Echidona said to Roy who was beside her with a tone of admiration.

"Even if the same day is repeated hundreds of times in a row, as long as you prepare in advance, you can give the day a different meaning, so this is not a single-ended repetition of reincarnation, but you are right, Echidona, It's time to bring back the return of death and the witch factor."

"...Nayuki Subaru should be in despair right now, even though he has used his death more than 500 times to return, he still can't find any hope of defeating Reinhardt."

Roy said with a smile, and then he walked away from the dragons. When Roy passed Roswaal, Echidona disappeared and returned to Roy's mental world.

Not long after, Roswaal was the only one left among the dragons. The man who had struggled for four hundred years but found that he had achieved nothing, stared blankly at the empty palace hall for a long time, unable to speak.

When the licking dog has been licking for four hundred years, there is still nothing left in the end.

Chapter 211: The Return of the Dead File

The burning flames, the burnt down palace, Reinhardt stood in the sea of ​​​​fire, with hatred in his eyes, a look that he had never had in his life as a righteous knight.

Opposite him, Nayuki Subaru smiled grimly and carried a kind of anger to the dazed sadness. The fire around him was burning violently, and the terrifying heat hit, making Nayuki Subaru, who is an ordinary person, feel as if he could take a breath. Feel the pain in the lungs.

"Today...will be your birthday..."

The swordsman of the kingdom issued a declaration of hatred, he lost the calmness of the past, and only the hatred carved into his bones remained.

"Hahahaha!! The patron saint of the Sword Saint Kingdom and other countries have even written laws for you hahahaha, look, look, look at what you have left, you can't protect anything!!"

"...You can't protect the master you are loyal to, you can't protect the city, and you can't protect the country!!"

Subaru Nayuki's voice was extremely sharp, as if he wanted to vent all his anger.

I can't defeat this monster, I can't defeat this monster at all. After more than 500 death returns, Reinhardt waved him to death after meeting each time. In the previous dozens of death returns, he also used Many methods have killed Reinhardt once, but it is useless, this incomprehensible guy actually has the ability called 'the protection of the phoenix.

And after dying once, he will have a new power called 'Continued Phoenix Protection', which is like a scientist playing a game.

Subaru Nayuki felt that his abilities were already cheating, but the Sword Saint in front of him was even more incomprehensible. . . .

With his handsome appearance, noble origin, honest character, powerful strength, and the only child loved by the world, Subaru Nayuki felt how ridiculous he was in front of him, like a clown jumping on a beam, no matter how hard he tried to cross , No matter how hard he struggles, in front of this true 'genius', he is nothing.

The list of strategies, the racking of brains, the use of methods, and the final result is still despair. At this moment, Nayuki Subaru feels that his heart is surging, it is deep... Jealousy! "Where is Feirut-sama? What have you done to Feirut-sama!"

Reinhardt almost gritted his teeth and roared.

He thought it was his own incompetence that made the royal family extinct. After seeing Feirut, the last royal bloodline, he wanted to protect her. He didn't have to make Feirut a king. Identity, so that... as a royal family, the little girl who lived in the slum since she was a child can live a happy life.

But it was all over. Under his own eyes, a man named Subaru Nayuki captured Feirut. He didn't know where he took him. He may have even lost his life, and he was under his own eyes. Underneath, this man set fire to the palace and the city, like a heavy sword pierced through Reinhardt who swore to protect all of this.

"Felut hahahaha, who knows!! Maybe I've been dismantled into eight pieces, and even the corpse has been thrown into the sewers to be fed... wild dogs!"

More than 500 times of death return, facing this monster Yisheng is useless, and now, there is no need to use death return, because Nayuki Subaru is already dead.

The location of his archive has become the moment when he happened to meet the hated Reinhardt, and in front of this sword saint, Nayuki Subaru knows that he has no chance of victory at all, and he will be in endless In the midst of death, waiting for the moment when the soul and spirit completely collapse.

But before that, he will take Reinhardt to be buried with him! "I can't conquer your body, I will conquer your spirit, Reinhardt, I will kill you spiritually and trample you with my feet. Your reputation, tarnish your knighthood, tarnish your heroic name, have you seen the fire, have you seen the disappearing Feirut?

Nayuki Subaru's face was hideous, and he roared with saliva, which even made Reinhardt feel shaken.

"Why...why do you do this just to defeat me, so you have to sacrifice so many people just because of my strength..."

Reinhardt murmured, a kind of heart-wrenching pain filled his body, he was upright, he eliminated evil and promoted good, he was not proud of his own strength, strictly followed the way of knighthood, and sometimes he was not even close. Human feelings, although people are always said to be stubborn and rigid, but Reinhardt has never cared about it. Could it be... Did he really do something wrong? He swore to protect it all, but now his oath has been rejected. Bro five, can a knight who has not fulfilled his promise still be called a knight, is he still qualified to be a knight, a guardian loved by the people, and all these disasters are caused by the enemy who wants to defeat himself... Unconsciously, Reinhardt's footsteps took a wrong step back, which was a crack in his heart and a blow to his spirit.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Nayuki Subaru burst into tears, fell to his knees on the ground, it was over, everything was over, and he did not complete his obsession, although as a nerd, he had played many games and knew the existence of dead files, but Cai Moon Subaru had no idea that his death return would encounter a dead end.

This is probably the biggest flaw of death return, because it is impossible to establish the location and time of the archive, everything is random, then when the location of the archive happens to be just before the desperate situation, everything is over, and those who have death return, will Facing the most terrifying punishment in the world——…….Facing death in an endless cycle! On the other hand, Mei Li looked at Subaru Nayuki, who was almost insane, and Rhein, who was silent and almost absent-minded. Harut, she said with some fear: "...Sister, what should we do now?"

Elsa licked the corner of her mouth and said with a bloodthirsty smile: "...Go ahead, find a way to kill Reinhardt!"

"But...we can't possibly be his opponents at all."

Merry shrank her neck.

"Before Mr. Roy's new order is issued, we must always complete his previous order."

Elsa's bloodshot eyes lowered her head and glanced at Meili, which made Meili even more frightened, but after hearing Roy's name, she nodded again and again: "...Well, I Listen to my sister and complete the task of Lord Roy!"

"What a lovely and heartfelt little girl, such lovely Meili and Elsa, I can't bear to send you to death, let's step back, Elsa and Meili, your mission has been completed, even very well. , I am a little surprised!"

"Master Roy!"

Elsa and Merry turned their heads in joy when they heard the voice, only to see the fierce burning flames as if they were: afraid of something that automatically separated a path, Roy's figure appeared at the end of the flames, and Roy was beside Roy. Also followed Emilia.

Chapter 222 Family Ethics Drama

The arrival of Roy and Emilia also caught the attention of Subaru Nazuki and Reinhardt who were confronting each other.


When she saw that...the silver-haired half-elf that was as beautiful as an angel, Subaru Nayuki with a ferocious expression... subconsciously called out her name.

"Hey do we know each other?"

Emilia looked sadly at the fire around her, and after hearing Subaru Nayuki's cry, she looked in the direction of Subaru Nayuki in surprise, her head was tilted, and she asked cutely and suspiciously.

Nayuki Subaru only felt a pain in his heart, he opened his mouth, but in the end he smiled silently and bleakly.

Yes, Emilia doesn't know her, they should know each other. During the first reincarnation, the two of them talked and laughed, but that encounter made Nayuki Subaru feel his heart. After being saved, the series of things that follow will be done.

Only after the death came back, Emilia forgot his existence, and Subaru Nayuki could only fight alone.

But even if she has forgotten herself, she can't forget her innocent smile in that alley, and the tenderness of giving herself money to see her hurt.

Therefore, it is necessary to help her ascend to the throne "two 2 zero zero"

At this moment, Nayuki Subaru's mind became firm again.

"Emelia, leave the person around you, he is the highest bishop of the Witch Cult, he has his evil purpose in helping you ascend to the throne, and he wants to use you to resurrect the 'jealous witch'!"

Nayuki Subaru took a deep breath and shouted to Emilia, "The resurrection of the 'jealous witch' is... the information he got in the Witch Cult, the reason why he said this was not to sow discord, but Nayuki Subaru really thinks that Roy has an evil conspiracy against Emilia.

Emilia was stunned for a moment, and then she just... blushed, the gentle girl became furious, she was not a girl who easily lost her temper, but Subaru Nayuki's words hit Emilia's heart. the softest place.

Roy raised his hand to stop what Emilia wanted to say, and shook his head at her, Emilia's anger surged immediately.

It disappeared, and she had absolute trust in her father.

Seeing this scene, Subaru Nayuki felt a chill in his heart, and shouted anxiously: "...What did you do to Emilia, you, the highest priest of the Witch Cult, sure enough, The person I should defeat the most is not Reinhardt, but you, the leader of the Witch Cult, and only you are the one who should die the most!!"

"...Elsa, kill him!"

Nayuki Subaru, who had a grim and twisted face, shouted with spittle flying, but the half-vampire killer, who was always obedient, didn't move at this time. Elsa gave Nayuki Subaru a contemptuous look. He smiled: " is it possible for me to kill Lord Roy, even if I would rather die, I will not do anything to Lord Roy."

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