Echidona made a heartbreaking remark.

"We'll all be killed by Tiratilla"

The young Typhon stared at his big eyes and said in surprise.

"Tila is not that kind of person, she can't do such a thing."

The Angry Witch Minerova roared loudly in a fiery voice, she clenched her fists, and her energetic cheeks turned red.

But soon, the redness turned from an angry flame to an angry stalemate, and she said with some uncertainty: "...But the witch factor of Tira is really rampant... ..."

Just from the reactions of these two witches, you can tell that they like Satila very much, and how gentle and lovable Satila is in normal times.

"It' it"

At this time, the Sloth Witch spoke slowly in a weak and lazy tone.

Echidona nodded and affirmed: "...that's right, that's what... pretending to be the witch Pandora did all this, she took advantage of the instability of Satila's envy of the witch factor, and used the She did all this with the hidden power of Satila."

"Pretending to be the witch Pandora, I will never allow, never allow such a thing to happen, ah ah ah ah!!!"

The angry witch Minerova continued to roar loudly, she punched the wall, and her whole body seemed to be on fire.

Roy has been silent all the time. He actually had the idea of ​​directly arousing jealousy in Satila's heart before, but this idea has not been implemented yet, and he did not expect to be snatched up by Pandora. Although the current situation is very different from the results It was in line with Roy's purpose, but he also had a faint worry in his heart.

It is related to the mental state. No external force can help Satila. Roy can only secretly pray that Satila can get through this crisis by herself. For this beautiful and gentle silver-haired half-elf, He really liked it.

It's just that this crisis is not good news for... other witches.

Roy looked around at the evil witches present, 5.

The fire of wisdom in his mind collided, immediately.

A specific and detailed plan can make his plan of killing birds with one stone emerge.

"Is My Death Written in the Book of Wisdom?"

Roy suddenly asked at this time, he wanted to know whether the "Book of Wisdom" could see his fate in this world that had been completely distorted by Pandora. If he could, Roy needed to prepare more. More, the power of "Rest of the Son" will be used.

The **** witch's eyes had a touch of tenderness and softness. She looked at Roy and shook her head: "...Lord Roy, everything about you is still not recorded in this book."

After she finished speaking, the desire for knowledge appeared on Echidona's face again. At this dangerous juncture, the **** witch was still thirsting for the unknown.

Before Roy made a sound, at this moment, a resentful voice suddenly burst into everyone's ears, ", all of you will die, Lord Roy belongs to me alone!!"

Chapter 113 I Love You, Lord Roy!

If you can't read the web page, you can usually read it. If you can't read it, you can only wait... Hearing this resentful voice, everyone's complexion changed greatly, even Roy's expression changed. He didn't expect Satila's personality to be replaced by the jealous witch so quickly, and he didn't even give him a time to react.

A strange pitch-black color emerged from every corner of Echidona's bedroom, like burning flames and blue smoke, with a suffocating viciousness in the ethereal.

As soon as the dark burning smoke appeared, countless runes shone out of Echidona's bedroom. These runes densely filled the space of the bedroom, forming a completely indistinguishable structure. A three-dimensional picture like a mandala.

These are the many magical enchantments that Echidona, the witch of lust, built in her bedroom.

Although Echidona's power is not suitable for battle, her magic level, which can be called magic in this world, is extremely high, even if Roswaal has the 'Blessing of the Magic Guide', at the magic level. Still have to worship Echidona as a teacher.

With Echidona's ability, the complex barriers she set up in her workshop....combined together, are enough to easily resist the attack of the destroying army, but in the face of When facing these dark shadows, these... enchantments are like snow that meets the warm sun, and melts into snow water in 15 minutes.

That is the 'shadow power' of the envy witch! The dark shadows like the thick fog in the mountains instantly enveloped the entire bedroom. The witches were facing great enemies, and Roy also looked gloomy, although the ability of the envy witch was not real. Kill him, but this is very different from Roy's original plan.

At first, Roy wanted to let Satila slowly arouse the personality of the jealous witch, so as to defeat the opponent in the battle of the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness and occupy the sovereignty of the body, but who would have thought that Pandora, the pretentious witch, would actually take revenge. Will choose this kind of trick of hurting the enemy a thousand and self-destructing 800, so that the envy witch has a complete outbreak in a very short time! .........Erosion of the black shadow, Roy also circulated magic power, released it with the purest magic power to block the shadow, and was willing to help other witches.

But his behavior made those... shadows restless, and in these... shadows, there was a sharp scream that seemed to be a banshee. Sound, "... ah, ah, Roy, Roy people !! Why do you want to help them, Roy, Roy !!"

The voice was shrill and mournful, making those who heard it sad, and those who saw it weeping, but the sharp feeling in the voice, which was like rubbing against a metal instrument, and a blackboard, made people feel irritable and suffocated, and wanted to go crazy.

In the dark shadow of the fusion of ink, a graceful and delicate body emerged. She has silver hair and fascinating cyanotic eyes. She is wearing a gorgeous black dress made of shadows. The shadows merged almost securely, like a human figure made of black candles.

It is still Satila's beauty that is enough to overwhelm all beings. The shadows and black mist floating around her add a more coquettish and mysterious charm to her, but the resentment and stern look in the eyes of this body makes the current Satila see. She was like a female ghost, her beauty dropped several levels.

"Jealous, jealous, I'm so jealous, Lord Roy!! I'm jealous of Echidona, I'm jealous of Camilla, I'm jealous of Daphne, I'm jealous of Segmed, I'm jealous, I'm jealous of Minerova!!! I'm jealous of them, I'm jealous of all the witches, why don't your eyes fall on me, why do you help these... The witches resist me, don't you love me! "

The eyes of the envy witch flowed dark and tears, and along her smooth face, they fell on the floor made of shadows. A suffocating jealousy aroused everyone's inner demons, making people feel resentment and resentment in their hearts. Jealousy.

This is the embodiment of the original sin of the Witch of Sin! When Echidona heard Satila's words, she looked at Roy again, looking at Roy, and said with a smile: " call The order in which our names are listed seems very questionable."

After thinking for a few seconds, the **** witch just... came up with the answer, and said with a happy expression: "...So it is, you decided to say it based on your perception of 'jealousy' In order, you are the most jealous of me, so you put my name first, and the second jealous is Camilla, so you put Camilla's name second."

"...Doesn't this just prove the order of Lord Roy's love for us witches, but you are neither jealous of Satila nor yourself, does this mean that Lord Roy has no interest in you at all? What a pity, jealous witch!"


"Dona Dona!!"


The screams of the witches came one after another, and even the voice of the sloth witch became impatient. The angry witch raised her anger again, not because Roy put her name at the end and was angry. For the angry witch She was not jealous of this, but angry that Echidna was still there: provoking Satila.

You know she is the Envy Witch, and you are still: provoking her jealousy, it's not fatal! Sure enough, when Echidona's voice fell, the Envy Witch opened her mouth and let out a hoarse scream, "... .... Echidona, Echidona!!"

"What are you doing, look at how ugly you are now, Satila!! You are so ugly, so disgusting, you will only be abandoned by Lord Roy, and you can't be compared with beautiful people. I compete!"

Echidona's face turned cold, and she smiled mockingly.

And this smile finally stimulated Satila's jealousy to the extreme.

The envy witch waved her arms, and the shadows all around turned into a ghostly behemoth, with its sharp fangs... biting towards Echidona, at the same time, the shadows turned into a black screen, From there appeared swords, spears, swords, and halberds formed by shadows, and these weapons were also controlled by Satila, like a fierce battle on the battlefield, slashing away with the murderous aura of a golden horse.

Not even 000 was enough, the shadow began to squeeze the space, so that the space laws of this bedroom have changed, where is it still like Echidona's magic workshop, more like Satila's magic workshop ! "Die, Echidona!!"

The envy witch's shadow power is activated, the outside is attacked by the dark shadow, and the inner is the blow of jealousy to the heart, Echidona's black star-like eyes are also stained with a touch of resentment, and she takes two steps back with a pale face. It is greed that drives out jealousy.

Seeing this, Roy frowned and had to help Ajidona. With his eyes open, he was able to reach the 'Rainbow' level in the Moon World, and was able to turn all organic and inorganic substances into salt. "The magic eye opened, and the magic power flowed on the magic eye. After the transformation of the magic eye power, it became a highly mysterious sight attack.

The many dark shadows and weapons that rushed towards Echidona paused for a while, and a layer of salt stains appeared on the surface of the shadow. At this time, a vision appeared behind Roy, three pairs of wings spread out, and terrifying flames swept across. After that, all the dark shadows of Satila attacking Echidona were shattered in an instant.

However, following the thick black shadows and fog around him, he swallowed the flames emitted by Roy in one bite, and turned this space into a black ocean again. Roy's fleeting power is like a spark. Into the sea, no waves.

And Roy's action to save Echidona made the jealous witch stunned in place.

"I love you... Lord Roy..."

The envy witch lowered her head and murmured.


Chapter 114 I love you because you gave me everything

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