Looking around, looking at the trembling human figures that can still stand up, every magician's condition is not very good, the big explosion just now is not... pure energy bombardment, the true ether contained in it carries a lot of The mystery and toxicity of the magician, this is the culprit that makes the magician suffer heavy losses.

There are almost ten magicians who survived, and few of the strong family members brought by Barthemelo survived. The fortunate news is that this time, because they knew that there was a battle, most of them brought They are all magicians. Although these people are powerful in combat, they will die if they die. If the monarchs of the clock tower are preserved, the entire clock tower will have the possibility of reviving again. As for the death of some famous masters, he can only let him express Pity.

"Use the fastest speed to recover the magic engraving that can be found, and we quickly leave here and return to the clock tower!"

Bathemello gave the order in a hoarse voice, and at the same time looked cautiously in the direction of Roy. It is not up to them whether the magician can evacuate or not. If the... 'natural disaster' doesn't want them to go, then they All these magicians could only die here without being able to resist.

But whether the other party will let them go, the magicians can only rely on luck, and their own side can still have the initiative to escape.

The magicians who could barely move began to quickly collect the magic marks on the corpses that could be found. These are the legacy of the major magic families. As long as the magic marks are still repaired If possible, then the magic path will not be cut off.

The monarch of the seances looked dejected, all the gems on his body were shattered and turned into pieces, but because there were too many defensive magic dresses on his body, he was the least injured one among the monarchs.

"Enola, are you alright?"

Balu Yereta's monarch's body swayed, he looked at his daughter with concern, and after seeing that her daughter was just gritting her teeth and standing there shaking her head in horror, this was finally relieved.

"My magic circuit is polluted, and I can no longer become the monarch of the Creation Division. I will pass on the magic engraving and the monarch's position to you when I go back, but this time we will be affected by the family and the entire clock tower. You may have to suffer from verbal and written criticism. For the political rhetoric of the clock tower, those greedy guys don't care how unstoppable natural disasters we have encountered, they only care about the last the result of.

"...This time the clock tower has lost a lot, and all the clock tower magicians in the next hundred years are expected to shrink."


Balu Yereta laughed, but he knew that the worst one should be Bathermelo. For Bathermelo, who advocates perfection, any failure is an absolute humiliation. The Bathermelo family was placed under house arrest, so that he would never see anyone, which was the reason why Bathermelo worked so hard before, because he knew that even if he returned intact, he would lose everything.


Enola's expression was startled, she didn't expect her father to have the idea of ​​abdicating the throne, you must know that the current monarch Balu Yereta is very young among magicians, and her... heir is also immature, Under normal circumstances, Enolai may become a monarch after thirty or forty years, or even fifty or sixty years.

Only now..." So it's decided, Enola! You are the most gifted of this generation, no matter...

Whether it is political skill or magic power, you are all qualified to become the monarch of the Creation Division!"

Baru Yereta interrupted her daughter's words and said decisively.

..."You hyena survived!"

The monarch of all basic subjects.

Tranbergio looked at a miserable blond mature woman and said arrogantly and viciously.

"Please call me Ed Felt, the most graceful hyena in the world, Your Majesty!"

A mature woman with almost burnt blond hair raised her head, and retorted in front of the monarch.

As a magic family that emerged during the Renaissance, the Edelfelt family was seen as a nouveau riche in the magic world, but this family rose rapidly in the industrial revolution by plundering other family secrets and ceremonies. Not very good, always called 'hyena' by magicians, but the strength of the family is exceptionally strong.

...........But this...the most beautiful hyena in the world soon became...depressed, and smiled bitterly: "...this time the plundering failed completely. , by virtue of the special 'twin magic' of the Edelfelt family, it was I who shared the damage with my sister and barely survived.

Tranbergio, you are in an even worse situation now."

Seeing this disgusting hyena doesn't seem to be sarcasm, but just saying pity for the same sickness, Bellantrio was silent for a while, but also said the truth: "...my magic circuit is no longer able to operate efficiently. , I will surely pass on the magic engraving to the next generation when I go back, and with the stripping of the magic engraving, I don't think I will live long."

After speaking, they both fell silent.

The magician silently collected the magic engravings that could still be found, and then began to leave the land under the leadership of Barthemelo. The terrible natural disaster' looked over.

But I don't know if it was good luck or the other party didn't care about them......the bereaved dogs, the members of the church didn't react at all until they left Siberia, and that...the natural disaster even ignored them.

Strange to say, the church must have suffered heavy losses from the previous explosion.

"After returning to the Clock Tower, I will convene a crown meeting in the name of Bartholomew." Ladies and gentlemen, this may be the last "crown meeting" in our lives. I hope all monarchs can participate.... .. the world has changed!"


Bathemello looked up at the dark red sky, and even a trace of pride was not enough.

Chapter 76 The concubine will never go to church again!

The holy right on Roy's right shoulder was inserted into an imaginary space. When it was slowly retracted, a shining crystal was already held in the palm of his hand, which was called the location of the spiritual foundation.

Regardless of....

Whether it is a **** of disobedience or a follower, because they are all incarnations that come from intelligence information, the spiritual foundation is... the core of the incarnation, no matter...

Whether it is a **** or a heroic spirit, if they want to exert their own power, they need a spiritual base as a support. The stronger the Servant and the **** who does not obey, the stronger the spiritual base is, otherwise it is impossible to come.

This spiritual foundation, which was prepared by Duke Baiyi for 800 years, was constructed only by the sacrifice of all the secret treasures in a ruins of the age of the gods. Even those... gods he killed in the world of godslayers, none of them had such a powerful spiritual foundation.

"That's why it can be used as the carrier of the main god, otherwise, as the supreme **** of Slavic mythology, how could it really appear as a **** of disobedience, and be "Sixty-three-seven"

Of course, the information about Sventovette left in the ruins is also an important medium."

Roy kept this spiritual foundation. If he was still a pure god-killer, he would definitely fuse it to improve his power. However, after Roy's realm has reached the pinnacle of human beings, his identity as a god-killer It didn't matter, he vaguely felt that this spiritual foundation would be useful in the future.

Moreover, in modern times, this is definitely a secret treasure among secret treasures. It is better to keep it for others, of course.

"It's over, Lucy!"

The 'Sacred Right' on Roy's right shoulder completely disappeared. He turned around with a smile and looked at Eltluqi behind him, as if he had never experienced a battle at all, but only once. Warm-up exercise, not to mention injury, not even breathing.

Because Eltluqi was standing behind Roy, and she was the only one who was not injured at all in the Tunguska explosion. As for Eltluqi's other dead disciples, it was also a loss at this time. heavy.

Roy still completed what he should do as the spokesperson of the Lord, as an angel, and as a guardian of human rights, even if those... the dead disciples belonged to the army of Eltluqi, He also killed most of them without hesitation.

For.. this point, Eltluqi had long expected, this is the Roy she knew.

Crowley, seemingly frivolous, seems to be interested in her body, but he will never make mistakes in principle because of 'lust', and it is his determination that allows him to survive The way is full of charm.

"Yeah, it's finally over..."

Ancient Red looked complicated, she sighed slightly, her pretty figure was like a blooming flower on this land that had become hell, she was stubborn and charming, adding a touch of the magnificence of nature to this twisted scene like a yellow spring. with softness.

Eltluqi turned sideways and glanced at her family. The black and white knights were seriously injured, and more than half of the dead apostles were killed or injured. Because Kathy Palug didn't have the liberation magic power, she cleverly hid on her shoulders when the energy exploded. She was not injured at all, although her body had almost recovered from the dark wounds, but on the whole, the Black Princess faction of the Dead Apostles suffered a great loss in this battle and was even weaker than before.

However, strength is never absolute, but relative. For example, Eltluqi's biggest enemy is Bai Yigong. As long as the opponent's losses are heavier than her, then she is still the winner in terms of results.

Just when the ancient red was thinking about the current situation of Bai Yigong, Roy seemed to see through her thoughts, and said to her: "...Tefham.

Otenluo didn't die, but his injuries were serious. Even as the oldest dead disciple, he wouldn't even think about recovering after a hundred years. Those of his... directly under the dead disciples also died. For the most part, how many ancestors of the dead disciples died... I can't count them, but the ancestors of the dead disciples who resolutely supported him are no different."

Roy carelessly said that the Death Apostle faction, one of the three major forces in the mysterious world, was almost completely abolished, as if this kind of thing was not worth it to him at all, the role of a medal of his own glory. nothing.

"So, my suggestion is that you start with him now and he has chased you for eight hundred years. I don't think you will let him go so easily, Luqi. In the next few hundred years, your relationship The trend of offense and defense has reversed, and you can start to hunt him down and clean up his faction."

After saying this, Roy just... smiled softly at Eltluqi, and the gorgeous robe flicked slightly in the air with the smell of blood and sulfur, and was ready to leave.

"Where are you going"

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