The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 711 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 42

In this way, Fan Cunzheng, under Tao Ran's suggestion, agreed on the once and for all strategy.

But the two of them couldn't do it alone. They needed more witnesses and helpers, so Muramasa went to arrange for manpower. The few people who came were not only tight-spoken and steady-tempered, but they were also young and strong and obeyed orders.

Sit back and wait, although it is time-consuming, it is not laborious!

Several people took turns staring at the Zheng family.

So tonight when the Zheng family went out in full force to the grove, they were already followed.

Seeing that they were about to set fire, Muramasa was already furious.

Fortunately, they were afraid of trouble and burned only a small forest. Muramasa was reluctant to hold on and did not move.

Then, they followed the Zheng family to the vicinity of Ji's house...

On the other side, as soon as Tao Ran left home with Chen Fang, he locked eyes with the boss of the Zheng family behind him. She did not take action, but after meeting with Muramasa and the others, she left Zheng Da to them.

After several one-on-one encounters, Zheng Da was tied up and thrown aside before he could even groan.

When Tao Ran went out, she had already determined that the second son of the Zheng family was hiding at the intersection, so when she led people around, he was dragged away with his mouth covered before he could even react...

In order not to alert others, Tao Ran and Muramasa simply walked away from the hole dug by Zheng Xiucai.

Tao Ran also entered the house through the window and quietly opened the door for the other three people.

When the four people watched Zheng Xiucai with their own eyes, it was the moment when he stuffed the ingot into his lapel. So this taking advantage of the situation drama can be regarded as being seen clearly.

I thought that was it, but Zheng Xiucai had other plans.

Muramasa knew that the Ji family had recently made money by selling makeup boxes, so when they saw Zheng Xiucai adding things to the makeup, everyone was stunned.

At that time, Zheng Xiucai was busy putting out medicinal powder. How could he have thought that there would be someone behind him?

Afraid that this guy would cause great losses to the Ji family, Muramasa couldn't bear it anymore and shouted to stop Zheng Xiucai.

That's it, Zheng Xiucai was caught red-handed...

At this moment, when he heard that the other party wanted to report to the official, Zheng Xiucai hurriedly argued: I didn't set the fire, you misunderstood. I was putting out the fire. I passed by here and saw... I saw someone crawling in through the hole in the wall... I was curious for a moment , wanted to help catch the thief, so he followed in...

He rolled his eyes and pointed to the half-open window outside, I almost caught the thief, but the thief was so agile that he was frightened by me and ran away from the window! So I didn't steal. I didn’t do anything bad. On the contrary, I acted bravely!”

What a brave man!

Muramasa was angered by his righteous words.

He didn't bother to tell Zheng Cai that they were following him all the way and watching the whole process. Muramasa signaled, and the two big men who were holding Zheng Xiucai found the ingots of gold ingots from his front.

No theft? What is this?

This...this is what my family Qinqin saved when she was at the Lin family. I...I buried it in the back mountain and just dug it out today.

Bah! Muramasa didn't even bother to pay attention to him. You are so shameless! Wait until you get to the Yamen to tell the county magistrate!

Muramasa turned over the ingots, and sure enough, the bottoms were all stamped.

Not to mention that they all watched Zheng Cai put the ingot in his clothes, let's talk about this silver ingot.

This was the fifteen-tael ingot issued by the imperial court last month. It was redeemed by Ji Wenqing when he went to the provincial capital a few days ago. It had been several months since Zheng Qinqin left the Lin family. At that time, there was no such ingot on the market.

In the past few days, Wenqing knew that Zheng Xiucai was coming to visit, so he deliberately placed the newly redeemed ingot on the table. The girl told him about this the day before yesterday. No, as expected, Zheng Xiucai is nothing!

It was a self-defeating lie anyway, and Muramasa didn't bother to expose him directly.

Hurry up and call me. What's in your bottle?

Nothing! I...I just saw a lot of makeup on the table and wanted to dress up a little for my wife to use.

Zheng Cai, tell the truth!

I'm telling the truth! What, Muramasa, do you still want to force a confession? I am a scholar, I...

Grandpa Fan, don't talk nonsense to him!

When Tao Ran spoke, he had already walked around behind Zheng Xiucai, pressed the back of his head violently, and then slapped his face directly on the long table.

Zheng Xiucai's hand was shaking just now, and the long table was covered with a thin layer of powder.

Ask him what it is? Will he say it?

Why waste that time? Why not just give it a try? Since he put the medicinal powder into the powder, it must have been designed to be applied on human skin.

As a result, Zheng Xiucai's face was not only pressed against the dusty part of the table, but was also pushed from one side to the other by Tao Ran, as if he were cleaning the table.

However, Zheng Xiucai was very calm and did not struggle too much. Is the powder non-toxic? impossible!

Tao Ran guessed, what kind of effect does the medicinal powder need to have on harming people? For example, the oil in the powder? Or some kind of spice?

With this thought, she picked up a box of powder.

Sure enough, a flash of fear flashed across Zheng Xiucai's eyes.

Tao Ran gave a look and the two big men had already reacted. After tying him up, they threw him out of the window.

Who knows what's wrong with this powder? To be cautious, I'd better test it further away.

Zheng Xiucai was dragged to an open space outside Ji's house. This time, his struggle was several times stronger than before. He looked at the makeup box in Tao Ran's hand and shook his head, indicating that he had done all the tricks.

How could Tao Ran let him have his way?

He must suffer the consequences!

He must avenge himself, so he deserves to be so conscientious in his work, right?

Tao Ran motioned for the others to step back and threw the powder in his hand on Zheng Xiucai's face.

After a few people retreated far away, Zheng Xiucai's various screams were left in the air.

Although he kept shaking his head in an attempt to shake off the powder on his face, within less than a hundred breaths, the half of his face that was pressed on the table still began to turn red and swollen. Another quarter of an hour passed, and his face There were dense blisters on my face, and they seemed to be showing signs of pus, which was extremely scary...

Several people looked at him as if they were looking at a toad, so disgusting.

Zheng Cai acted too frightened, so they guessed that his face could not be saved.

The viciousness of this man's mind is clearly visible.

This medicinal powder is obviously extremely poisonous.

This is a lot, and he did it all at once.

But if he had just poured a tiny amount into each large container, Tao Ran wouldn't be able to notice it at all.

When she puts these drug-laced powders into makeup boxes and sells them, and it gets on the faces of ladies and young ladies, will she still be able to do well? She will offend all the dignitaries in the entire county!

How precious are their faces?

When the time comes, it will be inevitable even if he loses everything, his reputation will be ruined, he will definitely go to jail, his father will also be implicated, and it is absolutely impossible to take the exam again. By then, what the Ji family will face will be hundreds of times worse than what the Zheng family faces now!

And Tao Ran and his family have been exposed to poisons for a long time, and they may themselves be seriously harmed.

Therefore, this Zheng Cai is doing his own evil and will not survive!

You deserve it!

Thank you for the rewards of Reset Thunder Fire Wuwu and Fengzhong Yudrop~Bixinxin!

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