0132 Draw! First match! Okinawa Higa wins!

Inside the lottery venue.

The 16 teams participating in the national conference sat in their seats.

The lottery is about to begin.

But most people's eyes were focused on one team.

no doubt!

It was Hyotei Gakuen, headed by Bei Xiao.

When everyone in Seigaku saw Bei Xiao again, except for Tezuka Kunimitsu whose expression was very calm, everyone else was more or less curious and fearful.

Even after half a month of training by Echizen Nanjiro, they are very aware of the gap between themselves and Bei Xiao!

The world-class level is enough to overwhelm them.


The most contradictory one is Echizen Ryoma.

His eyes stayed on Bei Xiao's indifferent expression, and the scenes of every time he faced Bei Xiao kept popping up in his mind.

I had focused my energy on training before, so I didn’t feel deeply about it.

Now that he saw Bei Xiao again, he felt that he might have been a clown in his eyes before.



"Adjust your mentality. The National Conference is not your only battle! There is us behind you!"

Hearing Tezuka Kunimitsu's whisper beside him, Echizen Ryoma took a breath and nodded slightly: "I know! I will focus on the game!"

As he spoke, he pulled the brim of his hat, as if to control himself from looking at where everyone in Hyotei was.

And the same.

Shitenhouji team.

Kintarou Tooyama sat on his seat and looked up at the direction of everyone in Hyotei.

Especially seeing Bei Xiao.

If Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Watanabe weren't staring at him, he might have already rushed over to challenge him.

"Shiraishi! Ash! That's Bei Xiao!"

"I heard that even national players are no match for him! It would be great if we draw Hyotei Gakuen in the first game! I can't wait!"

Hear this.

Everyone in Shitenhouji couldn't help but twitch their eyes.

Watanabe Xiu even hit Kintarou Tooyama on the forehead with a violent blow.

"Ouch!! Ash!! Why are you still hitting people!!" Kintarou Tooyama covered his forehead and said with an aggrieved face.

Watanabe Shuu grabbed him and sat him down on his seat, and said in a deep voice: "Kintaro! Don't be so dumb! Every game in the National Conference is a knockout! It would not be a good thing if you meet Hyotei Gakuen in the first game. !”

Kintarou Tooyama was just about to say something.

On the lottery stage, the organizer's staff were already on stage.

At the moment, he could only curl his lips and stop talking honestly.


After the lottery rules are announced.

The order of drawing lots for each school is based on the results of this year's national competition so far.

"Here comes the first lottery representative! Kanto region! Hyotei Gakuen!"

When the organizer announced that the first winner of the 360 ​​lottery was Hyotei Gakuen, no one present had any surprise.

From the regional qualifiers to the Kanto Tournament, Hyotei Gakuen's record is a complete win!!

Even every game was 3-0 with a clean sheet!!

Even Shitenhouji, the champion of this year's Kansai Conference, cannot compare with this kind of record.

As the team coach, Sakaki Taro stood up and walked slowly to the lottery table.

When he put his hand into the lottery tube.

The vast majority of the team couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and their eyes showed anxiety.

Naturally, every team that can reach the national conference aims to stand on the highest podium!

Even though they knew that in order to get to this podium, they would eventually have to compete with Hyotei Gakuen across the court.

But encountering it in the first game is undoubtedly extremely bad news!!

Even Seiichi Yukimura and Tezuka Kunimitsu think so!

If possible, they would like to compete with Hyotei led by Bei Xiao in the finals of the National Conference!!

Perhaps, there was only one person in the audience who was eager for Sakaki Taro to draw his own team!

That’s Kintarou Tooyama!

When Sakaki Taro took out a piece of paper and handed it to the staff.

Under the gaze of everyone in the audience, the staff slowly spoke: "The first group! Hyotei Gakuen vs. Higa Middle-School! The match between the two teams will be held in Arena No. 1!"

The words fell.

Wudu breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone at Higa Middle-School, who had been slapped by Sakaki Taro, looked stiff.

The head of the tennis department, Kite Eishirou, also looked a little heavy.

in the team.

There is also a bald middle-aged man.

"Kite Eishirou! You better play well for me in the first game!"

"If we are eliminated in the first game, there will be no need to establish a Higa Middle-School tennis club in the future!"

"It's really troublesome! When you guys compete, I have to come to Kanto with you!"

The words in his mouth made Kite Eishirou sitting next to him look even more ugly.

The other team members of Higa Middle-School were also sitting in the back row, staring at the middle-aged man dissatisfied.

After a moment of silence, Kite Eishirou adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said coldly: "Coach Saotome, I understand!"

He stood up and left directly with the Higa players.

Harumi Saotome glanced at Kite Eishirou and others with disdain: "Hmph! What the heck! A group of little guys... If it weren't for the allowances and bonuses given by the school! I really think I want to be your coach!"

He put his pockets in his pockets, yawned, and left through another exit.

And after the two teams left.

The drawing ceremony did not stop there (cfch).

The second person to go to the draw was this year’s Kansai Conference champion, Shitenhouji.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke was the draw representative, and the team he drew made many people present look amused.

Fudomine Middle-School!!

This time!!

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Senri.

Among the two teams, Ishida Gin looked at his younger brother in the Fudomine team... Ishida Tetsu!

When the two teams stood up together, Tachibana Jippei looked at Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Chitose Senri with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

"Hopefully it will be a great game!"

Chitose Senri did not speak [City Shiraishi Kuranosuke smiled: "Mr. Tachibana! Please give me your advice!"

Ishida Gin also looked at her younger brother Ishida Tie, who was looking at her with fear, and said in a deep voice: "A Tie! Don't let me down!"

Before Ishida could speak, everyone in Shitenhouji left the venue.

Seeing that Ishida was a little embarrassed, everyone in Fudomine also patted each other on the shoulders, comforting each other not to worry too much, and at the same time expressing their support for each other!

Who says an elder brother must be stronger than a younger brother?

The third person to draw lots is Rikkai!

Although King Rikkai is no longer worthy of his name.

Among the three giants, the emperor is no longer here!


The Son of God and the Strategist still remain in the team.

Moreover, the comprehensive strength is also the top echelon in the Japanese junior high school tennis community.

None of the other teams present wanted to meet Rikkai so quickly.

"Group 3! Rikkai University vs. Nagoya Shintoku!"

The opponent drawn by Seiichi Yukimura belongs to the "wild card" team.

Schools that have not experienced any competition system in the national competition are directly selected to participate in the national competition.

Every player in the team is not a Japanese, but an exchange student from abroad.

Seiichi Yukimura didn't pay any attention to this, he just glanced at them and then turned around and led the team away.


All teams also completed the draws one after another.

Seigaku is very lucky!

In the first game, they were actually matched with Kanto Middle-School, who was also in the top four of the Kanto Conference.

Each team also left the court one after another.

The first knockout round is about to begin!!

Arena 1.

"Hyotei!! Hyotei!!"

"Hyotei!! Hyotei!!"

Bei Xiao and others were sitting behind the players' bench, and a large number of Hyotei cheerleaders had also arrived in the audience.

Even before the game started, the voices of more than 200 Hyotei cheerleaders could already be heard throughout the venue.


Many junior high school students from all over Japan came to watch the game.

"Higa Middle-School...from a small place like Okinawa to the national conference! Who would have thought that they would meet Hyotei in the first game! Their luck is really bad!

"That's right! Although their strength is not weak! I heard that their minister Kite Eishirou is also a national-level player! But as Hyotei's opponent, they are still a little behind!"

"Yeah! I just don't know if I can win a game against Hyotei!"

"I think it's quite difficult! You know... Hyotei has never lost a game until now! Even in the Kanto Conference finals, he swept Rikkai!"

The chatter of the junior high school students from each school in the audience and the cheers of the Hyotei cheerleaders made the Higa Middle-School students sitting in the players' box look solemn.

As the coach, Harumi Saotome picked her ears and didn't care at all that Kite Eishirou and the others were about to start the game. She just sat there and yawned.

And Kite Eishirou and the others seem to have become accustomed to each other's behavior.

After Kite Eishirou filled out the player order list, he led the people around him and said: "Although the opponent is strong! But we are not completely without a chance of winning!"

"Take the skills I taught you! Let this Hyotei Gakuen experience the tennis from Okinawa!!"

His words made Kai Yujiroh and others nod heavily.

On the other side, inside the Hyotei dugout.

Bei Xiao is also filling out the list.


What surprised Taro Sakaki on the side was that Bei Qi actually filled in his own name on singles number one.

"Classmate Bei Xiao! Are you playing singles number three?!"


"Even if Kite Eishirou, the director of Higa, is a national-level player, he might end up playing at the No. 3 position of singles! But, that doesn't mean you have to deal with him personally, right?"

"Is he so powerful?"

His words made Atobe Keigo and others look surprised.

To know.

Bei Xiao only shot twice in this year's national competition!

One was against Tachibana Yoshihei, and the other was against Tezuka Kunimitsu in the Tokyo Conference finals.

Now, against a team that has made it to the national conference from a small place, the opponent actually wants to take action?!

Bei Xiao said calmly: "I'm a little sleepy after moving around a lot.

This answer clearly made Sakaki Taro, Atobe Keigo and others unable to believe it.

But they didn't say much.

They have no right to interfere with what Bei Xiao wants to do.

A few minutes later.

As the referee entered the court, everyone in the audience quietly shut their mouths.

"This game is the 16-to-8 knockout round of the first group of the National Conference!"

"Hyotei Gakuen versus Higa Middle-School!"

"The whole game is based on single

Doubles mixed format! Best of five sets!”

"The team that wins three games first will win the entire game and advance to the top eight in the country!"

"First game! Doubles number two!"

"Hyotei Gakuen Anato Ryo and Otori Cyotaroh versus Higa Middle-School Hira Furuba Rin and Chinen Hiro!"

"Players from both sides enter!"

After the referee announces the start of the game.

Under the gaze of the entire audience, two figures walked out of the player benches of both teams.

Compared to the relaxed and calm expressions on the faces of Ryo Anato and Ryo Hira, Rin Hiraguba looked a little serious.

Both sides stood on both sides of the net and began to guess first under the witness of the referee.

Rin Taira and Furuba are both very lucky!

Taking the lead in guessing and winning the first serve game!

Before the game was about to start, Rin Hiraguba said solemnly to Otori Cyotaroh: "Although you Hyotei are very strong! But we will not be afraid of you!"

Looking at him and Zhinian Kuan, they looked serious and full of fighting spirit.

Although they are rivals, Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh are not in conflict with each other at all.

after all!

Now our own Hyotei is famous far and wide.

The two of them could see that Rin and Taira Furuba were nervous and uneasy as they stood in the court, but it was rare to still have such fighting spirit.

Ryo Anato stood in the frontcourt holding the racquet and said slowly: "Really? Then I hope you won't let me and Chotaro down!"

As the game begins.

Rin Hiraguba and Hiroshi Chinen showed their full strength in the first serve.

The former is at the Kanto level level, and the latter is almost half a foot into the Kanto level.

The strength of the two of them is not weak by the standards of a Japanese junior high school doubles combination!

This also made Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh a little more interested.

There was no rush to fight back, just like a "sparring partner", they were in a stalemate and wanted to see what other methods the other two had!


After two full minutes of pulling each other, Hira Furuba and Rin showed anxious looks on their faces.

After all, they are not stupid.

It can be seen from the calmness in the expressions of Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh, even when the ball is played without any offensive intention.

These two people were just "teasing" themselves!!


"Ahhhh!! Fan Shiqian!!!"

The anger in Rin Hiraguba's heart arose, and he shouted and waved the racquet at the incoming ball.

The tennis ball he hit back flew past the net, and its flight path twisted in mid-air like a snake.

Otori Cyotaroh, who was standing in the backcourt, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

He knew that this was Rin Hiraguba's last resort!

He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the rotation trajectory of the ball.

Just when the ball hit the ground on the left side of his body and was about to pop out of the court.


Swinging backhand with one hand, the counterattack was completed!!


Seeing that the meal he played was picked up so easily, Rin Hiraguba couldn't help but exclaimed in the court.

"Hiraguba!! Concentrate!! The game is not over yet!!"

At this time, Zhinian Kuan shouted in the backcourt and rushed towards the open space in the frontcourt at an incredible speed to cover the defense.

"There is no ball that Shukuchi can't catch!!"


"Fan Shaoqian!!"


His speed seemed to "teleport" to the net in an instant, and he played the same spin named Mishiaki as Rin Heyoshiba before.


Anato Ryo in front of the net doesn't just watch!

He knew that Otori Cyotaroh in the backcourt would be able to handle the first goal.

At this time, Chinenkuan suddenly used the so-called shukuchi method, accelerated the counterattack rhythm, and also performed the same thing.

Then it will pose a threat to Otori Cyotaroh!

If he loses points in court against these two guys, Ryo Anato can't imagine what kind of punishment he will receive from Bei Xiao after going out of court!

A volley that neither Hiraguba nor Rin could react to penetrated the court.

"Hyotei scores! Score 0-15!"

After the referee announced the score.

In the court, Rin Hiraguba looked at Shishido Ryoh and Otori Cyotaroh in a daze.

Inside the Higa Middle-School dugout.

Kite Eishirou also frowned.

Both Shuchibo and Iishiki are unique to the Higa Middle-School Tennis Club.

I didn’t expect that even if I used it now, it wouldn’t be able to do anything to the two Hyotei main candidates in the court!!

"What are you doing!!"

"Isn't it our serve game? We played for so long and allowed the opponent to score!! You guys are useless!! Can you even play ball?!"

Harumi Saotome also spoke with an unhappy expression at this time.

His words were heard clearly by most people at the somewhat quiet competition venue.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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