Roy's head was slightly raised, and Pan Duo, who had lost his limbs, began to twist and change, just like magic that only appeared in fairy tales. The body of the pretend witch turned from a human shape to a straight ant.


The shadow under his feet suddenly came alive, devouring the ant, disguising the corpse of the witch Pandora completely.

Of course Roy knew that Pandora couldn't be that simple.

Before the distortion of the world was restored, Pandora was absolutely immortal at the very least, but now Pandora's fake power has lost its effect on Roy, and Roy can easily break her power, comparing her pure strength to her. And the gap with Roy is very big. It can be said that Pandora can only rely on the ability of immortality now.

And as long as the four elements of the world are returned to Roy's place, then even her last reliance will disappear.

"Since you are willing to try to tear the pain of your body, then I will do as you wish."

Roy smiled lightly and completely ignored Pandora.

This is Roy's "God Punishment Technique", which is also an angelic technique in level. It was Roy's transformation based on the power of the Witch of Sin.

There is also an "anger" at the end, but this ability is a kind of ability to share damage, and it is a means of defense, so Roy did not use it on Pandora.

The power of the godkiller world is only the power of false gods, it is a kind of power to steal, and the technique is the fundamental, because mastering the technique and inventing the technique means that this person thoroughly understands the Power, not like power, only has the right to use, but does not understand the principle and connotation of the operation of power.

Even Aleister's strongest ability is actually... his unique technique-spiritual stumbling foot! Roy knows that his abilities are very complex: many abilities are not very useful in battle. , and the power of power is no longer of much use in the face of the strength of the peak of the '7 people. At least Roy's power is in front of Skaha, just like a child's toy.

Therefore, in the past three hundred years, Roy has gradually and thoroughly analyzed the power and transformed it into an angelic technique. The next step he has to do is to integrate all the techniques he knows into one Above that right hand, let that right hand get all the mystery and power.

This, is... the origin of mastering all the miracles of the Crusades, his right hand will become the 'Omnipotent Holy Right'! Crusades grasp all the miracles, life will surely die, and the apple will surely go from top to bottom Drop, one plus one must be equal to two 2, these... are the absolutely unchanging 'laws' in the world.

But as long as you master 'all the miracles of the Cross religion', you can destroy, reorganize and create all the rules of the world with a wave of your right hand. One plus one will become three, pi will be fixed, the universe is no longer boundless, and the dead will surely die. will be resurrected.

This is actually... the power of the "Demon God"! At this time, Roy had already realized that all power is only to simplify the complexity and achieve the same goal in the end! He realized the "Book of Law" and "Book of 77", with " The 'right hand' obtained based on the Bible is... the container of the power of the 'Demon God'! "The path is too clear, so the achievement of the 'Demon God' is just a small goal in life. Compared to the Demon God, 'golden' 'And 'mercury' is actually the real problem, I am now crossing the river by feeling the stones, and there is no predecessor to guide me, the final result is the real unknown."

Roy sighed softly.

Although there are not many "Demon Gods" in the forbidden world, there are still a few. Since others can achieve the status of "Demon Gods", Roy firmly believes that he can also succeed, but the "oneself" who achieves "10" is not. I have never seen one, but it is the real existence in the legend, and even its existence is unknown. There is no one to serve as an example, no one to guide in front, this is the saddest thing.

A light laughter suddenly came from behind Roy, and I don't know when the 'Holy Guardian Angel' Aiwass, who was emitting a shimmering light, floated behind him again. Perhaps it was Roy's sentence that he first reached the devil and completed one. Little Goal's words were amused and she couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at, when I become the 'devil god', I'll drag you out and beat you first!"

For an angel like Aiwass, who exists in the second world of creation, all the means of the fourth world of the material world are actually useless to her, but the personality of the 'devil' is located in the highest 'divine world' , Pulling her out and rubbing her into a round shape is natural, do whatever you want to her.

Seeing Roy's unhappy expression, Aiwass just laughed, and the branches of the laugh trembled.

Chapter 161 Fantasy and strange news

Roy didn't bother to pay attention to Aiwass who was laughing at him behind him. He held Emilia in his arms and was about to see if she was injured when Hughes screamed in pain.

"Sloth... sloth... no, be diligent... be diligent..."

The corners of Hughes' mouth were drooling, and he was kneeling on the ground holding his hair and making a cry. His expression was distorted, and his whole body and mind were affected by the Sloth Witch factor, but Hughes was relying on his own willpower to fight with laziness' contend.

"Dad, what happened to Hughes, is he all right?"

Although the young Emilia was very afraid of Hughes' current state, she still grabbed the hem of Roy's clothes with her hand and asked worriedly.

Roy looked at Hughes, frowned and walked slowly. After arriving in front of Hughes, he saw a phantom flashing behind the elf kneeling on the ground. Roy thought he lost his mind and wanted to attack him. , is also prepared.

Who knows that those behind Hughes...... can't....... As soon as the hand of sight appeared, it was... controlled by him with strong willpower. Taking it back, he knelt on the ground and said like a ghost: "...Lord Roy...Lord Roy...Lord Emilia... ..sama Emilia...I won't let anyone hurt Emilia-sama..."

"...I'm going to be lazy, be lazy...No, be diligent, be diligent!!"

Hughes covered his head with his hands and roared loudly, knelt on the ground and slammed his forehead on the ground, trying to use physical pain to restrain the witch factor from controlling him.

"Are you still conscious, Hughes?"

Roy squatted down, and he protected Emilia behind him, but Emilia seemed to believe that Hughes would not hurt herself, so she took the initiative to walk to Hughes, and supported him worriedly and anxiously.

"I...I'm still conscious, Lord Roy...Thank you too, Lord Amelia."

Hughes said in a hoarse voice.

Roy took a closer look at Hughes' hair, and it was still the same light green, instead of becoming more evil. The elves have a very strange phenomenon, that is, when elves fall, they will become evil elves, and Hughes now His race is still elves, which means that he has not been completely controlled by the witch factor.

"But if this continues, you will one day be controlled by the witch factor... Hughes, I warned you, you are not suitable for the lazy witch factor, because you are... ..too diligent."

Roy sighed, his senses towards the elf in front of him are very good, his love for Emilia and his feelings for Filutona are all sincere, and he has a cheerful personality and likes to joke very much, if not for the witch factor. , Hughes can be said to be an elf that no one can hate, or even like very much.

"This is what I asked for, Mr. Roy... It's not your fault, because I am too weak, I prayed for the witch factor like you, and I couldn't manipulate the power of the witch factor, but also because I was too weak. !!”

Hughes shed blood and wept bitterly there.

He is indeed very weak. The elves do not have the magical talent of Felutona, nor the warrior talent of Archie, and he feels that his willpower is not enough... Otherwise, under the ravages of the witch factor, he will not be able to change. reason.

"No, Hughes, it's not that you are too weak, but the result of the kindness in your heart. Those who are suitable for the witch factor are actually those who are full of original sin."

Roy sighed and said that the witch factor carries the power of a great sin. If anyone is suitable for the witch factor, it means that he is in line with a certain sin. The antonym of laziness is diligent, and Hughes is actually the worst enemy of laziness.

Roy's hand slowly stretched out and pressed lightly on his forehead, "...I will help you suppress the power of original sin, but can you really maintain your sense under the erosion of the witch factor? It requires your own willpower and hard work.”

As Roy's voice fell, a wave-like magic circle appeared in his palm. As Roy, who realized the seven sins, combined the seven sins, and gradually eliminated his original sin, for .. 'witch factor' No one in the world is better than him in understanding, and he has been able to control the power of 'original sin' with knowledge.

When Roy's palm left Hughes' forehead, the elf's expression became much more serene. There was still cold sweat on his head, and the blood and tears from the corners of his eyes had not dried up, but his expression was no longer in pain.

He reluctantly grinned and cried to Roy: "...Thank you, Lord Roy, thank you! I'm much better now."

"Great, Hughes!"

Emilia cheered, squatted down and supported Hughes' arm, watching this kind elf kneel there, weeping bitterly.

He is not afraid of the encroachment of the witch factor on him, but feels guilty for his weakness.

Archie, who was beside him, also came, and he felt a lot when he stood beside him.

Qiu Xian Roy's ears moved at this time, and he heard very subtle footsteps behind him, and he said to Archie: "... take Hughes down first, let him Go back and have a good rest, and by the way, let Emilia go back to the village first."

"Dad, I..."

Emilia wanted to say something, but Roy put a finger on her lips to stop what she wanted to say.

Emilia was very obedient and didn't say more, just nodded, and walked back with Archie and took Hughes back one step at a time. At this moment, Emilia also grew up a lot.

After all three of the three left, Roy turned his head and said, "...Standing there for so long, why don't you come, Filtona."

There was a rustling of branches and leaves, Filtona came from the woods, her expression was a little dignified, she walked to Roy's side, and whispered: "...Amelia is more sensible, but I I'd rather she didn't go through this.... to learn to grow."

......" But the result is good, isn't it? At least Emilia didn't suffer any injuries, and the elves didn't suffer any losses, even Erior The forest has just disappeared, and the trees here will grow back in not many years."

Roy looked at Felutona's profile, this... the leader of the elf tribe still had the same dignified expression, the high nose bridge, and the jade-like skin told her beauty.

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