"I've been carrying this kind of pot for many years, and I don't care anymore."

Roy waved his hand, indicating the next topic.

"Miss Priscilla's husband Lep.

Vallière passed away, this is her seventh dead husband, and as before, Miss Priscilla inherited all her husband's property, and now Miss Priscilla is the territory of the Vallière family Lord."

Having said this, Ram's expression hesitated for a while, and then he said again: "...Church.

Miss Karsten strongly advises Miss Priscilla to marry you and make you her eighth husband."

Roy paused when he heard the food before he said with a chuckle: "...how much does that little girl want me to die? She even came up with such a plan."

"What are you going to do about it, Lord Roy?"

Rem, who was serving Roy's meal, said at this time. Compared to her older sister's too tough and sarcastic character, Rem's voice was much softer.

"You don't need to do anything about it, and, Rem, you should smile more, don't imitate your older sister's stern face, to be honest, there are not many maids like her. , I don't know, think she's the Crowley's mistress, not some kind of maid."

Roy's teasing words made Ram, who was standing beside him, blushed for no reason. She quickly lowered her head, her pink hair covering her fair and flushed face.

"Do you want to laugh like this, Mr. Roy?"

Rem folded her hands in front of the black and white maid uniform, she raised her lovely pretty face, through the gaps in her sky blue hair, she saw her crystal clear eyes squinting, her cheeks dyed red, revealing With a gentle and serene beautiful smile.

"Well, that's all it takes to laugh a lot. Rem who laughs is the cutest."

Roy put down his knife and fork and leaned on the back of the chair, scratching at Rem's soft, waterfall-like hair.

"Hey, being treated like this by Roy, Rem is very happy."

The twins' maid sister said happily.

......Lam coughed, interrupting the interaction between his sister and the master,,, and said again: "...Kalaraki city-state Hexin Anastasia, president of the Chamber of Commerce.

Hexin has come to Lugnica King City, she wants to see you..."

"What does Hexin have to do with the 'Wasteland Hexin' four hundred years ago?"

Hearing this name, Roy immediately thought of the transmigrator whom he saw in the Western capital four hundred years ago.

"It doesn't matter, it's just because this... Chamber of Commerce's president looks forward to that hero, so he uses the name Hexin' as his surname and the name of the Chamber of Commerce."

It can be seen that Ram has done a very detailed investigation before, and he can answer Roy's questions in a blur.

"Using the name 'Hexin' in the city-state of Kararaki, this little girl named Anastasia has great ambitions."

After Roy finished his breakfast, Rem picked up a clean handkerchief and immediately.

Go up and wipe the corners of your mouth.

"No, as the chairperson of the Lugnica Sages Association, how could a small businessman see him whenever he wants, that seems like a shame for me!"

Roy refused outright.

"Are you really missing? It is said that Anastasia.

Hexin is a pretty cute and petite girl, although she is over twenty years old, but according to your words, she is also a legal loli."

Ram said with a stern face.

"Ram, where did you see that I was interested in loli?"

Roy turned his head curiously and asked.

"Isn't it true, Lord Roy, you brought me and Rem back to Crawley's house when we were five years old, and did this and that to us."

"Sister Roy said that when Rem was only five years old, you deceived Rem, who knew nothing about it. Don't you like such little girls and take them home?"

The two sisters sang in harmony.

"I always feel like I've been hurt by my reputation."

Roy exhaled, feeling helpless.

Chapter 172: Exploring the Widow's Gate at Night

"As maids, you sometimes forget your identities, but it's not okay to always speak rudely. Why did I adopt you two vicious maids in the first place."

Roy said regretfully, but looking at the smile on his face, he knew that Roy was not angry about it.

He likes that others respect him and obey the rules, but he doesn't like the people who are close to him being too respectful and keeping the rules. Roy is such a contradictory person.

And Ram and Rem have perfectly found the one that Roy likes and doesn't like...the intersection, which will bring more fun to Roy's life while maintaining their duties as maids.

"Crack, snap—"

Rem clapped his hands, and immediately other maids lined up to clean up the dishes that Roy had eaten, and the dishes such as washing dishes were not up to Ram and Rem. "193 "

One of Roy's maids does it.

"Master Roy, do you regret it?"

Ram, who was standing on Roy's right hand, said with a stern face.

"Even if Mr. Roy regrets it, Rem and sister will not leave."

Rem on the left explained that the two sisters had a good understanding of each other.

"Yes, because Lord Roy can't do without Ram and Rem."

Ram's expression was always so confident.

"After all, Rem and her sister were kidnapped by Lord Roy when they were five years old."

Rem's pretty face was dyed red, but she still used that soft, half-joking tone to say such shy words. Compared to Ram's ability to tell some strange jokes without changing her face, Rem said Still too shy.

The twin maids said every word and every word, and they were all close to Roy. The two little girls were petite and snuggled up to Roy, as if they were expressing their closeness to Roy in this way.

"Can you guys stop talking about five years old all the time?"

Roy complained, and after a pause, he continued: "...I know Ram, as an older sister, you always let your younger sister, and you always give Rem something delicious to eat, but I suggest that you still have something good to eat in the future, Rem no longer needs to supplement nutrition, after all...you are too young."

Ram was stunned when she heard the words, and then she understood the meaning of Roy's words, and her confident face immediately collapsed.

Rem bowed her head in embarrassment. She wanted to look shy at her toes, but found that she couldn't see her toes at all, because some majestic place blocked her vision.

But seeing Rem's stunned expression, Ram's face darkened even more.

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