The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0179 A Group Of 6 People Going Down The Mountain! We Want To Penetrate Court No. 1-16!

0179 A group of 6 people going down the mountain! We want to penetrate court No. 1-16!

The next morning.

Many high school and junior high school students in the Japan U-17 training camp have gotten up early and are ready to start training.

In Court No. 3.

"Senior Irie! Good morning!" When Oshitari Kenya and others appeared in court No. 3, they saw a yawning Irie Kanata lying in the rest area.

Irie Kanata heard their voices, turned over and sat up with her hands: "I envy you little guys for maintaining such strong energy every day!"

"It's been a month! The amount of training every day is 1.2 times more than the training amount of the court where I am, and I can still practice sparring with Shuji and the others for an hour in the evening!"

"Junior high school students nowadays... are really working hard!"

After hearing his words, Anato Ryo and Otori Cyotaroh had found an empty court and stood at both ends of the court.

Otori Cyotaroh directly grabbed 6 tennis balls and threw them upwards.


6 tennis balls, a sound of hitting the ball.

He and Ryo Anato's multi-ball warm-up has begun!


Hiyoshi Wakashi and Akutakawa Jirou, as well as Kite Eishirou and Fuji Syusuke, also used the six-goal streak as a warm-up.

Although Oshitari Kenya had no partner for sparring, he tied Japan U-17's special weights to his feet and started running in circles in the training court No. 3.

"Senior Irie! Aren't we training so hard just to improve our strength?"

Ryo Anato spoke while playing ball with Otori Cyotaroh.


"Shishido-senpai is right! Irie-senpai [I hope Shutu-senpai will be my sparring partner tonight. I feel like my serve can make new progress!"

"He might be able to give me more tips!"

"You're in good condition today, Shishido-senpai! Just give me 8!"


"no problem!"

Otori Cyotaroh said, "Four four seven". After Anato Ryo hit back again, he took out 2 tennis balls from his pocket and threw them up [hitting them together with the 6 tennis balls flying towards him.


The corners of Irie Kanata's eyes twitched, and he didn't know what to say.


Deep down in my heart, I still see the progress made by Anato Ryo and the others.

One month's time.

We fought all the way from Court No. 11 to Court No. 3.

With the help of himself, Tanegashima Shuji and Oni Jujiro.

Although Anato Ryo and the others focused on team shuffle games at the beginning.

But these little guys seem to think that it takes three days to play one game and can only be promoted to one court, which is too slow.


When their strength came to a qualitative change for the first time, each of them started a personal shuffle!

There are successes and failures.

It can be said that these seven people gathered in Court No. 3 yesterday.

In terms of personal strength, each one is at the top level in the country.

Some aspects even go beyond the national level.

And the degree of mastery of multi-ball combos.

Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh are the two strongest!

Although the two of them are currently playing 8 goals in a row, they actually have the possibility of playing close to 10 goals in a row!

Just give them some more time, or wait for an opportunity to break through 10 goals in a row.

The only two people are Fuji Syusuke, Kite Eishirou, Hiyoshi Wakashi and Akutakawa Jirou.

Their ability to control multiple balls in a row was only 8!

However, their own tennis style is very unique, so when they challenged the No. 3 court in the individual battle, although it was hard, they still had a close call in the end!

The general level of multi-ball play in No. 3 court is 9 balls!

From this point of view, these four people are the first to be able to complete the challenge!

And Oshitari Kenya is the hardest one!

As the one with the lowest personal ability among the seven, Irie Kanata almost found a high school student who recently wanted to "take a break" and "released" him into the No. 3 court.

The price is that Oshitari Kenya must "take root" in the training court on No. 3 faster while the high school students in No. 4 court launch a fierce pursuit of him!

And in this month.

It is becoming more and more obvious for high school students to target Ryo Anato and others!

Especially the high school students in Court No. 1-2.

It is different from the lower court high school students who have been defeated or even abolished.

They are even more fearful and dissatisfied with Ryo Anato and others who have climbed to Court No. 3!

Because they can see it.

It’s clear that junior high school students like Ryo Anato are going to Court No. 1!!

So, they have spoken out.

As long as Anato Ryo and the others dare to challenge Court No. 1-2, they will go all out to prevent them from having the chance to go to Court next time!

This also means that once Anato Ryo and the others are caught with a loophole, they will inevitably be attacked by the craziest attacks!!

Even attacks that threaten their tennis careers!!

In this regard, even Oni Jujiro, who is famous in the training camp, and Tanegashima Shuji, who is in Court No. 1, cannot interfere.

The rules of the training camp are strict!

They provided additional training to Ryo Anato and others, which was considered a great help.

If you interfere in other things, you have crossed the line!

If you protect it too well, it will gradually lose its role in cultivation.

And players were arriving one after another in each court of the training camp.

Outside the gate of the Japan U-17 training camp.

Six slovenly men wearing black uniforms appeared.

Inside the main control room of the Japan U-17 training camp.

Kurobe Yukio and the others looked at Atobe Keigo and the others standing outside the gate, and there was not much surprise on their faces.

After all, they received the notification of three Mifūne Nyudō three yesterday.

The little devils on the mountain... are going down the mountain today!!

"Coach Kurobe...what? I haven't seen you for a month! You don't recognize us, right?"

"Did you agree to send our tennis bags and luggage up the mountain?"

"You actually let me spend a month in the mountains like a savage! Humph!"

Listening to Atobe Keigo's stern tone in the surveillance video, Kurobe Yukio smiled bitterly and turned on the microphone, speaking softly: "Atobe-san, and everyone! Long time no see 3..."

"Sorry! But you should also know that things on the mountain are not ours to decide!"

"Your luggage has been placed in your original dormitory!"

"The tennis bag is at the door!"

"Everyone, on behalf of the training camp coaching staff, I wish you all the best in advance to complete your own tasks!"

After saying that, he directly pressed the door button.

Atobe Keigo and others looked at the door of the training camp slowly opening in front of them, and the six familiar tennis bags behind the door. They also looked at each other and walked straight into the door.

I picked up my tennis bag and walked towards the training court No. 16.

In the main control room.

Kurobe Yukio and the other three looked at their figures on the surveillance screen.

Eyes twinkling.

Takashi Ryuuji held up the dumbbells in his hands and said with a slightly worried tone: "The task given to them by the head coach...will they be cruel?"

Saitō Itaru raised the corner of his mouth slightly, chuckled and said: "I'm not sure about these three little guys Seiichi Yukimura, Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Kintarou Tooyama! But if Atobe Keigo and the other three knew that Ryo Anato and the others have been stared at by high school students this month, ..."

"I'm afraid it's hard not to get injured in every court!"

"My suggestion is to have the entire medical team on standby!"

Kurobe Yukio also had a headache and covered his forehead.

Seeing that Atobe Keigo and the others were already arriving at the gate of Court No. 16, he still chose to accept Saitō Itaru's suggestion.

Although it seems a bit overwhelming, compared to the possible results...

It’s better to prepare in advance!

The only thing that gave him some comfort was that if there were really fewer dozens of high school students, the training camp would have more funds!

One more person means more training costs!

Training court No. 16.

In the court, the high school students were lazily completing their training today.

As the bottom training court.

The junior high school students who were assigned to training court No. 16 a month ago are already moving towards the upper court.

It can be said.

The court players who changed the least in the training camp were the players who stayed on the 16th training court.



There was a loud noise from the court door, and Kintarou Tooyama kicked it open.

Such a big movement shocked the high school students in the training court on the 16th!!

"Who is it?! Damn it! It's so scary!!"

"Hey hey hey!! Who are you six?! Why have I never seen you before!!"

"Wait! They are...junior high school students!? I saw them during the training camp recruitment a month ago!!"

"Junior high school student?! Then why haven't you seen them before? Which court are they in?"

"They did not enter the training court. They were called away alone at that time! They did not train in the training camp!"

"Ah?! Wait!! No! Look at their uniforms!! It's... black!!"

"Could it be...damn it!! They came down from the mountain!!"

The high school students in the court had mixed reactions.

At first, everyone felt angry and dissatisfied with the appearance of Atobe Keigo and others.

But when someone saw that "something was wrong" with Atobe Keigo and the others, their expressions began to change dramatically.

Especially when they realized that the black uniforms worn by Atobe Keigo and others could only be worn by tennis players who came down from the mountain, they subconsciously took a step back.

Some of the new high school students in the court who joined this year were a little confused.

They have not been exposed to the "black uniforms" thing.

It wasn't until some "old people" gave a rough explanation that they swallowed their saliva.

There is an unwritten rule in the JapanU17 training camp.

That is, no one can refuse the challenge from a tennis player wearing black uniform!

And some people who have stayed in the Japan U-17 training camp long enough also know it.

These tennis players wearing black uniforms are all tennis players who have gone through brutal training in the back mountains!

Compared with before going up the mountain, their strength will have undergone a huge transformation...

It's just that they didn't expect...

One day, six junior high school students wearing black uniforms appeared in front of them.

Atobe Keigo and others had a look of amusement on their faces.

They could all see the fear in the eyes of these high school students.

Atobe Keigo took a step forward with his pockets in his pockets and spoke to a group of high school students: "Now, the six of us are going to challenge Court No. 16!"

"But it's not a team competition! It's an individual battle! Yes.

Will you step forward yourselves, or will we choose someone?"

As soon as these words came out.

The expressions of the high school students present were even more ugly.

As a player on court No. 16, if you lose, you will have to leave the training camp directly!!

But wait until they persuade Atobe Keigo and 6 people to challenge other courts.

Yukio Kurobe's voice has been heard throughout the Japan U-17 training camp broadcast.

"Attention all players in the training camp!"

"A temporary announcement! Six junior high school students are about to start the court challenge!"

"They will challenge from court 16!"

"Please note that all court players are not allowed to refuse the challenge! Everyone must ensure that they are in their own training court when the challenger arrives at the game court!"

"Violating the rules will result in direct expulsion from the training camp!"

"In addition, if the challenged player loses, he will be moved to the lower court!"

Almost instantly.

The high school students and junior high school students in the entire training camp looked at the direction of the broadcast in their respective training courts in astonishment.

In Court No. 1.

Tanegashima Shuji and Tokugawa Kazuya raised their eyebrows slightly.

"It seems like you are going down the mountain...Have you reached the standard for going down the mountain in one month?"

"Even if it's because of junior high school students, the standard has dropped! The efficiency is still high enough!"

"Tokugawa, it took you two months to get down the mountain, right?"

Hearing the playful whisper from the former's mouth, Tokugawa Kazuya narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly: "Since Coach Mifune lets them go down the mountain, it means that their strength has passed the test!"

"The fight starts from court No. 16..."

“I just don’t know which court the target will be!”

Tanegashima Shuji held the racquet between his legs and touched his chin: "I's court No. 1!"

In the training court No. 5.

Oni Jujiro was also looking in the direction of the surveillance broadcast at this time, his expression gloomy.


I saw Tachibana Yoshihei, Ishida Gin, Chitose Senri, Niou Masaharu and Echizen Ryoma walking together.

"Things are really getting more and more happening!"

In Court No. 3.

"Their challenge this time was obviously arranged by the head coach of Mifune!"

"Don't worry! Senior Irie, we know what you mean!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Bei Xiao! Byōdōin Hōō! Tokugawa's revenge..."

Irie Kanata smiled: "Then... wish them success in their challenge for me! Also, don't forget today's training mission! If you can't complete the training, I will

"I hope it will be a satisfactory result!"

"We will remind Atobe-senpai of them!"

Chitose Senri looked at Oni Jujiro with a hint of expectation. After all, Oni Jujiro is the gatekeeper of Court No. 5 and the talker!

Looking at their backs, Irie Kanata murmured to herself: "They're going down the mountain...those guys should be back soon!"

After Anato Ryo and the other four nodded heavily, they all ran towards the outside of the court.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

As he spoke, he cast his gaze in the direction of the surveillance probe again.

"Senior Ghost! We want to take a look at the situation in Court No. 16!"

The gatekeeper will be punished by Coach Takashi!"

"They will definitely improve a lot on the mountain, but they must also be measured!"

Irie Kanata knew what they were thinking, and he said leisurely: "I'm just keeping you here to remind you to tell your friends!"

"You also heard the rules that Coach Kurobe said just now!"

"I don't know which court I'm going to hit, but it should be at least the first three courts..."

And the same.

Anato Ryo and the others were a little confused.


Irie Kanata apparently 0.3 will not refuse.

However, he let the three of Kite Eishirou go first.

"It should be Shiraishi and the others who left the training camp before and are back!"

Upon hearing this, Chitose Senri and the others immediately nodded to express that they would not delay their training, and then they all ran towards the outside of the court.

Today's Japan U-17 training camp is destined to not be a peaceful day...

After hearing his words, Anato Ryo and the other four immediately understood.

The three people behind the surveillance camera were also staring at the six junior high school students coming down the mountain.

The four members of Anato Ryo were left behind.

He knows it very well.

"Because the challenger cannot refuse, you don't want them to stand in the competition court with me, Oni, Shuji, and Tokugawa, right?"

To leave the court during training time, the other party's consent must be obtained.

Oni Jujiro glanced at them and said calmly: "Just make sure to complete today's training!"

Ryo Anato and the others also made the same request to No. 3 court gatekeeper Irie Kanata.

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