The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0116 Echizen Ryoma Opens Up Selflessness? ! The Top Four List!

0116 Echizen Ryoma starts no-self?! List of top four!

"Hmph! Tachibana Yoshihei! I didn't expect that losing to Hyotei would make you lose your backbone!"

"Besides! Do you really think Hyotei is a great rival to Rikkai?"

"Hit you Fudomine! Rikkai probably hasn't used his full strength yet!"

"Even in that game just doesn't take much effort to win you!"

Genichiro Sanada looked at Tachibana Yoshihei coldly, with contempt in his eyes.

He originally thought that Tachibana Yoshihei, as one of the "Kyushu Heroes", would at least feel unconvinced if he lost to Bei Xiao who led Hyotei.

But he learned from Tachibana Jippei's words just now and the other party's eyes.

There is a faint fear of Bei Xiao!


He can also defeat the opponent now!

But in the opponent's mouth, Hyotei is still stronger than Rikkai!

This made him even more dissatisfied.

Tachibana Jippei did not respond immediately.

Just after Hyotei Gakuen and others came to him, he turned around and spoke again: "Genichiro Sanada, although I don't know why Seiichi Yukimura didn't show up at the Kanto Conference! But, if he was there! He would definitely not underestimate Hyotei Gakuen! "

"Only Rikkai Dai who has Seiichi Yukimura is the king Rikkai Dai! Maybe he will still have a chance to compete with the current Hyotei!"

"If you don't believe it, you will feel what I say for yourself tomorrow!"


He then left the competition court with Fudomine and everyone.

He was not discouraged when he lost the game, but he also deeply realized his lack of strength!

And Fudomine has not completely lost the opportunity to expand nationwide!

What he has to do now is to lead Fudomine Middle-School to break through again in the defeat tournament of the Kanto Conference!!

Genichiro Sanada also groaned at this time and did not look at the defeated Fudomine group.

The match ends with Rikkai Yama and Fudomine.

The results of the Group B finals came out a few minutes later.

A team named Guandeng Middle-School became the final place winner.

Group B can be said to be the group with the lowest average level among the groups in this Kanto Conference.

Although Kanto Middle-School has often appeared in the Kanto Conference in the past two years, this is the first time it has entered the national conference!

the other side.

Group A final scene.

The game between Akutakawa Jirou and Sengoku Kiyosumi is also coming to an end.

Sengoku Kiyosumi serves as the strongest person at Yamabuki Middle-School.

Although he is best known for his incredible luck.

But he does have his own advantages in terms of personal strength.

Extremely strong dynamic strength, and jumping ability beyond that of his peers.

His "Tiger Cannon" serve makes his serve feel like a smash.

Among the Kanto-level players, his strength is extraordinary!


Akutakawa Jirou's singles strength is also not ordinary Kanto level.

Akutakawa Jirou can be regarded as a "master" among junior high school students in the use of the half-volley batting technique.

In Sengoku Kiyosumi's serve game, after being suppressed by his "Tiger Cannon" one after another.

With Bei Xiao's nod of agreement, he took off the weight-bearing straps on his feet!

After the 6KG weight was removed, his leg strength was completely released at this moment.

Not to mention the "Tiger Cannon" serve which is very close to the center of the court.

Even at the extreme catching distance, with Sengoku Kiyosumi's ball speed, it is difficult to threaten Akutakawa Jirou with his explosive foot power.


The improvement in foot strength makes Akutakawa Jirou's volley effect even more exaggerated, and his counterattack speed is at least 30-40% faster than before!

The odds of victory were only slightly in favor of Akutakawa Jirou.

But at this time, it directly foreshadows the final victory or defeat!


"Hyotei Gakuen Akutakawa Jirou scores!"

"The game is over! The score is 6-2!"

"The winner of this singles No. 3 match is... Hyotei Gakuen Akutakawa Jirou!"

"The whole match of Group A finals is over! The big score is 3:0!"

"Congratulations to Hyotei Gakuen for winning first place in Group A! Advance to the Kanto Conference semi-finals tomorrow!"

After the referee announced the result of the game, the students from various schools outside the court were not too excited.

The outcome of the match with Hyotei Gakuen was doomed from the beginning.

They just applauded outside the court for three great games.

Then they left each other and spread the news.

Yanagi Renji's eyes flashed in the crowd.

He closed the notebook filled with dense memories in his hand.

"Although some data has been collected...but it is still far behind!"

"I didn't expect that after three games, this is the only data we can get!"

Yanagi Renji whispered to himself and put away his notebook.

For data tennis players, only the data of players who go all out in the game can play a key role.

He can also analyze more useful information and the target's flaws and weaknesses!


Only Akutakawa Jirou finished this game with real strength, so the data collection for him did not get the completeness expected.


He didn't stay much, he just turned around and walked towards Rikkai's big competition court.

Inside the Hyotei dugout.

Bantian Yuya looked at Sengoku Kiyosumi, who had lost the fighting spirit in his eyes despite losing the game, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you, classmate Bei Xiao!"

"This game against you, Hyotei, gave my players a great experience!"

After standing up, he slowly spoke to Bei Xiao.

Bei Xiao raised his head slightly and said, "No need to thank you. "My companion, you are also helpful to the ice belt! Everyone just takes what he needs!"

"I hope there will be another chance to see you at the national conference!"

Banlao smiled: "We Yamabuki will work hard! At least, they don't want to give up!"

After Yuya Hata left the Hyotei player bench, Bei Xiao also left the game court with Atobe Keigo and others.

This game with Yamabuki Middle-School was not a close game for Hyotei.

If Anado Ryo they are totally on fire.

It is estimated that among the three games, except for the final game between Akutakawa Jirou and Sengoku Kiyosumi, the two doubles will not exceed 10 minutes each!


For Ryo Anato and others, these two doubles games have a certain meaning!

On the surface, it seems that Ryo Anato and others have not made much progress in doubles after this game.

However, it may not happen immediately.

Maybe at some point in the future.

Such a game in their minds will be helpful for them to stand on the court as doubles players again!

Even if you just plant a seed, even if it cannot become a towering tree in the future, as long as there is hope, the act of sowing has its meaning!


When the top names of groups A, B, and C have been decided.

A large number of junior high school students gathered outside the court of Group D competition.

In the court.

The two teams competing are the relatively stronger teams in Group D!


Rokkaku Middle-School!

The first two doubles games are over!

Doubles No. 2 Seigaku Kaidoh Kaoru partnered with Inui Sadaharu and won with a score of 6-4!

Doubles No. 1 was Seigaku's "golden combination", Oishi Syuichirou partnered with Kikumaru Eiji! They won with a score of 7-5!

The score is 2-0!

This result was also something that many junior high school students who came to watch the game couldn't believe.

As a giant in Kanto, Rokkaku Middle-School’s strength has never been weak!


Seigaku won two consecutive games in the doubles game that was originally poor.

They severely suppressed Rokkaku Middle-School with a big score!


The most important thing is that Seigaku does not have their soul player in the team at the moment.

Tezuka Kunimitsu!!

This is also the most incredible place!

at this time.

What is going on in the court is the singles No. 3 game!!

What made many people outside the court look amused was that the players on both sides of the court were extremely rare first-year students!

Seigaku’s side is naturally Echizen Ryoma!

On the Rokkaku Middle-School side, Kentaro Aoi has been serving as the head of the tennis club since the first grade!

Genichiro Sanada and others originally planned to leave after meeting Yanagi Renji, but when passing by the Group D final court and seeing Seigaku's score advantage at the moment, he decided to stop and take a look.


What he cares about is not people like Seigaku, but the possibility of having a match with Tezuka Kunimitsu who went to Germany for arm treatment this year!

If we can't meet him at the Kanto Conference, at least there will still be some time before the National Conference.

When the Hyotei group headed by Bei Xiao arrived, unlike Genichiro Sanada, they could only find empty seats to watch by themselves.

Many middle school students watching the game unconsciously made way for Bei Xiao and others to pass easily and stood in the front row to watch the game.

Genichiro Sanada noticed this and immediately snorted.

I feel unhappy when I see Hyotei Gakuen in my heart, but I won't break out at this time.

Yanagi Renji is aware of Sanada Genichiro's current mood.

There was a worried look on his face again.

There is a high probability that we will play against Hyotei Gakuen tomorrow!

Genichiro Sanada, as the deputy director of the Tennis Club, was hospitalized because the director, Seiichi Yukimura, fell ill and had to take the duster of the Rikkai Tennis Club on his shoulders.

It took a lot of effort to persuade Seiichi Yukimura to revive the idea of ​​playing tennis.

On the day of the finals of the Kanto Conference, even if there is a risk of incurable disease, I still choose to have surgery!


At this time, the other party was because of the conflict with Bei Xiao during the lottery ceremony and his dissatisfaction with Hyotei Gakuen.

The mood swings are getting more intense!

In the eyes of Yanagi Renji, this is not a good thing!

This emotion may even affect tomorrow's game!

It's just... Yanagi Renji doesn't know how to wake up Genichiro Sanada from this state.

Even if the person with a stubborn temper realizes this, he probably won't ask for any help, and most likely he won't take it to heart.

In the Hyotei team, Atobe Keigo watched Echizen Ryoma and Kentaro Aoi playing neck-and-neck in the court.


In terms of personal strength, Echizen Ryoma has crossed the Kanto level threshold!

The control of the rhythm of the game has also been improved.

He couldn't help but chuckle and said: "Not bad! This kid Seigaku has made some progress in this month!"

Sakaki Taro nodded aside: "I can only say... After all, he is a second-generation samurai! It would be very disappointing if he keeps standing still!"

"However! Kentarou Aoi, a first-year student from Rokkaku Middle-School, is quite powerful! He is even close to the Kanto level! It's rare for a first-year student to reach this level!

But obviously.

His assessment of Aoi Kentaro was not accurate.

Bei Xiao

He said calmly: "His own strength is not enough to reach this point! Objectively speaking, this Aoi Kentaro is only good in basic skills and ball control!"

"What helps him fight against Echizen Ryoma is the wooden racquet in his hand!"

"Compared with ordinary racquet, the longer racquet length improves his defensive range!"

»Furthermore, the racquet line arrangement is not a tic-tac-toe grid, but a hexagonal grid! It can withstand the impact of the ball and is more dispersed! It is also very helpful in controlling the trajectory of the ball.

“The people who make racquet are not simple!”

"This is a racquet tailor-made for Kentaro Aoi!"

His explanation made Sakaki Taro look at Kentaro Aoi's racquet.

After discovering that it was exactly what Bei Xiao said, he was also surprised.

About 10 minutes later.

In the court, Echizen Ryoma took the lead in reaching the match point with a score of 5-3!

This game is also his serve game!

As he was hitting the tennis ball, his eyes subconsciously glanced around the court.

It was this sweep that allowed him to see Bei Xiao and others watching his game.

At that moment, his eyes narrowed.

The next second.

The whole person's body burst out with a dazzling pale golden light.

See this scene.

Outside the court, students from various schools showed expressions of astonishment.

"This is...the power of selflessness?!"

"Seigaku, a first-year student, actually started Selfless State!!"

"It's true! Selflessness can be activated in the first grade... Such power can actually appear in a first grader!"

"What an exaggeration! He is indeed the son of a world legend like Echizen Nanjiro! I still underestimated him before!!"

"World legend?!"

"Don't you guys from Kanagawa know? Echizen Ryoma's dad is the top professional player in the world! He is only one game away from becoming the number one player in the World Professional League!

"No wonder!! He actually has such a father!!"

Students from various schools are full of praise for Echizen Ryoma and his father.

In the Seigaku dugout, Fuji Syusuke and the others were also stunned.

Naturally, they all know that Echizen Ryoma can initiate selflessness.

It happened just a week ago!

However, they did not expect that the opponent would show it in a dominant game.

And now, they can only think that Echizen Ryoma chose to do this in order to win the singles No. 3 game more smoothly!

Genichiro Sanada and Yanagi Renji looked at Echizen Ryoma who turned on Selfless State in the court, and they were also slightly surprised.

It is indeed very rare for a first grader to be able to do this.


But the two of them didn't take it too seriously.

"The power of Selfless State may have a good effect at the Kanto level!"

"But... the potential is not great! It even consumes a lot of physical energy!"

"Using it impatiently at this time is more like a child who likes to show off!"

Genichiro Sanada said that he had no intention of reading any more.

This game was almost over.

Selfless State has enough power to end this game quickly.

The one who walked faster than them was Hyotei Gakuen led by Bei Xiao.

Disadvantages of Selfless State

Everyone in Hyotei knows it very well.

Although Echizen Ryoma has indeed improved a lot.

But from the opponent's move to activate Selfless State at this time.

Atobe Keigo and others, who originally had slightly improved their evaluation of him, couldn't help but secretly cursed: Idiot!

Keep some trump cards appropriately so that they can play a better role in subsequent competitions!

Echizen Ryoma's "treasure offering"-like behavior is unintentionally extremely stupid!

Now that I have secured a ticket to the national conference, I don’t even consider the situation that I will encounter in the subsequent games!

It can only be said that although the opponent's strength has improved, his stupid and arrogant character has not changed at all!

Bei Xiao even wanted to make a call to Echizen Ryoga when he left the court.

If this continues, he is not sure whether Echizen Ryoma can join the Japan U-17 training camp according to the "plan".

He even felt the valley.

If Akutsu Jin knew that his future teammate might be Echizen Ryoma, would the opponent secretly find opportunities to destroy him?

No matter what Bei Xiao thinks now.

When he and Hyotei left Senyuan Sports Park in front of everyone.

On the back foot, Echizen Ryoma won the last game for Seigaku.

Successfully ranked first in Group D, got tickets to this year's national conference, and entered the semi-finals of the Kanto Conference tomorrow!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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