The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0187 Asura Vs Asura! This Uncle Will Let You Suffer Another Disastrous Defeat!

0187 Asura VS Asura! I will let you suffer another disastrous defeat!


"Junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! The score is 0-40!"

Almost everyone in the audience stared in disbelief.

Atobe Keigo served Tokugawa Kazuya in the sixth inning and impressively scored 3 goals in a row!


Tokugawa Kazuya was also completely confused by the methods shown by Atobe Keigo.

He couldn't understand how Atobe Keigo did this!

He even felt as if his body was imprisoned by a pair of big hands, and he was completely unable to make any response in front of the opponent.

Atobe Keigo looked at Tokugawa Kazuya with amusement, chuckled and said: "There is still the last ball and the three-game score doesn't seem so difficult to win!"

"Tokugawa Kazuya...I now understand why the minister specifically mentioned Onijujiro-senpai and the others before we came to the training camp, but he didn't mention you!"

"You really...are not good enough to be a player that Hyotei needs to pay attention to!"

This almost naked contempt made every high school student outside the court look at Atobe Keigo in shock.

Except Bei Xiao...

The other party is obviously the first junior high school student who dares to look down on Tokugawa Kazuya like this!!

They could even feel the energy contained in Tokugawa Kazuya's heart at this time.

Almost at this moment, it spread endlessly from him.

Oni Jujiro, Irie Kanata and Tanegashima Shuji also frowned.

"This little guy... is so merciless! Is his purpose just to anger Tokugawa?"

" Shuji...I think! He just wants Tokugawa Kazuya to fight him with all his strength! In my opinion, none of these Hyotei brats are stupid guys! It's rare to meet Tokugawa like this A high-level opponent! He should also want to try what his current level is!"

The conversation between Tanegashima Shuji and Irie Kanata made Oni Jujiro say in a deep voice: "As he wishes...Tokugawa will go all out now!"

As he finished speaking.

Tokugawa Kazuya's body suddenly surged with a terrifying aura that made people feel heart palpitating.

Revealing weirdness and chilling.

The faint purple aura almost completely enveloped his body at this moment.

The appearance of this scene made Oshitari Yuushi, a Hyotei player, and others exclaim almost at the same time: "Asura Shinto?!"

And outside the court.

The high school students also widened their eyes.

"It turned out to be... Asura Shinto!! Sure enough!! The rumors are right!! Tokugawa Kazuya went to the mountains to train!! Otherwise he would never have been able to activate Asura Shinto!!"

"The Byodoin boss also 617 controlled Asura Shinto's power!! Doesn't that mean that Tokugawa Kazuya is the second player in the training camp to activate Asura Shinto?!"

"Oh my god... Tokugawa Kazuya must have the strength to securely occupy a spot in the first army now!!"

"The power of hell is simply too exaggerated!!"

"My back is getting cold just looking at it!!"

"Is this the power of Asura Shinto... I saw it once with the Byodoin boss! Why do I feel that Tokugawa's Asura Shinto aura is as good as the Byodoin boss!!"

Among the junior high school students, except Seiichi Yukimura, three people died.

Inui Sadaharu and others all looked at Tokugawa Kazuya with blank expressions.

Naturally, they heard the words "Asura Shinto" from the high school students' exclamations.

But they obviously have no contact with it, and they don't even have any clear understanding.

I can just feel that the power Tokugawa Kazuya has now is extremely terrifying.

It's like coming from an abyss of hell that no one can face directly.

Cold, paranoid, and fearful!

At this time, they even forgot about the three people around them, Seiichi Yukimura, and just stared blankly at Tokugawa Kazuya in the court, speechless.

at the same time.

In the competition court.

Tokugawa Kazuya, who started Asura Shinto, raised his head slightly and looked coldly at his opponent Atobe Keigo.

“Atobe Keigo………”

"Don't you want to force me to go all out..."

"Since you can come down from the mountain, you should know what Asura Shinto represents, right?"

"I never thought that your strength would be able to show me this far, but I have to say! As a junior high school student on the Japan U-17 team! You are already qualified!"

"However...this game! You can't change the final result!"

"It's over! Atobe Keigo!"

When he said these words, the arrogance and confidence in his tone were undisguised.

Asura Shinto………

He is confident that this is the fatal method that can crush Atobe Keigo in front of him!

But when he is ready to serve.

"Ha..." A sneer sounded from across the court.

"Huh?" Tokugawa Kazuya frowned slightly and subconsciously looked in the direction of Atobe Keigo.

From this sneer, he could still clearly feel the other party's disdain.

This made his inner dissatisfaction aggravated again.

But soon.

It's not just him!

What happened was that everyone in the audience, even Irie Kanata, was stunned on the spot.

I saw that Atobe Keigo's body began to slowly overflow with the same purple aura as Tokugawa Kazuya's.

"Tokugawa Kazuya...did you think you were the only one who stepped into hell?"

"Asura Shinto.…………"

"I have mastered it too!"

As Atobe Keigo's playful words slowly reached the ears of everyone present.

Except for Oshitari Yuushi and others who went down the mountain with Atobe Keigo, everyone else's shocked eyes that originally rested on Tokugawa Kazuya were all focused on Atobe Keigo at this moment.

And many junior high school students present have also noticed it.

When Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu competed at the national competition, there was actually a similar look in each other's eyes!!

Only then did they realize...

It turns out that this so-called Asura Shinto, Atobe Keigo had already been in contact with him a month ago!!

"Impossible!! How can a junior high school student activate Asura Shinto!!"

"Damn! Can the training on the mountain actually enable a junior high school student to activate Asura Shinto?!"

"I must be hallucinating!! How can this junior high school student be so strong!! Can Tokugawa... still win?!"

"Asura Shinto vs. Asura Shinto. There has never been a match like this in the training camp!! But... why is it a junior high school student!!"

"Monster!! Any junior high school student who can follow Bei Xiao is definitely a monster!!"

"Is this a junior high school student from Hyotei Gakuen... If he is an ordinary high school student from the No. 1 training court, how can he be the opponent of the player who started Asura Shinto!"

All high school students in the audience couldn't accept the fact that Atobe Keigo started Asura Shinto!

This force was once only the number one in their cognition!!

That is, the power that only Byōdōin Hōō, the strongest person in the training camp and the commander-in-chief, can possess!!

Forget about Tokugawa Kazuya who appears now!!

It actually appeared in a junior high school student who had joined the training camp for a month...

In their hearts, they have already acquiesced that their talent and strength are not as good as those of Atobe Keigo and others.

However, now, their last "fig leaf" has been almost lifted, and all they have to do is point at their noses and say they are useless!

After Irie Kanata and the others reacted, they looked at Atobe Keigo and showed a wry smile.

Tanegashima Shuji rubbed both sides of his forehead and spoke slowly: "I don't know now... whether it is the effect of Coach Mifune's training that has been strengthened, or whether this Atobe Keigo's talent is too amazing!"

Irie Kanata nodded: "Yes! He is also the first junior high school student to start Asura Shinto after Bei Xiao! It's true... birds of a feather flock together! There are indeed players who can be trained by Bei Xiao Unusual place!

Oni Jujiro could not help but speak with a hint of worry: "The problem now is... Tokugawa's state

"Asura Shinto was originally prepared for his revenge!"

"Now... facing this junior high school student who also started Asura Shinto! He may not even be able to win this game!"

These words made the look of helplessness in the eyes of Irie Kanata and Tanegashima Shuji even heavier.

What can be done?!

Strength is always the only reliance in the court!

If you lose, you can only blame your lack of strength!

Is it possible that the opponent’s talent and strength are superior to his own?!

In the competition court.

Tokugawa Kazuya tightened his grip on the racquet in his hand, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Why... why do you also...

But (cfcc) Atobe Keigo ignored the other party's intention at this time.

Just standing in the baseline position of receiving the ball, the calm look on his face reminded Tokugawa Kazuya of a person who had defeated him before.

"Asshole!! Asshole!!"

"Bei Xiao!! It's because of him!!"

"If he hadn't hurt me, I should be stronger now!!"

"Now I've got you, the junior high school students he trained!"

"You injured so many high school students just like him just to humiliate others!!"

"You, Bei Xiao, and Byōdōin Hōō are all the same person!!"

"Take pleasure in destroying other people's tennis careers!! You are a group of guys who are least qualified to play tennis!!"


Tokugawa Kazuya's emotions at this time were completely ignited after Atobe Keigo ignored him.

His angry shouts made almost everyone cast complicated glances.

Even the three people in the main control room, Mifūne Nyudōsan and Yukio Kurobe, knew that Tokugawa Kazuya's mentality had completely collapsed.

They watched Tokugawa Kazuya hit a powerful serve straight away.

Kurobe Yukio hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Should we stop this game now? After all, if we continue like this... what if something unexpected happens.

Saitō Itaru and Takashi Ryuuji also nodded.

If this game is not about two people who started Asura Shinto as opponents in the court, then it doesn't matter!

The key is......

Now we are competing between two people whose determination to win is enough to push open the gate of hell!

Injury is a high probability!

三 Mifūne Nyudō 三 took a deep look at Tokugawa Kazuya and Atobe Keigo who were already on full fire in the court!

Even in order to win the game, Tokugawa Kazuya has used the "black hole" to defend Atobe Keigo's offense!

"hold on..

....I want to see...where are the strength benchmarks of these two little guys!"

"However, you can make some preparations! Wait for my instructions to stop this game at any time!"

Seeing what he said, although Kurobe Yukio felt it was a bit risky, he still bit the bullet and agreed.

In the competition court.

After Tokugawa Kazuya opened the "black hole", it naturally caused the high school and junior high school students who watched the harm to exclaim.

After all, this ability to directly freeze the tennis ball in a space is beyond their previous understanding of tennis.

And Atobe Keigo was indeed unable to score effectively for a while!

Although Asura Shinto is strong, it is still extremely difficult for him to break through the "black hole".


Neither he nor Oshitari Yuushi and others knew better than the junior high school students and high school students who exclaimed.

"Black hole" is very strong!!


This move also has great limitations!!

As long as it lasts for half an hour... Tokugawa Kazuya will never be able to use it again!!

By then...

This is the best chance to counterattack!!

What Atobe Keigo has to do is to postpone this game as long as possible!!

10 minutes!

20 minutes!

30 minutes!


"High school student Tokugawa Kazuya scores! End of game! Score 2-5! Change of serve! Match point!"

When Tokugawa Kazuya gritted his teeth and used the "black hole" to block Atobe Keigo's light shot again, and also responded with a light shot, winning the seventh game.

When the referee announced the score, he stumbled and half-knelt on the ground.

The sweat on his body and the tingling sensation coming from various parts of his body made him clearly aware...

My body is almost reaching its limit!!

But look at Atobe Keigo as his opponent.

Although the score was a full 3 points behind!


Unlike Tokugawa Kazuya, who is almost reaching his limit, he has a strong Asura Shinto aura and a straight posture.

It’s enough to prove his game status!!

Atobe Keigo!!

Protracted battles have always been his strength!!

Among all the tennis players he has ever encountered, except Bei Xiao, he can make him feel powerless in a protracted game.

Only Akutsu Jin, a physically gifted being, can be compared with him!!


Outside the court, Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata saw Tokugawa Kazuya half-kneeling on the ground and subconsciously exclaimed.

They know "Tokugawa Kazuya has reached his limit!"

If the opponent uses "Black Hole" again, given the opponent's physical fitness... his tennis career will definitely be severely hit!!

But Tokugawa Kazuya "couldn't hear" the admonishment in the two people's voices at this time.

He just stood up and once again stared with resentful eyes at Atobe Keigo, who had made him so embarrassed.

The anger in his heart has never dissipated since he turned on Asura Shinto!

Atobe Keigo looked coldly in the direction of Tokugawa Kazuya, his eyes began to turn red.

The aura of Asura Shinto on his body began to gather in his eyes at this time.

Oshitari Yuushi and others in the rest area looked a little excited when they saw this.

"Atobe is about to start his counterattack!"

"Half an hour...I'm afraid he has once again penetrated the blind spot of Tokugawa Kazuya under Asura Shinto!"

"Atobe's perspective under Asura's Eyes!"

"Even in the mountains, I have never seen such a scene!"

Oshitari Yuushi whispered to himself at the same time.

Atobe Keigo in the court has already thrown up the tennis ball in his hand.

Standing at the serve baseline position, he swung out with all his strength.

In his bloodshot eyes, scarlet dots appeared around Tokugawa Kazuya.

"Since your luck has prevented you from being defeated by the minister, today... I will let you suffer another disastrous defeat on behalf of the minister!!"

"Tokugawa Kazuya......Watch it!! These are the blind spots that you can't make up even if you try your best!!"

A shadow of the ball crossed the top of the net and hit Tokugawa Kazuya's court.

The latter's body, which had just stood up straight, was instantly stiff under the ball.


As the tennis ball popped out of the court, Tokugawa Kazuya's body also fell to the ground.

"Junior...junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! The score is 15-0!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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