The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 697 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 28

Tao Ran also planned to make good friends with the female relatives of these high-ranking officials.

Not only to lay the foundation for future work, but also for Ji Wenqing.

Especially for Ji Xiucai.

Ji Wenqing is surrounded by rough people from the countryside, and he can be said to be incompatible with Ji Wenqing. She has no friends she gets along with, and no one who understands her. But it's different in a different environment.

Tao Ran hopes to help her make some reliable friends. Then after he leaves, when Ji Wenqing has enemies and difficulties in the future, there will be someone who can help support him.

And this kind of confidence is what Ji Xiucai needs.

Even a thousand-mile horse must have Bole.

Even if you are very talented, someone must appreciate you, or in other words, support you. And can the support of villagers and the support of powerful people be the same? It's not that Tao Ran is class-minded, but that's the reality. A word from a noble person is often worth the petitions of thousands of people.

Tao Ran wanted to try to help the scholar. Even if you can't, you still have to help him increase his reputation!

In fact, when the Ji family and the Zheng family had a dispute a while ago, Ji Xiucai's name was already known to everyone in the entire county. Everyone felt that this man must be talented and learned, otherwise why would other scholars steal his questions and steal his seal to harm him?

Then there was Ji Xiucai who quoted scriptures in front of the Yamen that day. His sonorous and powerful cryptic words were not understood by everyone, but they reminded everyone that he was knowledgeable.

So in Tao Ran's eyes, Ji Xiucai already had his own traffic. This is a good thing.

Therefore, what Tao Ran has to do is to help him maintain his popularity and reputation. She wanted Ji Xiucai to become someone in this county who would never be forgotten when it comes to scholars!

the reason is simple.

In the plot, although Ji Xiucai never gave up the scientific examination, he failed every time before the provincial examination.

In this era, not only scholars were eligible to participate in the provincial examination. They must also first pass a selection examination, the subject examination.

The scientific examination is presided over by the local academic administration, and the right to speak largely lies with the local government. There are many doorways here.

Tao Ran didn't know whether Ji Xiucai's repeated defeats were due to lack of knowledge and insights, or because he had no power or fame, but she wanted to try to make him famous, build a road, and unblock his joints. , can you help him out?

It’s really heartbreaking!

So Tao Ran's plan is to first make himself familiar, and then let her serve as a bridge, starting with these ladies, to keep the popularity of Jichun's name at least until the scientific examination in three months...

After receiving compensation from the Zheng family, Tao Ran appeared in the temple for the first time.

Since she controlled the family's financial power, she spent five taels of incense oil on her first appearance in the temple.

At that time, it was the time when the palace had the most people.

The action of this unfamiliar face aroused the curiosity of many pilgrims and monks.

This girl is wearing the most ordinary cloth, without any gold and jade decoration from head to toe, but she only spends five taels?

This girl has a refined temperament. She looks like someone's lady, but they can't figure out whose family she belongs to?

She doesn't have a maid around her either. It seems like her family is in a bad situation, right? But she gave so much money for sesame oil in one breath...

Hey, what is that basket at her feet for? Are there any scriptures?

You have money to donate sesame oil, but you bring a broken basket worth only a few pennies?

The huge contrasts and contradictions in Tao Ran continue to attract everyone's attention.

And she wasn't particularly beautiful, but she had an aura that stood out inexplicably, making it even harder for people to ignore her.

She used her meager inner strength to channel her voice out, and many people heard her kneeling down, firstly praying for her father's scientific examination to go well, secondly hoping for a speedy recovery for her stepmother, and thirdly praying for good weather.

Yo! This girl is awesome!

With this kind of thinking, he is definitely not an ordinary person!

Most of the people who came to worship Buddha were just asking for themselves, but her three requests did not mention themselves at all!

Scientific examination? No wonder it’s so grand, it turns out it’s from a scholar’s ​​home!

After bowing to the Bodhisattva, she gave the scriptures in the basket to the monk, saying that they were all copied by her hand.

A lady stretched her neck and took a look. She couldn't help but praise the words so beautiful.

Realistically, these scriptures cannot be copied by Tao Ran's hand. She can't write such beautiful handwriting.

These were all copied by Ji Wenqing at home earlier, and she used them to borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha... and let the Bodhisattva take a good look at them. The poor girl deserves to be protected.

And reading, understanding etiquette, good heart, good people, good writing... these are all plus points.

Immediately, a girl came to greet her.

Tao Ran reported himself to his family.

As soon as they heard the surname Ji, everyone understood and realized who she was.

Those days were when Ji Xiucai was at the forefront of the storm.

Everyone was curious about the case and asked her many questions.

She also went to the back mountain to drink fragrant tea.

That kind of occasion is usually a more advanced tea party.

She has a flow about her, good acting skills, good manners, polite conversation, thoughtful, neither humble nor arrogant. She refreshes everyone's good impression of her time and time again, so she is naturally very popular.

When the tea party ended, she asked the young monk to introduce her, saying that she wanted to come to the temple to do volunteer work... Everyone looked at her highly again.

Tao Ran is serious.

She actually went to see the abbot.

She is so literate and can come to help on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. The temple would be most welcoming.

From then on, Tao Ran was not absent from every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month.

She stayed in the Mahavira Hall, which was the most popular place, and helped write notes for signatures, register pilgrims, and write merit books.

She succeeded in becoming familiar with all the female relatives, and basically recognized most of the noble female relatives in the entire county.

She had gained the honor of the temple, and everyone was polite and respectful to her.

And in every tea party, she didn't hold back a single moment, she participated in them all.

Gradually, she discovered that although this county was a big city to rural people, when Tao Ran looked at it from the perspective of a later generation, she found that they were very limited.

In short, it is ignorant.

From time to time, she would give some scientific arguments, express some of her own opinions, popularize some common sense, and throw out some views that the ancients had never heard of or dared to think of... Finally, she told them that they all learned it from books.

She was originally very clever, doing one thing after another, which often made the female family members dumbfounded and pondering. Gradually, she became the protagonist of the tea party.

The name Ji Wenqing began to become famous among the powerful female relatives in the county.

The girls were eager to make her friend, and she got several invitations to her.

No, when she went to offer incense last time, she also got a birthday card from Mr. Sun's granddaughter.

Ji Wenqing is so knowledgeable and talented, so her father, Ji Xiucai, must be an even more extraordinary person.

Ji Chun didn't know that in fact, with Tao Ran's help, he had quietly established his fame and reputation, and he was already a well-known figure in the county. When it comes to scholars, the first thing people in the county think of is Jichun...

If Tao Ran hadn't claimed that his father was preparing for the exam and had no visitors, the number of greetings and invitations to Ji Xiucai would not have been less than what Tao Ran received.

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