
"Sister, look there!"

Rem's ears moved, and when she heard the cry of the child in the burning flames, she exclaimed and pointed in one direction.

In an open space surrounded by flames, more than a dozen children of the ghost clan were caught by humans, and the blades in the hands of humans were placed on the children's necks, surrounding them to face those... The elderly ghost clan in the village shouted: "...let's leave, or we'll cut off the heads of these...kids before they die, If you don't want to see your children die here, just be obedient to Lao Tzu!"

These people are ferocious and ferocious, and at first glance, they are... people who fight for their lives with their knife heads licking blood. Those ghosts are hesitant at this time, and no one dares to go forward.

............ Ram and Rem saw that the children who were caught were their playmates, and for a while, both sisters unconsciously slowed down.

"There are two little devils here, go and catch them!"

When someone saw Ram and Rem, they immediately summoned the humans who were still alive nearby. These... There are not many humans who have sneaked into the ghost village, and they can survive at this time. The only way is... to see if there are any hostages in their hands, seeing the two Ram and Rem alone, it's like seeing a straw for survival, a group of human beings are just... rushing over.

"Rem, stand behind my sister!"

The ghost race is a warlike race. At this time, Ram's expression also seemed to have become a ghost, and she was full of murderous aura. She would never allow her sister to fall into the hands of humans.


Suddenly, those who... rushed towards Ram and Rem had big holes in their chests, as if they were penetrated by something invisible, and their bodies softened. .. fell to the ground, and lost all sound with the blood spurting out.

Immediately after that, another sword light flashed, and the heads rose into the sky. Those humans who... took their children as hostages, who didn't respond were... slaughtered.

"You guys are lazy... ah ah ah..."

"I am the Witch Cult... The Witch Cult's sin bishop 'lazy' is in charge, and under the order of the highest bishop, the ghost race here... ah, no, no, all the humans here are killed! !"

"Come on, believers, it's time to show your piety, how long will you be lazy!!"

The words of a man who seemed to be crazy, mixed with strange rationality, rang out in this burning village.

Chapter 167 The man who equals good deeds and evil deeds

At the foot of the mountain where the ghosts were stationed, thousands of people were holding torches and riding ground dragons, and they were attacking with all their might. Brings frenzy and excitement.

That light is like a road sign, telling the numerous human armies at the foot of the mountain, where is the destination, where is the end, and where are the coordinates of victory.

Compared with the number of human beings, there are only a few hundred adult ghosts who can fight. A huge gate made of thick wood blocks the way up the mountain, and also blocks the attack of the human army. Many ghosts stand firm. At the gate, confront the human army.

Although the individual combat effectiveness of each ghost clan is very strong, but these...... ghost clan does not have the kind of strong... Here, the personal force was suppressed to the extreme, and these human coalition forces were fully prepared, each wearing armor, and the weapons were even sharper, on the contrary, even the weapons on the ghost clan's side were only wooden, "Zero Four. zero"

There are very few iron tools, and under the huge equipment gap, these... Ghost clansmen also know that it is only a matter of time before this gate is broken.

But they must hold back the human army here, and provide as much time as possible for the old, young, sick and disabled in the village to retreat.

"Pull the magic cannon over here!"

Seeing that the city gate could not be conquered for a long time, the human commander finally used a unique trick.

There was the sound of wheels coming from the rear of the army, and a total of three cannon-like weapons were pushed by several soldiers. These cannons are pure white and purple, as if they were made of magic crystals. , has a strange beauty.

And the ghosts on the city gate immediately fell into a commotion when they saw these cannons. This thing is an important control product even in Lugnica and the Falkia Empire. It can be said that it is in the siege battle. It is the most important weapon of the country, but no one thought that in order to break through the garrison of the ghost clan, these human beings even pulled in these... large-scale war equipment.

Although there are only so many magic-guided cannons, it is enough to break the defenses of the ghost clan. You must know that the power of this cannon is almost equivalent to the full blow of a magician. .

"Is there anyone who is not afraid of death, rush into the enemy line with me and destroy these magic cannons!"

A ghost clan on the city gate asked loudly, and the ghost clan behind him immediately.

The crowd responded, knowing that this act of rushing into the enemy's line was a matter of seeking death, but if they didn't destroy the magic cannons and let the human coalition invade the mountainside, those ghosts who...have not yet retreated. The villagers will be slaughtered.

Thirty ghosts stood up and were ready to become death squads. Their main task was to destroy the magic cannon and kill as many people as possible before they died.

These... The ghost clan is ready to sacrifice, and at this moment, a dragon roar suddenly sounded in the distance——"Aung Ang Ang ———— ——”

"what's the sound"

The dragon roar resounded through the sky like thunder and thunder, and those... the earth dragons that were ridden by humans immediately became restless and began to spin in place, and the human commander exclaimed loudly and asked road.

Before anyone could answer, the commander was... the owner of the voice.

A gigantic black dragon was flying from afar, and its whistling wings carried whirlwinds. As the black dragon got closer, the dragon's might became more and more terrifying. The sharp dragon claws were like a battering ram. Wei, that black dragon with a length of tens of meters, just its size makes people terrified.

"Dragon, it's the species of dragon!! Why is there a dragon here!!"

Human armies immediately.

Panicked, it has not appeared on the mainland for hundreds of years, and the last time there was a record of sighting a dragon was four hundred years ago when the divine dragon Polkenica fought! The black dragon has a pair of blood-red dragon eyes, among which Full of madness, after flying over the human army, it was just... a fiery dragon breath spurted out.

The dragon flames rolled down.

"Ah, ah. ------" Help !! "

"Hurry up and run!!!"

"It's hot, it's hot, it's hot..."

The temperature of the dragon's breath is like magma, the human body will turn into ashes when touched, and the iron armor worn by the human body will also turn into molten iron under the high temperature of the dragon's breath.


The entire human army became chaotic, and many people ran around, trampling countless people, and those earth dragons also ignored the masters on their backs under the power of the dragons, and ran to the depths of the jungle at the foot of the mountain.

As a sub-dragon species, the earth dragon has the fear of the real dragon from the soul and genes.

After the dragon's breath drowned hundreds of people, the black dragon opened his mouth and let out a loud laugh, the laughter was quite sweet in the frenzy, it turned out to be a female voice.

Immediately, this black dragon descended from the sky, and directly transformed from the shape of a dragon into a petite one: a young girl, with golden hair, blood-red eyes, and a noble and crazy gesture, who was the former Princess Lugnica, and now the lustful priest card. Pera.



Like the lazy bishop, although Capella's expression was a little crazy, there was some rationality in her red eyes, and she was not completely swallowed by the **** witch factor.

After seeing the black dragon turned into a girl, the many human soldiers who fell to the ground because of the black dragon's landing were stunned for a while, and then... they climbed up from the ground in extreme fear, and shouted loudly, " ...kill her, kill this woman, she is... the black dragon!"

Although they don't know why the black dragon turns into a woman, compared to the fear that the black dragon brings to human beings, women will not make people so afraid... "Lugnica, all of you, go to hell. !"

Capella grinned, and she glanced around. Under the horror of everyone, the bodies of all the people she saw began to twist, from humans to flies! Humans who turned into flies can't fly at all, they are just With the appearance of flies but still human inside, one by one fell to the ground, and Capella stepped forward, trampling all the flies to death one by one.

Seeing the drama of the living being transformed into flies, the humans were even more frightened, dropped their weapons one by one, and started to flee in a panic.

"In the name of the highest bishop, kill them all!"

"Swipe ---------"

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