"Well, a letter to the godfather."

Anastasia bit her moist lips and nodded.

"But you claim to be a little..."

"Godfather always called me that."

"Calling you 'little goblin'"


Her Royal Highness did not know why her sister asked this.

"Yes... that's it."

Maria's smile disappeared, she smiled reluctantly, her tone was vaguely sad, but also somewhat envious and jealous.

Chapter 83: Her Royal Highness, the fifteen-year-old princess

"Maria and Anna, what are you doing?"

When the twenty-one-year-old Russian first princess Olga walked into the bedroom, what she saw was... this wonderful atmosphere. Maria was holding a letter in her hand and said nothing, while her youngest sister On the other hand, he stood with his hands behind his back, and the fingers of his two delicate little hands were entangled together.

"elder sister!"

Maria and Anastasia shouted, then fell silent again.

Olga felt that the atmosphere between the two was not right... on the letter, she snatched the letter from Maria's hand, Anastasia wanted to stop this scene, but after all late.

The letter I wrote to the godfather was seen by the two sisters... Her heart beat faster when she thought of this, and her face was flushed with embarrassment.

Olga quickly scanned the 'love letter' written by her sister, and then the... first princess was... serious and said: "...Anna, if this letter is seen by others, it will be a problem. There will be gossip, no matter what...

Whether it's your identity or the identity of Roy's crown, you can't write these things, let alone use such a name!"

Olga reproached the youngest sister, thinking that such a letter of hers would cause a scandal between the Russian royal family and the Orthodox Church, well, although the scandal of the crown prince had already spread all over St. Petersburg.



, it is unnecessary to worry so much.

But when she heard her sister's words, Anastasia's stubborn and rebellious thoughts rose, and she retorted unhappily: "...as long as you don't let others see this letter, it's fine, who else but you? Dare to read the letter I wrote to the godfather!"

Anastasia's refutation made Olga speechless, but she still persuaded: "...but in case this letter is seen by others, what will others say that you are still so young, Not knowing what people say is scary.”

Although the first princess is persuading, only she knows some of her own selfishness.

"I'm not afraid of what others say about me!"

At home, she was not afraid of the sky and the earth, and the little devil-like Her Royal Highness raised her head and continued to refute her sister.

"You are not afraid, but you have to think about the reputation of the crown!"

"Godfather doesn't care what other people say!"


Olga's tone suffocated and she felt a headache. The crown prince didn't seem to care what others said, "Sister is really selfish, you always secretly run to the church of the godfather, I said I want to go with you, You always use my age as an excuse not to let me go, but I'm fifteen years old and fifteen years old, according to the law, I can already get married, and now you can't even let me send a letter to the godfather?"

Her sister's accusation made Olga ashamed and she said with a guilty conscience: "...As a devout believer, what's wrong with me going to the church? It's the Orthodox Cathedral, and I can only really feel it when I go down there. To the glory of the Lord, although His Majesty is your godfather, he is also the spiritual leader of all believers!"

The more Olga spoke, the more imposing she became, the more she felt that she was fine. As for what happened in the church, only she... the first princess herself knew.

"Sister Olga, you always use: some strange words, I don't care, I will send this letter to the godfather!"

Anastasia, who couldn't say anything about her sister, stood up and stared at Olga with her red mouth pouted.

The first princess slandered her heart, her youngest sister is simply... a double personality, she will always look like a noble princess with cold and politeness when outside, but when she arrives at home, when she is in front of acquaintances, she will immediately become A willful little devil, giving people a headache.

However, Olga didn't want to continue arguing with Anastasia in this regard, it would make her more guilty, so the first princess pretended to agree reluctantly: "...Well, I will let people You sent this letter to Your Majesty. You have done a good job of inviting Mian Lai to be a guest at the summer palace. My father is not in the palace, and my mother will often feel lonely. If your Majesty can come, my mother will be very happy. Sister, I will be very happy too."

The corner of the first princess' mouth twitched, and she raised a happy smile.

... Peter and Paul Church, Roy is sitting at his desk, almost ten years have passed since the 'Tungus explosion' event, because the Magic Society and the Dead Apostles suffered heavy losses in that event , In the past ten years, the entire mysterious world has been calm, except... Roy has completely integrated the church, and no major events have happened.

To say that the biggest thing right now is... the First World War is raging in Europe.

"But this war is almost over, and Russia is about to withdraw from the war."

Roy has a cipher text in his hand, which is a report sent by the Church of the Holy Church. The comrade who once had a relationship with Roy in the cafe, the comrade who gave him the book he wrote has returned from France. Russia.

Putting down the ciphertext, Roy picked up the envelope at hand and opened it.

This letter was sent to him by Kotomine, who is far away in the far eastern island country. Two years ago, Yanfeng left the agent's team, because this agent had been with him for more than ten years, and he was almost like a private secretary. Yi also used his power to transfer him to Fuyuki City in the island country and became the priest of the church there.

This letter contains a lot of content. It records the matter of the Holy Grail War that Kotomine investigated in Fuyuki City, and confirms the true existence of the 'Holy Grail War'. In another twenty years there will be another Holy Grail War, and he is willing to monitor this war as the church's custodian to determine whether... the Holy Grail is the Holy Son's holy relic.

In addition to... official business, Kotomine also talked about his personal affairs. After returning to the island country, he was married under the introduction of his family. The woman's family is also a devout Christian believer. The two are very loving. , and decided to have a child.

But there seems to be something wrong with the genes of the Kotomine family. The pregnancy rate of their family is very low, so Kotomine does not know when his child will be born, but he has already chosen a name for the future child, called 'Kotomine Rizheng' .

In addition to his greetings to Roy and reporting the situation in Fuyuki City, he sent this letter to hope to receive Roy's blessing, and said that he would let his children join the church from an early age , work hard to become a clergyman or other clergyman.

"It's really pious, Kotomine...Ming"

Roy put down the letter. After thinking about it, he picked up a pen and wrote a reply on the paper. The content was not much, but he wrote that he had received his letter and expressed his blessings on his marriage in the letter. At the same time, he put a cross. The sacrament of blessing was sent back with the letter.

After doing this, Roy called an agent who was waiting at the church to let him send the letter. When the agent left, Roy picked up another... letter.

Xiaoxiao's handwriting is not as powerful as Yanfeng's writing style, but in the choice of words and sentences, there is more of a girl's splendid and charming.

"Little Anna wants me to go to the summer palace to accompany her...but the content of this letter is really ambiguous."

Roy tapped his fingers on the table, he raised his head and looked out the window, the warm sun fell on his shoulders, and Roy smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth: "...15 years old 15 Her Royal Highness is really a beautiful age."

Chapter 84 You gave birth to a good daughter

"Dear, baby, my friend, how I want to see you again, you are in my dreams today, and I always ask mom when will you come... my dear, I Always thinking of you because you are so good to me."

Roy's personal locker is full of letters from the tsar's family in the summer palace. Among them, the youngest princess, Anastasia, has the most ambiguous and most numerous letters. She has learned to write letters since she was eight years old. After that, every now and then, people will send letters to the church.

In the beginning, the letters written by Her Royal Highness were still full of naive and childish words, but as she grew older, in addition to... Her Royal Highness's handwriting became more elegant, the most changes were... in the letters. She became bolder in her choice of words and sentences, why did she write it like this, did she not understand anything, or was she really using such words to clarify her thoughts, which even Roy didn't understand.

The girl's mind should not guess too much, and don't try boldly, because the young girl who is found to be in love will always stumble away like a shy deer, thus making the ambiguous fate become rusty.

So what really needs to be done is to carefully peel off the youthful love of the girl like a scalpel.

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