Everyone on this crew has the word rich written almost on their foreheads.

On the first day, seven or eight children ran errands for them and earned tips. The village chief even took advantage and helped the crew deliver purified water twice, making at least a two hundred yuan difference in price. I helped the crew assemble several very large tents and received another red envelope.

Many villagers saw this and became jealous.

The next day, it was a similar situation.

The crew is busy filming, and the villagers who have the skills can make money from them. For example, the village chief, the fast runner Da Mao, and the handsome Xiao Jun can earn more than two hundred just by running errands.

This is so cool!

After a few days, the villagers' attention has long been no longer on the filming and the stars, but has gradually shifted to how to make money, how to collect as much wool as possible before the crew leaves, cannot let others take all the benefits, XX Everyone has made money, our family can’t fall behind” (Part 1)

For a while, everyone didn't even think about working anymore, it was easier to get money from the crew!

The villagers exchange information every day, and many people's mentality is quietly changing without even realizing it.

For example, the eldest brother of the Wu family helped buy Coke. When he saw that the crew drank quickly, he went directly to the town to buy ten boxes and dragged them into the village. But the next day, the crew didn't want his Coke.

After a second look, I realized that the crew used Coke brought in from Lao Gao's family. Lao Gao cooked a big pot of chestnuts for the crew and was squatting next to the director to flatter him! You say it's hateful or not!

It's a small thing that there are eight extra boxes of Coke in Lao Wu's house, but it's hard to swallow. Don’t understand the principle of first come, first served? What's more, they are all brothers, and they usually look up but never look down at each other. How could he do something like this?

Lao Wu went to argue, and Lao Gao just received another task from the stylist to buy fruit. Zheng Le was not willing to back down. What's wrong with him in making money based on his ability?

In the end, the two families turned from shouting and yelling to fighting. And such conflicts are not limited to just two families. In fact, many people have long disliked each other.

Everyone has their own weighing scale in their hearts, and many people in the village have a bit of a bias against each other. The village chief tried to be a good person and tried to persuade others to make peace, but he was also scolded. Some people have long disliked him, and he is the one who has benefited the most...

Someone else bluntly said that many people helped set up the tent last time, but the only one who received the red envelope was the village chief. How much money was in it, but I didn't take it out to share it. Is that a good idea? The red envelope is so big, there’s a lot of money in it, right? Freeloading is not good!

For a time, the village chief inexplicably became the target of everyone's criticism. He felt aggrieved that he was being arranged like this for everyone's benefit, and even cursed him several times.

That night, all the villagers dispersed unhappy...

On the fourth day, someone secretly started talking, saying that they suspected that the village chief had swallowed up the money for the rapeseed land that everyone rented out. The deposit given by the crew was actually 30,000. They said that a boy from Lao Zhu’s family saw the crew’s financial accounting sheet. It clearly says 30,000. The payee is Dong Min.

But the village chief clearly said that he only received 20,000 yuan from the crew!

So, Village Chief Dong himself swallowed 10,000?

Is this okay?

It’s not like all the rapeseed fields belong to his family! Why does he have that face?

The news spread quietly among the villagers. Everyone is not stupid, just keep it clear for the time being. Anyway, the crew is still here, and when they leave, this account will definitely have to be settled.

Because of the village chief's familiarity with the director and others, no one thought this rumor was false at all, but they had no idea that the list that the boy from the Zhu family saw was Tao Ran who saw the right opportunity and flew out of the tent window.

Well, it's fake, I haven't even seen the finance person... And after Xiao Zhu's boy saw it clearly, Xiaodong who passed by picked up the paper, tore it into pieces and threw it away.

Tao Ran sat in the tent every day, always looking at the people around him. Of course she knew that the relationships among people in this village were quietly changing...

Tao Ran's plan went quite smoothly.

If the Zhang family is the culprit in killing the girl in Gujingli, then the villagers in this village are the gang brothers. The mastermind cannot escape, and neither can the accomplices.

In addition to trying to find an explanation for the man from Gujing, Tao Ran also wanted to help a group of girls who were in similar trouble.

She has confirmed her previous speculation.

As she expected, there were obviously more men than women in this village, and among the women who appeared, there were even fewer young ones. Occasionally, there were a few young women that Tao Ran met face-to-face. They either looked strange or had disabilities.

There are so many men and children, there can't be just a few mothers. Where are they? Why don't you come out?

Being close to the children, she quickly found out that most of the mothers had their own inconveniences...

It is no accident that the person from Gujing is here.

The Zhang family hides people in ancient wells, and other families can also hide people in cellars, attics, darkrooms, and empty houses... It is impossible for Taoran to find them all in one go, nor can he catch all the bad guys with one person. And if you want to use the police, it will be difficult to achieve results without definite evidence.

So she devised a plan that worked.

Ten days was the time she gave herself, and she believed she could succeed.

The people in this village are very defensive, so she must have enough reasons to show up and gain their trust.

The people in this village are still united, but if they want to reveal their flaws, their seemingly unbreakable alliance must be cracked.

The way is money.

The common weakness of these people is poverty.

As long as she spends money, even if she can't corrupt some corners, she can still find some ways to achieve results... and after taking this step, her plan will be advanced.

The shooting went smoothly and five days passed in the blink of an eye.

The sixth day begins.

Early that morning, the director asked the village chief to bring the loudspeaker, and then shouted to the surrounding villagers:

Is there anyone who is willing to be an extra? I'm hiring ten! The salary is two hundred per day.

Two hundred a day? In this remote country, this is an absolutely high salary!

So as soon as the director finished speaking, a bunch of people crowded in front of him, asking if they had any requirements.

There are no requirements. There are no lines. It is suitable for men, women and children, as long as they can walk and run. All I need is a push from behind! If it's fast, it takes two hours, if it's slow, it takes half a day. If you want to do it, sign up!

So simple?

Who wouldn't?

But there are only ten places!

Over there, Xiaodong said again: First come, first served!

The villagers rushed in, pushing and shoving.

Between the pushing and shoving, chaos broke out again.

Two hours and two hundred dollars, who doesn’t want the opportunity?

Who would be polite?

A child was pushed down, and the child's father got angry and punched the man behind him. No one realized that this was the first time in just a few days in a village where adults had not fought for more than ten years that they had fought. Already...

Those who got the chance to perform as extras were beaming with joy, those who didn't got the opportunity were cursing, and some were noisy while hugging each other.

The director slammed the table, and the village chief quickly told the villagers watching the show to shut up and go home.

The village chief's licking behavior made the villagers roll their eyes and become even more dissatisfied.

Someone complained that there were too few extras, and producer Xiaodong on the other side said, We need extras tomorrow, thirty! Remember to come early and line up!

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