The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 698 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 29

Tao Ran came to the temple with a goal in mind today.

The weather is not very good.

It looks like it will rain sooner or later.

And what Tao Ran wants is this rain.

She secretly prayed that the rain would come in the morning.

For this reason, she not only arrived at the temple early in the morning, but also kowtowed to the Bodhisattva eighteen times.

Although the weather is bad, it does not prevent the women from praying to God and worshiping Buddha as always.

To put it mildly, everyone is sincere. To put it more realistically, the female relatives are really bored. Many of them are just waiting for the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month when they can go out openly for the whole day.

So today compared to past days, I don’t feel deserted.

An hour later, heavy rain suddenly started falling.

There was a burst of lightning and thunder, followed by pouring rain.

Just as Tao Ran hoped, it was the time when there were the most people in the Main Hall.

For a time, all the female relatives were trapped in the palace.

The rain came suddenly, and many pilgrims didn't even have umbrellas in their hands. As we watched, many people were trapped under nearby trees and corridors.

So Tao Ran followed a group of young novice monks and started busy delivering umbrellas to pick up people to take shelter from the rain in the main hall.

Naturally, Tao Ran would not miss this good opportunity to harvest favors.

She went back and forth in the rain, delivering umbrellas again and again, protecting ladies and ladies one after another, and handing over clean hand towels one after another.

She received a lot of thanks and praise.

Amitabha, there is thunder and lightning, it is too unsafe to hide under the tree. Seeing several people hiding under the camphor tree, she quickly took three umbrellas and ran out again...

She doesn't only take care of the women's families of powerful people, but also the families of ordinary people, she treats them equally.

When she handed the umbrella to a woman who was holding a child, she helped her protect her three-year-old daughter in her arms and ran back to the palace. She was panting, her head was covered with water, and her body was soaked. …

This time, everyone gave her clean hand towels and asked her to quickly wipe off the water to prevent the wind and cold...

Everyone cared about and praised her, but she was very humble and said, At the feet of the Bodhisattva, I just do what I can.

Tao Ran found a corner to sit down, and then took out something from his purse.

Before everyone's attention could be taken away from her, it was inevitable to look at her a few more times.

Then, everyone's eyes were fixed on her.

To be honest, Tao Ran was caught in the rain and his face was covered with water, which can be said to be quite embarrassing. Not only was the powder on my face a little mushy, but my eyebrows were also a little dizzy because they were stained with water.

Just now she simply wiped off the water and remaining makeup powder on her face, revealing her bare face...

Although her face is considered to be unusually delicate, everyone is used to seeing her with a little makeup on, so they are a little uncomfortable with it.

But now...

What operation?

The object Ji Wenqing held in her hand was a small, beautiful flat box. After opening it, she placed the inner layer of the lid and looked at it. There was light shining through her in the hall, so was there a bronze mirror in her flat box?

A girl was curious and knelt down next to her to take a look.

Then I saw her taking a short brush the size of a copper plate from the box. She dipped something in it and started to decorate her face bit by bit.

The brush pressed over pieces of skin, and everyone watched as her slightly uneven skin tone gradually became fairer and evener.

Tao Ran changed tools again. This time it was a small... brush that was only one-tenth the size of a normal brush?

After everyone saw what she was doing, her eyebrows were re-outlined with her skillful operation. The two arcs were just right, and her eyebrows were of a suitable thickness.

Use that pen and brush it a few more times, and you will have the feeling of natural wild eyebrows. It looks like she is a natural beauty with beautiful eyebrows!

How come the makeup effect is better than Luo Zidai? I didn’t see her taking Luo Dai!

what is that?

Why is it so natural? So smooth? Does it look soft?

Before she was done, she took out a beautiful little brush from the small box and painted her lips. The color was also good. It's not the bright red color of lipstick, it's a bit special red. What she dipped in was not lip grease, right? what? So curious!

After that, she took a large-head brush and swept it across her cheeks...

That flat box is so small, how come there are so many good things in it?

After watching her struggle for a hundred breaths, Ji Wenqing's makeup returned.

Exquisite and special, it looks even better than before.

The whole hall was boiling.

Almost all the ladies and ladies gathered around her, marveling at this novel gadget.

The small flat box revealed its true appearance.

The inner layer of the upper cover is a bronze mirror, and the box contains a six-color plate of paste and five small brushes of different sizes and shapes...


This is what Tao Ran wants to sell.

It is too difficult to produce, and it is not easy to do business.

It will be more difficult for Ji Wenqing to inherit her skills in the future.

So she could only take shortcuts.

She does not produce, she only works as a mover of ready-made goods.

That day, the two shops next to each other that inspired her were a stationery store that sold the Four Treasures of the Study and a cosmetics store that specialized in women's business.

The business of both stores was quite good, which gave her the idea of ​​merging them into one.

Integrate tools and cosmetics?

Makeup palette?

She just sells makeup palettes?

I can't stop this idea once it comes up.

Women love beauty, and when it comes to cosmetics, as long as there are new ones, they want to try them. This is determined by nature. So as long as it is novel enough, it will definitely attract attention and pursuit.

She is not good at anything else, but hype is her strength.

She can promote Ji Xiucai to the top in the county. Is this difficult?

After the general direction was decided, she began to think about the feasibility.

The makeup palette itself is something new in this era, is it novel enough? It incorporates a variety of colors, is it new enough?

What about difficulty?

The box is easy, whether it is wood, bamboo or silver, it can be customized. The tools are also simple. There are many small brushes and writing pens in stationery stores, and their craftsmen can make them if you give them the size.

However, innovations in containers and tools alone will soon be imitated and replaced, so the content must also be difficult to imitate or special.

So she spent a lot of time preparing the cosmetics in the makeup palette.

Such as eyebrow makeup products.

Tao Ran was not very good at drawing eyebrows in ancient times. In particular, Ji Wenqing's eyebrows are very light in color. If he doesn't paint them, his appearance will drop by a notch. But Naluo Dai is really not easy to use. Not only is it easy to draw over and over, it is also difficult to control the amount used, and it even looks old-fashioned and deliberate.

Therefore, every time Tao Ran draws his eyebrows, he dips his pen into the snails.

It's inconvenient for her, but it's even more difficult for people with disabilities.

She plans to make her own eyebrow powder.

She bought more than a dozen kinds of eyebrow makeup from the market, crushed them one by one, added wax, talcum powder, animal fat and castor oil to prepare them again and again, relying on her keen knowledge of cosmetics. properties, successfully prepared an eyebrow powder with suitable texture and viscosity, and successfully pressed it into a compact powder...

After getting off to a good start, she started adjusting lipstick again.

Mouth grease is very viscous, so it is easier to make it into small pieces. Heat and melt the oil-based auxiliary ingredients to prepare, pour into the mold and wait until it dries.

In order to make her cosmetics different, she also added her favorite spices into the preparation, giving these cosmetics a little more style...

After several months of various preparations, Tao Ran made the first makeup palette that he was basically satisfied with. The disk was very simple and elegant. She only asked the scholar to help her draw a landscape painting with elegant artistic conception...

After getting the actual product, she spent a lot of money to make a high-end version of the makeup palette.

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