The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0133 The Recognized Garbage Coach! Singles Number Three! Kite Eishirou?

0133 Recognized as a garbage coach! Singles No. 3! Kite Eishirou?

"Good guy! Who is this guy? He can't be the tennis coach of Higa Middle-School, right?"

"When our players play on the court, they just concede a goal! They actually scolded them like that! Are they crazy?"

"That guy's name is Saotome Harumi! He is indeed the coach of the Higa Middle-School Tennis Club! I met him once before at the Kansai Conference! He looked like this at the time!

"I heard that Higa Middle-School used to attack the opponent's bench with the ball during the game. Sure enough, the players are the same as the coach!"

"They would do this to Hyotei Gakuen if they had the ability! I can guarantee that these guys in Higa will have to go to the hospital!"

"Is Hyotei really that cruel?"

"Nonsense! Forget about Kanto-level players, the emperor, one of the three giants of Rikkai University, was deposed? Can Higa Zhong be compared with Rikkai University?"

In the auditorium, almost all the audience present showed disgust towards Harumi Saotome~.

Inside the Hyotei dugout.

Atobe Keigo and others were also a little surprised that there was such a tennis coach in Higa.

Sakaki Taro slowly spoke at this time: "After the national conference list came out, I got a general idea of ​​this team that entered the national conference for the first time!"

"Their individual strength is considered a good team in the Kanto Tournament! Coming from a small place like Okinawa, they can be said to be a new force under the leadership of Minister Kite Eishirou


"Their tennis is combined with Okinawan martial arts! Many schools have suffered greatly!"

"And the most important thing is...their tennis club is not clean!"

"There have been several so-called accidents in the game before, resulting in injuries to someone in the opponent's dugout!"

"And Kite Eishirou is also called a killer because almost all his opponents end up injured!"

As he said that, he also looked at the Higa players' bench.

"As for this useless coach Harumi Saotome!"

"He's just a temporary coach at Higa Middle-School!"

"Judging from Saotome Harumi's current attitude towards the players, and the combination of the two players' playing styles in Higa... I'm afraid the attack on the opponent's bench! It should have come from this guy's instruction!

"But one thing I don't understand is that since this team in Higa has such strength, why should they obey the orders of someone like Harumi Saotome?"

Sakaki Taro also had some doubts in his words.

Bei Xiao looked at the court, and Rin Hiraguba did not resist Saotome Harumi's scolding.

He just bit the bullet and continued to compete with Anato Ryo with all his strength.

"It's not that they want to listen to that guy, it's just that they don't have the capital to resist!"

"As everyone knows, tennis development in places like Okinawa is not very high!"

"The existence of the tennis club is very luxurious!"

"If these people in Higa disobey! I'm afraid Saotome Harumi will definitely take advantage of her position and suggest that the school cancel the tennis club!"

"In this case... there will be no tennis club in Higa!"

When he said these words, he couldn't help but think of Oni Jujiro from the Japan U-17 training camp!!

The opponent is from Okayama Oku, and is actually almost in the same situation as Kite Eishirou and the others.

If he hadn't entered the Japan U-17 training camp by chance, who would have thought that Jujiro Oni, who is a world-class player, has never even been exposed to the regional qualifiers!

What Sakaki Taro was thinking.

Atobe Keigo's eyes were even colder.

Originally, I didn’t have a good impression of these guys in Higa. After all, matters in the court should be settled in the court!

It was outrageous for a player to hit the ball into the opponent's dugout.

But now... the culprit has been found, so he is obviously already thinking about how to cause trouble for Harumi Saotome!

Although the opponent's targeting of players in his Higa has nothing to do with Atobe Keigo.

But as the eldest son of the Atobe Consortium, he doesn’t need any reason for what he wants to do!

In the court.

It can be said that Rin Hiraguba, who has demonstrated Shuchibo and Iishiki, has fully utilized their abilities to the extreme.


That's why.

Otori Cyotaroh and Ryo Anato had no intention of messing with the two of them anymore.

And in the eyes of two people.

The "secrets" of Shuchibo and Iishaki have also been seen through.

The former is just a cover-up during the journey.

Teleportation does not exist!

Just when leaning forward, the average player will immediately pay attention to the position of their upper body.

Leading to neglect of footwork.

Create a visual illusion.

Essentially a "weakened" version of Akutsu Jin's way of traveling.

The latter is a special spin application, which uses the rotation of the ball to make the ball change the topspin arc trajectory in mid-air.

These two techniques have absolutely no deterrent effect in front of Ryo Anato and the others!


"Hyotei scores! End of game! Score 2-0!"

"Hyotei scores! End of game! Score 0-3!"

"Hyotei scores! End of game! Score 4-0!"

Just 10 minutes.

When Otori Cyotaroh hit a heavy artillery serve in the backcourt that exceeded 200KM/H, he scored the last point of the sixth game.

"Hyotei scores!"

"Doubles Game 2 is over! The score is 6-0!"

"The winner is Hyotei Gakuen, Otori Cyotaroh!"

"The total score is 1-0!"

"The next game is singles No. 3! Please both sides get ready for the game!"

The referee's voice announcing the end of the game sounded at the game site.

Accompanied by the cheers of the Hyotei cheerleaders in the audience, Ryo Toto and Otori Cyotaroh high-fived each other with relaxed expressions.

At this time, the two of them were also looking at Rin Hiraguba who looked decadent across the court.

"You played pretty well! But it's a pity that your coach can't seem to do anything to help you!"

"I suggest you explain to the school and replace the tennis coach!"

"Even though you are all third-year students, the tennis coach is still very important to a team! You also have your own juniors! Is it possible for them to have their fighting spirit destroyed by this guy like you? ?”

The words of the two made Rin Hiraguba and Kanen Chinen look at each other.

"What do you two guys know!"

"That's right! How could you, who play ball carefree in a noble private school in Tokyo, understand what we are facing!"

The reaction of the two people made Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh look stunned.

But seeing that Ping Furuba and Rin had already left the stage, they also rolled their eyes, feeling that they were wasting their time.


Just between breaks.

In the Higa Middle-School players' box, Harumi Saotome's angry curses could be heard again.

"You are all idiots!! You got a clean sheet!!"

"It's so embarrassing! If the school finds out, do you know what kind of treatment I will receive?!"

"What a bunch of losers! If you can't beat me in court, you won't use the method I taught you!!"

"Listen to me! If you are eliminated in the first round, you will have to wait one by one! See how I can get the school to deal with you!!"

Harumi Saotome's insults and threats made everyone in Higa Middle-School lower their heads and clenched their fists to suppress the anger in their hearts.

As a minister, Kite Eishirou's face was extremely pale.

But he still didn't have a seizure.

He just said in a deep voice: "Coach Saotome! I will personally play in the next game! I will get the scoreboard back!"

"I hope you will stop criticizing the team or players! Otherwise..."

When Harumi Saotome saw that Kite Eishirou dared to threaten her in her words, she was about to curse again.

However, he was startled by the coldness in Kite Eishirou's eyes.

In addition, he could feel that many junior high school students in the audience were staring at him with contempt.

"Hmph! Kite Eishirou! I hope so!"

At the moment, he just snorted, swaggeringly sat back down in his original position, and glanced disdainfully at each player in Higa.

A few minutes later.

When the referee once again announced to the audience: "Second game! Singles No. 3!"

"Hyotei Gakuen Bei Xiao vs. Higa Middle-School Kite Eishirou!"

"Players from both sides are invited to enter!"

Hear the names of players from both sides of the singles game.

Not only the Hyotei cheerleaders in the audience were stunned.

The junior high school students from various schools who came to watch the game also widened their eyes in surprise.

"Really?! Hyotei's new king came on the field on the third singles?! It's not enough to deal with a Higa!!"

"That's right! Isn't this just killing them all!"

"After Atobe Keigo, Tachibana Yoshihei, and Tezuka Kunimitsu, this is the fourth national-level player Bei Xiao has faced, right? Does Kite Eishirou have a chance to win?"

"Win? Don't be kidding me! You can suppress Atobe Keigo who destroyed Genichiro Sanada to death! If Bei Xiao can't defeat Kite Eishirou, that'll be damned!"

"That's right! If you ask me... if Kite Eishirou can win a game against Bei Xiao, he will be considered very powerful! After all, Bei Xiao's strength is said to be better than that of national-level players!"

"Yes, yes! I came to the National Conference this time just to see if Bei Xiao and Rikkai, the Son of God, have a chance to play a game! Who else... can be Bei Xiao's opponent?"

While junior high school students from various schools were discussing in the audience.

Kite Eishirou, who walked out of the Higa dugout holding a racquet, also frowned.

He originally thought that his opponent was Hyotei, one of the three national-level players!

Even Hyotei players are said to be stronger players at the same level.

But Kite Eishirou also has the same confidence in his own strength!


Now he didn't even think about it.

In the No. 3 position of singles, he actually met... Wang!!

Standing in the court, his eyes were always fixed on the figure walking up to the court holding a handful of scarlet-spotted racquet.

The other party's calm expression made Kite Eishirou feel inexplicably stressed.

Due to the serve rotation rules.

So in the second singles No. 3 serve game, it fell into Bei Xiao's hands.

…Please give me flowers…

Bei Xiao stood at the serve baseline position with a tennis ball in his hand, patting it gently and holding it.

Playing this game was actually a temporary decision!

Because when he saw Kite Eishirou, he noticed that the talisman in his body was changing.

And the abnormal movement talisman caused by the other party turned out to be the Xuan Mouse talisman that had reached the third stage!

Although the intensity of the change is not large.

Improvement can be completed easily

In the competition, Bei Xiao doesn’t mind taking action once!


No unnecessary nonsense.

Bei Xiao hit the ball.

Kite Eishirou's whole body was directly beaten into a "wooden man".

In addition to the horrified expression and trembling pupils, there is only an even more exaggerated pressure felt in Bei Xiao's ball!!

If the pressure on Kite Eishirou is only a 10KG weight, then under this ball, the pressure in his heart is enough to be replaced by a car running over him.

Powerless or even desperate!

And all this was brought to him by just one serve!

"Hyotei Bei Xiao scores! Score 15-0!"

The referee also announced the score of Bei Xiao's first serve.


In the auditorium.

"So fast!! I didn't even see the shadow of the ball clearly!!"

"Kansai's!! Did you see it? This is the strength of Hyotei's new king!! Otori Cyotaroh's serve just now was already fast enough. "But Bei Xiao's serve is even faster than Otori Cyotaroh's.


"Kite Eishirou's reaction speed should be considered the fastest among national players, right? Now he can't even move!"

"Sure enough! The strength gap is right in front of us! Defeating three strong national-level players is not a record that everyone can have! Now, Bei Xiao also wants to win the fourth overall

A national-level player!"


Inside the Higa players' box.

Compared to the excitement of the middle school students watching the game.

Rin Hiraguba and others all looked anxious and incredulous.

It was also their first time to see Bei Xiao's strength.

No matter how terrifying the rumors describe Bei Xiao's strength, they still believe deep down in their hearts that their minister can withstand the pressure and has hope of winning.

But now, they can also see that their minister is unable to do what he wants in the court!

Saotome Harumi stood up directly and shouted angrily at Kite Eishirou who was slightly sluggish in the court: "Kite Eishirou! What are you doing! Why are you in a daze?! Fight back!

Ah trash!!”

"If singles No. 3 can't win the game!! Why are you the head of the tennis department!!"

"Training a bunch of rubbish!! I'm still a rubbish!!"

These angry curses not only made Hiraguba Rin and the others want to pull each other away and beat them up.

This also caused Harumi Saotome to receive even more contemptuous looks.

Even in the Hyotei dugout.

Akutsu Jin, who was once a delinquent, had nothing to do with himself!

He also looked in the direction of Harumi Saotome unhappily and said in a cold voice: "It's really... I can't help but want to hear his wailing voice!"

Just finished.

Atobe Keigo sneered from the side: "I have already thought about it! Wait until he leaves the gym! I will find someone to take him away! Akutsu Jin "If you want to do it! I will

I can give you half an hour to vent your emotions!"

Akutsu Jin showed a cruel smile: "Atobe Keigo, you finally have to do something that satisfies me!"

The conversation between the two made Taro Sakaki's mouth twitch as a coach.

But he didn't stop it.

If ordinary students were to do such a thing, Sakaki Taro would definitely stop them.

But Atobe Keigo…..…

The power of the Atobe Foundation has no problem dealing with Harumi Saotome. Even if it goes too far, as long as no one is killed, everything can be done with money!

In the court.

Bei Xiao did not show mercy because Kite Eishirou was insulted by Harumi Saotome in public.


"Hyotei Bei Xiao scores! Score 30-0!"

"Hyotei Bei Xiao scores! Score 40-0!"

"Hyotei Bei Xiao scores! End of the game! Score 1-0! Change of serve!"

After four consecutive serves, Kite Eishirou was pinned to the ground with the speed of the serve and won the first game!

Kite Eishirou's temper at this time was obviously becoming a little irritable due to the relationship between losing points and Harumi Saotome.

He was obviously wearing a pair of glasses, but he didn't give people a gentle feeling at all.

on the contrary!

The inner anger and pressure are intertwined, giving people an aura that is about to "explode" at any time.

The tennis ball he took out from his pocket was clenched tightly, slightly dented.


big Bang--"

After he threw up the tennis ball in his hand, he jumped up on the spot, and the smooth muscle lines on his arms swelled slightly.


A powerful serve was shot out with a bang.

The appearance of this goal made Atobe Keigo and others' eyes flash.

Their inner evaluation of Kite Eishirou's strength has slightly improved!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all! 100 million].

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