Chapter 56: Ancient Red

In the dead of night, there is no St. Petersburg at night in the Evenki Autonomous Region.



It was so lively that the small town fell into darkness very early, and even the crescent moon above the head was hazy, making it difficult to see.

In a small two-story building in the city, Roy was lying on the bed in his bedroom. He was covered with a quilt and closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

The door of the bedroom was silently opened, and a black skirt slipped in through the opening of the door. Through the window with no curtains drawn, the dim moonlight shone in the room, reflecting the inky black show of the person who came. Her hair was reflected on her beautiful blood-red eyes, and her snow skin was white even in the dark night.

Eltluqi walked silently to the bed with cat steps, looking at Roy who was sleeping, the ancient red's expression was a little complicated and hesitant.

Thinking of what happened in the past year, from that "April 17"

Go to St. Petersburg on a whim.



In the Peter and Paul Cathedral of Peter and Paul Cathedral, I saw this... mysterious Patriarch of the East, and then became a prisoner under the powerful and irresistible force of the other party. At that time, Ertuluqi was already ready to be sealed or even sealed. Prepare to be completely killed.

Although there are some regrets, but not much resentment, even many magicians can face death calmly, not to mention the ancient red with thousands of years, she is not like the snake of Akash after all. Just like that, he is so attached to his own life.

But the development of things will always exceed expectations. As the ninth ancestor of the dead disciple, as the dead disciple Heiji, she unexpectedly survived after falling into the hands of the church.

She was supposed to be killed, no matter who can kill her named Eltluqi, it will definitely become famous, and it will definitely become that... Changed the pattern of the dead, and even changed the world of the mysterious world. Not to mention the person who captured her was the enemy church who had fought against the dead for two thousand years.

But this... Patriarch Dongzheng didn't really kill him, but instead made her a nun in a joke.

In the past year, she worked as a volunteer, delivered welfare meals to the poor, prayed with the believers, wiped the dust of the Virgin Mary in the church, as a dead apostle, as one of the dead apostles Princess, these behaviors are simply... unreasonable, even the current Ertuluqi has memorized the "Bible" by heart, and she can come with her mouth open.

But this year has been the most relaxing year in her life, not because her faith calmed her heart, but because in front of that strong man, she had given up her thinking and vigilance, and she just lived by .

There is no fear and caution when facing the Moon King when he was just born, and there is no anxiety and irritability in being chased and killed for thousands of years. There are only bits and pieces in the daily life of ordinary people, peace, tranquility, There is no danger, no need to be careful of anyone, just living the life you want is enough.

No one likes to live a life of death from day to day, and those who have not experienced such a life cannot understand the pain.

"It's really an incredible person, and he doesn't look like a concubine."

Aertuluqi's voice was like a gnat, and her tone was so soft that she couldn't even hear it clearly.

This man's thinking circuit is really strange. He even associates the cannibalism of the dead with the eating of cattle and sheep. To be honest, this description is a bit arrogant. Even Ai Er can't understand it, because it is tantamount to putting human beings. The position is below the dead disciple, this man clearly has a single heart to protect the principle of human beings, but he still said such words.

He kept his promise, even though he always used words to make himself angry, but the promise he promised to supply a drop of blood every day has never changed. Seventy-seven, eighty-eight healed, the remaining injuries no longer affect any of her actions.

This is simply the behavior of the enemy.

Sometimes Eltluqi doesn't understand herself, she doesn't want to leave, is she greedy for the smell of his blood and wants to heal her injury completely, or is it because she is greedy for this peaceful and quiet life, she doesn't need to be intrigued, just every day. It's okay to be noisy and have fun.

Looking back now, although he sometimes has a vicious mouth and always makes fun of himself, he is actually quite happy, and I don't know if his thinking circuit is also broken.

I thought that such days would not change for a long time in the future, maybe hundreds of thousands of years, because I really am not his opponent, even if I want to escape, I can't run far, look, even excuses I found it, but Elter Luqi never thought that in the end, he took the initiative to let her 'run away' and let her leave..." You said that you let your concubine leave to balance the power of the dead disciples, concubine Body is considered to be believed, because concubine body knows that only by believing in you, can concubine body return to the form of the past and become that ancient red that everyone fears and everyone avoids."

"...But your excuse is really arbitrary. Although I don't know what kind of mystery you hold, I have a premonition that you have the ability to wipe out all the dead disciples with one person's power. , if you really care about humanity, you can kill your concubine, the dead disciples of your concubine, and everything related to Otten Rocher and him. In this way, the person you want to protect will be killed. The reasoning will be more stable, I am afraid that even the resurrection of the 'King of the Moon' will have nothing to do with you."

"But you don't do it, and it's just a matter of making your concubine's body unclear. You say you like the concubine's body, but in fact, you have always been polite to the concubine's body, and you don't mean to be greedy at all. It's your arrogance that makes you disdain it. Do it"

Eltluqi was muttering in a very small voice, her expression for a while... indignant, for a while... helpless, for a while... hesitant, for a while... again at a loss, but in the end it was all change. For calm.

"Forget it, if you keep thinking like this, your concubine will not look like yourself anymore. This time if you catch your concubine, you won't catch your concubine next time. Well, it's not because of 4.

7 The concubine body is strong enough to fight against you, but the concubine body will not give you another chance, it is you who missed it, so don't blame the concubine body."

Elter Luqi's ruby-like seductive eyes became colder and colder, the faint and soft smile on her face subsided, and the whole person turned into an expressionless, indifferent and noble look.

The Eltluqi who was the 'Sister' is no more, and the Heiji, the dead apostle who is the Red of the Ancients, reappears.

Her fingers landed on Roy's sleeping cheeks, the fingers were cold, the belly of the fingers was warm, and there was a touch of desolation, and then she seemed to have made up her mind, closed her eyes and lowered her head, her lips as gorgeous as petals matched his. .

After a long time, Ertuluqi stood up, and with the black skirt and graceful figure swaying under the moonlight, the ancient red figure... completely disappeared in this bedroom.

Roy opened his eyes at this time.

Chapter 57 Your heart stays here

Roy, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes, and he touched his lips with his hand, which had wet traces and a faint fragrance.

It was blood, the smell of Altlucchi.

The blood is his own, and before the ancient red left, he bit his lip hard, but Roy knew that it was not to get the magic power in his blood, just to leave a mark on his body .

Because what Ertuluqi took away was only his blood, and gave up his magic power.

Roy woke up when Heiji of the Dead Apostle walked into this bedroom, Eltluqi knew this, and she also knew that she couldn't really approach such a powerful existence silently.

But even so, Ji Jun of the Dead Apostle still made that bold and active behavior.

Getting up from the bed, Roy looked at the window. The window had been opened, and the dim moonlight shone into the house from outside. The curtains swayed in a mottled shadow in the house under the cool breeze.

Roy walked to the window in his pajamas and looked out. The crescent moon above his head was gradually dyed with a layer of blood red, and the dark figure was gone, but under Roy's gaze, it was gone. Under the moonlight, the beautiful girl looked back and smiled, cold and charming.

Roy put one leg on the edge of the window and 22 legs were close to the wall, so he sat by the window and stared out.

"Although your body is gone, your heart is bound here, Eltluqi.


With a low smile, Roy just...withdrew his eyes and looked at the sky, the blood-stained moonlight gradually faded away, and the thick clouds blocked the brilliance, just looking at the sky for a long time, Roy was muttering Said: "...the stage has been set up, Teffam.

Otten Rocher, it's time for your performance, let me watch an interesting farce."

... "The stage has been set up, all the actors are in place, and as the screenwriter and starring, I have to play in person!"

In an underground ruins in Siberia, wearing a gorgeous robe, the tall ancestor of the Dead Apostles was speaking majestically to the Dead Apostles beside him.

"Is this the ruins of the Age of Gods, Duke Baiyi."

A man in his thirties wearing a monocle and dressed very seriously asked, this man has a meticulous expression, his beard is neatly groomed, and his temperament looks similar to that of an aristocrat, but more Many are like a businessman who relies on appearance to deceive others.

"This is the relic of the Age of Gods. I already knew of its existence when I was alive in the Age of Gods. This is the last piece of pure land left by the gods who once commanded this vast and cold land, the fourteenth ancestor!"

The most ancient king of the dead apostles replied in his majestic and dignified tone.

Some laws of the moon world are quite amazing. Different planets follow different physical laws. Earth and Mercury do not follow the same physical laws, so there is a theory of alien laws.

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