The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 788 I told a big lie 52


Sir Tan, please be serious.

The group of people in the east part of city A have been armed? Then isn't the entire city A already under their control?

They use government-branded firearms to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Where does this put the military?

Did they almost harm Weiwei? This matter is even more important!

Is Xiao Yao okay?

Tao Ran: Sir, don't worry. Although the bad guys are ruthless, they kidnapped Sister Wei first and shot her later, but Sister Wei is a lucky person and has the protection of supernatural powers, so she is fine. But Sister Wei said, even if the other party comes back again, She is ruthless, and she is not afraid, nor will she back down. As long as the armed forces in Chengdong Hospital are not eliminated, she will not retreat to the rear.

Sister Wei has great ambitions, and we all admire her very much. It is precisely because the forces in the east of the city are too strong that we have injured people to treat every day, which is also one of the reasons why Sister Wei cannot come back...

Tao Ran continued to exaggerate the power in the east of the city. Tian Hu, who was standing next to her, knew that there was a lot in her words, but he didn't say much. Recently, he has been on missions with everyone in the community. Of course, he has witnessed many scenes where innocent people like Ayu's family were killed and robbed. On this point, Shen Rong was not exaggerating.

For the sake of the surviving people and for the sake of everyone in the community, this contradiction must be resolved sooner or later. It is easiest for the military to handle it. So on the way here, Tao Ran told him her intentions, and Tian Hu promised not to hold back.

Tao Ran: The forces in the east of the city are still growing, and they have already expanded into the city. The pressure on us is too great. Once we are targeted by them, with our large population and supplies, we will be a piece of fat to them.

And based on their strength, dealing with us is like picking something out of a bag. We will not be rivals. So this is what Sister Wei means. While there is still time, we hope the base can help us. actually……

Tao Ran kept saying one thing after another, having already thought of his words.

Actually what?

Before coming here, Sister Wei told me repeatedly that they must not allow them to expand in Dongcheng. In fact, it was only after I came and saw the base with my own eyes that I fully understood what Sister Wei meant. .”


I took a look at our base. Although there are many people, most of them are ordinary people. The number of combat-effective people is only three to five hundred, right? And most of them are people participating in patrols, so we There are only a hundred or so real soldiers, right?

It's not just that many. The main thing is that they are all performing tasks everywhere.

Yeah. But do you know the number of armed personnel in City A? Tao Ran expressed concern.

How many?

At least twice the number of base troops. Tao Ran said firmly, but the reality was not certain. Nine months have passed, and it is almost certain that the number of people in the hospital will increase, but she does not know how many people there are now.

She tried catching small fish and shrimps to inquire about it, but the hierarchies within the group of people in the hospital were very fine. Everyone had their own superiors. When pressed, they almost couldn't answer any questions.

It was this that made Tao Ran pay more attention to them.

At this moment, because of this exaggerated number, Tao Ran heard the interviewing officer's breathing become slightly heavier.

The members they absorbed were either armed or came with special powers or supplies, so they are super strong. All the families, organizations and groups with some influence in City A should have been absorbed by them.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before they completely take over City A. Our community has no power to fight. As for the base... not only is there no chance to deal with them, I'm afraid the base will also become their next target.

Tao Ran deliberately paused for another three seconds:

Even if the base has more and better weapons, can call on helpers from elsewhere, and has experienced soldiers, what if they carry out a sneak attack? What if they use their numerical advantage? What if they attack civilians? Can our base be an opponent? Will our helpers arrive in time? Can we ignore civilians like they do?...


It took Tao Ran ten minutes to successfully get Chief Tan to say that he would have a meeting with his superiors to discuss the hidden dangers in the east part of City A...

Tao Ran and the other three were invited to the cafeteria for a meal.

In other words, Yao Weiwei's previous marketing of Our Lady at the base was very successful. As soon as they sat down, they were surrounded by a group of people, asking about Yao Weiwei one by one.

Tao Ran opened his mouth to praise, portraying everyone's image of the goddess as tall and beautiful. He first cultivated the goodwill of a group of people and eliminated the sense of distance.

After everyone got acquainted with each other, she began to focus on the frenzied killings of the people in Dongcheng Hospital. For a while, the entire cafeteria was scolded.

So you are in a dangerous situation now, right?

Will you face retaliation?

It's a pity that the base can no longer accommodate more people. Otherwise, you all will move here...

Everyone was talking about it.

Tao Ran accidentally revealed that Yao Weiwei also had an accident because of Dongcheng people a while ago.

Under questioning by everyone, she vividly told the story of how the goddess was kidnapped by East City villains and almost died...

At this moment, everyone's anger was ignited, and there was quite a bit of anger shared by both humans and gods.

We must not allow them to continue to be so arrogant! This incident not only spread quickly, but also caused many people to clench their fists and want to do something.

Sister, have you asked the leaders of the base to get rid of those people in Dongcheng?

I mentioned it, but no reply.

Don't worry, we'll help you.

After all, Yao Weiwei saved many people here.

Now she is being bullied first and has potential dangers behind her, and many people can't sit still. They took action one after another.

Some mobilized connections to jointly request the base to take action, some went to their superiors, and some even went to report to Yao Weiwei's admirers.

Before long, almost everyone in the base was discussing this matter.

Yao Weiwei's suitor was quite capable and got the base's phone number and called Yao's family. I heard that the Yao family was very serious, and Yao's father even called the provincial capital.

Two hours later, Chief Tan found Tao Ran again.

We can specially approve some weapons for you first. In the next few days, protect yourselves. As for the others, we still have to hold a meeting. Specifically, we will send someone to Dongcheng, your city, to investigate before making a decision. But the question should be Not big. We will give you a reply within a week at most. When the plan is implemented, we still need your cooperation...

So this trip was very rewarding.

They obtained two thousand kilograms of grain. Twenty guns and four hundred rounds of ammunition. Various nutritional products, medicines, some vegetable seeds, and official signal flares.

This signal flare is much stronger than the fireworks used by Xue Fei to report his credit.

Once it takes off, it is guaranteed to be visible within 50 kilometers around, and the smoke will not disperse for a long time...

They were told that in case of emergency, they could set off the signal. If the base sees it, it will come to support as soon as possible.

After all, although Yao Weiwei did not come on this trip, her contribution was considerable. The family is powerful, has a good reputation, and has been used quite successfully.

The three of them went home in a good mood.

However, before arriving at the community, Tao Ran sensed something was wrong.

Thank you Brother Long for the reward, please show your appreciation~

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