Seeing this scene, Subaru Nayuki's expression became stiff, and after returning from death so many times, he also grew up. From Elsa's expression and words, he also came to a conclusion.

"'re actually allegiance to him before you helped me just acting"

Nayuki Subaru only felt a loud bang in his head, as if the sky was about to fall. As for this half-vampire girl who helped him a lot, Nayuki Subaru always thought that she could be used and trusted, because Al Sha has nothing to do with anyone in Lugnica, but who would have thought that such a person who has nothing to do with Lugnica's nobles has always been a 25th boy. "But why... ...why are you spying on me"

Subaru Nayuki thought that Elsa pretended to be loyal to him a long time ago, which means that Elsa should have obeyed Roy's orders from then on, and all his actions were exposed under the eyes of the other party. .

But that's not right, I was just an ordinary person with what kind of ability at that time, why... the highest priest of the Witch Cult attaches so much importance to him Nayuki Subaru only feels that his head is messing with his actions, his thoughts and thoughts , was actually held by that hand, and that person was undoubtedly... the highest bishop of the Witch Cult in front of him.

"Because of the return of death, my 'arrogant bishop'..."

Roy told Nayuki Subaru softly why he paid attention to him.

"Death pronounce the name, but why are you okay"

Subaru Nayuki's expression changed. In the past, he tried to tell others that he had the ability to 'return from death', but as soon as he said it, either his heart was crushed, or... he heard him say 'return from death'. People died violently, but Roy could say the word so easily and nothing happened.

His brain thought quickly, and suddenly 'suddenly realized', and laughed wildly: "...haha!! I know, you want to get 'death return', but the envy witch gave the ability of 'death return' I did not give you the highest bishop of the Witch Cult, you are trying to use Emilia to resurrect the jealous witch, just to return to death!"

Subaru Nayuki was suddenly ecstatic, with a sense of euphoria. Look at you... the mastermind behind everything is so concerned about the 'return of death', but you can't get it. The witch of jealousy chose me instead of you, doesn't this mean that I am different from you, I am more favored by 'witches'.

Although he didn't want this 'witch's favor'.

Roy looked at the conclusion that Caiyue Subaru had made up in his brain, and said helplessly: " are really arrogant, ah, the position of arrogant bishop is really the most suitable for you, this brain-enhancing ability is good. "

Roy looked at Emilia next to him again and said, "...Amelia, the person in front of you called Subaru Nayuki, he encouraged Crusher.

Karsten went to kill the Witch Cult, and then cooperated with the Witch Cult to kill him and inform Anastasia.

He Xin's treasonous behavior will make He Xin go to prison and wait for the death penalty. He wants to kill Priscilla, but he did not expect Priscilla to give up the election."

"...And now, he set fire to the royal city and the palace, and captured Feirut, just to attack Reinhardt. He has done so many things, do you know what his real purpose is? "

Roy's words aroused Emilia's thoughts. After years of study and immersion by Roy's side, she instantly guessed the purpose of Subaru Nayuki. She looked at Subaru Nayuki in astonishment, clutching Mouth said in surprise: " are helping me to become king but why are you doing this"


Subaru Nayuki wanted to say that I was repaying my kindness, I was repaying your kindness, I actually... secretly love you... But he didn't say these words after all, Caiyue Subaru just laughed and said: "...Don't care why I do this, I just ask you to believe me, I do everything for your own good, you must be careful about that... Supreme Bishop, please Please, just listen to me this time!!"

His voice was full of mournful wailing, and he wanted to use this pleading way to wake Emilia up.

Emilia was silent for a while, she raised her delicate and beautiful face to look at the fire that was gradually extinguishing all around, and said with a sad expression: "...Mr. Nayuki Subaru, although I am very disgusted, very I hate what you've done, but since you're doing it for me, some of the... sins you've carried are mine too."

Hearing Emilia's sincere words, Subaru Nayuki almost burst into tears. She is really a beautiful, pure and kind angel. It's obviously just her own crazy determination to do those things... ...The evil deeds that should go to hell, but this kind and pure girl, knowing that she is the beneficiary, is willing to bear the sins that do not belong to her.

It was just Emilia's next sentence that made Subaru Nayuki go stupid.

Emilia took a deep breath, she suppressed her extreme anger, and said to Nayuki Subaru with a pretty face flushed: "...but you dare to provoke my relationship with my father, and you want to kill my father. , I will never forgive you for this, and I will never forgive you, and I will even hate you all the time."

"Wait a moment......"

Subaru Nayuki took two steps back in horror. He raised his hand tremblingly to Roy, and said in a dry voice, "...The father you said is him?"

"Of course, this is my father, how could my father hurt me!"

"But he is the supreme bishop of the Witch Cult!!"

"I knew about this when I was a kid.


"You are so similar to the envy witch, the witch sect said that you are the vessel for resurrecting the envy witch!"

Nayuki Subaru covered his head and shouted loudly, as if he couldn't believe this fact.

"Even if Emilia is really the vessel to resurrect Satila, Satila wouldn't do that...doing it...because, ah, Emilia is the daughter of me and the jealous witch Satila. what."

Roy looked at Subaru Nayuki with pity.

At this moment, just like Reinhardt who was stunned beside him, Subaru Nayuki only felt that the world was spinning, and his spirit almost collapsed.

So I always thought that the mastermind behind Emilia was actually Emilia's father So I always thought that the jealous witch who wanted Emilia to be resurrected as a container was actually her mother. What kind of family ethics drama is this! It's not just vegetables Moon Subaru and others looked at Roy in shock, even Emilia.

The fact that Emilia is the daughter of Roy and the Witch of Jealousy, there is no one except...Felutona and Hughes...elves You know, even Emilia herself is the same.

Chapter 223: The Basis of Eternal Calamity Return


Emilia raised her head and looked at Roy, her beautiful amethyst-like eyes showed surprise and emotion, she opened her cherry-like mouth slightly, her tongue trembled slightly, and she couldn't help asking: "... this, is this true, my mother, my biological mother is... the envy witch Satila"

"Of course, I don't have to... lie to you, Emilia... Dad, when did I lie to you?"

Roy gently caressed Emilia's little head, which was shaking slightly because she couldn't believe it. Her silver hair was a little messy, and she murmured, "...No wonder Mama Feltona doesn't Tell me who my biological mother is, no wonder even Hughes never said it, and everyone in the family always kept silent."

"...But, if my biological mother is the envy witch Satila, then why was I born one hundred and forty years ago the envy witch... Mom, why did she devour the world"

Emilia, who was a little messy in her mind, did not completely lose her ability to think. When she found a doubt, she immediately asked.

At the same time, Cursius, Anastasia and Priscilla, who had been released by Roy long ago, were also watching from the vicinity of this noble area. After hearing about Emilia's true identity, these people They also looked at each other in disbelief.

"Emelia, the reason why you weren't born four hundred years ago is for some special reason, and that doesn't really matter."

Roy didn't tell Emilia that her body is... Satila's, she is a personality born on Satila, this answer will make Emilia, who is as gentle as Satila, feel guilty , will think that she occupies the mother's body, so that the mother cannot be resurrected.

"...As for why Satila wants to devour the world, it's because these are false histories, the histories tampered with by the false witch Pandora, your mother is as tender and beautiful as you are, she If you love this world, how could you want to devour it, the world is ignorant and afraid of the envy witch, and even you have suffered Amelia, I hope you don't resent her for this."

Roy bent down slightly, his hand fell on Emilia's tender face, and his expression was gentle.

"I, I won't resent my mother...because I have my mother. Is it true that all the records in history are fake? It's because of that... the villain who is called a fake witch is the reason. Let mother bear four hundred years of infamy..."

Emilia bit her cherry lips tightly, tears flashed in her clear and translucent pupils, and she couldn't help shedding pearl-like tears as her eyes were red.

That is the joy of finally knowing who his biological mother is, but also the heartache of carrying four hundred years of infamy for Satila.

Emilia never doubted Roy's words, she believed that Roy would never deceive her.

The people around who heard Roy's words were complicated and unspeakable. It was the first time they had heard the name of the witch Pandora. People like Curius, who had never believed in history, were just... He believed it, but someone like Subaru Nayuki who didn't believe in himself, after knowing that Emilia's mother was... Satila, he also subconsciously thought that... the witch of jealousy must be the same as Emilia. Gentle and beautiful.

He held his heart with his hand, and during these countless returns, he could feel a figure that made him feel very familiar appeared in the death cycle. He didn't know why he felt familiar before, but now Cai Yue Subaru thought it must be because it was Emilia.

The figure seen in the return of death must be the witch of jealousy, and since the witch of jealousy is... Satila's mother, it is only natural that he will have a warm sense of familiarity.

But why did the jealous witch Satila give him her death? Subaru Nazuki is still puzzled by this question.

Roy wiped Emilia's tears with his thumb, then he straightened up and looked at Subaru Nayuki, and said to Emilia beside him: "...Lea, everything is coming At the end, the four hundred years of false history is about to return to reality, first of all, we must recover the power of death and return and the factor of the witch!"

As soon as the words fell, Roy just... stretched out his right hand and gave Nayuki Subaru a firm grip.

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