The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0115 Synchrony Is Just The Beginning! Fudomine Failed Miserably!

0115 Synchronicity is just the beginning! Fudomine failed miserably!

The sound of hitting the ball kept ringing in the court.

Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh got the right to serve in the first game through guessing. The latter did not serve as hard as the students around him thought because of the "restrictions" given by Bei Xiao.

Maybe he also wants to try what kind of game he can complete just by relying on doubles' tacit understanding.

The two even deliberately suppressed their speed and strength, and fought back and forth with Yamabuki Middle-School's Shinto Midakichi.

Every goal scored in the court is not crushed by strength.

Rather, they rely on their own judgment and understanding of the court situation, as well as the trust between them as doubles players.

Shinto Midaoji was originally very nervous when they came on the field.

After all, there are lessons learned from the experience of Shonan.

Plus they think they are no match for Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh!

So I can't let go during the game.

Now that they see Ryo Anato and the two competing with themselves like this, they feel more and more comfortable and relaxed.

Although the situation was still extremely difficult, they gradually entered the state and fought hard on the court.

"Hyotei scores! End of game! Score 1-0! Change of serve!"

"Hyotei scores! End of game! Score 0-2! Change of serve!"

outside the court.

"What's going on with Hyotei? Otori Cyotaroh doesn't serve as a heavy hitter, and Ryo Anato, a former midfielder, is only responsible for defending key balls! This doesn't seem like their playing style!"

"That's right! Even though I keep scoring, I feel like I'm overdoing it!"

"It's so strange! In the morning's game, Shonan Chengcheng was beaten so badly, and now he is so kind... What on earth is Hyotei thinking?"

"Is it possible that Coach Yamabuki really went and said good things? He was merciful for the sake of the old man?"

"It's really possible! I didn't expect Hyotei to be quite easy to talk to!"

"Easy to talk to?! Come on! The swelling on the bodies of those three Shonan Shonan players hasn't subsided yet!"

Yanagi Renji listened to the discussions of some junior high school students around him, while he silently recorded something in his notebook.

Although he didn't know why the playing styles of Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh changed in court, he did know one thing.

This match is essentially more of a grinding match between Yamabuki and Hyotei25!

Yamabuki Middle-School's Shinto Yonekichi trained on how to open up situations in doubles games when faced with opponents whose personal abilities are superior to their own.

Hyotei and Anato Ryo are honing their mutual understanding, match the rhythm of the game, and further completing their cooperation in doubles.

"Hyotei............use the Kanto Tournament competition as a training match......"

"You are so courageous!"

He whispered softly to himself, but his pen remained the same

And inside the Hyotei dugout.

The change in the score on the court did not make Banda Mikiya show any strange expression.

As if he wasn't the tennis coach at Yamabuki Middle-School.

On the contrary, he kept smiling just like before!

"Obviously, these two little guys are not particularly outstanding in talent, but they still managed to reach the realm of genius with their hard work!"

Bantian Mikiya's praise was very objective.

He does not deny the strength of Otori Cyotaroh, but he does not think that their strength is entirely due to their talent.

This made Atobe Keigo and others who were sitting in the front row subconsciously look stunned when they heard this. However, they did not turn around and say anything. They just focused part of their attention on the players' bench in the back row.

Bei Xiao said calmly at this time: "Genius and hard work are essentially closely connected! Talent determines a higher upper limit than ordinary people, and hard work determines the efficiency of reaching the upper limit and the possibility of breaking through the upper limit!"

"Isn't it the same when you coach at Yamabuki, Mr. Ban?"

"Their talents are not very high! Even Sengoku Kiyosumi can only be said to be barely a genius! But you still haven't given up on them!"

"This is why, as the coach of another team, you can sit in the Hyotei dugout and watch the game!"

Bantian Miki also laughed dryly: "Haha, classmate Bei Xiao deserves a prize! I can't say that I give up or not! I just want to see these little guys playing ball!"

"Besides being a tennis coach, I don't know anything else!"

Bei Xiao nodded and spoke again: "I wonder, Mr. Ban, what do you think of our Hyotei doubles combination?"

Bantian Yuya heard Bei Xiao's words fall on "double".

He immediately showed a clear look, and after thinking for a moment, he slowly said: "The foundation of doubles lies in the compatibility between people!"

"Tennis style, personality, subconscious reactions to the same ball, and trust between each other!"

"From these four points, both Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaro have done a great job!"

"But in addition to these four basic points, there is a deeper point! It is also a key point for whether a group of doubles can go further into the future!"


Hear this.

Even Atobe Keigo and the others who were sitting in the front row subconsciously leaned back a little and ignored the competition in the court for the time being.

Sakaki Taro was more direct, turning his head with a hint of asking for advice.

He himself has great respect for a capable old coach like Bantian Mikiya.

Bantian Yuya didn't care, he just kept to himself and continued: "Things like bonds are very complicated! You can say it is the emotion between partners, or you can say it is the mutual affection between competitors!"

"Even going through some things together makes people understand that at certain times, they need a special existence to comfort themselves, protect themselves, or let themselves become that special existence for others!"

"But! All of this comes down to one thing! That is, doubles are always two people!"

"The creation of bonds takes time and opportunity! Only with the right people can the ball be played right!"

When Sakaki Taro heard this, he subconsciously asked: "Then how can you know whether someone has made the right choice?"

Bantian Yuya spread his hands, with a trademark smile on his lips: "You have to ask the players themselves! Even if I have been studying doubles for decades, I still can't put together a truly suitable doubles combination based on experience!"

Sakaki Taro's expression froze, and he immediately felt that Banda Miki had said it as well as he had not.

Bei Xiao slowly spoke at this time: "Actually, the simplest way is to see if a pair of doubles can activate their synchrony!"

"Synchrony?! Isn't the difficulty too high? Being able to activate synchronization is a perfect combination of doubles! This method is not convenient!" Sakaki Taro frowned slightly and said with a hint of surprise.

But Bei Xiao shook his head: "Synchrony! The so-called first secret of doubles! In essence, it is not like Selfless State, which has a talent threshold!"

"All it requires is a certain level of trust and understanding between doubles players!"

"So, for the right doubles player, it's not that hard!"

"And! Turning on synchronization is just the beginning of doubles tennis. The miracle of doubles is not just synchronization!"

When Sakaki Taro and others heard this, they all had different expressions.

after all.

Their understanding of doubles is only in terms of homology.

Even Akutsu Jin, who went to the United States U-17 for a month, only saw a group of high school doubles combinations in the training camp that started synchronization.

As for what lies beyond the starting line of doubles homology, he doesn't know.


No one doubted what Bei Xiao said, because they knew that what Bei Xiao said must be the facts known to the other party.

A trace of surprise flashed in Bantian Mikiya's eyes.

At this moment, he really didn't expect that Bei Xiao also had a lot of knowledge in doubles tennis!

"Classmate Bei Xiao, you are just teasing me, the old man! You know it all, but you still want me to judge!"

Bei Xiao shook his head: "I'm just a tennis player, not a coach! Therefore, your evaluation is of more reference value!"

Bantian Mikiya spoke slowly: "Now, old man, I finally understand why Hyotei Gakuen has improved so quickly!"

"Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, it's just because the number of talented players in the team has increased! The intensity of training has become higher!"

"But the root cause is... there is someone leading this team who really knows how to play tennis!"

"This year's national competition is probably the most interesting one in recent years!"

Bei Xiao didn't say much about these remarks.

The Hyotei dugout also returned to its previous calm.


About 15 minutes later.

The game for doubles number two is over!

The score is undoubtedly 6-0 with zero seal!

After all, even if Anato Ryo and his two men were suppressed in terms of personal strength, they were still much stronger than Shinto Midaikichi's two men.

But the hands held by the players from both sides after the game showed what both groups of doubles gained in this game.

The second doubles No. 1 game was between Yamabuki Middle-School’s No. 1 doubles combination of Masami Higashi and Kentaro Minami against Hyotei Gakuen Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro.

Influenced by the first game.

Even if Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro did not take off the weights on their feet, they consciously suppressed their own advantages and strength just like Ryo Anato.

The former is closer to the scheduler of the two, observing the overall situation and making corresponding tactical moves and batting adjustments.

The latter put aside his powerful side and showed off his technical abilities.

As the game time passes by one minute and one second.

20 minutes later.

Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro also kept clean sheets under such circumstances.

Bei Xiao and others also clearly saw that the corners of Kabaji Munehiro's mouth, which had always been dull, turned up slightly at the end of the game.

This scene also surprised Atobe Keigo as a child.

With a big score of 2-0, the morale of everyone in Yamabuki Middle-School was not as low as before.

on the contrary!

When the referee announces the start of singles No. 3's game.

Sengoku Kiyosumi walked onto the court, and the cheers and cheers from everyone in the Yamabuki players’ bench could be heard endlessly!

As a competitive player, Sengoku Kiyosumi also looked relaxed and did not have much experience!

And his opponent is Akutakawa Jirou!

Students from various schools outside the court looked at the two people on the court who were about to start the game. Although they were not used to the Hyotei main players playing in this way at first.


After watching the two games, they seemed to be immersed in the atmosphere of the game.

Some people couldn't help but cheer for the lagging Yamabuki Middle-School, and some people supported Akutakawa Jirou to win this game and get tickets to the national conference!

just like.

The entire court atmosphere has become different.

Yanagi Renji has never forgotten his mission. At this moment, he took a deep look at everyone at Hyotei through the court wire fence.

Strong and comfortable.

Able to make opponents and spectators

people feel afraid.

It can easily give everyone present a new perspective on Hyotei Gakuen.

This ability is simply incredible!

Even at this time, he felt that if he became the official selection of Yamabuki Middle-School and stood on the court to compete, he might also be immersed in the pure world of tennis!


"One Bei Xiao can really bring about such changes to an entire team..."

the other side.

Group C final.

Rikkai versus Fudomine!

On the scoreboard, the first two doubles were 6-1 and 6-0 ahead of the old Ming Yuanyuan.

In addition to arranging the formation, Akira Kamio and Itake Fukaji burst out with all their strength from the beginning in the second position of doubles and won their own serve game.

They haven't scored a goal since!

In the doubles No. 1 game, the combination of Fudomine Middle-School Ishida Tetsu and Masaya Sakurai was defeated.

The power of the wave ball may be regarded as somewhat outstanding in the regional qualifiers and Tokyo Metropolitan Conference.

But in front of Rikkai, the overlord of Kanto, he was no longer on the stage.

The score of 6-0 is the best proof!

And now!!

In the court.

Tachibana Yoshihei, whose whole body was glowing with scarlet aura, was breathing heavily.

The sweat on his forehead and cheeks kept dripping on the court floor under his feet.

And his opponent.

Genichiro Sanada097.

Wearing a baseball cap, he had a serious expression, but there was no trace of fatigue on his face.

In contrast.

Both are at the national level, and the strength between the two seems to be clearly visible.

The score of this game was now 5-1!

Just like the current state of the two, Genichiro Sanada has an absolute advantage.

If Tachibana Yoshihei hadn't used the "breath of the beast" to win the score in the game, I'm afraid the game would have been over by now!

"Brother!! Come on!!"


In the Fudomine players' bench, Ju Xing and the others all looked anxious and worried.

before the whole game starts.

Although they all knew it would be a tough battle.

But they didn't expect that they would suffer to this extent!!

Not to mention losing two doubles in a row.

Now, as a minister, Tachibana Yoshihei faced Genichiro Sanada, who was also a national-level player, and was actually suppressed in such a situation!

In an instant, everyone in Fudomine felt like they were back at the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference, facing Hyotei Gakuen.

Tachibana Jihei gritted his teeth and raised his hand to serve.


The seventh game begins!

4 rounds!

"Player Rikkai Genichiro Ohsanada scores! The score is 0-15!"

In this game.

Tachibana Yoshihei is like a crazy lion, constantly playing "ball-busting" and "rage lion" in the court.

In exchange for constant attacks, Genichiro Sanada continued to score points.



"Rikai Ohsanada Genichiro scores!"

"The game is over! The score is 6-1!"

"The winner of this singles No. 3 match is... Rikkai University player Genichiro Sanada!"

"The whole match of Group C finals is over! The big score is 3:0!"

"Congratulations to Rikkai University for winning first place in Group C! It will advance to the semi-finals of the Kanto Conference tomorrow!"

When the referee finished speaking.

The Rikkai Dai cheerleaders outside the court also chanted words such as "Sanada" and "Rikkai Dai".

And many students from various schools who were watching the game also looked at each other in confusion.

Many people still recognize Fudomine’s strength!

But against the king Rikkai, it can only be said that he was unlucky!

As for Tachibana Yoshihei's defeat...

The gap between the national level and the national level is indeed a huge gap sometimes!

And inside the competition court.

Genichiro Sanada walked to the net, looked at Tachibana Yoshihei who was defeated by him, and said in a deep voice: "Compared to the real national level, you are just at the threshold!"

"Defeating you... doesn't seem to be a difficult task!"

Tachibana Yoshihei raised his head, took a deep breath and looked at Genichiro Sanada: "Losing is losing, I won't deny it! But if you think you can defeat Hyotei by defeating us

"Then I can only say that you are still too naive!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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