Because of the loss of their parents, the younger sisters do not have much self-reliance, and their living materials are given by other ghosts in the village. Although Rem has no talent, in Ram's face, the village's Others didn't deduct her rations, of course, for some foreign items, of course, Ram used the good ones, and Rem could only use what was left over from her sister.

It's like the clothes Rem is wearing, it's... what's left of my sister.

Ram is not too old: she didn't understand the complicated thoughts in Rem's heart. She looked at the extremely clean clothes handed by her sister. Every corner was carefully scrubbed by those tender little hands, leaving no trace of it. filthy.

Just as a sister, she can probably feel the pain and unwillingness in her sister's heart, the humbleness and cowardice.

Ram took the clothes, and then, under Rem's panic, suddenly started taking off her clothes.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

The frightened Rem shrank back, but she didn't dare to resist her sister, so she could only shiver and let her sister take off her clothes, revealing her thin and fair body.

"I don't like this dress, so I don't want it. Instead of throwing it away, let Rem wear it."

In a tone that could not refuse, Ram took off the worn children's clothes with patches on his sister's body and threw them aside, and then put the freshly washed clothes on Rem's body.

The two sisters are of similar stature, so there is no problem with the size of the clothes.

"But, these are the new clothes that everyone just brought to my sister."

Rem lowered her head and muttered.

"Although it's new, I don't like it just...don't like it!"

Ram said arrogantly, but his tone was strong.

Rem, who did not dare to resist Ram, could only obediently change into new clothes.

"Well, Rem will look much better in this way, at least she won't lose her sister's face when she goes out."

Ram's tone was quite vicious and charming, but there was deep concern for his sister in his words.

She looked at the new clothes, and was standing in the corner with her head bowed, two small hands grasping the hem of Rem's clothes, and seeing Rem's fear, but the joy that bloomed because of the new clothes, that is. .. with a happy smile.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside, and there was a fire in the sky——

Chapter one hundred and sixty-six ordered by the highest bishop

"Kill it!!"

"Kill all these ghosts!"

"Avenge our loved ones who died in the war!"


There was a sound of killing outside, the shouts of a group of people sounded, and there were soaring flames piercing the sky.

"elder sister!"

Rem listened to the voice outside fearfully, she got close to Ram and pressed close to her, her eyes as pure and beautiful as sapphire were hidden with fear.

"Rem is not afraid, stay by my sister's side, and my sister will protect you!"

Holding his sister in his arms, Ram comforted her repeatedly, but Ram's eyes hidden under the pink hair curtain also revealed moving and horrified.

Even though she was called a prodigy and a genius by the ghost clan, Ram was too young, and she felt overwhelmed by the sudden sound of fighting.

But even if he was panicked, in order to protect his sister and not make her more afraid, Ram could only try to keep himself calm.

Sure enough, Ram's calmness gave Rem a lot of peace of mind.

At this time, the door of the house where Ram and Rem lived was pushed open by a ghost. This was an adult ghost. After pushing the door, he glanced at the house and saw that Ram was still there: that's it. .. breathed a sigh of relief, and said very fast: "... Ram, you are all right, hurry up, get out of here quickly, grab some food and go to the back mountain, everyone is organizing a retreat."

"What's going on outside"

Ram hugged his sister tightly and asked nervously.

"It's humans, those humans are here, I don't know how they found our stronghold, there are thousands of humans at the foot of the mountain, but don't worry Ram, our ghosts have been operating in this mountain for many years, and in a short period of time, humans will not Those who will break through the gate we are guarding, the ones outside... who set the fire are just the human pioneers lurking in, and there are not many people."

After speaking, this... ghost race ran to the village without looking back, shouting: "...I'm going to help, Ram, you should leave here quickly, the number of humans Too many, it is impossible for our ghost clan to fight them recklessly."

"Sister, what should we do now"

The sudden terror left Rem at a loss, so she could only rely on her sister.

At this time, Ram actually didn't know what to do. It was too difficult for a five- or six-year-old child to make a choice, but as a sister, she had to make a choice for her sister, and she could only grit her teeth. Said: "...Rem, let's listen to the villagers, grab some food and evacuate."

"it is good!"

After Rem finished speaking, she quickly ran into the house. Fortunately, she usually does housework. The things in the house are neatly arranged, and the food is kept together. After taking a package to wrap some food , The two sisters just... pushed open the door of the house and ran out together.

At this time, the village was already full of flames, and some humans were raging around. The heat of the flames rushed to the face, so that Ram and Rem couldn't tell the road for a while, and they only felt that their lungs were burning when they breathed.

There were shouts of killing at the foot of the mountain in the distance. It should be those... the human coalition forces who have hatred with the demihumans are attacking the front fortress of the ghost clan.

"Rem, hurry up!"

Ram protected his sister and rushed into the flames.

From time to time, you can see some ghost races competing with the humans here. Although there are relatively few adults in the ghost race now, even if it is a ghost, after using the ability of horns, its strength is far beyond that of ordinary humans, so These people in the village......the few humans lurking in the village are only for the elderly to deal with.

Suddenly, as soon as the knife light came to Ram and, Rem, who was hiding behind Ram, lost his voice: "...Sister be careful!"

At the critical moment, Ram dodged the knife light sideways. Although she was known as a genius child prodigy, she was still too young and had no combat experience, so she reacted half a beat slower and saw the knife light sticking to her. The horn of his forehead: It slipped, and Ram was also afraid.

But soon she was... anger came from her heart, if something went wrong with her here, Rem would definitely die.

Thinking of this, a terrifying vortex of magic power swirled in the sky above Ram, a ghost horn flashed red light on her forehead, and bursts of magic power were injected into Ram's body through her horn: With the supplement of massive magic power, Ram's physical fitness has been greatly improved in an instant.

Although he has no combat experience, the absolute strength gap is enough to allow Ram to survive the immediate crisis.

A fist was thrown, hitting the enemy with the knife, the human screamed, the sternum sunk, the entire population flew back with blood, and fell into the burning flame, and then the enemy was killed in the shouting. Burned to death.

After killing someone, Ram felt uncomfortable for a while. This was her first time killing someone. She looked at the blood on her palm, and then at the fearful sister beside her. Ram resisted the smell of blood and turned to Lei. Mu said: "...Let's get out of here quickly, Rem! I don't know how many enemies there are here!"

Although Rem was frightened, she nodded vigorously. She nervously took out a clean cloth from her body and wiped off the blood on Ram's hand.

Seeing her sister's gentle appearance, Ram's mouth unknowingly... showed a smile, and then her expression became... cold and serious. For the safety of her sister, she must take her out of here! Two The sisters started to run out of the village. Along the way, besides the corpses of humans, there were also the corpses of ghost clansmen, but the two sisters didn't have time to be sad, and now survival is the most important thing.

Seeking fresh "Wow..."

"Dad, Mom!"

"Grandpa...Grandpa save me"

"Little devil, if you are crying, I will cut you off!"

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