Roy almost laughed out loud. From now on, it can be determined whether it is Ram or Rem. Their hearts are very active, and they have no bitterness or hatred. Although they are always wary of the world and outsiders, they will never He closed his heart.

Many people, many things have changed early, this is the effect of Roy Laili, such as the sisters Ram and Rem, such as Emilia.

In Roy's memory, the ghost clan that Ram and Rem belonged to should have been slaughtered by the Witch Cult, and Ram and Rem also hated the Witch Cult and hated anything related to the Witch.

But here, although Ram and Rem's clansmen also faced the slaughter of annihilation, they survived most of them, and today's ghost clan is also flourishing with the help of Roy, the chairman of the sage, the entire clan. The quality of life has improved tremendously compared to ten years ago, regardless of...

Whether it was Ram, Rem, or any other ghost clan, they were all grateful to Roy.

The change of childhood life naturally made Ram and Rem less closed and gloomy, and the most amazing thing is that Ram and Rem not only did not reject the witch sect and everything related to witches, but they were very fond of them, because To some extent, they were also taught by witches to be saved.

On the contrary, they are very disgusted by Lugnica's royal family, so when Ram said that the royal family is about to become extinct due to some unknown disease, her tone unconsciously showed pleasure.

The same situation as Ram and Rem is... Amelia, who did not experience the death of her adoptive mother, was not frozen in the forest of Elior, and was fermented by mother's love and nurtured by father's love. In this case, Emilia has also changed a lot.

Although she is still as kind and pure as an angel, her heart is exceptionally strong. She is definitely not the half-elf girl who likes to cry In happiness, instead of being overwhelmed by responsibility... Roy thinks this is enough, everything else can be ignored, whether it's Emilia, or Ram and Rem, let them A happy life without burdens is his responsibility and the change he brings.

They are happy.

All the heavy pressures of life should be borne by him, because Roy's shoulders are able to bear the original sin of mankind, and bear the breadth and stalwart of mankind's evil.

"Is there any important arrangements for my itinerary today?"

Roy looked at Ram and asked, Ram is in charge of all such external affairs.

Ram restrained his emotions, bowed his body and said, "...Are you going out, Lord Roy."

"Yes, but if there is work that must be done by me, then do it."

Roy is not actually a workaholic, but he is also diligent and hard-working and has contributed a lot to the stable and healthy development of a large country for four hundred years.

"There is no work that must be done by you. With your authorization, Ram can help you with some small things."

Ram said confidently, this genius of the... ghost clan is worthy of her genius in other places, except for the poor completion of some manual work.

"Just leave the family affairs to Rem, I will take good care of the other maids and let them work hard, so that you can feel the warmth of home for the first time when you return home."


Mu also bowed his head.

Ram and his sister looked at each other at this time, and asked tentatively with his eyes lowered, "...I take the liberty to ask, where is Mr. Roy going?"

"It's not like Priscilla just died of her husband, I should also go and mourn!"

Roy said with a smile.

"So you're going to see that... arrogant widow, then I suggest that you should go at night, isn't there a saying called "Visit the Widow's Gate at night"."

When Ram heard Roy's answer, her pink and beautiful eyebrows frowned, and she said very viciously.

"Rem also agrees with my sister's proposal."

There was a little willfulness in the twin maid's tone, but she suddenly became unhappy.

Roy laughed, thinking that Ram and Rem are really cute.

Chapter 173: The Responsibilities of the Maid

In the Crawley family's manor, on a flowery path, two maids, Ram and Rem, were accompanying their master. Roy, the speaker of the Pro-Dragon Kingdom Lugnica Sage Society, walked out to the gate of the courtyard. There has been a luxurious dragon car waiting there for a long time.

"Lord Roy, there was news from the royal family just now that the last survivor of the Lugnica royal family also contracted the disease. Judging from the past situation, the death of this... royal family member is only a matter of time. It seems that Long Lishi I am afraid that the announcement of the election of the king three months ago will become a reality."

Ram, who followed Roy, reported the news he had just received like a secretary.

Rem looked at her sister enviously, she couldn't handle such external matters, but her sister, whom she had always admired since she was a child, was always able to help Lord Roy to deal with these... ... well-organized external affairs.

She also had low self-esteem when she was a child, but since that night of her fate, her sister walked her in the burning village and tried her best to protect her - when the two sisters were on that night when the fate of the ghosts turned, After being adopted by her master as a maid of the 'Crawley Family', the low-spirited girl named 14 Rem gradually gained self-confidence. Although she was not as confident as her elder sister, she has already chosen to believe in herself, and she will not. No matter how humbly complaining that he is not as good as his sister, he can only look at her efforts and feel sad.

Even though the gap between her strength and her sister is even greater, Rem has found her own meaning of existence, that is, for her sister, for Lord Roy, she tries to keep the house clean and tidy, and keeps them busy every time. When he got home, he always had a warm smile on his face.

As a genius of the ghost clan, and under Roy's careful guidance, Ram, who is only fifteen years old and 15 years old, and about to be sixteen years old, already has extremely powerful fighting power. No one will know that this... Crowley family works hard A maid who always loves vicious tongues, in terms of combat power, only Reinhardt can surpass her in the entire Lugnica capital.

"Choose the king? That's the choice made by Polkenica's blessing to Lugnica. Since the dragon calendar stone has made this decision, let the election of the king continue."

Walking on the cobble road with blooming flowers, Roy said elegantly with a smile.

After hearing this, Ram didn't say much. Everyone knew that although the Kingdom of Lugnica was known as the pro-Dragon Kingdom, if... the patriarch of the Crowley family, who had been in charge of the Sage Society for 400 years, did not agree to choose the king, then the Dragon Calendar Stone This proposal will only be aborted.

I don't have any worries about...the so-called King Ram, in her opinion, it doesn't matter....

In the end, whoever becomes the king, they still have to act according to the will of Lord Roy. This country can have no king, but it must not be without Lord Roy.

In fact, Long Lishi is very similar to Aegidona's "Book of Wisdom", and it can also predict the future, but it is not as comprehensive as "Book of Wisdom" in terms of the ability to predict the future.

"Any news from Reinhardt?"

Roy suddenly remembered the 'Juggernaut'. As a knight among knights, Reinhardt was friendly and not arrogant at all. He usually likes to patrol Lugnica as a policeman, even if he is a thief. The case that I touched, this... If the knight-sama knew about it, he would take care of it himself. With hard work, the crime rate in Lugnica's capital is...extremely low.

"Lord Reinhardt is still there: blaming herself for the incident of the abduction of Princess Lugni many years ago, and has been: using her spare time to track down the whereabouts of the abducted princess."

After Ram heard Roy's question, he replied...

Many years ago, a spy from the Volakia Empire came to Lugnica, and somehow he broke into the palace and stole a young royal heir, who was the father of the guardian Reinhardt at the time, although The fault of this matter was his father, but Reinhardt still took it as his own, believing that the Astrea family was ashamed of the royal family, so they did their best to find the stolen royal family. offspring.

The Flakia Empire was killed before he escaped from the capital of Lugnica, but at the time of his death, he did not have the infant princess beside him, so there have been rumors that the princess was just lost in the Folks did not die.

"It was also because of the strange disease of the royal family that Reinhardt wanted to find the lost princess, so that Lugnica's bloodline would not be cut off."

Roy guessed Reinhardt's thoughts and purpose just by thinking.

He shook his head and laughed: " could the bloodline of the Lugnica royal family be cut off? He thought too much."

Ram and Rem are both people who know many of Roy's secrets. The two maids pursed their lips and smiled when they heard it. They knew that in fact the priest of **** in the Witch Cult, Capella, was actually... Lugni In the royal family of Ka, the one most qualified to be the queen should be this... **** bishop.

"Okay, let's go here, I'll leave the family affairs to Rem, and Ram, you will help me with some tedious things. If anyone wants to see me, they will refuse unless it is necessary."

Before coming to the dragon carriage, Roy ordered Ram and Rem.

Rem stepped forward to tidy up Roy's clothes again, then took a step back and bowed with his sister.

Dressed very formally, the middle-aged manservant like a housekeeper opened the door of the dragon carriage for Roy. After Roy boarded the dragon carriage, he sat in the driver's seat with a fast and stable speed. Set off in a dragon cart.

After the dragon carriage completely disappeared at the end of the street, the twin maids Ram and Rem straightened up.

"Rem, I'm also going to a sage meeting, and I'll leave the house to you!"

Ram, who always wears a black and white maid outfit, said that under her maid skirt is a pair of beautiful legs in white over-the-knee stockings. The snow-white and tenderness in the absolute realm seems to be glowing in the sun.

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