many soldiers have been killed, and my husband also stays up all night in the military to supervise the front line and logistics. , we are very worried, but it is only when we see you that we will feel peace of mind and calm our restless minds."

Queen Fyodorovna took her children and stepped forward to greet Roy. She performed an extremely standard aristocratic ceremony and patted her chest and said in relief.

Although the queen is old, her body is plump and her charm is still preserved. The eyes staring at Roy are full of female maturity, and water is almost condensed in her blue pupils, but what the queen said is true, As long as she is by Roy's side, she feels the peace of mind she has never had before, as if she was receiving the psychological and counseling of a psychiatrist, which makes her and her children yearn for this... Her Majesty the Patriarch can Often came to the court to meet them.

"The Lord made me feel your anxiety, Her Majesty, so I came here."

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