Roy praised again.

This woman's arrogant appearance actually has a very delicate heart and a smart brain. Although her arrogance is sincere, if anyone underestimates her because of this, she will definitely be played around by this woman.

At this time, Roy changed the subject and said: "...Why do you want to come to the Valier territory in person, even if there are many disappearance cases here, it is not your lord's turn to go out in person, as long as you send A few knights will suffice."

"Ha, it's not that that guy Al is not doing well, he clearly found the source of the disappearance, but he fell off the chain at a critical moment, otherwise where would the concubine use it: personally take action, for the sake of 3.

8 Those... untouchables, concubines have gone to the countryside from the luxurious life in the royal capital of Lugnica!"

Priscilla said sarcastically and exaggeratedly, with a strong disdain in her tone.

"You are also arrogant. You are obviously worried about the safety of your own people, so you came here from the capital of Lugnica, and the people you care about are called by you." Untouchables'."

Roy didn't care to point out the little Jiujiu in Priscilla's heart.

"You bastard, did you just... come here to get angry with your concubine on purpose!"

Priscilla exclaimed in exasperation.

Roy was so upset when he saw that he had upset her again, but...the corners of his mouth twitched.

Although Priscilla has various shortcomings and a trembling personality, most people will probably be mad at her arrogant attitude in front of her, but she also has a merit that is commendable, and that is Priscilla Enough kindness, and she is also a good lord, who will care about the lives of the people at the bottom of the society.

Chapter 178 Behead Roy's Dog Head

"Just wait here, the concubine will go with Lord Roy!"

The dragon cart finally stopped at a lake outside the village in the Balier Territory. This lake is quite large and the place is beautiful. There is a river flowing down the lake and just flowing near the village. The lake and its upper reaches are the source of water for the inhabitants of...

Residents of the territory often come to pasture near the lake, and the few cases of disappearance also occurred in this area, so if the matter is not resolved, it will affect the lives of the residents of the territory.

Balier, who stepped out of the dragon carriage, stopped the other knights from following, and said in a proud tone.

"Lord Priscilla, as a knight of the kingdom, we are obliged to protect your safety, Baron Vallière, please allow us to go with you!"

The loyal knights knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

"Forget it, even if you go, it's just to cause trouble for your concubine, so you are still here to wait for your concubine to come back!"

Priscilla, who was wearing a complicated black and red dress, shook her folding fan lightly, covering half of her beautiful face, and said arrogantly in her tone and expression.

Roy knew that Priscilla was actually thinking about these... Knight's safety, but this woman couldn't speak at all, and her arrogant temperament made her words hurt.

He had no choice but to say: "...I'll go with Puri 17 Sheila, you just wait here."

The ugly-faced knights who had been stabbed by Priscilla's words sighed when they heard Roy's words, and said respectfully: "...Then the safety of Priscilla-sama is up to you, Speaker. grown ups!"

The patriarchs of the Crowley family are all strong.

Crowley even made his own move, defeating almost all the combined forces of the demi-human race with one person. The power of the enemy country has always been talked about in books.

Now with Roy's follow-up guarantee, these knights are relieved, if Priscilla has an accident here, it would be a dereliction of duty by the knights.

Only Priscilla's exclusive knight, Aldebaran, heard that he didn't have to go to that... Lake Queen was most at ease, he didn't want to see that... 'person' anymore.

Priscilla urged Roy to hurry over with her. She was not interested in chatting with these lowly and lowly knights. Even though Priscilla was a kind woman in her heart, she had a great deal of respect for the existence of class. Enthusiastic, who thinks that people are...different, low-status, weak-minded people don't even have the qualifications to talk to her.

The only person who could be looked down upon by her, although Priscilla didn't want to admit it, was really only Roy.

Crowley alone, because this is a man who will completely invalidate her protection, and even play with ease, she is emotionally disturbed and furious.

Although she is essentially a trembling, Priscilla actually has a hidden trembling heart.

The two left the knight and walked to the lake in the distance. Because the road here was very muddy, Priscilla could only pin the folding fan to her waist, and her slender jade hand lifted her complicated and graceful skirt, complaining while walking. road here.

Roy came here just to pass the time. As for the danger in the lake in front of him, he didn't care at all. The world's biggest dangerous pretense witch has been almost completely defeated by Roy, and can no longer affect the world. Everything else is a problem that can be solved with a wave of his hand.

If it weren't for the completion of the 'Mercury Foundation', he would have left this world on his own initiative, because the wish he had made was actually completed.

"There is an evil elf in the lake ahead. It is good at illusion. It can manifest guilt, fear, or expectation in people's hearts. The evil elf will become that person, making it difficult for the crusaders to take action."

"...I sent Al to meet the evil elf before, and I don't know what...the evil elf has become, and he was so scared that he ran back directly. He is really a useless knight, and I still need this. The lord will personally take action to solve the enemy!"

The arrogant girl hummed in dissatisfaction, this dissatisfaction was towards her knight, and also towards that... the evil spirit who wasted her time.

Evil elves can be regarded as a variant of the elves, and they can also be regarded as a special race with evil nature, but this race is very rare, and it does not even belong to a creature itself, but a kind of elemental composition.

"Let's talk about it for a see that...the evil elf, don't take action, the concubine will personally cut off its head to make up for the time wasted by the concubine!"

The nineteen-year-old noble girl doesn't seem to be afraid of the enemy at all, and Priscilla really doesn't have to be afraid. Others may not know it, but Roy knows that this seemingly arrogant and arrogant person is a arrogant person no matter how you look at it. Instructing, the eldest lady who can only order others to work, has a fighting power beyond imagination.

Everyone in Luganica knows about Quelcius.

Karsten's handsome aristocratic daughter is very powerful. In fact, Priscilla is no worse than Curse, but this... noble girl rarely has the chance to make a move.

It didn't take long for the two of them to walk to the lake. The blue lake was rippling, and wild animals like swans were floating on the lake. On both sides of the lake were green grasslands, and there were shadows of mountains in the distance. To this scene, people feel that this is really a good place for a date.

After coming here, Priscilla just... looked at this huge lake with sharp eyes, but she did not find the evil spirit, the proud girl snorted, then lowered her head and began to recite the magic incantation .

The 'Blessing of the Sun' not only brought Priscilla powerful luck and action corrections, but also gave her an extremely powerful magical perception and talent for 'yang attributes'.

The temperature over the lake suddenly scorched hot, and the sudden high temperature made those swans fly, and then the strong light seemed to turn into reality, like sharp arrows falling from the sky.

The magic of 'yang attribute' symbolizes creation and destruction, as well as the manipulation of 'light'. rays of falling swords did not cause the lake's noise or explosion, but the magic of the Yang attribute contained in it was poured into it.

Suddenly, a cold cry came from the lake. Under the gaze of Roy and Priscilla, a piece of lake water boiled and bulged, and the lake water that emerged to a height of several meters gradually condensed into a human shape.

The azure blue body made of water has pointed ears on the head like the elf, but the facial features are not clearly visible, revealing a strange evil spirit, this is exactly the evil spirit that has no substance and is composed of elements.

"Have you finally figured it out, in front of your concubine, you have nowhere to run!"

Priscilla said arrogantly, with a confidence that was different from ordinary people.

The evil elf seemed to be disturbed and made it very uncomfortable. With a wave of light changes, Roy's funny and Priscilla's embarrassed expressions began to change the appearance of the evil elf, and it turned into Roy's 913 appearance! "Priscilla, you said that the evil spirit's illusion will manifest either guilt, fear, or expectation in people's hearts, then tell me, I am in your heart, what is it for you? Guilt, fear, or...expectancy"

Roy suddenly looked at Priscilla with a smile, and saw the girl's face gradually turning red, the embarrassment and anger on her face almost turned into reality, but he still laughed teasingly.

"Damn it, **** it, I'm so angry, I'm so angry, I got up!! As soon as I saw you, everything went wrong. My wife... I can't take it anymore!"

Shyness, embarrassment, embarrassment, etc... Emotions surfaced in Priscilla's mind, making this... proud girl feel a little confused for a while, almost lost her thoughts, and became a mush, and eventually these emotions turned into anger.

"Go to hell,' Roy.

Crowley', watch your concubine cut off your dog's head!"

As if the human figure transformed by the evil elf was the real Roy, Priscilla held her right hand, and a long sword made of light appeared in her palm. It looks like a high-spirited red rose.

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