Immediately, Priscilla kicked her slender calf and kicked her red high-heeled shoes away. The jade feet in light red stockings didn't care whether the mud under her feet was dirty or not, she stepped directly on the mud on the shore, and approached the one at a high speed. The evil elf, with the most precise and fast swordsmanship in his life, cut off the head of 'Roy' with the 'Sword of Yang' in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Roy let out a "tsk" and touched his neck subconsciously, feeling a little pain inexplicably.

Chapter 179: The Beginning and End of Destiny

"Hey, take it easy, it hurts my concubine!"

On top of the dragon carriage, Priscilla was sitting on the soft back of the chair. This arrogant girl who has always been strict with herself with perfect noble etiquette has no image at this time. Perhaps she felt that it was meaningless to maintain her image in front of Roy. She was almost sitting on the chair in the dragon carriage, the thick black and red dress was covered with mud, and the whole person looked very embarrassed, which was completely inconsistent with Priscilla's perfect appearance in front of others. .

Prissy stretched one of her legs, and the light red stockings were taken off, revealing a delicate and small jade foot.

The jade feet were snow-white, with blue veins on the back of the feet, and the toes were dyed with crimson nail polish, like roses blooming with enthusiasm, but at the delicate and slender ankles, a red and swollen area could be seen.

When facing the evil spirit before, Priscilla was so angry that she didn't pay attention to her demeanor at all. In addition, she used too much force. Although she eliminated the evil spirit with the 'Sword of Light', she was still there. In the short distance of running forward, her feet were wobbled, and the mud splashed by her boots on the grassy road also stained her gorgeous long dress.

Roy held the weak and boneless snow feet, rubbed the red and swollen place for her, and said with schadenfreude: "...There is no magician who is good at 'water attribute' magic, you still endure the pain Go back to the capital and find a magician to help you heal."

Looking for a magician to heal wounds is an unimaginable luxury for ordinary commoners, but for nobles like Priscilla, it is nothing but everyday life.

Of course Roy has the ability to heal Priscilla, but he just...wanted to see the embarrassed and ashamed look of this proud woman.

Priscilla also knew this, she said coldly: "...are you just looking at the concubine's joke?"

"What does this have to do with me, isn't it your own fault that your feet get dirty?

Crowley's head is cut off, and you're the winner!"

Roy said slowly, his tone was neither hurried nor slow, but because of this, it made him annoyed.

Priscilla felt that what Roy said was right, but felt that what he said was wrong, he was just... watching his own joke, but couldn't find anything to refute.

Priscilla was in a bad mood. She stroked the red flower on top of her head, her expression involuntarily became gentle again. It was a flower dedicated to her by a little girl in the territory after she had dealt with the evil spirit. This flower is worthless, but it embodies the recognition and love of the lord for her, which makes Priscilla feel that it is very worthwhile to come here to kill the evil spirit.

The arrogant girl gradually showed a smile on the corner of her mouth, and her mood became happy again.

Then, she remembered something again, and said to Roy: "...Two months ago, when the Lugnica royal family suffered a strange disease, Long Lishi sent a prophecy, thinking In order to re-select the king of the Kingdom of Lugnica, the concubine is one of the chosen ones, and the other chosen person that the concubine knows is Curius.


Priscilla's tone became arrogant again, as if the blessing of the divine dragon Polkenica would make her one of the candidates for the king, it was a matter of course.

But Priscilla still hummed: "...Actually, there is no need to choose a king at all. As long as the concubine becomes the king, it will naturally make this country prosperous."

"Then you'll be upheld by me, puppet king."

Roy complained, which made Priscilla's face turn dark, wouldn't she say a good word to herself! But even so, she couldn't help herself, and he would suddenly propose like a concubine, in fact, that old immortal is a spell Master, he wants to make his concubine a king, and then he uses a spell to control the concubine, so as to seize the power of the kingdom."

Speaking of this, Priscilla sneered again, "...Those who are malicious to the concubine will eventually be retributed. This is the testimony of the world revolving around the concubine. Those who... ... 'Ex-husbands', all concubines had malicious people, so they all died violently after concubine agreed to propose, and none of them could marry concubine."

Priscilla doesn't know why she wants to explain this to Roy....... She just doesn't want Roy to think that she is really a feisty woman, really a 'The Scarlet Bride'.

I just saw that Roy listened to her, but did not respond to her. The arrogant noble girl was sullen again. She simply covered her face with a folding fan, closed her intoxicating eyes like wine, and took a look. No worries.


At this moment, Roy's face suddenly showed joy, he turned his head to look outside the dragon carriage, and the direction his eyes were looking at was the capital of Lugnica.

When Priscilla heard Roy's voice, her first thought was that Roy was going to tease herself again, but her curiosity still made her open her eyes. After seeing Roy's expression, she was stunned and said: "...What's the matter, why are you so happy? Could it be that you are only happy because your concubine was injured?"

"Of course not, it's just that after so many years of waiting, the result I want is finally coming."

Roy's words were a bit ambiguous, which made Priscilla feel as if she knew something, but at the same time she didn't understand anything, and she wanted to give Roy a tickling in her heart: "This kind of speech is half-spoken, and it seems to be very profound, is the most depressing.

......Lugnica Royal Capital, Emilia walked on the lively streets, listening to the shouts of the vendors on both sides and the bargaining among the pedestrians, watching the crowds rubbing shoulders and the faces of the people filled with joy. The happy smiley face is... sincerely happy.

This country is ruled by her father, and seeing the people here so happy is also a silent proof of her father's greatness, which makes Emilia's little mind feel proud for no reason. feel.

'Dad is really amazing. He can govern such a big country so powerfully, and everyone in the ethnic group has always respected and respected Dad.

' Thinking like this, Emilia's steps became more brisk.

She wore a skirt mainly in lavender and pure white, with two ribbons over her bare shoulders, and opaque heavy white socks on her legs. She was slender and graceful, like a princess who lived in a castle for a long time.

There is also a hood outside Emilia, which is a magical item that can confuse the sight and perception of others. After all, Emilia's appearance is exactly the same as the witch of jealousy, and in this world where everyone is afraid of the witch of jealousy In the middle, she must be covered when she walks outside.


Parker, the outside world is really big, although I have learned a lot of knowledge in books, but this is the first time I see these......"

Emilia is very curious about everything, she has been living in the forest of Erior for the past hundred years, Filtona will not allow her to go out, this is for her safety, until Emilia is strong enough to Bao, after she had enough knowledge, Felutona finally got Zhao to let go and let her come to the outside world.

As a half-elf, Emilia grew up quickly when she was young, but as she approached adulthood, her elf bloodline played a role. Even after a hundred years, Emilia's mentality and appearance are still the same. Aged little girl.

"Aha, you have to listen to me when Liya is outside, I am more experienced than you here!"

The gray kitten carrying the schoolbag flew up and said in a rather mischievous tone.

"Well, I'll listen to you, Parker. Now we should go to Dad first. This is the address that Ferutona's mother gave me."

Emilia took out a delicate note from her cuff, with Felutona's words written in Elvish script on it.

Just when Emilia wanted to ask passers-by where this address was, she suddenly heard a wailing sound coming from a side alley.

With the kindness in her heart and her confidence in her own strength, what Emilia didn't hesitate to do was... follow the voice and walked over.

Then she saw three men who were not good at first sight and were bullying a boy.

Chapter 180 Self-righteous hero

"Although I want to say don't meddle in your own business, but I know Liya, you definitely won't do it."

Seeing this scene, Parker sat on Emilia's shoulder, the gray kitten folded his arms and sighed inexplicably.

"Well, three people bully one person, the three people should look like the gangsters and hooligans that my father and mother Filutona told me, the one who was bullied doesn't look like a thief, especially they also brought a knife …”

Emilia calmly analyzed the situation at the scene. She was kind and gentle at the bottom of her heart, but she was definitely not stupid and naive. Because of her fatherly and motherly love since she was a child, she has always been taught by Roy and Feltona, and she has never experienced despair. , so facing this scene, she did not go to save people directly, but made a decision after analyzing it.

If the person being bullied is a thief or something, her saving people will become a sponsorship of evil.

Emilia pursed her lips, took a step forward with her slender legs, lifted her hood, and shouted tenderly, "...Stop!"

The four people who were in the alley were all stunned, the man lying on the ground holding his head and being beaten, and the three street gangsters looking up in amazement and looking at the person who came, it was just the one who was being beaten. The young man looked a little strange.

"Again...healed again!"

The beaten boy suddenly said something strange, with obvious joy in his tone and expression.

This expression made Emilia, who was about to walk past, be vigilant at the same place. Although she was inexperienced and had never traveled outside the Elior Forest, she was not nothing after being taught by Roy 067 Centennial 100 A fool who knows, Emilia immediately noticed that... the expression of the boy lying on the ground was a little wrong, he seemed to know himself.

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