The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0121 Doubles Solved In 10 Minutes! The Title Of King Has Been Shot Down!

0121 Doubles solved in 10 minutes! The title of king has been shot down!

"It has long been... national level?!"

Oishi Syuichirou and the others stared at Fuji Syusuke who was speaking, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Tachibana Yoshihei also nodded slightly at this time and said in a deep voice: "It's possible! After all, the genius Oshitari was the second best player in the team second only to Atobe Keigo before Bei Xiao joined Hyotei Gakuen!"

"Sophomores like Kabaji Munehiro are stepping up to the national level!"

"Then there's no reason why Oshitari Yuushi is still hanging around at the Kanto level!"

Inui Sadaharu looked at the information he had about Hyotei competition in the past and couldn't help but adjust the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"I think that's right!"

"Most of Oshitari Yuushi's previous games were as a supporting role in doubles! When he took the most shots, he was at Hyotei against some schools that were not as good as the others!"

"Whether it's the relaxed posture he showed in the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference finals or the backhand spin he just hit! It's enough to prove his strength in spin skills!"

"Hyotei is by no means only three national-level ones!"

"No! To be precise! Now there are three national level and one king!!"

His final conclusion made everyone in Yamabuki, Fudomine and his own Seigaku look serious.

The three national level players are Atobe Keigo, Kabaji Munehiro and now Oshitari Yuushi on the court!

The "king" listed separately is Bei Xiao, the person who can single-handedly suppress Atobe Keigo and the others.


And it’s also because of this opponent that Team General Hyotei Gakuen has been promoted to where he is now!


Just when everyone was silent.

But Bantian Yuye chuckled: "Three national-level and one king... the old man thinks it's still not quite accurate!"

As soon as these words came out, Inui Sadaharu and others looked at each other in astonishment.

"Banlao, isn't Oshitari Yuushi a national level?!"

Regarding Sengoku Kiyosumi's problem, Bantian Mikiya turned his attention to the Hyotei player bench.

"Of course Oshitari-san is a national-level player!"

"Old man, what I mean is...are there really only three national level ones?"

"Don't forget! There is a little guy with exaggerated talent in Hyotei's main selection!"

"We can't ignore him!"

Sengoku Kiyosumi and others followed Bantian Yuya's gaze.


They both know who the "little guy" the other calls is.


Tachibana Jippei and the others froze.

"No...impossible!! Akutsu long has it been since he caught the ball?! 2 months? 3 months?!"

"No matter how good your physical talent is, you won't be able to reach the national level in such a short time!!"

Compared to their astonishment.

In the Seigaku team.

Echizen Ryoma stares thoughtfully at Akutsu Jin in the Hyotei dugout.

From the disdainful looks on Niou Masaharu and Niou Masaharu's faces in the court, he already had a definite answer in his heart.

This guy who once defeated himself...

I'm afraid it has really reached the national level!!

At this time, Banda Mikiya did not respond to Tachibana Yoshihei's and others' doubts about Akutsu Jin's strength.

Whether Akutsu Jin is national level or not is not important at this moment.

What matters now is...

How will these two Kanto-level guys in the Rikkai Grand Court face Hyotei's doubles combination formed by two national-level players!

Rikkai inside the dugout.

Anxiety and worry already appeared on the faces of Sanada Genichiro and others.

Originally, a top Kanto-level player and a powerful national-level player were enough to put a lot of pressure on Niou Masaharu!


Oshitari Yuushi also doesn’t hide his own strength at all!!

Double national level...

This kind of doubles combination configuration is something no one in the entire Xiahong Junior High School tennis world would dare to imagine!!

To know!!

A team with a national-level player is enough to surpass 90% of the entire Japanese junior high school tennis team!!

With two national-level players, it is a stable national powerhouse!!

Rikkai Dai is qualified to be known as the King Rikkai Dai because it has three national-level teams and the overall strength of the team is extremely strong!!

In the Japanese junior high school tennis world!

A national-level player almost means a victory in a game.


In a doubles game, two national level players appear at the same time.

Which one of Genichiro Sanada and Renji Yanagi comes up to replace the weaker Yagyu Lubishi.

None of them have the confidence to win this doubles game!!

Just because the gold content of two national-levels is far beyond what they can compete with just one national-level!!

In the court.

After Niou Masaharu and Yagyu Lubishi came to their senses, they still could not quickly accept the situation they were facing.

"serve timeout,"!"

"Second serve!"

But the game time will not stop because of the mental imbalance between the two.

Oshitari Yuushi looked at the two of them in a daze, and even the serve timed out.

Standing at the receiving baseline, he chuckled and said, "Don't be stupid! If you are really can abstain!"

"If you want to fight! Then don't waste your time!"

"Today's big game with you are not the protagonist!"

Niou Masaharu and Niou Masaharu were under great pressure, but their eyes were still filled with unwillingness.

"National what if it's national level!!"

"This game is not over yet! We may not lose!!"

As the serve player in this game [Yagyu Kushibiju obviously still has fighting spirit.

He shouted and raised his hand to wave serve!!


Faced with this "smart" Flat serve, Oshitari Yuushi smiled lightly on his face.

While taking a step forward, hit back with a forehand!


A forehand backspin shot!

In the frontcourt, Niou Masaharu also looked solemn, running with all his strength and raising his hand to meet the attack!


But although he saved the ball in the frontcourt, the backspin force on the ball made his wrist tremble suddenly.


I saw the ball that Oshitari Yuushi hit back "spinning" on his racquet.

The hitting point, which was originally close to the center of the racket face, has now moved down to the right side of the racquet.


The returned tennis ball hit the net and then landed on the court ground.

"Let's lose points!"

"Hyotei scores! Score 0-30!"

Niou Masaharu stared blankly at his racquet and his return of a tennis ball that fell from the net.

" is this possible!!"

" can control my hitting point..."

Niou Masaharu's words were not whispered, and almost everyone present could hear them clearly.

"No way! With such a close distance, no matter how hard you hit, you should be able to pass the net! How could Niou-senpai make a mistake!!"

"Logically speaking, we must be able to hit back! But didn't you listen to what Niou-senpai said just now! His hitting point was changed by Oshitari Yuushi!!"

"Don't be ridiculous! You Rikkai guys really make excuses for your own players! The racquet is in the hands of Niou Masaharu, who can influence how he responds?"

"That's right! I think Niou Masaharu's mentality has completely collapsed! That's why he made the mistake!"

"But I don't blame him! After all, if I face two national-level players, my mentality will not be better!!"

"I feel like Rikkai is really going to be in a bad situation!! This Doubles No. 1 game will probably be another disastrous defeat!"

Rikkai inside the dugout.

Genichiro Sanada and Yanagi Renji had already stood up at this time.

The former looked deeply at the racquet in Niou Masaharu's hand in the court: "This ball... There is a big problem! The rotation of the ball actually affected Nioh's hitting point!!"

The latter was calculating silently in his notebook.

After a few seconds, he sighed and closed the notebook: "I can't calculate the rotation trajectory angle of this ball and the specific torque parameters that affect Nioh's hitting!"

"Genius Oshitari...Sanada! You should understand now that there is a real gap between Rikkai Dai without Yukimura and Hyotei Gakuen..."

"This game is impossible to win!"

"But even in the subsequent competition between singles number three and singles number two, you and I can win!"

"The last singles number one... Kirihaya he is destined to face a national level!"

Genichiro Sanada's livid face made the atmosphere in the Rikkai player's bench extremely cold.

Just because he knows!

He should have asked Yanagi Renji to think clearly about how to arrange the players before the game.

Instead of self-righteously filling out the player order list because of your own emotional problems!

Otherwise... maybe Rikkai's current situation may not be so bad!!

Inside the Hyotei dugout.

Akutsu Jin looked at Niou Masaharu and Niou Masaharu who were "tortured" by Oshitari Yuushi's two counterattacks in the court. He didn't have much interest in this crushing game.

What he was interested in was how Oshitari Yuushi did this kind of hitting!

"Boss! Although Oshitari is talented in spin skills, what happened to the spin of the ball just now?"

"If I'm not mistaken! The tennis ball is spinning in the racquet topspin, changing the hitting point, right?"

Atobe Keigo heard Akutsu Jin ask, and he immediately looked at Bei Xiao curiously.

Oshitari Yuushi's technique interested him very much.

Bei Xiao glanced at the two of them, and while watching the game continue in the court, he said calmly: "This is the spin application that Oshitari developed some time ago! He calls it a spin ball!"

"It draws on the sweet spot technology! The original blessing of batting power is transformed into the stability of the ball body rotation! And it has great adhesion to racquet

"In other words, a normal spin in the opponent's eyes has 1.5 times! or even twice the effect in Oshitari's hands!"

"As long as the batter cannot interrupt the rotation of the ball in the first place! Then the hitting point will be deviated!"

"As for the effect, you have seen it too!"

Bei Xiao's explanation made everyone in Hyotei look surprised.

What they didn't expect was that Oshitari Yuushi developed the technique himself!

Otori Cyotaroh couldn't help scratching his head and said: "Doesn't that mean that as long as your spin skills are not as strong as Oshitari-senpai... you will never be able to beat Oshitari-senpai?!"

Bei Xiao shook his head: "It's not that exaggerated! The core of the spin ball is indeed skill! However, there is not much restraint for power players!"

"Especially for power players with the same sweet spot skills, it is still quite difficult for the rotation stability of the spin ball to withstand the tyrannical force!"

"Moreover, the spin control skills between players

Coincidentally, if the difference is not big, then the deviation of the hitting point will become more and more subtle! It may even be ignored!”

"Oshitari still has a long way to go before using this method as an absolute trump card!"

At this time, everyone in Hyotei felt a little psychologically comforted.

They almost thought that Oshitari Yuushi was going to have an "unsolvable" hitting style.

10 minutes later.

In the competition court.

"Megaton bombing————"

Kabaji Munehiro hit the ball with a heart-stopping power, swinging his racquet with both hands.

This ball directly knocked Yagyu Lubishi out of the court, who was gritting his teeth and trying to hit back with a "golf-style" shot.

When the other party threw the racquet in his hand outside the court, he felt a sharp stinging sensation in his hands.


Yagyu Lubishi, who was trying to catch the ball, was injured.

"Hyotei scores!"

"The second game of doubles number one is over!"

"The score is 6-0!"

"The winning team of this game is... Hyotei Gakuen Oshitari Yuushi, Kabaji Munehiro!"

"The total score is 2-0!"

After the referee announced the score, he, Genichiro Sanada and others ran to the injured Yagyu Lubishi to check the injury caused by the opponent's last ball.

Niou Masaharu fell into the court.

He stared blankly at the court around him that had been bombarded by Kabaji Munehiro for 10 minutes.


for him.

Even though he already knew the outcome of this game, he still couldn't accept it!

more importantly…………

He didn't even have time to use his last trump card!

"Judging from your appearance, you seem to be very unwilling..."

The other side of the net.

Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro stood in front of Niou Masaharu.

Niou Masaharu wanted to say something, but he swallowed it when it reached his lips.

Not convinced?

Not willing to give in?


After all, I really can’t be considered as giving my all!


Even if the final trump card is revealed, can it really change the outcome of this game?

He knew very well that the disastrous result of this game was obviously impossible to change!

Oshitari Yuushi saw that he was silent and didn't care.

Just leading Kabaji Munehiro towards the Hyotei dugout.

outside the court.

"Hyotei!! Hyotei!!"

"Genius Oshitari!! Hyotei Giant!!"

"Well done to (Zhao) Oshitari-senpai!!"

"Another next game!! One more game!! Complete clean sheet, Rikkai!!"

"Defeat the Great Rikkai!! Capture Kanto!!"

The momentum of the Hyotei cheerleaders reached a new peak at this moment.

The entire Japanese junior high school tennis community.

Except for Hyotei Gakuen at this time, who would have dared to think that one day there would be a team that could win two consecutive games against Rikkai?!

But now!!

Hyotei Gakuen did it!!

How could the more than 200 Hyotei cheerleaders present not be excited and cheer?

The students from various schools in the crowd, except for the sluggish Rikkai Grand Competition students, were already in an uproar.

"King Rikkai Daiya is so miserable!! He has been shut out of doubles for two consecutive games!!"

"What about the king? Which king has been kept clean for two consecutive games by its opponent?"

"That's it! The title of king has been destroyed by Hyotei Gakuen in two games! And! Let alone the title of king now! I don't know if I can win the third game!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... If the singles No. 3 also loses the next game! Wouldn't that mean we have lost three games in a row?!"

"There are three singles games left! In addition to substitute Hiyoshi Wakashi, Hyotei also has Bei Xiao, Atobe Keigo, Akutsu Jin and Akutakawa Jirou who are not playing!"

"On Rikkai's side are Genichiro Sanada, Yanagi Renji and second-year Kirihara Akaya!"

"I feel... Even if Rikkai recruits Hyotei players for them, it will be difficult to win three singles games!"

"I already have a premonition! The champion of this year's Kanto Conference will change hands!"

"If only Seiichi Yukimura was here, maybe there would be a chance!"

No one here is optimistic about Rikkai at this time!

Even Fuji Syusuke and the others know it.

The finals of the Kanto Conference are essentially over!

No matter how hard Genichiro Sanada and the others try.

Of the three remaining games, it would be easy for Hyotei to win one!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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