In the age of the gods, gods of different gods were on the earth, and the laws at that time were also different from now, and even the boundaries divided by modern humans could not adapt to the age of gods, the gods in the myths and legends of a small place , In fact, the land where they live is very vast.

Even modern magic can do some empty convenience, even move a little phase, not to mention the gods and magicians of the age of gods, in that full of true ether, the regions of the age of gods are more like closed ones. 's ring.

Until the end of the Age of Gods, the human world was connected, but scattered everywhere because of language barriers. This is the origin of the myth and legend of the "Tower of Babel".

Even the modern laws of physics are actually the tower at the end that stands above the earth, a curtain separating the outside and inside of the world.

It is almost impossible for human science in this world to conquer the stars and the sea. Different planets follow different laws. It is estimated that after the solar system, the natural laws at that time will be another world. It can completely collapse the mathematical laws of human beings, and make the technology and civilization of human society collapse instantly.

Therefore, the probability of humans trying to land on the starry sky to counterattack Gaia is infinitely close to zero, and the only celestial body that humans can reach is estimated to be the moon that exists as a Gaia satellite.

Therefore, in the calculation of Atlas College, the existence of the steel earth and the wandering star will become a fact that human beings will inevitably perish. The meaning of the existence of Atlas College is to avoid this perishing, but The efforts of many generations of magicians and alchemists have not reached the true end.

The power of human reason in the moon world is so powerful, because the future of human beings in this world is elusive, and there is even no future to speak of.

"In the past, the old man has never been able to find the best method and opportunity to use this relic, but now the old man has finally caught this wonderful point, the undercurrent of human society is surging, and a war sweeping the world is coming, and this time is also I'm waiting for the best chance for those who are disciples of death!"

"...The Church of the Holy Church, the Magic Association, and the part of the Dead Apostles represented by Ertuluqi are all gathered here. This old man will use this opportunity to destroy them all, and the power of our Dead Apostles will be great. Going up, the future of primates will be cut off here, and the principles of human beings will be replaced by the principles of aliens, and even the restraint will not be able to stop us, because there is another restraint that will support us, hahahaha!”

Duke Bai Yi laughed loudly, as if he had seen the moment when he raised the throne of the King of the Dead Apostles and ruled the world.

The rise of aliens such as the Dead Apostles represents... the decline of human nature. There are many such worlds in different parallel worlds, which is a common sense in the mysterious world.

"I'm not interested in... these.... All I want to do is to hunt the dead apostle Ji Jun!"

A gloomy voice resounded in the ruins.

"Your wish will come true, Twelfth Patriarch, that's my wish too!"

Bai Yigong replied so affirmatively.

"Then Bai Yigong, what we have to do now is to buy time for you"

Another hoarse sound like bones colliding came.

"Yes, the Eleventh Patriarch, all you have to do now is to help me buy time for 683. I have been preparing for this plan for hundreds of years, and now the environment in this area is infinitely close to that of the Age of God, which is suitable for our dead disciples to play. when, and for those humans, they are undoubtedly in a highly toxic environment in this environment!"


Otenro Road.

"I don't like this ordering, Duke Bai Yi, you know it's just a sign that those people in the church gave us."

The Fourteenth Patriarch of the Dead Apostles.

Mu said with some dissatisfaction, although there are twenty-seven ancestors of the dead disciples, there is actually no ranking among the dead disciples. Those rankings are all from the church. What they did was to rank them in terms of their threat to primates, but in fact, this ranking was not accurate at all. In terms of primate threat, Bai Yigong was obviously higher than Ancient Red, but the two ranked worse. Very big, there are some ancestors of the dead disciples who inherited the ancestors of the previous generation, their rankings should be lowered, but in fact they have not changed.

"Haha, you must know that the ranking of this old man is only the seventeenth, but your ranking is higher than that of the old man!"

Bai Yigong, known as the King of the Dead Apostles, is very good at speaking, and his strength should be the strongest among the people here, but this... The King of the Dead Apostles uses this language art to reduce his sense of existence, This is to satisfy the vanity of other ancestors, so as to be used by oneself.

He does have the means and ability to be the King of the Dead Apostles.

None of the Dead Apostles were refuting his words, and all the Dead Apostles seemed to see the future of the rise of aliens.

Chapter 58 The greatest belief of mankind is money

In the frozen soil of Siberia, an army of thousands of people is walking in the forest, and the biting cold wind blows, making the green of the coniferous forest in the forest darker.

More than a thousand Templar knights in armor were silent, only iron tools crunched on the soft branches and leaves under their feet, and more than 300 substitutes were scattered nearby, like scouts looking for traces of the enemy.

Roy sat on a high-headed horse and followed the army. Looking at this strictly trained army, Roy felt as if he had passed away.

But at that time, Roy was marching with an army of at least 100,000 people, and now the more than 1,000 people are... It seems a bit not enough.

"If it's another 30 years, it is estimated that we will be able to transport troops in vehicles. The current vehicle technology is still a bit poor."

Roy patted the horse under his seat, it was just a very ordinary horse, but he missed his wushu, which was made by the first emperor with the secret method of the immortal family, even in the fantasy species. Absolutely the best of the best.

"Your Majesty, some of the cars you mentioned are running in the city now, and those cars are indeed a good future development trend."

Kotomine, who was Roy's entourage, also rode by the side, and he was talking to Roy while looking at the map in his hand.

"Well, after that, you can use the name of the church to invest in some car companies, and the church also needs its own larger property."

Roy continued Kotomine's words.

If someone can travel back and live from the early 20th century to the 21st century, as long as someone with a little culture can easily make a lot of money, Roy has no concept of money, and he doesn't need it, but he wants to run a huge The organization of money is essential.

Since he is in the church now, he is also taking all the power of the church, and Roy knows that he will probably stay in this world for at least a hundred years. In this case, he will seek more development for the organization. Funding is also something he must think about, which is a difficult problem that must be overcome as an organizational leader.

Just like the three noble families of the clock tower added together, their economic and military strength is probably comparable to that of a small country, of course, there is no comparison with the huge five rogue countries in the future.

Kotomine was a very serious secretary, and after Roy finished speaking, he just... put down the map and took out a small notebook, and recorded all the words that Roy ordered on it.

Seeing Kotomine's serious look, Roy couldn't help laughing, "... Kotomine, do you know what the biggest belief in this world is?"

"If it is the current belief, it should be our cross religion."

Kotomine thought for a while, and without any hesitation... said his answer.

"No, compared to the belief in the Cross religion, the biggest belief in the world is actually money. The ancient kings printed their heads on coins, and modern countries put their badges and national flags on them. This is belief, and What coins represent in mysticism is the carrier and medium of belief.”

"...Nobody doesn't love Franklin, of course it's the people of the future."

Roy's eyes seemed to have traveled through time, as if there was no mystery in front of him, and the words he said were... the scene that will be realized in the future.

This is Kotomine's favorite time to stay with Roy. In his eyes, Roy is... the 'prophet' recorded in the Bible, guiding the future direction for all believers.

"Regardless of....

It is the oriental monasticism and the western magic mysticism, money is essential, even the transactions between magicians are based on money, so teach a different way of thinking to suppress the magic association, that is to use worldly money, Let the mysteries of heresy be stretched thin."

Roy chuckled and decided a development policy for the church, followed by him and changed the topic: "...Yanfeng, are you married?"

"Not yet, Your Majesty!"

"Is there an object?"

Just like every leader cares about the emotional issues of their subordinates, Roy also asked about Kotomine's private life.

"I don't have a partner, but my family... I hope I can go back to the island country to get married, but I don't have this idea yet. I'm going to be a proxy for a while before going back to get married and have children. At that point I might leave the proxy ranks and become a pastor of a church."

Kotomine clearly has his own plans for the future, and he explained his plans in a straightforward manner.

"Well, this is also the choice of many agents who have retired from the front line. If you want to return to the Far East in the future, go to Fuyuki City and become a priest there."

"Your suggestion will be my top priority!"

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