The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0120 Won Doubles Two! Doubles One! Oshitari: Who Said I Was Kanto-Level?

0120 Got doubles two! Doubles one! Oshitari: Who said I was Kanto level?

15 minutes later.


"Hyotei scores! End of game! Score 5-0! Change of serve!"

In the court.

When Otori Cyotaroh hit four heavy shots in the fifth game, serve, the next game!

After the 5-0 scoreboard caused the audience to fall into a brief silence, the Hyotei cheerleaders also cheered together.

"Beautiful! Chotaro!"

"Changtaro-senpai is so awesome!"

"Rikkai is big! Didn't you say before that the genius Marui and the mixed jackal are very strong? What's wrong? Why can't you score a single goal now?!"

"It's already the fifth game! If you still don't use your strength, you will lose! Isn't it because you have tried your best and still can't score?"

"I'm going to be banned! King Rikkai is great! Hahahaha!"

Contrast this with the cheers of the Hyotei cheerleaders and the teasing words coming out of their mouths.

All the Rikkai University students present looked ugly.


We were five games behind, not to mention the score.

In these five games.

They have high hopes!

It can even be said that Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwabara, whom they trusted very much, had a hard time even scoring a goal!

They all thought they were delusional.

What happened to our big player Rikkai?!

Students from various schools were also frightened by this disparity.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... I remember starting from the time Rikkai won the national championship for the first time two years ago! They haven't kept a clean sheet in a game, right?"

"That's right! The main draft of Rikkai has never played such a difficult game! It seems that today's doubles No. 2 game will be a shame for Rikkai!"

"There's still one game left...maybe there's still a chance?"

"Opportunity? Don't be ridiculous! Look at the two players in the court, Rikkai. These five games almost destroyed their fighting spirit!"

"I guess they haven't played against an opponent of the same level for a long time! As soon as they are at a disadvantage, they will be defeated!"

"Rikkai will definitely lose the first game!"

Even they could see Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwabara's embarrassment.

How could Fuji Syusuke and Tachibana Yoshihei not see it?

With Rikkai serving in the court, the sixth game started.

Inui Sadaharu watched the competition in the court and slowly spoke: "The gap between the Kanto class and the Kanto class can also be widened to such an extent..."

"But! Even though it was a big match between Hyotei and Rikkai! It provided us with a lot of useful information..."

I saw that the notebook in his hand had been filled with memories for some time.

Bantian Mikiya wore his signature smile and spoke softly: "It's not like Rikkai doesn't have an advantage in this game! In terms of doubles tacit understanding, they are stronger than the two little guys Hyotei!"

"It's a pity that the gap in personal strength is too big! The advantage of tacit understanding cannot be transformed into the capital to compete!"

"It can only be said that this is a crushing of hard power!"

This summary also made Fuji Syusuke and others nod in agreement.


2 minutes later.

Genichiro Sanada and others in the Rikkai player's bench had stiff expressions.

The referee sat on the referee's chair and announced loudly to the audience.

"competition is over!"

"The score is 6-0!"

"The winners of this doubles match are... Hyotei Gakuen and Otori Cyotaroh!"

"The next game is for Doubles No. 1! Players from both sides please get ready for the game!"

On the scoreboard, the 6-0 score of Doubles No. 2 lights up.

In the court.

Ryo Anato looked at Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwabara who were standing on the same spot across the court and couldn't believe that they lost the game like this.

"Rikkai Grand Election?"

"I hope you can make some progress at the national conference!"

"Otherwise, winning the national championship would be too easy!"

"Chotaro, what do you think?"

After hearing Ryo Rokuhe's words, Otori Cyotaroh held the racquet and walked to him: "Senior Rokuhe! I actually think that at the national conference! We can wear weights and fight these two guys! Just treat it as a training match! "

Anato Ryo suddenly laughed: "What a suggestion! I agree!"

As they talked, the two walked to the side to pick up the weight-bearing straps they had thrown away before, put them on again, and then walked back to the Hyotei players' box.

Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwabara gritted their teeth and looked at the backs of Ryo Anato and the others as they left, the unwillingness on their faces undisguised.

But the facts are already in front of us.

They could only face the disappointed looks of Rikkai college students outside the court, as well as the teasing looks of students from various schools and the Hyotei cheerleaders, and lowered their heads and returned to the players' bench.

The two didn't even know how to face the accountability of their teammates.

Being zero-blocked......

This has never happened before in a big Rikkai game!

Rikkai inside the dugout.

Genichiro Sanada didn't know what to say at this time.

Reprimand Marui Bunta two?

This does not change the fact that doubles number two has failed miserably!


This game was not lost because of poor performance, but simply due to inferior skills.

Yanagi Renji looked at the two Marui Bunta who were sitting in the players' box with their heads down, and said in a deep voice: "Okay! The first game is over! The most important thing now is to regain the lost score in the second game. !”

These words made everyone in Rikkai nodded heavily.

Genichiro Sanada calmed down the anger in his heart and looked at the two tall junior high school students in the players' bench.

"Nioh! Yagyu!"

"You must win the second set! Rikkai's great victory must not be threatened again!!"

Hear his words.

Niou Masaharu and Lubishi Yagyu narrowed their eyes.

The former said leisurely: "It seems that we have indeed underestimated Hyotei's strength!"

He stared at Genichiro Sanada as he spoke.


At this time, he expressed his doubts and dissatisfaction with Genichiro Sanada for crossing the player order list filled in by Yanagi Renji before the game.

Genichiro Sanada frowned.

He was about to say something but was stopped by Yanagi Renji.

"Now is not the time to talk about this! Win the game! Yukimura is still in the hospital waiting for our good news!"

After hearing this, Genichiro Sanada and Niou Masaharu looked at each other and stopped talking.


On the other side, inside the Hyotei dugout.

Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh won the game, which also made Atobe Keigo and others cast admiring glances at the two.

Although they were not surprised by this result.

After all, considering the strength of the two of them, it is not difficult to achieve such a result!

However, in the first game, Rikkai lost a clean sheet!

This is definitely a big blow to Rikkai's momentum.


After a few minutes.

The referee loudly announced again in the court.

"Game two! Doubles number two!"

"Hyotei Gakuen Oshitari Yuushi, Kabaji Munehiro vs. Rikkai University Niou Masaharu, Yagyu Lubishi!"

"Players from both sides please come on!"

The words fell.

Niou Masaharu and Niou Masaharu, who were preparing to play in the Rikkai main players' bench, couldn't help but trembled.

Genichiro Sanada and Yanagi Renji also frowned again.

Genius Oshitari!

Hyotei giant!

One is that Hyotei is selecting a genius in spin skills!

A player whose personal strength has reached the top Kanto level!

The other is a powerful "monster" that demonstrated the deep development of Selfless State at the Kanto Conference and opened the door to the ultimate limit of hard work.

The national level threshold has been crossed by the other party!

Facing such a set of opponents...

Can you win?

Huge doubts emerged in the hearts of the two people along with anxiety.

at the same time.

Students from various schools outside the competition court also showed excitement.

"Genius and giant!! Oh my god!! Hyotei is going to win the second doubles game again!!"

"Previously, the combination of the two of them defeated Seigaku's Fuji Syusuke and Kawamura Takashi at the Tokyo Metropolitan Games until they were unable to fight back!"

“Looking at Kabaji Munehiro’s size, I don’t know who can match his caliber!”

"Although Rikkai's Niou Masaharu and Yagyu Lubishi are also a relatively mature doubles combination, the hard power between the two sides in this game... is probably about the same as the previous game!"

"Rikkai is in trouble!"

Although the title of King Rikkai is famous far and wide.


In today's Kanto Conference finals.

The disastrous defeat of Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwabara in the first game made the crown belonging to the "King" begin to waver.

The appearance of Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro almost announced that Hyotei will definitely win this doubles number one game!!

in the crowd.

The Hyotei cheerleaders couldn't help but start cheering for Oshitari Yuushi.

The students of Rikkai University also know how difficult it is for Niou Masaharu to face the terrifying giant Kabaji Munehiro.

They shouted "Rikkai big" bravely, hoping that their cheering would give Niou Masaharu some kind of motivation and strength.

In the Seigaku team.

Fuji Syusuke looked at Oshitari Yuushi, who had a calm and composed expression, and Kabaji Munehiro, who could never let people see through his thoughts and had a dull expression.

He had to think of Bajima when he and Kawamura Takashi faced these two people in the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference finals.

"Even a month later! When I see these two guys, I still feel a lot of pressure!"

"Especially, it seems like their speed of improvement can never catch up!"

His sentiments made Tachibana Yoshihei seem to feel the same way.

"We felt the same way when we fought against Hyotei!"

"Every player is stronger than imagined!"

"The most important thing is... they all seem to have maximized their tennis advantages and at the same time, they don't have much shortcomings in other aspects!"

"Especially this Kabaji Munehiro! He is a national-level player who prefers strength. Looking at the entire Japanese junior high school tennis community, he is probably the only one!"

In the court.

Niou Masaharu and Lubishi Yagyu stood on one side of the court.

Before going on the field, they took off their burdens!

The two people standing opposite them in the court had no right to let them hide their stupidity!

They have only one choice!

That means giving it your all from the beginning!

Perhaps, only in this way can we have a chance to win this doubles number one victory from the two of them!

Oshitari Yuushi, on the other hand, tilted his head and looked at the two older people in front of him, Rikkai.

"We lost the first game...I thought you guys would be depressed."

"As expected of the king Rikkai

Damn... I'm holding on!"

"That's fine! If you two don't even have the fighting spirit, this game will be too boring!"

Niou Masaharu frowned slightly.

The next second.


"People with the title of genius are really arrogant!"

"If you want to defeat Rikkai in just one game, stop daydreaming!"

"Besides, our fighting spirit is not because of you Oshitari Yuushi! It's because we have to face a partner with a national level around you!"

The pretended ease and provocative tone in his tone made Oshitari Yuushi's mouth slightly raise.


"You are actually provocative at this time!"

"I hope you can still be this relaxed in the competition!"

While talking.

He and Kabaji Munehiro also stood in their respective positions.

At this time, Lubishi Yagyu spoke slowly and in a low voice: "Nioh, I'm afraid this Oshitari Yuushi has been angered by you!"

Niou Masaharu waved his hands indifferently: "What we need to pay more attention to is Kabaji Munehiro! As for Oshitari Yuushi... he may have good technical talent! But

We are both at the Kanto level! He is not strong enough to suppress us!"

"If provoking him can make him make mistakes, that's a good thing for us too!"

Yagyu Lubishi nodded, understanding Niou Masaharu's intention of "provoking" Oshitari Yuushi just now.

I saw him standing at the serve baseline position.

Throw up the tennis ball in your hand!


As the tennis ball rose, he subconsciously glanced at Oshitari Yuushi, who was facing him.

Seeing the other party's expression of not taking him seriously, he immediately swung out with a trace of dissatisfaction.


A spin serve was played.

Although he is one of the main candidates of Rikkai, his personal strength is actually relatively poor among Rikkai!

This shot is already very good for ordinary tennis players!

At least it is definitely not something a conference-level player can easily counterattack!


In front of Oshitari Yuushi, this spin was too unqualified.

"Is this the side spin serve you Rikkai Taisho chose?"

Faint words sounded from his mouth.

The next second.


When the tennis ball hit the ground and bounced at a small angle, Oshitari Yuushi had already swung the racquet with his backhand and completed the counterattack!


Regardless of the ball's speed or flight trajectory, Niou Masaharu, who was standing in the frontcourt defensively, was stunned with his eyes wide open.

In an instant!

The tennis ball passed from Niou Masaharu's side and "circled" him in a very arc flight path.

Directly to Yagyu Lubishi's open backcourt.

Yagyu Lubishi was also dumbfounded by this kind of counterattack.

He quickly chased the ball.

Don't wait until he takes two steps!


"Hyotei scores! Score 0-15!"

The referee's voice announcing the score sounded when the tennis ball popped out of the court.

Yagyu Lubishi and Niou Masaharu both looked at the mark of the tennis ball, which happened to hit the bottom corner of the line.

The bright ball mark not only represents the score of this ball, but also represents Oshitari Yuushi's terrifying ball control and rotation skills.

A seemingly casual backhand can actually cause the ball to rotate like this!

Even when the arc of the flight path is so large, it can accurately land at the extreme position.

The two of them don’t think this is luck!

Before the two of them came to their senses, Oshitari Yuushi's voice came from the opposite court again: "Hey! If you hit me with such a chance again! I will suspect that you are playing tricks on me."

I’d like to give you some points!”

"Even if you don't have the confidence to win the game, you still have to be a little more serious!"

"Facing two national-level players, as Kanto-level players, you have to work hard!"


Niou Masaharu and Lubishi Yagyu both turned their heads in disbelief.

The two of them looked at Oshitari Yuushi with a playful smile on his lips, and their pupils trembled.

All...national level?!




Except Kabaji Munehiro, a known national level player!!

The Oshitari Yuushi in front of me has also reached the national level?!

Don't say they were both frightened.

Genichiro Sanada and others in the Rikkai player's bench.

Students from various schools outside the court.

Seigaku, Fudomine, and Yamabuki Middle-School all stared blankly in the direction of Oshitari Yuushi.

When did the other party become a national-level player?!

Fuji Syusuke looked at the playful smile on Oshitari Yuushi's lips, and he seemed to realize something.

"I'm afraid... Oshitari Yuushi has already become a national-level player!"

"It's just that no one has been qualified to expose him!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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