The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0178 You Can Go Down The Mountain! The Expeditionary Force Is About To Return!

0178 You can go down the mountain! The expeditionary force is about to return!

In the central court.

Ryo Anato and others looked at Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata who brought them here.

If they were ordinary high school students, they would naturally not follow.

But when Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata announced their home just now, Anato Ryo and the others followed them here without any hesitation.

Anato Ryo and the other four had heard of Oni Jujiro's name before.

Not from the high school students in the training camp, but from Bei Xiao!

At first.

When Bei Xiao briefly introduced the Japan U-17 training camp, except for the coaching staff Yukio Kurobe and the head coach Mifūne Nyudō.

Three people were mentioned in particular!

Oni Jujiro, Tanegashima Shuji and Irie Kanata.

At that time, Atobe Keigo and others just thought that they were at best high school students with stronger abilities.


When Bei Xiao told them that Oni Jujiro is a world-class player!

Tanegashima Shuji is the No.2 player in the Japan U-17 representative team!

Irie Kanata is also a semi-world-class player.

Atobe Keigo and the others realized that these three people are the ones they need to pay great attention to in the training camp.

As for the three Kite Eishirou.

After forming a small group with Ryo Anato and the others, they naturally learned things that only the main members of Hyotei knew.

While knowing what level Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata represent in front of me, I also know what status they have in the Japan U-17 training camp at this time!

Facing Anato Ryo and others, they looked at him warily.

Irie Kanata chuckled lightly and said with a hint of "sadness" in her tone: "Sure enough! That guy Bei Xiao also told you about the strength of me and the ghost!"

"It really doesn't leave us any sense of mystery!"

"So, you should be somewhat familiar with Shuji and Tokugawa?"

Anato Ryo frowned slightly: "Is Shuji Tanegashima Shuji? We only know that he is very strong and is No. 2 in the army!"

"Who is Tokugawa? The minister never mentioned it to us!"

Irie Kanata and Oni Jujiro's eyes twitched.

The two looked at each other with a look of helplessness in their eyes.


In Bei Xiao's eyes, Tokugawa Kazuya is not even qualified to be mentioned...

Seeing that the two were silent, Fuji Syusuke spoke softly: "Both of you! We all know that you are definitely the best among high school students!"

"Even, he is fully capable of joining the ranks of the army!"

"But... I don't know why you came to us?"

Hearing his straight-to-the-point question, Irie Kanata's lips slightly raised: "Haha, actually there is nothing particularly important!"

"The main thing is that you should be very clear about your own situation now!"

"There are quite a few high school students in the Japan U-17 training camp who are hostile to you because of Bei Xiao City!"

"Today's No. 11 court high school students in the entire training camp... To put it bluntly! They are just existences that cannot even be said to be at the middle or lower level!"

"Oni and I feel that the way the two children play like Rokuhe and Chotaro... we should stop playing in moderation!"

"Otherwise... bad things may happen in the future!"

The words of the two made Ryo Anato and the others tense up.

It sounds like Irie Kanata is reminding them with good intentions, but from another perspective, is it not a warning?!

Ryo Anato spoke in a deep voice: "Irie-senpai! It seems we didn't start all this, right? The high school students are hostile to us because of the minister! Is it possible that we have to tolerate TE?!"

"The training camp invited us here for training. It's not necessarily to retaliate against the minister and come here to vent his anger on us, right?"

"If you have the ability... you should go to Germany to compete with the minister!"

"But...after all, you all lost to the minister! You can only keep an eye on us!"

His confrontation made Oni Jujiro narrow his eyes slightly.

The gaze from the "ghost" made Anato Ryo's back break into cold sweat.

When Otori Cyotaroh and others felt this momentum, they immediately came to Shishido Ryoh and glared at Oni Jujiro.

"Haha...Okay! Ghost! Just stop scaring them!"

"These little guys really think of us as enemies!"

Irie Kanata's voice with a chuckle sounded again.

He adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and walked in front of Ryo Anato and the others.

Oni Jujiro also snorted coldly and looked away.

"Kids, Gui and I simply don't want to see you make too many enemies in the training camp!"

"At least, even if you want to fight against high school students, you must have strength as a foundation!"

"We both watched the game just now!"

"Except for the strength of your group of doubles who can barely gain a foothold in Court No. 5, the most are stuck in Court No. 8-9!"

Anato Ryo calmed down his emotions after the confrontation with Oni Jujiro just now, and looked at Irie Kanata and slowly said: "So? If it's just a reminder, we received it!"

Just when he was about to leave with everyone around him, Irie Kanata's voice sounded again: "If you are interested, you can come to the central court every night in the future!"

"The ghosts and I are basically here! You can come to us if you want to ask anything or learn anything you want!"

As soon as these words came out.

Anato Ryo and the others paused, turning their heads to look at Irie Kanata and Oni Jujiro in astonishment.

They obviously didn't expect that the two top high school students in the training camp in front of them would help them train!

"Why?" Ryo Anato asked almost subconsciously.

Oni Jujiro said coldly: "I'm only helping you with the training camp! Although there are only three places for junior high school students! But with the characters of Kurobe Yukio and others, it doesn't mean that more junior high school students can't become the representative team. One member!"

"The more players have different styles, the more helpful they will be in future competitions!"

"But, if you are going to come! It's best to train with the belief of going all out!"


Although Anato Ryo and others did not believe this answer at first.

But they still nodded to make it clear.

Immediately, they all turned around and left the central court.

Almost at the same time after they left the court, Yukio Kurobe's figure slowly walked towards Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata from a distance.

"You two... I didn't expect you to worry about junior high school students!"

"When the head coach agreed to let you stay in the training camp, it was indeed a wise decision!"

Yukio Kurobe spoke softly, and Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata looked at each other at the same time.

"Coach Kurobe, isn't this what you want to see most?"

"Use the ghost's compassion and my fun-loving personality to help these junior high school students!"

Irie Kanata said, a look of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes.

Yukio Kurobe shook his head: "No, no, no! How can you say it's taking advantage? The head coach led 6 junior high school students alone on the mountain!"

"Nature can't be left alone in the training camp, right?"

"Moreover! Two classmates, I never hinted that you would do this! You did it voluntarily!"

"Or...actually, you also remember that Bei Xiao will come to the Japan U-17 training camp again. I hope to use this favor to make him be gentler when the time comes, right?"

Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata looked deeply at Kurobe Yukio.

Without saying another word, he turned around and walked towards the outside of the central court.

Only Yukio Kurobe was left, with his pockets in his pockets and his eyes twinkling.

"Hehe... No matter if you are a high school student or a junior high school student, everyone has their own plans!"

"Being your coach is really hard work!"

One month later.

late at night.

Behind the scenes of the Japan U-17 training camp.

The top of the cliff of the heart.

On the edge of the mountain cliff, compared to the past, there was only one wooden house where three Mifūne Nyudō lived.

At this time, there are three more wooden houses that are almost identical!

As Atobe Keigo and others ran out of the forest one after another, they each held their own "trophies" in their hands.

According to what Mifūne Nyudō said a month ago, their entire source of survival is the forest behind the cliff.

From the beginning it was difficult to adapt to the special training given to them by Mifūne Nyudō San.

Even the day before the wooden house was set up, they were rained all night.

Now that we are familiar with each other, after completing the training, we go to prepare food separately.

This month's time.

They don't know whether they are surviving or training.

It’s just that they still remember what Mifūne Nyudō San said!

[Get ready to enter your own hell!]

This month of life may be enough to be called... hell!!

About 10 o'clock at night.

By a campfire.

"Kintaro! You stole my flesh again! Damn it!"

"Oh! Brother Atobe! I helped you transfer old man Mifune's Yamataka today! Otherwise, you would have to hide in the woods for 10 minutes! It's just a quick meal! Don't be stingy.

"Yukimura, let's go to the forest and pick up some branches later! It might rain tonight!"

"Well, Shiraishi! Let's go after dinner!"

Although it was only a short month, Atobe Keigo and the six people were almost very familiar with each other on the mountain.

Although they only knew each other before going up the mountain, on the cliff of the heart, they must help each other to survive better.

"I'm very happy! I just barely passed the training today!"

"I can't see any progress from you brats!"

Mifūne Nyudō San walked out of his wooden house, spoke in a cold voice, sat down unceremoniously by the campfire, picked up a freshly roasted rabbit leg, and took a big bite.

Kintarou Tooyama was so greedy, but he could only sit aside with his lips pouted.

after all!

To be trained, they not only have to solve their own survival problems, but also prepare three Mifūne Nyudō three meals a day!

Oshitari Yuushi and the others are quite used to Mifūne Nyudō San's "scolding".

After this month, they also knew one thing. No matter how hard they tried to complete the training given by the other party, the final feedback they received was just a lot of curses.

…Please give me flowers…

Simply, no one is talking to each other now.

Just minding his own business and eating.

三 Mifūne Nyudō San was also a little embarrassed for a moment. The corners of his eyes twitched and he said angrily in a deep voice: "Huh! Now that I see you like this, I'm going to get angry!"

"Tomorrow morning, just roll down the mountain for me!"

Hear this.

Atobe Keigo and the others couldn't help but be stunned.

Going down the mountain?!

He still didn't speak when he saw them, he just looked at himself blankly.

3 Mifūne Nyudō threw away the finished rabbit leg in his hand: "What are you looking at? Haven't you always wanted to go down the mountain? Are you addicted to living like a savage every day?"

Atobe Keigo's eyes flashed: "So, our training has been completed?!"

Three Mifūne Nyudō San glanced at him: "Finished? Who said it was finished?"

"You six brats are just barely qualified to meet people!"

"After we come down from the mountain, we still have tasks! If we don't complete them... I'll get kicked out of the training camp."


Seiichi Yukimura and the others also put down their half-eaten food and looked at the three Mifūne Nyudō three waiting for the "mission" that the other party said.

Mifūne Nyudōsan took a sip of wine and said coldly: "Don't you have always wanted to know what that little guy Bei Xiao did in the Japan U-17 training camp?"

"As agreed a month ago, I will tell you now!"

"First of all! This kid came to the training camp alone to challenge!"

"For some reasons, I agreed!"

"He went from training court No. 16 to training court No. 5! He didn't lose a game..."

"This kid even injured many high school students! Now those high school students still have lingering fears about that kid!"

“Things can be dealt with one by one!”

Half an hour later.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

For a moment, Seiichi Yukimura and the others also stared at Mifūne Nyudō San.

3 Mifūne Nyudō 3 glanced at them and snorted coldly: "I know what you want! If you can do it, what if I give you a quota?"

But he also knows that Atobe Keigo and the others are indeed stronger than him!

The other end immediately responded: "That's right! The current points are enough to be selected for this year's competition... If nothing happens, I will be back the day after tomorrow!"

3 Mifūne Nyudō 3 was not surprised, but slowly said: "All the expeditions have ended, it's almost time to come back, right?"

There is a satellite phone on hand, as if waiting for something.

A rough man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

When Atobe Keigo6 people had returned to their wooden houses to rest.

"Coach Mifune."

"But! Coach Mifune, you should know what you want to see when I come back, right? I have only led the team away from the training camp for half a year...Are too many things happening?"

Immediately, Atobe Keigo and others had a smile on their faces.

3 Mifūne Nyudō 3 spat: "Huh! That kid certainly has the ability to get through Court No. 1-16!"

"Except for Shiraishi Kuranosuke, who only needs to play court No. 2, everyone else must play court No. 1!"

"Besides...when you come back, that little guy will probably appear again!"

When the phone rang, he pressed the connect button without even looking at who was calling.


"Otherwise... I didn't just say it casually! If you fail, get out of the training camp immediately!"

Atobe Keigo stood up at this time and said with a confident smile: "Old man Mifune, what if we complete this mission?"

Three Mifūne Nyudō Three were sitting alone on the edge of the cliff drinking wine.

Isn’t this what they were waiting for?!


3 Mifūne Nyudō could hear the anger in the other person's tone, but his expression didn't change much.

"Japan U-17 should be the top player in the U-17 World Cup now! Even Germany U-17 cannot be compared!"

"As long as the goal remains unchanged!"

"However, the goalkeeper of the No. 5 court is special, and he is also world-class! Although I don't know why Bei Xiao knew the situation of the Japan U-17 training camp so well, but at that time, his target was not the No. 1 court player who was trash in his eyes! "

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then a sneer came out: "Oh, really?"

Oshitari Yuushi frowned slightly: "Court No. 5? It shouldn't just be Court No. 5, right? Minister, he is world-class! If Court No. 5 can stop him...

Since failure has a penalty of leaving the training camp, success...should also have corresponding rewards!

Hearing this, Atobe Keigo and the others' expressions couldn't help but change.

"Byodoin, far stronger than you think!"

"Anyway! The task I give you now is this! After coming down the mountain, whether you are competing in a team competition or competing individually!"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke is a little embarrassed, after all, Mifūne Nyudō San has the lowest requirements for him.

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