The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0188 Stop It? Hyotei Junior High School Student Inherited Bei Xiao's Style!

0188 came forward to stop it? Hyotei junior high school student inherited Bei Xiao’s style!


"Junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! End of the game! Score 3-5! Change of serve!"


"Junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! End of the game! Score 5-4! ~ Change of serve!"


"Junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! End of the game! Score 5-5! Change of serve -!"

Three games in a row.

Throughout the entire No. 1 training court, the only sound inside and outside the court was the sound of Atobe Keigo hitting the ball on the Tokugawa Kazuya court.

And, the sound of the referee announcing the score.



Whether you are a junior high school student or a high school student.

Even Oni Jujiro and the other three.

They all stared blankly at Atobe Keigo, who was chasing the score in three consecutive games in the court, and were speechless for a moment.

in their eyes.

Atobe Keigo's whole body is filled with the aura of Asura Shinto, like a real Shura from the abyss of hell.

The racquet he held in his hand almost became a sickle for harvesting life.

Every ball hit on the court where Tokugawa Kazuya is sitting harvests the opponent's fighting spirit and belief in Bihei.

A pair of blood-red eyes also made it impossible to look into them.

It seems that as long as you look at the other person for one second, you will be overwhelmed by his aura.

The score of 5-5 made them, as spectators, unable to imagine what kind of pressure Tokugawa Kazuya was under now.

Although the Asura Shinto aura in Tokugawa Kazuya has not completely disappeared.


Compared to Atobe Keigo.

If Atobe Keigo is the Shura from hell, then Tokugawa Kazuya is just the humblest lonely ghost.

The almost losing fighting spirit in his eyes was enough to prove that his heart was on the verge of collapse.

Not to mention that he kept saying before the game that Atobe Keigo would not be able to win 3 games from him.

At this time, he had almost lost all hope of winning the game.


"Impossible! How could I lose to a junior high school student again!"

"Absolutely not!"

Tokugawa Kazuya came to his senses. His physical strength and body functions were almost at their limit. He touched the racquet in his hand and shouted angrily.

However, the louder his voice became, the more everyone present felt his despair and powerlessness.

In the eyes of high school students in various courts, Tokugawa Kazuya, as a talented high school student who once single-handedly penetrated 16 training courts, is in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Although the score is now even, everyone can see that it is only a matter of time before Atobe Keigo wins the game.

"No! This match must be stopped! After Tokugawa came down from the mountain, his fighting spirit finally recovered! If he loses this match...his Asura Shinto will probably be ruined!"

Oni Jujiro spoke in a deep voice, his tone obviously very anxious.

As he spoke, he even planned to rush into the court gate.

But as soon as he took a step, Irie Kanata grabbed him.

"Ghost! Calm down! Even if you stop the game if you go now, you should know what the consequences will be!"

"You stopped the match between Byodoin and Tokugawa! If the head coach hadn't agreed to let you stay in the training camp as the gatekeeper of Court No. 5, according to the rules, you would have been kicked out of the training camp!"

"Do it again...even the head coach can't let you stay without complying with the rules!"

"Ten thousand steps back! You know the importance of this year's U-17 World Cup, are you going to give up?!"

Irie Kanata's words caused Oni Jujiro to stop and stand silently.

Seeing that he was not impulsive, Irie Kanata and Tanegashima Shuji also breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation Tokugawa Kazuya is in is already very bad now, if another Oni Jujiro gets involved!

Definitely not good news for JapanU-17.

Seeing that Atobe Keigo had taken out the net from his pocket and hit the racquet, the 11th game was about to begin.

Oni Jujiro still spoke anxiously: "Then what can we do now? Just give up on Tokugawa?"

Irie Kanata and Tanegashima Shuji shook their heads.


Neither of them knew how to break the situation.

Naturally, they don't want to see Tokugawa Kazuya defeated again, but they also have to worry about the rules of the training camp.

"Perhaps this game was actually planned by Kurobe Yukio and others from the beginning!"

"It might even be the work of the head coach!"

About a few seconds later, as Atobe Keigo scored a flat serve in the court, Irie Kanata looked in the direction of the surveillance camera and spoke softly.

"Coach Mifune?! Why?!" Oni Jujiro was a little confused.

Tanegashima Shuji smiled bitterly and answered for Irie Kanata: "I guess even if these six junior high school students are training on the mountain, Coach Mifune doesn't know what the current level of Atobe Keigo's strength is!"

"If he wanted to find out how much Atobe Keigo was hiding, he simply took this opportunity to use Tokugawa, who also opened Asura Shinto, as bait to induce Atobe Keigo to use all his strength!"

"After all! None of the three of us are a good opponent!"

"If the ghost is too strong, Irie and I will most likely let each other off! So Tokugawa, who has a strong will to win, becomes the best candidate!"

"It's just that Coach Mifune probably didn't expect that Tokugawa was really no match for him, right?"

He just finished speaking.


"Junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! The score is 30-0!"

Atobe Keigo in the court has scored another goal.

this moment.

Everyone present no longer had any hope for Tokugawa Kazuya.

Atobe Keigo looked at Tokugawa Kazuya who was standing in front of him with a dull look.

"It seems that I have caught up with the minister! At least... he can defeat you! I can do the same!"

"Tokugawa Kazuya! You now... seem to be no different from those high school students who were beaten up!"

"Asura Shinto? Your fighting spirit doesn't look so intimidating!"


While talking, Atobe Keigo hit a ball.

Now every ball he hits is in the dead center of Tokugawa Kazuya's body.

Not to mention that it was at the physical limit.

Even without the "black hole" that was used for half an hour, it would have been almost impossible for Tokugawa Kazuya to hit back the ball in his own blind spot.



After the ball bounced, it hit Tokugawa Kazuya's abdomen and blew him away.

The appearance of this scene made Oni Jujiro and the others know that Atobe Keigo was about to start taking action now!!

Tokugawa Kazuya's angry words towards Bei Xiao when his mentality was unbalanced, and what he said to vent his inner anger.

Clearly remembered by Atobe Keigo.

Now it's time to make Tokugawa Kazuya pay the price for what he said...

"Atobe Keigo! That's enough!"

"Tokugawa didn't mean to say those words!"

"I can ask him to apologize to you, but after all, he is also a player valued by the training camp!"

"The price of this goal is enough!"

Oni Jujiro stood outside the court and spoke coldly to Atobe Keigo, causing many people to look at him.

Atobe Keigo also tilted his head and looked in the direction of Oni Jujiro.

"Oni Jujiro-senpai!"

"Today is the first time we have met! I know that you are not Hyotei's enemy! So I have a pretty good attitude toward you, right?"

"But! This doesn't mean you can make such a rude request!"

"Standing arrogantly in court...then you have to pay the price of arrogance!"

"If the minister were here, I'm afraid he wouldn't allow this guy to walk down the court safely!"

After saying that, under the gaze of everyone in the audience, he waved the racquet serve again.


A ball hit directly on Tokugawa Kazuya, who fell to the ground in pain and had not yet stood up.


Tokugawa Kazuya's shrill scream made Oni Jujiro's eyes widen angrily: "Atobe Keigo!! You..."

Before he finished speaking, Atobe Keigo said to the referee as if he didn't mean it: "I'm sorry, referee, I didn't notice that this guy hasn't stood up yet!"

"This ball is my fault!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Forget it! This guy seems to have been hit very hard by this ball! This ball counts as his score!"

The referee listened and his eyes kept twitching.

But now he could only suppress the trembling in his heart and announced bravely: "High school student Tokugawa Kazuya scores! The score is 40-15!"

Such a result made the high school students no longer bear to watch the game in the court.

Tokugawa Kazuya was almost unable to stand up.

Now he was injured again by Atobe Keigo.

Obviously there is no possibility of continuing the game!

What happens next will undoubtedly be a complete tragedy.

Even if Tokugawa Kazuya loses the cup completely in this game, it is not impossible!

The junior high school students stared at Atobe Keigo with complicated eyes.

after all.

Tokugawa Kazuya is already beyond their reach in the training camp!

Now in front of Atobe Keigo, he is like a lost dog.

They recalled that when they received the invitation letter from Japan U-17 after the national conference, they felt the fighting spirit to catch up with the main players of Hyotei.

A huge sense of gap also arises spontaneously at this moment.

But no matter how unwilling they are, they still know that compared to Atobe Keigo, one month of training has not resulted in any reduction in strength.

It’s even getting bigger and bigger!!

With everyone watching, Atobe Keigo just wanted to serve again.


I saw Yukio Kurobe and three others appearing at the gate of Training Court No. 1.

The person who called for a stop was Yukio Kurobe.

The appearance of the three people made Oni Jujiro and the others feel relieved.


They were also more certain of their previous guesses that everything was arranged by Yukio Kurobe or Mifūne Nyudōsan!

Atobe Keigo raised his eyebrows and looked at the three people, obviously guessing the reason for their appearance.

Being stared at by him like this, Yukio Kurobe and the other two people also felt a little embarrassed.

First he glanced at the injured Tokugawa Kazuya, and then Saitō Itaru took the lead and spoke: "Atobe Keigo-kun, just treat this game as a face to the coaching staff... How about that end?"

…Please give me flowers…

Atobe Keigo chuckled: "That's it? Although the three of them are the coaching staff, the rules of the training camp don't seem to say that the coach can stop the game at any time, right?"

"I think...should you give me a reasonable explanation?"

"After all! If high school students want face, can Hyotei Gakuen be humiliated?"

Kurobe Yukio sighed: "Atobe Keigo-san, why do you have to make such a fuss... Let's do this! You seven

All students are promoted to the No. 1 Training Court!"

"And, you, Kabaji Munehiro, and Oshitari Yuushi have won the spot for the junior high school student team!"

"What do you think of this solution?"

Just when he thought Atobe Keigo would relent, Atobe Keigo waved his hand: "Coach Kurobe, is this your sincerity?"

"I have never seen anyone use the promise they have given as a bargaining chip!"

Kurobe Yukio's face darkened slightly: "Atobe Keigo-san, this is the best sincerity I can give!"

"Or you can state your request! After all, this is an internal competition, and everything is focused on player safety!"

Atobe Keigo smiled slightly: "Coach Kurobe, regarding the jungle of Japan U-17 training camp! I have now truly understood the lesson!

"When those trash fish were scrapped, you didn't show up!"

"Tokugawa Kazuya, on the other hand, said everything about player safety!"

"That's all! I'm too lazy to discuss this with you in detail!"

"In addition to the previous conditions, one more thing! Even if the four of Rokuhe and the others do not reach the quota of junior high school students on the Japan U-17 team! They must be allowed to do so.

To go to the U-17 World Cup as a player with the team!"


"As for whether you can play in the game, you don't need to care too much about it! If you are good enough, you can play. If you are not good enough... I just don't want them to sit there.

It’s just an auditorium!”

This additional condition made Echizen Ryoma and others outside the court change their expressions.

Because Atobe Keigo is equivalent to buying an "insurance" for Ryo Anato and the four of them.

This "insurance" can be regarded as an opportunity that junior high school students like them may not get even if they work hard for a month!

The high school students gritted their teeth one by one.

Junior high school students may still have the opportunity to become an additional quota!

But these high school students don’t even have the luxury of going to watch the U-17 World Cup!

The three of them, Kurobe Yukio, looked at each other and frowned again.

This condition...if they agree...

So what are the rules of the training camp?!

But Atobe Keigo seemed to know what they were thinking, and spoke leisurely again: "Coach Kurobe! To put it bluntly! The relationship between us and the training camp is just mutual use!"

"You take advantage of our age, talent, and strength! Give us training! Let us win the game for Japan U-17!"

"If you really don't consider our conditions...I can also find U-17 training camps in other countries through the minister to participate in the competition!"

"I believe that... with our relationship with the minister and our strength! Even if we are scattered among teams from various countries, it shouldn't be difficult to at least have a spot on the field!"

At this time, Kurobe Yukio and the others were completely anxious.

"No!! How can you do this!! You have been recruited and trained by Japan U-17, and now if you go to other teams... it is simply too much.

Got it!" Takushu Ryuuji said in a deep voice.

But his accusation obviously couldn't make Atobe Keigo change his mind. He just looked at Yukio Kurobe quietly, waiting for the other party's reply.

"Promise him!" When Yukio Kurobe hesitated, the voice of Mifūne Nyudōsan came from the headphones he was wearing.


He took a deep look at the position of the court surveillance probe, and slowly said to Atobe Keigo: "Deal! Just like you said! Afterwards, Anato Ryo and the four others will not be strong enough to join the agency.

If you are a member of the team, they can also start with the team! As a representative of junior high school students, they can follow the team and experience the game!"

"But! They will not be considered for the playing quota!"

"Now, can the person be taken away?"

After he finished speaking, everyone in the audience, including Oni Jujiro and the three others, stared at him in astonishment.

You actually agreed?!

This is equivalent to the training camp acquiescing to the "threat" of Atobe Keigo!!

When does training camp bow before players?!



A figure appeared in the minds of Oni Jujiro and the other three.

Bei Xiao!!

The training camp has also been threatened by the opponent.

Not only because of the Wolf Head Expedition Badge held by the other party at that time, but also because of the fearless strength of the other party at that time!!

Now...these Hyotei Junior High School students in front of me have also inherited the style of Minister Bei Xiao in a sense!

Flagrantly threatening to leave the Japan U-17 training camp

If it were the past……….

That’s unthinkable!

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