Aerluqi looked at his back, feeling a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously shouted.

"Things are all settled, of course it's time to go home."

Roy stopped, and said with a light smile on the side of his head, Eltluqi could only see his profile like a mountain.

"Going home is... going back to St. Petersburg.



the church"

Ancient Era's Red bit her jade lips, frowned, and asked softly.

Obviously this 'natural disaster' monster is going to leave, and as a dead apostle, she should celebrate with her crown, but Eltluqi can feel a burst of reluctance in her heart... "I have nowhere to go for the time being. , It is estimated that he will live in St. Petersburg for the past ten years.



Well, as for the future, there is a high probability that you will move to London, if you have free time, Lu Qi, you are welcome to come and play with me."

Talking and laughing, Roy's figure is... walk away, towards the direction where the church gathers.

"Concubine doesn't want to go to church."

Elter Luqi stomped her little feet lightly. The snow-white jade feet formed a strong contrast with the dark and twisted rocks under her feet. She thought of what had happened in the church over the past year, and she felt a little nostalgia in her anger and anger. .

That was the most reassuring year she has had in the past few hundred years. Even if the strength comparison between her and Bai Yigong has reversed now, she will no longer have that reassurance, because no matter what...

The life of chasing or being chased is not so happy.

Finally, after taking a deep look at the departure of the back, Ancient Red made a determination.

......The magicians of the Magic Association have already run away, and the dead disciples of Eltluqi will also start their pursuit of Bai Yigong after regrouping, and the Sanctuary Church as the victor will also gather Remnants go to St. Petersburg.




The members of the church who died in the hands of the dead in this battle are not many.... Most of the dead died in the aftermath of the Tunguska explosion. For... Roy Saying these things... The church members were originally connected to the burial agency in the past, and this time cleaning a batch of them was considered to satisfy his request.

These... The priests have long regarded Roy as an angel bestowed on the world by the Lord, as a 'prophet', and didn't care about the ones he killed by mistake... ..the clergy, even thought that those who...dead must have ascended to heaven and returned to 5.

7 In the arms of the Lord.

When he arrived, the dead disciples, the Magic Association and the Church were all mighty and mighty. When they returned, even the Church who was the victor was scattered and looked very broken. This time Roy can be said to have cleaned up all the modern mysterious world. After a while, it is impossible for them to have much influence on the world in the next hundred years.

'Because the influence of the mystery has begun to decrease, the process of human rationality will be accelerated and the explosion of technology will appear in the future.' Roy touched his chin and thought, thinking that it might be his own reasons that caused the future of human technology. Rapid progress is also impossible.

Just as he was thinking wildly, the church's troops suddenly stopped, because in front of him there was a pure white figure standing in the middle of the road with her hands on her back. Smile, as if... waiting for their arrival.

Chapter 77 The Vampire Nun Under the Moon

"Princess of the True Ancestor, Elquite.


The clergy of many churches whispered out the name of the figure standing on the road, and spontaneously organized a siege to protect Roy in the middle.

Although these... The clergy knew that this kind of protection was not necessary at all... Roy had clearly demonstrated his god-like power not long ago , but as a priest, it is an instinct to protect one's spiritual leader.

Roy shook his head, indicating to these.... The clergy don't have to be so cautious, let them let go of the... encircling net, and at the same time beckoned to Elquite.

The True Ancestor Princess with a youthful smile seemed to be completely unaware of the hostility of the clergy around her, so she jumped to Roy with her hands behind her back, like the girl next door was carrying her back in the morning. The schoolbag went out and was greeting the neighbors enthusiastically, "...Hi, Roy!! I have killed Roja."

Elquite's delicate body twisted gently, like a small animal seeking praise. If she had a tail behind her, it must have been swaying back and forth.

Roy was amused by this... innocent princess, Her Royal Highness, he laughed lightly, and praised: "...well done, Elquite!"

The Princess of the True Ancestor has done countless trivial things like killing Roja in the past 800 years, but only this time her behavior is completely different from the past.

"Hey he killed Roja, and I'm going back to Millennium City... The longer I spend outside activities, the harder my blood-sucking impulse will be, and Roja will also meet according to my contact with him. Take my power, and when the power drops to a point, I will lose control."

Elquite smiled brightly, not saying anything about her tragic fate, she was always so lively and cheerful, as if no matter what...

Whatever happens, she can face it with the happiest mood.

But in that bright sunny smile, her burgundy eyes also revealed a little bit of reluctance.

"This time, because I promised Roja and gave him a promise, I didn't shoot, so Erquite, when the next time Roja is resurrected again, I will personally shoot to give him a complete end and destroy his soul. You can't be reincarnated either, so just keep smiling and go back to the Millennium City to sleep, and when you wake up again, the fate of these eight hundred years of reincarnation will end."

Her slender and tender hands grabbed the corners of Roy's clothes, and said excitedly like a cat: "...really you didn't lie to me"

"Unless it is a last resort, I will definitely fulfill the promise I made, and I have not broken my promise to Roja."

Roy scratched Elquite's high nose, and seemed a little dissatisfied with her distrust.

Elquite was immediately idiotic, her waist-length golden hair swayed in the breeze, her delicate body like a weak willow had a confusing smell, Her Royal Highness was cheerful... For the first time, I hoped that Roja could be resurrected earlier... um..., human food is so delicious, next time I go to bed to find you, Roy, you must take me to eat more How delicious."

The Princess of the True Ancestor frowned and thought, and most of all, she said such a thing, and found an excuse for herself to keep the bond from being cut off.

"Little greedy cat, I promise you... After waking up once, it is estimated that humans will invent more good things, and it will not disappoint you."

Roy flicked Elquite's forehead. He liked the innocent character of the princess of the true ancestor very much, because watching her smiling all the time beside her always made people feel happy. , as if all the haze will dissipate.

"There's not enough time, I'm leaving."

Elquite covered her forehead, she sighed a little regretfully, and her body began to become transparent.

The sun was setting, and the remnants of the sun shone from the horizon, casting an orange-red light on the devastated Siberia, and the True Ancestor's princess, with her blonde hair gleaming in the peripheral light, took a step back. With one hand on his waist and one hand waving at Roy, the figure gradually disappeared like a foam princess in a fairy tale.

"I really don't know how to describe her, should I say, is she stupid, or she knows everything, but pretends she doesn't know anything... Anyway, her way of life is very easy ."

Roy didn't say to Yanfeng who was beside him until the last bit of starlight of Elquette's figure dissipated: "...Let's go, we're going back too, and we'll leave behind all the agents and agents after we go back. Templars, let them go back to where they should be."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Kotomine bowed in response, conveyed Roy's order, and most of the churches that were ready to go started their journey once again.

...Three days later, thousands of people returned from Siberia to St. Petersburg.



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