Whether it was the Templars or the agents, they all believed in this... Patriarch Dongzheng is definitely an 'angel on earth' sent by the Lord to the earth, and even from the scene where he sounded the trumpet, he knew the Bible very well. The priests have regarded it as the incarnation of Michael! Roy looked at the eyes of these priests. He knew that he was already the supreme bishop of the Holy Church. Performing miracles is...the best way to gain their allegiance and support.

"First of all, kill the peeping fool."

Roy chuckled lightly, raised his left hand high, a blood-red long sword emerged from the palm of his hand, and stabbed out into the shadow of the ground with the tip of the sword pointing downwards.

With the tip of the sword piercing the ground, there was a bloodstain flowing out of the shadows.

"That's... the twenty-second ancestor of the dead apostle!"

Kotomine's eyes widened as he looked at the blood sprouting from the shadow under Roy, and he immediately found the corresponding ancestor from his knowledge.

This is a blood-sucking species woven from shadows. Its own entity only has the concept of shadows. It has to be said that among the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead, except for the ancestors of... Some of the surviving shapes are very weird.

As blood emerged from the shadows, a shrill scream also sounded from it, and a dark shadow sprang out from the shadows. There were still blood-red traces on the black body. The ability of the gods belongs to the innate ability of the hero of steel in the gods, no matter...

It was the recalcitrant Suzhan Mingzun that Mijiayi had once killed, and they all had the effect of killing the Earth Goddess.

The mere thing that is a disciple of death can't compare to the immortal goddess of the earth.

The 22nd ancestor jumped from the shadow under Roy's feet to the sky. This ancestor of the dead should be hiding here and wanted to sneak attack, but he never thought that Roy would notice when he got into the shadow. .

"Ah ah ah ah ah------"

The ancestor of the dead apostles who jumped into the sky has not reacted, and it confronted the angels who just walked out of the gate of heaven. Witnessed by many dead disciples, magicians and church clergy, the angels showed their own strengths. Divine power, the high-energy weapon gathered by the light in his hand did not hesitate to... cut the ancestor of the dead apostle in front of him to pieces.

The landscape, the ancestor of the dead disciple, who was torn into fragments of shadows, floated down from the air. After the last scream, the shadow fragment of the ancestor of the dead disciple just... turned into flying ashes, forever. disappeared on the earth.

Even before his own immortality was unfolded, the ancestor of a dead disciple perished forever.

"Lord, please have mercy on the world! My angels, send all heretics to hell, this is the mercy of the Lord!"

Roy shouted loudly, and where the sword in his hand pointed, the holy angelic army was... spreading in all directions.

Brahma who just summoned the new magic city.

Feim saw that in addition to... the magicians, even the existence of angels appeared in Siberia, he gritted his teeth, that is... issued an order to his golem.

That is a cow running on the earth, it is Brahman.

Feim created the golem based on the 'bull of the sky' in Sumerian mythology. This bull, which is as huge as a hill, ran, broke the forests, and blew a terrifying hurricane. There is a mountain in front of it and it can also smash it into pieces.

"Well, with the blessing of the surrounding temples, the power of this puppet is barely comparable to that of the wild boars in Veleslana, but unfortunately it does not have any resistance in the face of the Angel Legion. If it is real The bull of the sky is here to fight my angels."

These angels are energy aggregates made by Roy with highly condensed magic power. Although they do not have the nobility and special skills sublimated from fantasy like the heroic spirits, they are only in terms of the strength of the body's spiritual core. I don't know how much stronger than a Servant...

Maybe one day Roy can really bestow personalities on these angels and turn them into real apostles of heaven, but from the current situation, these... are just The highly concentrated energy body of true ether is enough to sweep the world.

More than a dozen angels flew to the huge bull, with their wings spreading, the angels sang holy songs, the lethal power of the songs to the spiritual body slowed down the pace of the puppets, accompanied by the weapons of one after another. The brilliance lit up, and in an instant, this huge bull was... divided into countless pieces.


When Mu saw this gaping canthus, his eyes were bloodshot, he looked like a madman, and said fiercely: "...Bai Yigong, I've made a big deal this time, if your plan doesn't work, Don't blame me for finding you to settle accounts afterwards!"

In a short period of time, he has destroyed three magic cities, two of which were shot down by magicians with great magic. He can accept it, but the exaggerated and incomprehensible fighting power of these angels makes him unable to believe it at all.

The mad Ancestor of the Dead Apostles knew that he was unavoidable and could only summon the remaining Demon City to continue fighting, otherwise these angels would tear his body to shreds in the next moment, just as silent as the ancestor of the Dead Apostles before. A breathless death.

But the only thing that made Brahman.

Feim relieved a little, because these hundreds of angels did not come to him alone, otherwise this... the ancestor of the dead disciples could be killed. Those angels were divided into several parts, and some angels flew into the ruins. , Some angels rushed to the magician, some angels flew to the army of the dead who were fighting with the Templars, and some angels charged to the army of the dead disciples of Hei Ji who had been watching the play. To kill heretics is to kill them all! Even if everyone is reluctant at this moment, the dead must join hands with the magicians to fight against these unreasonable angels... here we go.

Chapter 65 The slaughtered magicians

The angel summoned by Roy was divided into four parts, and one part rushed to the location of the ruins of the Age of Gods, forcing the ancestors who protected the ruins of the Age of Gods to join the war.

This is the white-winged man Teffam.

The last fortress of Otenrocher, whatever...

It was the black princess, the church, or the magician who did not intend to be the first intruder to prevent others from benefiting from the fisherman. The permafrost is completely messed up.

In addition to the part of the ruins of the Age of God, there is another... detachment of angels who descended from the sky and came to the army of the dead facing the church. The fighting power of these angels is compared with those of the dead. The gap is huge, every angel is like chopping melons and vegetables, cutting the dead and the undead who... come and go back and forth under the sword, instead of... calling it the undead The war with the angels is rather a massacre.

The angels who were endowed with the concept of severing immortality by Roy are simply... natural nemesis for the undead like the dead apostles. The combination of the power of the Bible and the concept of severing immortality makes these heretics The dead disciples complained incessantly, these angels were like killers without emotion, they just beheaded all the heresies they could see, and the dead disciples had no choice but to fight hard. For a time, the land of Siberia was filled with smoke and the sky. The hail and flames that fell became more and more wild, and the blood in the river became more and more rich, completely apocalyptic.

The Templars and their agents were stunned for a moment, then immediately.

He also raised his arms and joined the war team. The army of the dead, which had previously made it difficult for the Templars and their agents to advance, was breached in the blink of an eye. Under the leadership of the angels, every cleric turned into a fanatic. , send these... heretics to hell.

On the other side, some angels rushed into the camp where the magician of the clock tower was, and they were caught by Brahma.

The magic city 'Bahamut' summoned by Feim was the first to bear the brunt. This huge monster called Beamon in the "Bible" was only slightly larger in size in front of the Angel Legion. After all, the puppet of the Fourteenth Ancestor is not as good as the real thing. It didn't take long for the angel's sword of light to... cut this huge puppet into pieces and fall on the snow field.

Don't wait for Brahman.

Feim cried bitterly, and without waiting for the magicians to breathe a sigh of relief, the angels rushed into the clock tower team again and began to slaughter these magicians.

For a time, the magician team in the entire clock tower became a mess, screaming one after another, many magicians who were not ready were cut in half by the long swords of the angels, and the broken body fragments dyed the snow field red, intestines, stomachs, kidneys Wait... the splintered organs almost turned this ruined hill into a slaughterhouse.

The only thing that the magicians at this time are lucky is that their bodies as human beings are actually no different from those of the dead. For these overly powerful angels, it is just a simple stroke to kill them. The most powerful immortality for the Dead Apostles is completely useless here.


Ulyphas, think of a way!"

The monarch of the Inheritance Section, Brisisan, shouted anxiously, although these angels are outrageously strong, but they... The monarch of the Clock Tower is not an easy one. Before coming to Siberia, I prepared a lot of magic dresses, and I wanted to rely on these...all kinds of dresses collected for thousands of years to deal with possible crises.

Since most of the magician's body is very fragile, each monarch has several defensive costumes. In a short time, the angels can't use these costumes. Defensive breakthrough.

The monarchs at this time are quite fortunate that there are only more than 20 angels who came to their magician's territory. If the hundreds of angels who were summoned before swarmed up, it is estimated that the elite of their entire clock tower will be wiped out. I'm here, but even so, with the exception of...a few extremely powerful magicians, most of the magicians are crushed at the touch of a button.

At this time, magicians and magicians came out. Those magicians who specialize in research are in the temple and chanting incantations with many companions to activate great magic. They are excellent, but when When the situation became chaotic and everyone could only protect themselves as much as possible, these magicians were all busy but those... The magicians transferred from the tomb of Albion, although Despised by magicians, but with rich fighting experience, even if he does not hurt angels, he can save his life as much as possible.

All the magic can't even splash on these angels. The difference in the level of mystery between the two sides is too great. The bodies of these angels are completely composed of highly condensed real ether, and modern magic has no effect on them. , If you want to hurt these angels, you need at least the magic of the gods, but the embarrassing thing is these....... The magician of the clock tower cannot cast any magic of the gods, because they have nothing with the gods. .

The monarch of the Inheritance Division pointed out that these angels are similar to the existence of the spirit body to the monarch of the serenity division, Ulyphas, and the expert in dealing with the spirit body is the lineage of Uliphas of the serenity division.

"I know... I know, don't... urge me..."

The actual age is quite old, and the voice of the monarch of the serenity is arrogant. This... the monarch of the serenity has launched a magic trick that has been prepared for a long time. The embarrassing thing is that modern magic still doesn't work for these ancient mysteries. Instead, the angel who was cast by Ulyphis was attracted by him, and he just... slashed with a sword.


The monarch of the Spiritual Division screamed, and the whole person flew out and rolled on the ground twice. He finally got up from the ground, the arrogance on his face disappeared, only fear and anger remained.

There are three broken gems on his body. The monarch wears a large piece of gems on his body and fingers. Each gem is a dress, with a terrifying defensive power that is almost like an ancient city wall. It is also sealed with a special spirit, which can be said to be the monarch's biggest bargaining chip. The defensive power that all his gems can form together can even be comparable to that of a modern military fortress.

But now this fortress-like protective ability has been slashed by these angels at will... Breaking three gems, if a few more angels swing their swords at him, it is estimated that... the monarch of the seances will be killed on the spot. Death.

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