At this moment, Village Chief Dong’s little calculation has been completed.

After thinking about it clearly, he was eager to settle the matter quickly without any urging from the producer opposite.

It's all money!

Actually, even if the other party doesn't pay, he can't lose on this matter.

This is the filming location for Tao Ran's new drama. When the time comes, let the village set up a big name, and they can defraud outsiders of their money! The last time he went to the village for a meeting, they said that it is easy to earn money like this now. Foreigners are stupid and have too much money. They cannot walk along the road when they see the scenery. Building a pavilion will become an attraction, and cooking a few dishes will become a farmhouse. Spreading a piece of cloth on the grass is like an outing, and pulling up two tents is like camping. Thinking about it makes me excited. The village is very close to getting rid of poverty and becoming rich!

Although this producer doesn't sound nice, he speaks the truth. Which of the nearby villages doesn’t have this scene? If they don't keep people, they can find similar shooting locations in just two steps. But if I miss these two people in my village, where will I find such fools who send money to my door in the future?

I can make the decision on everything in this village. It's easy for the villagers to handle it. I'll just hold a meeting later and let them know.

Xiaodong: I also have two requirements here.

You say.

First, our time is very tight and we will start work tomorrow. Do you have any questions?

no problem!

Second, we have to sign a confidentiality agreement when we shoot here!


That is to say, you villagers cannot leak the news that we are filming here. We, Tao Ran, are international superstars. If anyone knows that we are starting work here, reporters and fans will come, and we will not be able to film this time. Cooperation will no longer be possible. On the contrary, we will face huge losses.

This is the truth. Tao Ran didn't want all the money to go down the drain, so Xiaodong was urged to keep it confidential.

So the scandal is ahead. If it is leaked, we will definitely change the place! Not only will we not settle the bill then, we may even ask you to compensate! So for the next ten days, I ask you villagers to keep your mouth shut. Can you do it?

You're right. Yes, I promise, we won't even tell our relatives and friends who live nearby.

Okay. It's settled. Village chief, do you think it's convenient to make an agreement with us now and get a deposit?

Of course it was convenient. The village chief agreed and at the same time enthusiastically left the meal.

No, Tao Ran is still waiting for us!

Tao Ran? A big star? Waiting? She has arrived? Where is she?

Our nanny van is parked at the entrance of the village to the west. Tao Ran is still in the van, so he may have to wait impatiently.

Really? The village chief and his family said in unison again. Then we have to leave quickly, we can't keep the big star waiting!

When the big star he saw on TV every day stood in front of him and nodded to say hello, the village chief walked around Tao Ran several times at a loss.


Only at this moment did he fully believe that everything was true.

He really didn't expect that one day he would be able to stand with a big star.

He was even more stunned when he got into the luxury nanny car. Such an advanced and beautiful car?

He actually got into a celebrity's car!

His whole body was shaking with excitement...

He and the big star breathe the same car air, enjoy the treatment of a big star, and have a dedicated driver. Starting tomorrow, the big star will work at his home place. This... is simply a dream!

The village chief smiled stupidly the whole time and followed the car to the county hotel. When the deposit of 20,000 yuan was received, he was even more delighted. After signing the confidentiality contract, he was even driven back to a neighboring village...

As soon as the car was far away, he took a small road and drove towards the village as fast as possible.

Soon, the loudspeaker in the village rang: Everyone, listen, we will gather in the square in front of the village chief's house in fifteen minutes. Important news will be announced. Good thing, great thing!

Worried that the villagers might be slow, he added: You can come and get money!

Half an hour later, he called Xiaodong: It's all done! Starting tomorrow, the village will not only fully cooperate with the filming, not only prevent the filming from leaking, but also help maintain the order of the filming, and ensure that no one can enter the village. .”

Rapeseed doesn’t make any money at all. If his family pays out a few hundred, everyone’s capital is actually guaranteed. Who is a fool who wouldn't want to?

The next day, Tao Ran and his crew arrived at the filming location.

This is the first step of Tao Ran's plan.

She earned her national status by destroying all her wealth. If she didn't take advantage of this situation, she would be sorry for herself! So this time, she kept things simple and upright, using her favorability among the people to directly exchange for the trust of those people...

At this time, the villagers used all their enthusiasm to greet the crew. Since the crew didn't enter the village anyway, they weren't worried at all.

They cleaned up that area early in the morning, and there weren't even a few weeds left in the field. In accordance with the requirements of the crew, many tables, chairs and other items were kindly provided.

The crew's buses and trucks were all arranged by Village Chief Dong in a nearby parking lot, which attracted no attention at all. As for equipment, the village chief arranged for people to use ox carts to haul them to the filming location.

Seeing the scene being set up little by little and the machines being set up, most of the villagers were excited and had been poking around the outside of the filming location since early in the morning.

Tao Ran only showed up for an hour in the afternoon.

When they heard that the big star was coming, the villagers all looked forward to it.

Looking from a distance, I saw her wearing beautiful clothes, leaving a group of images in the rape field... It's a pity that the big star has a big air and won't let them touch her. Otherwise, you need to take a few group photos and show them to relatives in other villages in the future. Hey, this is a big deal!

But even so, the villagers are becoming more and more fond of this crew.

Because, there is money.

The crew ate lunch boxes sent from the county. When some villagers asked, they were told that the lunch boxes were 31 pieces each. And that Taoran is a small stove opened separately in the hotel, priced at 300 per serving.

Tao Ran's words aside, what's in the thirty-one lunch box? It’s just one large meat dish, one small meat dish, and three vegetarian dishes. A few mouthfuls of food are not enough for the dog. Thirty?

That’s one thousand yuan for more than thirty people! If they could do this, just pick some vegetables from the field, get some bacon, and scramble an egg, the meal wouldn't cost more than a hundred.

This made the villagers feel all kinds of things.

This crew is really stupid and has a lot of money!

At the instigation of the villagers, the village chief negotiated with the director and said that the village could provide the film crew's lunch boxes. Their villagers cook very well and cleanly. They only have two meat and three vegetables for only fifteen yuan, which can save half the money...

But the director refused immediately.

Although he didn't say anything, his expression said it all: disgusted.

But the director is still good.

When he saw Erniu's child, he gave him a hundred and asked him to buy a pack of cigarettes, leaving the rest to him.

The kid earned fifty for a pack of cigarettes, and the villagers' eyes almost dropped.

But they also saw Tao Ran's makeup artist asking Da Zhuang's son to help buy chocolates, and they also gave him a hundred. That stinky kid earned sixty!

Oh my god!

Just running an errand.

Where does this God of Wealth come from?

Now, everyone in the village started to move forward whenever they got the chance...

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