The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 692 Xiao Ningzi doesn’t want to marry again 23

Tao Ran wants to help Ji Wenqing, who doesn't want to get married, start a career.

Chen Fang will be pregnant and giving birth soon, so her family's income will be low and their expenses will be high. The little money you have will become empty sooner or later.

Cheating alone will not last long.

When Tao Ran left, Ji Wenqing had to show his self-worth if he wanted to survive without being rejected by his family. Or at least, you have to save a lot of money.

With money, Ji Wenqing can be as carefree as he wants. Then you don’t have to look at your family members, and you don’t have to get married. You can live your life with your chest held high!

Murakami can't.

The place is too small, and there are just trivial things all day long. Ji Wenqing's temperament is most annoying and disdainful of such things. And Ji Xiucai has been in extremely good condition recently, and he may really be able to move up.

By then, the small village may not be taken seriously by the Ji family.

Therefore, Tao Ran has been walking around the county town a lot recently. She wanted to look for something she could do to make a living.

But after wandering around for two days, Tao Ran found that it was difficult.

First of all, she couldn't find any way to make money on her own.

Her major is acting and she has nowhere to show it. She is good at martial arts, but her personality doesn't match her personality. She also knows how to put on makeup, but the aesthetics of ancient and modern times are very different, and the cosmetics and makeup techniques have come and gone very far. She has neither raw materials nor equipment. If she wants to develop cosmetics, make perfume, etc., I am afraid that she can only do it easily in novels!

The same goes for Ji Wenqing. Like those ancient ladies, she has no special skills. Apart from writing and writing, she can be said to be useless. Otherwise, there is no need to earn copper coins by helping write letters and couplets.

So for a while, she really didn't know if there was any way to make money that would allow Ji Wenqing to develop sustainably, fit her personality, and be acceptable to her...

Until one day, Tao Ran was shopping in two neighboring shops, both of which had good business. At a glance, she knew what she wanted to do.

The manufacturing industry is too demanding and cannot be played alone, while the service industry is troublesome and tiring just thinking about it. Opening a shop requires energy and manpower, as well as time and cost investment, which is simply miserable.

So she planned to do something integrated. To put it nicely, it is innovation. But to put it bluntly, it means reprocessing and repackaging.

She walked into those two shops again, spent a fortune, bought two large bags of things and took them back to study...

From that day on, in addition to keeping fit and practicing martial arts, Tao Ran also did one more thing, which was tinkering with gadgets in her room...

Another period of time passed.

Feng Er still didn't give up on Ji Wenqing.

Every now and then, he would appear.

From his words, Tao Ran also learned that Zheng Qinqin had not been able to get along with Feng Erchunxiao until now. Because of this, even though the Zheng family hated the Ji family, they could only stare and did not dare to do anything.

There are also many people coming to Ji's house to say goodbye.

Among them are some wealthy households in the surrounding area. Liu Chun'e refused all of them at Tao Ran's urging.

Except for two.

One family is the Feng family.

Yes, Feng Er had been lovesick for a while at home. His mother couldn't stand his troubles, so she asked someone to marry her again.

It turned out that what Mrs. Feng disliked most about Ji Wenqing was that she felt that this country girl was simple-minded, had no scheming ideas, and was very ambitious. It was difficult for her to control the backyard, and it was even more difficult for her son to win over her.

However, in the last two contacts, she witnessed Ji Wenqing's sharp words, quick thinking, and clear logic that night in the first time. The second time, Zheng Qinqin came in. Her mother-in-law watched Ji Wenqing take control of the whole place, which made the Zheng family miserable. Yan... With this skill, he entered their Feng family, not to mention a young mistress, even the matron of the family.

Mrs. Feng especially likes the spirit of retribution. After careful consideration, she felt that Ji Wenqing was the best! So she agreed to her son...

As for the other family, it is the Guo family.

Liu Chun'e just looked down on them, but Tao Ran asked her not to refuse in a hurry. You always have to leave some thoughts for others, right?

Tao Ran felt that in this world, he couldn't spend a lot of money on charity, nor could he let Ji Wenqing's name spread across the land of China, so it might be a little difficult to obtain the power of faith.

So, she'd better accumulate some virtue.

With her recent efforts, it was not difficult for her to use force to deal with Guo Wu, but she didn't want to do it herself.

Let her enemies help her deal with them!

She has to be a good person!

Therefore, when Feng Er came to deliver an inkstone to Ji Xiucai that day, Tao Ran deliberately let him see two red Geng Tie.

He was furious when he saw it.

Guo Wu? Is that the rich and powerful blacksmith from the village? Feng Er saw Guo Wu at Ji's house and immediately remembered him. He couldn't believe it and asked Liu Chun'e: He, and me? Are they comparable?

Put the blacksmith and yourself together to make a choice? Are you so bad?

Feng Er was a little unable to accept it.

Feng Er prides himself on being handsome, elegant, rich and powerful. Being a young mistress is better than being an iron lady, right?

How can my Wenqing be the kind of vulgar person who only looks at people's conditions and appearance? Liu Chun'e poured a cup of tea for Feng Er. Xiao Wu has his own advantages. He is honest, down-to-earth, and diligent, and he promises that as long as I am Wenqing, he will never take a concubine or look at another woman in this life! For this reason, What girl doesn’t like that?”

Feng Er just hummed and thought to himself, is there any man in this world who doesn't want to be a bit dirty? It only depends on whether you dare to steal and whether you have the ability to steal.

Liu Chun'e: Let me tell you the truth. In the final analysis, Wenqing's marriage depends on her own wishes. Although she is cold to you, she actually wants to choose between you and Guo Wuli.

Chen Fang happened to pass by, and after nodding, she added: Sister-in-law is actually quite hesitant. I saw her taking the Geng Tie from you and Guo Wu yesterday. She looked left and right, and she must have been undecided. If you tell the truth about my family, Sister-in-law, there is only one last step left!

At that time, Ji Wencai just jumped home with an exquisite iron slingshot in his hand, saying that brother Guo Wu made it specially for him.

Mom, Aunt Guo said that her family has made shepherd's purse wontons and will send a hundred of them to us for dinner later.

Oh...this... Liu Chun'e glanced at Feng Er cautiously. Everyone in the village knows that Wen Qing likes to eat wontons, Mr. Feng, don't take it to heart.

Feng Er grabbed the slingshot from Ji Wencai's hand, rushed out and threw it into a pond not far away.

Tomorrow I will give you three better and more exquisite slingshots, customized for you, with your name on them! Now tell me about Guo Wu...

Ji Wencai talked a lot, and inadvertently revealed to Feng Er: Actually, many people in the village know that you and Guo Wu are both asking to marry my sister. Everyone is secretly guessing who can win, and even made a bet! Now! You and Guo Wu are basically a 50-50 bet!

Feng Er was even more angry. Is there such a thing? He only has five? Those without eyes!

In this way, Feng Er, who was originally determined to win Ji Wenqing's unwillingness, gradually went astray.

At this moment, he was more unhappy about being compared to Guo Wu, and the fight was about a man's face!

He only had one thought: He couldn't lose to Guo Wu!

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