The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 789 I told a big lie 53

Today is the fourth day since Tao Ran and the others left the community.

On the way back, the base sent a car to escort them for a while, which saved them a lot of trouble, and the time was nearly an hour earlier than expected.

Before noon, they had already passed the suburbs of city A.

According to Tao Ran's original arrangement, when he returned, he asked everyone in the community to help pick him up and clear away the zombies on the road.

Very strange!

They had entered the south of the city, but no one was there to respond. It’s impossible to forget, right?

Not only that, there seemed to be at least twice as many zombies on the main road they were walking on today than four days ago?

This is wrong!

Very wrong!

Zombies blocked the road and made it impossible to walk. The truck turned back several times. Tao Ran got out of the car and lured the zombies away many times before he reluctantly turned onto another road and headed west of the city...

Soon, the road ahead was blocked again.

Tao Ran stopped the car and climbed up to the tallest tree around with his binoculars.

Seeing this, she felt a little anxious.

The reason why there are so many zombies today has been found!

Ahead, the motorcade in their community was surrounded by zombies for unknown reasons.

Tao Ran quickly got down from the tree and directed their car to go around to a nearby road to meet them. And she took the treetop path and used Qinggong to cross to the main road from the air.

What's going on? Tao Ran asked from the crown of a tall tree.

Looking from her direction, four cars in the community were surrounded by zombies.

But the zombies only surrounded the silver car that Yan Hui usually drove. It seemed that there was something inside that was strongly attracting them...

Look through the telescope again.

Tao Ran could see that Yan Hui was sweating, his face was pale, and the hair on his head was clumps... He was holding someone in his arms...

problem occurs.

Shen Rong, think of a way! Yan Hui opened the car window. We have to go back quickly... and... and Yao Weiwei... we have to chase after her...

Our Lady, Our Lady, once again profoundly demonstrated what if you don't do something, you won't die.

In the past two months, Yao Weiwei has become a different person. She is taciturn and has indeed minimized her presence to the greatest extent. All her thoughts were waiting for her return to the base.

However she was disappointed.

She was not allowed to leave.

She suffers not only from her ugly appearance, but also from the fact that she has changed from a heroine to a female waste. No one here really likes her or treats her sincerely. Every day here is hard for her. She has been full of frustration since the first day.

After the Xue Fei incident, she stopped thinking about helping Bai Moli, and the idea of ​​going to the hospital also faded away. Now she just wanted to leave this community, regain her beauty and reputation, and stand up again. Come back and demand justice.

She was also worried that Shen Rong would do something detrimental to her if she took Tian Hu and Shen's father to the base. It must be, otherwise why wouldn't they take her? Could they be spreading bad rumors about her around the base? Do something sorry for her? Ruin her reputation?

If so, how can she prove it if she is here? Will her reputation be ruined by them?

Yao Weiwei became more and more anxious as she thought about it.

Her only thought was that she had to get out of here.

But when she is in the community, as long as she is active, there are always people watching her. She knows that many people don't trust her.

She originally planned to escape while Shen Rong was away for a few days, but she found that there was no chance. There were too many people in the community, and she couldn't just leave rashly.

She had to find a way.

The best way is to leave the community in an upright way.

Yao Weiwei soon had her own plan.

Although everyone doesn't take her to play with them and always looks for Ayu first every time they go on a mission, she can find a way to make them come to her on their own!

Yao Weiwei has been very honest these days.

During the day, I help out in the infirmary and use my powers to treat high blood pressure for the elderly. I sit downstairs in a daze, wiping away tears, feeling pitiful.

The first three days passed like this.

Everyone saw that she was wronged and comforted her a few words. In fact, as long as she doesn't do anything, everyone is still willing to accept her.

But this morning, Ayu informed everyone before leaving for the mission that she could not leave for the time being.

She said that her two children probably caught a cold from eating raw food yesterday and had diarrhea all night. So in the middle of the night, Ayu repeatedly used her powers to treat the twins' illnesses. After struggling for a long time, she couldn't keep up with her physical strength, and she couldn't use her powers temporarily when she went out to perform tasks.

However, today's task is quite important.

Everyone knows that Shen Rong and the others came back from the base today, so they wanted to form a team to clear the main road from the south to the west of the city. There are too many zombies recently, and accidents are easy to happen. With a person with superpowers, safety is more guaranteed.

Ayu couldn't go, so they had to call Yao Weiwei.

In the past few months, Yao Weiwei has been on more than a dozen missions, and no one thought there was anything wrong with her.

When Yan went back and knocked on Yao Weiwei's door, she was still sleepy and wearing pajamas, so no one had any doubts about her.

Yao Weiwei got into the car smoothly.

The convoy went south and came to the main road.

As usual, Yao Weiwei and Fangfang, who were in charge of medical care, were in the last car.

Several vehicles started to get busy, attracting zombies to nearby paths and checking the vehicles and supplies on the roadside.

An hour later, everyone was a little tired. Yan Hui, who was in charge of the operation, was just about to let everyone rest for a while when they heard Yao Weiwei's high-pitched scream, and a large number of zombies that had been led to the nearby road came back one after another.

What's wrong? Before anyone could react, they suddenly saw the door of the last car open.

Fangfang was pushed out of the car and fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, the car suddenly made an engine sound, Yao Weiwei made a U-turn and drove away.

Only then did everyone see that Fangfang was covered in blood...

It's Yao Weiwei... Fangfang said with difficulty.

Fangfang was originally in the back seat. A minute ago, she saw someone's hand being scratched. She quickly took medicine from the first aid kit and prepared to help bandage it. She never expected that a dagger was suddenly inserted into her side. body of.

Yao Weiwei whispered: I'm sorry. After the last time, I have understood the principle that people will be punished if they don't do it for themselves.

Then she rolled down the window and yelled.

After attracting the zombies, she pushed Fangfang out of the car.

She quickly climbed into the driver's seat and drove away...

Fangfang was so worried that she just got out of the car.

Her blood flowed all over her body, and the strong smell of blood made the surrounding zombies instantly excited, and they all flew towards her...

When Yao Weiwei looked back with tears streaming down her face, the zombies had blocked her sight.

very good.

There are zombies blocking the escape route, so they can't catch up with her.

She cheered hard and fled quickly...

She did something bad and was quite sad.

In addition to Fangfang, Ayu's child was also harmed by the laxatives she stole from the infirmary.

She has never been so harmful to anyone.

She could only comfort herself that she had saved many people, and occasionally harming or injuring some people was not a sin. At worst, she could just save a few more people in the future.

And...she has also done a lot of good things in the community these days. What's the point? At best, the merits and demerits offset each other. She doesn't owe them anything!

Once the psychological construction was completed, Yao Weiwei's sense of guilt disappeared.

She is free.

Now, she wants to go around the city...

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