At this time, Regulus was very similar to Roy who had just finished killing a god, even far worse than Roy at that time. At least Roy completed the feat of killing gods with his own courage, while Ray Gurus directly accepted the protection of the witch.

And Roy was taught by Skaha for many years, and he became a strong heart in one fell swoop, but Regulus did not have a teacher like Skaha, even if three hundred years passed, he did not have any progress.

"Why do you do this to you, you idiot don't even know what's wrong with you at this time."

Roy raised his brows, and suddenly felt that it was unnecessary to be angry with this idiot. Regulus was essentially retarded.

Regulus still didn't know where he was wrong, but he also had the instinct to survive. At this time, the lustful bishop stared at Pandora with bloodshot eyes and shouted: "... You lied to me, you lied to me! You said that the Supreme Bishop would be happy for what I did, how dare you lie to me!"

At this time, Regulus had been completely castrated, but compared to his 300-year-old virgin, that thing is probably useless. Maybe after losing the secretion of male hormones, he will become a little smarter. uncertain.

Regulus, who was in anger, completely lost his respect for Pandora before, or he was obviously more afraid of Roy than Pandora.

Grabbing the sand on the ground, the... Bishop sprinkled it on Pandora without hesitation.

She pretended to be a demon, and to be honest, she wasn't even Regulus' opponent in terms of sheer combat power. At the critical moment, she activated her power again and said, "...Regulus.

Xerneas never fought with me!"

As her voice fell, the power of pretense was activated again, and Regulus and...the raised sand disappeared with the wind, as if her words had become real, Regulus from I've been to the Erior Forest in the future.

Seeing that her power was still valid, Pandora first stayed for a while, and then... looked at her broken arm. Since the power is still valid, why did her body not recover? At the broken arm, there is a Strange powers are preventing her powers from working.

"You don't have to use your stupid brain to think, Pandora! You don't really think that I have done nothing for three hundred years. Such a long time is enough for me to completely analyze your power. This is the Wisdom and the application of knowledge."

"...Although the world's twisted temporary law restores it, what your power can guarantee now is only your immortality. If you want to use your power history to disguise history, you It can't be done anymore!"

Roy saw Pandora's bewildered look, and he laughed... mockingly.

As long as his sword of judgment can understand the opponent's style and the mystery of the opponent, it can "reverse the order" and cut everything.

Three hundred years have long been enough to analyze and analyze Roy's power. Now, naturally, her power has become extremely weak. The sword cut out is a real angelic technique, and the mystery of the cover is no longer the current Panduo Pull can resist.

If it weren't for the existence of a 'door' in this world, the whole world would still be: in a distorted state, Roy could even kill Pandora completely with one sword now.

"Escape, Pandora! Do your best to escape, you have lost the qualification to compete with me, you can no longer stop me, use the rest of your life to enjoy life, when the distortion of this world is destroyed by me When you return to your place, it is the time when your life ends."

"...No, you may have to face a more terrifying ending than death. If you have the courage, you might as well choose suicide. This may make me look at you highly."

Roy's expression was flat and his tone was calm, but with a sense of oppression that made Pandora hear it, it was like a mountain crushing her back, making it hard for her to breathe and her heart beating wildly.

The pretentious witch's beautiful face turned hideously distorted, her sea blue eyes were also bloodshot, and she said like crazy: "...why, why didn't you die! It's been three hundred years, Why are you not dead yet! How did you extend your life!"

"...If you use external force to prolong your life, you should have problems, just like that... Roswaal! Why are you not only nothing, but stronger than three hundred years ago? !"

Pandora has calculated very well. Roy is a human being. No matter how long he lives, he should not be able to live for three hundred years. This is a precedent that this world has never had before. The way of living has made his soul close to withering.

Although the cost is very serious, he has been asleep for three hundred years, but as long as he wakes up, this terrible man has already passed away. At that time, Pandora will be able to do whatever he wants, and unlock the seal of the 'door', which will completely distort the world. To the limit, let her cross the boundaries of life and find the real 'freedom'.

But all of this is like a fleeting moment, this man, he is still alive after three hundred years, he has become even stronger, so powerful that her power has been invalidated.


This is sitting in the well and watching the sky, your vision and limitations are here, but it's not your fault, if you want to blame it, blame the world!"

Roy looked at Pandora with pity. Compared with other people, compared with other witches, Pandora's vision was already the broadest. She saw the edge of the world, and discovered that the world is close to the world. Unreal sea between worlds.

It is because of this Nord Zhao that she will formulate these many plans in order to obtain true 'freedom'.

But her vision seemed a bit ridiculous and ignorant in front of someone like Roy who could traverse the world at will, even if the "Demon God" was confined to a corner, how could a mere witch break the boundaries of the world.

What she saw from the beginning was... the wrong edge of the world.

Pandora is indeed worthy of pity, because her motives are not wrong, the motives of the Demon God are similar to hers, but her fault is that she is weak and that she met Roy.


"Your era is over, the countdown to life is about to start, pretending to be the witch Pandora Kai!"

Roy ticked slightly at the corner of Pandora's mouth, and no longer cared about the existence of this... witch, no matter...

Whether Pandora is alive or dead, she has lost the ability to continue to make trouble. Now she is just a small fish in Roy's hands, and she will never swim out of his palm.

Chapter 160 "God Punishment Technique"

"Don't get out, Pandora! Are you unconvinced, but even if you are unconvinced, it doesn't make any sense here."

The fake witch Pandora's blue eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and she stared at Roy with gnashing teeth. If her eyes could kill people, it is estimated that Roy had been eaten alive by her many times.

This witch doesn't care...

Whether it is very high in IQ or emotional intelligence, he made perfect use of the weather, the right place, and the people. At his most powerful period, he wiped out all the witches of great sin in one fell swoop, and he returned with her victory three hundred years ago. No one in the world can stop her anymore, but she happened to meet Roy, the king and tyrant who traveled the world.

"Even if you are staring at me, it's useless. Things are already like this. If I were you, I would obediently retreat and enjoy myself in the last corner of my life."

Roy seemed to be kind, but Pandora didn't think that this man was really so kind to her. Her brain was running frantically, looking for opportunities, but in the end she was disappointed to find that she really had nowhere to go.

The most powerful and her only pretentious power is useless in front of Roy. Now she is really helpless, but she is not reconciled, and she is not willing to retreat like this, she knows that if she retreats like this, she will lose everything.

"Since you're not leaving, let me give you a ride."

Roy Shi Shiran raised his hand, facing Pandora in the void... with a grip.


The arrogant judgment came for no reason, Pandora screamed, and her intact right arm instantly turned into blood mist.


Countless incomprehensible... The hand of sight stretched out from behind Roy, holding down the pretended witch who lost her arms with claws and claws, and slammed her body into the ground under.

With a loud bang, a deep pit like a falling meteor appeared on the ground of this jungle. Trees collapsed, the ground cracked, and the tattered body of the disguised witch lay at the bottom of the pit.

No... The hand of sight is simply weak in Hughes' hands, but in the hands of Roy and the Sloth Witch, this casual hand can sweep across the mountain.


In the void, there seemed to be an invisible beast that opened its huge mouth, and one bite was... to eat the left leg of the pretend witch, and at the same time, the presence of the pretend witch began to weaken, and it was swallowed by gluttony. It is not... the outer body, but the existence'.


Roy took a breath, using the air as a medium, the invisible penetrating object swept across the right leg of the pretending witch, and in an instant... stabbed her right leg into a sieve.

For a time, the pretend witch lost her limbs and could only cry in pain.

If the power of the forcible bishop requires a solid like sand as a medium, then Roy's **** can already use a gas like air as a medium.


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