"To be honest, it was slightly beyond my expectations, but the results were within an acceptable range... It seems that I have misunderstood Pandora. Just like Kurt, just to keep herself alive, she doesn't care about the door to that extent."

"...But now Pandora chooses to pay such a huge price for revenge. The importance of that 'door' to her is much higher than she imagined."

Roy tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, and the development would always be unsatisfactory, and Roy did not have the ability to predict everything and even calculate it, to the unexpected situation that caught him off guard.

"The door... I regret it now. I should go to Erin with you. I'm really curious about... that 'door'."

The incarnation of the desire for knowledge, the lustful witch shows a regretful look, the existence of the 'door' comes from the intersection of this world, the earth and the other world. The "Book of Wisdom" also does not have any records about the 'door'.

"Then what kind of secret is there that will make Pandora not give up."

Even at this moment of crisis, Echidona's thirst for the unknown and knowledge was still in her mind. Seeing this, Roy also sighed that she is indeed a witch of **** and the incarnation of original sin.

Of course, this may also be the reason why Roy is too calm. If Roy is also panicked at this time, it is estimated that Echidona will also be worried.

"Things... it's so... troublesome... you guys still have time to spare... chatting here."

A slow, slightly panting voice came from outside the window. With the help of her own power, Segmed, the lazy witch dressed in sloppy clothes, was lying in the void and was slowly being 'impossible... ...the hand of sight' held it to the window of Echidona's bedroom.

Another invisible hand stretched out from Segmed's back, opened Echidona's window, and the Sloth Witch's body also 'floated' into the bedroom .

After Segmed entered the bedroom, she leaned lazily against the corner of the wall, her dark purple hair was loosely scattered, and her coquettish and lazy face also had an unusual seriousness at this time.

"Satila's... witch factor has gone wild... I wanted to go to her bedroom before, but was blocked by Satila's shadow and couldn't enter... You... ....do you know the current situation? If Satila's witch factor goes berserk...it will be extremely dire consequences...even me...can't stop her. "

Segmed's words were panting and panting, and he looked very tired. It could be seen that the Lazy Sorceress had already forcibly restrained her laziness in order to speak faster.

"Dona Donna, what's wrong with Tiratila, she'll be fine right?"

The door of Echidona's bedroom was suddenly slammed open, and the arrogant witch Typhon ran in, the young witch's face was full of worry.

"Damn it, **** it!! Donna, please tell us what happened!! That's the power of the Pretender Witch just now, why is the Pretend Witch able to touch our house, but we didn't find it!! Ahhh Ahhh, I absolutely don't allow it, absolutely don't allow the disaster that guy could bring!!"

......The Angry Witch Minerova was aggressive, her eyes were burning with anger, and she roared loudly.

Accompanied by the white mist, the gluttonous witch who was tied in the coffin also came to this bedroom. This... witch was still weak, and there was a growl in her stomach, "...so hungry. Ah, Tira, don't be in trouble.

, The food she cooks is delicious."

The **** witch Camilla also appeared in Echidona's bedroom at some point. She huddled in the corner by the wall, secretly looking at other people, her eyes swept to Roy from time to time, the whole person seemed to be frightened Little bunny, shivering.

All of a sudden, Echidona's bedroom became a mess, all kinds of voices came one after another, and all the witches except... Satila were gathered together.

The **** witch took a deep breath and smiled at the other witches: "...don't worry, let me see what the result is."

Echidona stretched out her hand, and a heavy book appeared in her hands, which is the symbol of the witch who knows everything about the world - "Book of Wisdom".

Echidona opened the book and found the page recorded in it, her expression followed...continuously changing, like overturning a dye bottle, calm, stunned, shocked, disbelieving, until the end of bewilderment.

Under the change of Echidona's expression, the "Book of Wisdom" in her hand did not grasp tightly and fell to the floor.

For a while, the whole bedroom became quiet.


Chapter 112 He is mine alone!

Echidona, the witch of lust, was blinded, and she did not even know that the Book of Wisdom in her hand fell to the ground, her delicate fingers remained rigid, and she murmured in her mouth, "... How can this happen, how can this happen."

Seeing this, Roy stepped forward, he bent down and picked up the "Book of Wisdom" on the ground, and took the initiative to open the book.

But he didn't see anything. This Book of Wisdom, which records all the changes in this world, is not a real book, but the manifestation of the power of the **** witch, so even Roy can't see it. record things inside.

"Dona, Donna"

Roy put the "Book of Wisdom" gently on the table beside him, took two steps forward and held the witch's fragrant shoulders and shook it gently, calling her name softly in his mouth.

In the past, the witch of **** was always able to face everything calmly, and even made unbearable jokes in her words, but today's performance of the witch of **** is different from the previous "097"

totally different.

The other witches were also silent at this moment, looking at Echidona with a worried look.

Roy hugged the absent-minded Ajidona to himself, let her lean in his arms, and patted her on the back lightly.

The girl's delicate body is soft and fragrant. This is the beauty that Roy has just tasted, and it makes him want to be fascinated, but at this moment, Roy has no other thoughts in his heart, only love and pity for the lustful witch.

It didn't take long for Echidona to come back to her senses, she raised her jade hand and pushed Roy slightly, and Roy obediently let her leave from his arms.

After the lustful witch stroked her wrinkled black long dress and folded her white hair, her whole body became sane again and returned to her usual appearance.

"Sorry for worrying everyone."

She pursed her lips and smiled at the other five witches of sin, but there was still a bitterness in the smile.

"Dona Donna, what happened"

The arrogant witch Typhon trotted over, grabbed the hem of Echidona's clothes and asked.

The remaining witches also invariably turned their attention to Echidona, waiting for her to speak out.

Seeing this, Roy smiled in his heart. From the performance of these witches, it can be seen that the backbone of the sin witch is usually... Echidona, so when something happens, everyone will wait for her answer, but with Echidona's knowledge and power, she is indeed the best person to do these things.

"We're all going to die..."

Echidona spoke words that made people feel astonished and frightened in an unusually calm voice.

The **** witch Camilla was even more shocked when she heard it. She was standing in the corner, but this time she shrank back, looking at Roy with worried and pitiful eyes, Roy had to go back With her smile, Camilla was temporarily relieved.

"Dona... This is not nonsense, even if we are witches, we will grow old and die, and I'm already starving to death now... Let's talk about what happened to Tila."

Daphne, the gluttonous witch, said weakly, just like a person who was starving to the point of death. She raised her head worriedly, and saw that the ceiling of the bedroom was filled with an ominous dark color, and there were shadows like smoke. Like wandering there.

The envy witch Satila's house was completely surrounded by shadow-like darkness, and no one could enter. Even the strongest sloth witch among the witches was caught by that shadow, and these shadows were spreading out at a slow speed, as if to want to. devour everything.

Satila's current situation is really worrying.

"The death I'm talking about isn't life, old age, sickness and death..."

At this time, the witch of **** turned away, and she explained in detail: "...in the past, because of pretending the power of the witch Pandora, in some matters related to her, my "Book of Wisdom" " can not be recorded in detail, there are only a few words, and there may even be errors in it."

"...But now Pandora has used her power to distort the world, and she herself has fallen into a weak state, and has no ability to stop the "Book of Wisdom"."

Speaking of which, Echidona's smile was a little reluctant. This was good news. Without Pandora's help, she could have used the power of "Book of Wisdom" to easily find the demon Hector. Kill the other party without any intention, so as to solve a life-related crisis for yourself.

But now she can't seem to laugh.

"Pandora really doesn't need to react to the "Book of Wisdom", because in this world that has been completely distorted by her, we have only one ending, and that is to be killed by Satila!"

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