"Bathermelo, don't hide it at this time, hurry up and take out the costumes left by your Bathermelo family from the age of the gods!"

The monarch of the Creation Division, Balu Yereta, temporarily defended against the encirclement and suppression of the angels with the ancient dress collected by him. At the same time, he also protected his daughter by his side. This is the magician's instinct to protect and inherit his magic and carving The younger generation, but even so his magic circuit is burning and painful.

The true ether of the age of God entered the magic circuit, which has already overloaded the circuit, and now he is facing these ...... terrifying angels, he can protect himself and himself in this chaos. The daughter is already the power of its magic.

............ Where has Enolai ever seen this kind of battle? At this time, her face was bloodless, trembling and hiding beside her father, her head Looking dizzy at the slaughtered magicians of the Clock Tower, she thought of St. Petersburg.



Seeing what happened to the Patriarch of the East, if the Patriarch was willing, he would probably kill her by blowing his breath.

Why is there such a powerful and unreasonable mystery in this age when the mystery has subsided and the magicians are on the verge of despair!

Bathermelo was supposed to be a seance, but after seeing Ulysses' tragic situation, he just... gave up. He took out an object from his arms without saying a word. It was a workman. It looks rough, but it seems to contain a powerful and mysterious copper watch.

As an ancient family that has been passed down from the Roman period to the present, the Barthémello family has many creations from the Roman period, and this bronze watch is one of them.

Among the Roman gods, the most powerful **** Jupiter corresponds to Zeus in Greek mythology. This... **** has the law in the priesthood, and the bronze watch in the hands of Barthémelo has Jupiter. The special power of God's attire also represents the first written law in ancient Rome, which is the milestone of human law "The Law of the Twelve Bronze Tables"! Barthamello leads the law and politics department of the clock tower, the so-called law and politics is the law Combined with politics, the law is the biggest reliance of the Barthamello family.

This bronze watch was originally used by him as a last resort to break Bai Yigong's conspiracy, but he didn't expect it to be used on these ...... incomprehensible angels in the first place.

"It is the breath of the Roman gods..."

When Bartholomew took out the costume of the Age of Gods, Roy immediately realized the power that symbolized the twelve main gods of Rome. For the godslayer, the breath of God is like the sea. Dazzling like a lighthouse.

Chapter 66: The Opening of the Hole of the Root

There is a huge void in the bottom of Siberia, that void does not actually exist on this planet, a more accurate way of saying it should be an imaginary space or an 'other world'.

White-winged man Teffam.

Oroxie is located in this big hole, there are many broken and rough halls and stone pillars around him, dense cracks appear on those stone carvings like works of art, even the stone statues of gods fall to the ground and turn into dust. , No matter how you look at it, this is the remains of an ancient temple.

In front of Tefham, there is a huge beam of light exuding a dazzling glow. Under the beam of light is a complex pattern. These patterns attract the magic of the underground planet. , adsorbing the ether of the gods in the air, and even capturing the unknown magic power from the universe, under the triple overlapping of the starry sky, the earth and the human world, a blasphemy ceremony that belongs to the greatest even in the gods is going on.

"When the ceremony is completed, this ruin will also be abolished... But it doesn't matter, as long as the ceremony is completed, no matter...

It's the church, the magician is still "three zeros"

The dead disciples must submit to the old man, for those magicians, the research value of this ruins is very high, just to complete such a ceremony is considered a waste."

"...But the old man is not... a magician, the old man is the king of the dead. The only function of this relic is to prepare for the old man's perfect ascension to the throne. The magicians of this era are really strange, It took two thousand years of hard work for the so-called 'root', that kind of thing can be seen everywhere in the Age of God!"

Bai Yigong despised modern magicians, or if any magician from the age of God appeared in modern times, he would be puzzled by the pursuit of magicians in this era. It just seems...incomprehensible.

If modern magicians live in pursuit of their roots, then the magicians of the age of God have the opposite cause and effect. They can only become magicians by touching their roots.

"Recreating the scene of doomsday and summoning the apostle of the sky has never been seen before even the old man. Without this relic, even the old man would not be able to face this mystery directly... But it is different now, my death Disciples, wait and hold on for a while..., your king will eventually return, and human reason will be shattered, this world should belong to those who are disciples of us and death!"

... White Wing is in the final stage of the ceremony, and the battle on the surface has come to a fever, the biggest noble of the clock tower.

Barcelo took out a bronze watch, which was the costume of the gods who borrowed the power of Jupiter, the main **** of Rome, to show the power of the law.

The bronze watch of the "Twelve Bronze Tables Method" itself is not a real bronze watch, but the mystery itself has the meaning of reference and substitution. This bronze watch marked with twelve Roman numerals is a form of analogy to replace that. The most important legal document of the Roman period.

The monarch of the Fazheng Division activated the God-era attire in his hand. If it was in other places, it would take a great deal of effort to activate the God-era attire. However, in this Siberia region, because of the appearance of the true ether of the God-generation, the activation of the God-generation ceremonial changed. It's much simpler, but even so, even the master of Barthemelo, who has the characteristics of omnipotent magic, feels that his powerful and delicate magic circuit is extremely painful under the burning of this true ether.

Even Bartholomew couldn't unleash any magic of the Age of Gods. It was a question of age and concept, not a magic circuit that could solve it. However, through the costume of the Age of Gods, he temporarily became the one who signed a contract with Jupiter, the main **** of Rome. The magician of the age of God, any magic displayed by the magic has a special power, that is, the power of Zeus! Bathermelo did not control the lightning point for this, because the "Twelve Bronze Tables" is the power of the law, which makes Ba Semelo's magic at this time has the meaning of allowing the world to recognize the law! "Trial, execute!"

At this moment, Bartholomew was like a member of the Ma Senate, in charge of approval, recognized the authority of the law, and became the representative of the nobility.

Regardless of....

In some respects, this Roman Senate is similar to the modern Barthomero, both are pillars of aristocratic rule, and both are in charge of legal affairs. It can be seen from this that the ancestors of the Barthomero family should be the Roman Senate. one, and a very important one.

When the two procedures of trial and execution were issued, the magic of the Age of Gods came into play. The protection of the law from Jupiter acted on the angel who was summoned by Roy. After all, this is just an incomplete angelic technique. It was nothing but a highly condensed ether complex. With the power of Jupiter, the main Roman god, surging, nearly half of the more than 20 angels who were slaughtering the magician were annihilated under the law.

Being able to eliminate the mystery of the Age of Gods as a modern magician, even if it relies on the ancient costumes of the Age of Gods, the strength of the Barthamero family is evident, worthy of the nominal ruler of the Clock Tower, worthy of the most modern magician. peak.

Under the legal force of Jupiter, it is estimated that any ancestor of the dead apostle would be unbearable, and every generation of Barthémello's masters dared to hunt down the ancestor of the dead apostle also had a trump card.

It was only after releasing such a powerful magic of the age of gods, that Bathermelo himself was sluggish, even if it was the magic circuit and engraving that Bathermelo had inherited for more than two thousand years, releasing such magic would have to pay a great price.



The magician of the Law and Politics Department exclaimed, and Bathemello also sensed the danger. He immediately ignored the noble manners, and just... a lazy donkey rolled around, and this ugly action at a critical moment saved his life, but His left arm was also cut off by the sword of light that suddenly appeared... The pain of the broken arm struck, but Bathemello didn't even snort, this level of pain would not make him cry, when Barthamello was relieved to see that his right hand was fine.

His right hand is where the magic engraving is located. As the magic engraving works, the rupture of the left arm immediately stops the bleeding. The older the magic engraving, the stronger its ability, and can even replace any organ of the body. Those who have been in charge of the family for a long time can even be comparable to the vitality of the Dead Apostles by virtue of the ability of magic engraving, but while magic engraving has powerful effects, it also has huge shortcomings.

For example, the abnormal death of oneself can easily cause the damage to the magic seal, which is equivalent to destruction for any magic family. Even if Barthamello loses the magic seal, the oldest magic family will immediately.

Fall apart.

In one fell swoop, half of the angels who attacked the magicians were eliminated, and the situation here was temporarily stabilized. At this time, Barthel Mello also retreated, and his thoughts changed. He no longer wanted to find any relics of the Age of God. The only thing is to keep his magic seal and return to London, even if he loses his life and soul for it.

As Barthémello played an exemplary role, the other monarchs were not stingy, and all kinds of ancient costumes were used. After paying a great price for each, the situation on this side gradually stabilized, at least it will not be swayed. These......the sudden angels made the group disappear.

Roy didn't pay attention to the angels' war at all at this time. For the magicians, it was close to 5.

6 The Angel Legion of the natural disaster, in Roy's view, is just an ordinary technique. As the material realm at the lowest level in the four realms of 'earth, water, fire and wind', it cannot bear the power of the peak of human beings. , a little carelessness may cause the entire material world to collapse.

The only person who can compete with Roy, the peak of a human being, is the peak of another human being.

At this time, he looked at the ruins of the Age of God, and in his strange and majestic eyes, he saw the opening of the 'hole', and the breath of the root was blowing! It's not that modern magicians don't pursue the root at all, rather than saying that he opened the root hole, it is better to say that his ritual makes the root hole open, and this cause and effect cannot be reversed.

''...this is the breath of the root. I seem to...understand a lot of things.

At this moment, if Roy realized something, it was as if the question he had been struggling with for a long time had been answered and he saw the right direction.

Chapter 67 An angelic spell is enough!

Except for Roy, even the magicians who have been chasing the root for two thousand years have not noticed the extremely shallow source breath. The sixth sense from the 'spirit' told Roy that this What is about to be shown before him may be... the most important information he is after and looking for.

Even Roy's heart was slightly excited at this time, and he sat on the white horse calmly, waiting quietly for the scene he was looking forward to.

Roy was waiting quietly, while the Eltluqi side was caught in a hard fight. Compared with the angels sent to the magician's square, the number of angels who came to Eltluqi's side was even greater. Forty angels rushed into the army of the Ancient Red Dead Apostles, where they slaughtered wildly.

The white knight Brad and the black knight Stuart were surrounded by angels. The two ancient dead apostles fought against the angels. completely dragged into the war.

Elter Luqi clenched her teeth, and was surrounded by many angels in the tumbling blood waves. She originally planned to use the blood moon to enhance her power, but under Roy's spell, the scene of doomsday was replaced by the scene of the doomsday. The scarlet moon made Eltluqi's attempt to increase her strength fail. She watched her army of dead disciples die tragically under the sharp blades of these angels, and she felt heartache.

Is this love and killing each other? Is it because she was on the sidelines before that made 22 Roy angry and used such a huge army of angels to completely drag her dead disciples into the quagmire of war? Or is it that the Patriarch of the East is actually against her? She doesn't have any feelings at all, she's just using her as a gun: At that time, it's just to get rid of her... heresy, those feelings of hers are actually self-indulgent and the mind of the ancient red is extremely complicated, but even if her mind is complicated at this time I didn't dare to think too much, in order to cope with these... The terrifying army of angels has already exhausted it.

Although in terms of the number of strong people, Eltluqi is much stronger than the magician, but the dead disciples are good at physical ability and immortality. Now these two advantages are useless in front of the angels. In the face of these angels like nemesis, the dead disciples are not better than those magicians.

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