The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 710 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 41

You evil beast! Stop it!

In the quiet air, such a male voice suddenly burst out. God knows how scared Zheng Xiucai, who was holding his breath and concentrating at that moment, was.

His heart suddenly jumped out of his throat.

He shook his hand and shook the bottle, and a lot of the medicinal powder inside was sprinkled out. The long table was immediately covered with a dense layer of powder.

As he turned his head sharply, the light suddenly brightened in the room.

Standing at the door of the room were Muramasa, two strong villagers, and... Ji Wenqing.

At that moment, Zheng Xiucai's legs went weak.

how come?

Where Ji Wenqing is, the eldest son should follow him!

Why didn't Erzi notify them when they came in?

And Muramasa? What the hell! Now, shouldn't he be busy directing everyone to put out the fire? Does he not have to worry about such a huge fire?

Why did he come here?

Zheng Xiucai almost peed.

And when he panicked, he subconsciously smashed the bottle with not much powder left in his hand.

He raised his hand and threw the bottle hard.


The bottle didn't break or fall to the ground, but it fell into Ji Wenqing's hand.

She actually swooped out and caught the bottle before it hit the ground. Ha, how could the evidence be destroyed?

Only then did Zheng Xiucai realize that Ji Wenqing was so agile.

Then he saw Ji Wenqing suddenly raise his head and give him a sinister smile. Under the dim candlelight, it looked particularly scary!

At that moment, Zheng Xiucai was so terrified that his feet slipped and he sat on the ground...

This woman looks like a ghost! What is she laughing at! Why is she laughing? Is she happy?

Could it be that she knew she was coming? Is she waiting for herself?

Zheng Xiucai suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

The time their youngest son was killed, what they couldn't understand was why the Ji family had set up a trap in the backyard in advance, and why they had even prepared arsenic and everything. At that time, they had doubts. Could it be that the Ji family had foresight?

But now it seems...

Coupled with Ji Wenqing's smile, Zheng Xiucai felt as if he had seen a ghost and almost had the idea of ​​​​death.

Why are you laughing! Are you plotting against me? Zheng Xiucai roared, grabbed an incense burner at hand and threw it at Tao Ran.

Tao Ran screamed and subconsciously held his head. This time, it was Muramasa who suddenly rushed up and blocked the incense burner for Tao Ran.

You Zheng Cai, you are crazy! Do you know what you are doing!

Cun Zheng stopped in front of Tao Ran, while Zheng Xiucai was controlled by two big men from the villagers, one on the left and the other on the right.

Zheng Xiucai shook his head: No, she was smiling at me just now. It was her, she was setting me up!

Muramasa sneered and sighed: You set the fire first and looted later, and now you dare to commit murder? You are so brave!

Really, didn't you see it? She just laughed... Zheng Xiucai was explaining when he suddenly thought of something.

etc! Muramasa caught him and understood that stealing was normal, but how did he know that he had set the fire?

Who set the fire? Don't accuse me wrongly. I didn't! Zheng Xiucai struggled to retort, but also with a probing heart.

But the big man who was holding him back gave him a kick on the back of his knee: No need to quibble. Please keep these words for the county magistrate!

Tao Ranhehe.

Of course she doesn't know what to expect.

But who told her that her five senses were strong?

Especially since she knew she was about to leave this world, recently she had been trying her best to help Ji Wenqing improve his physical fitness. At night, she usually meditates and regulates her breath instead of sleeping.

So when Zheng Xiucai first started picking up walls, she knew it.

At that time, she also used Qinggong to go out and watch.

How else to say that the upper beams of the Zheng family are not straight and the lower beams are crooked?

Zheng Qinqin should not have any self-esteem, she just inherited it from her father!

A scholar, a scholar, a person who aspires to be an official, just lying in the grass, doing things like snakes, insects, rats, and ants, is simply embarrassing.

At that time, Tao Ran estimated his progress and knew that at least he would not be able to finish the work that night, so he went back with peace of mind.

During the day of the next day, she took advantage of delivering things to Muramasa and had a good chat with Muramasa.

Muramasa never expected that such a thing would happen.

Tonight, you will know at a glance.

After it got dark that day, Tao Ran left through the back door of his house and went to Muramasa's house. Choosing the right time, she and Muramasa kept an eye on the Zheng family from a distance at the end of Haishi.

When they first arrived, they saw the door of Zheng's house secretly opened.

Zheng Xiucai took his second son straight to Ji's house.

After arriving at the place, one person dug a hole under the wall, while the other hid in the grass at the intersection and watched. The place where Tao Ran and Cun Zheng were standing happened to be in the blind spot of the second son of the Zheng family, so the boy had no idea.

Muramasa was originally going to arrest someone, but was stopped by Tao Ran.

They were busy waiting for Zheng Xiucai for more than half an hour.

When he got up, Zheng Xiucai was all smiles and imitated a cat meow. Then the father and son met and quickly took a small road to leave...

Tao Ran then led the village chief out of the bushes.

I went to the corner where Zheng Xiucai had just been working and dug out the rubble. Sure enough, a hole had been drilled there, just big enough for one person to squeeze through...

Since it was not the time to talk, the two made an appointment to talk in detail the next day.

Sneaking chickens and dogs, committing adultery or stealing! Muramasa said angrily the next day, I should have caught him right then and there.

Catching him can only stop him from doing evil. Only by catching him really doing evil can we permanently stop him from sneaking around! He is a scholar with an unusual status. He doesn't even have to kneel before an official. He just digs a hole and finds any excuse. How can we convict him if we can just prevaricate him?

So, why don't we give him this opportunity to see what he wants to do? Just take advantage of it!

But this... Muramasa felt a little uneasy.

Grandpa Fan, if Zheng Xiucai cannot take the scientific examination, his future will be over long ago. His family is not willing to farm, and the whole family is too lazy to work. They will not continue like this. In fact, his family is the biggest in our villages. Isn't it a source of instability? Tao Ran had already grasped Muramasa's psychology. Don't you want to end it once and for all?

Sure enough, this sentence completely touched Muramasa's heart.

He had long wanted to drive away the family named Zheng.

The last time Zheng Ping stole and harmed others, he had frightened all the villagers. Everyone denounced them and wanted to drive them away. It's just that Zheng Cai has a big mouth and can speak loudly, and he uses his status as a scholar to intimidate and threaten him.

Later, when they saw that Zheng Qinqin had become the concubine of the Feng family in the county town, and the Zheng family was even more powerful, no one dared to offend her, so they tolerated it.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Qinqin's reputation was no better than her father's. Time and time again, she became a big joke within a ten-mile radius. People in the surrounding villages couldn't stand the Zheng family, and they were worried that their children and grandchildren would be ruined. They wished they could get out of here!

Especially after Ji Xiucai honored his ancestors, he drove away the scourge one day at a time, and all they had left was glory.

Therefore, Fan Cunzheng nodded quickly.

yes! The reason why the Zheng family can still rely on Murakami is precisely because the perpetrators of the Zheng family's crimes are not Zheng Xiucai. As long as Zheng Xiucai can be caught this time, it will truly be settled once and for all.

Clean up the scourge and make the village clean. When Ji Xiucai wins the title, these villages should be able to get greater honors and get awards from the government. Maybe the county can even help repair roads!

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