The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 691 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 22

Today, when she was preparing to board the sedan at home, Zheng Qinqin had a bad feeling when she heard Ji Wenqing's voice. Her bad luck had completely begun.

Sure enough, the beautiful girl, gray-headed and dirty, got married almost empty-handed. She missed the right time, what could be worse?


The Feng family locked her away.

Then the concierge came and told her that since the auspicious time was missed, she should wait for the next auspicious time before entering.

She asked, when is the next auspicious time?

Reply: Zishi.


This meant that she had to wait for two full hours!

The uncles and eldest brothers who brought her took the money and left. In the empty alley, Zheng Qinqin was left sitting in a sedan chair, waiting.

There was a cold wind, and the sedan had only a curtain but no door. Zheng Qinqin was shivering with cold and hungry, and she had to resist the thought of convenience.

After finally getting there, the other party still didn't open the door.

When I asked, he said it would take three hours!

Zheng Qinqin felt aggrieved, tears flowed again and again, and the handkerchief became dry and wet. She was almost ugly before she was carried into Feng's house.

She thought she could go directly into Feng Er's courtyard and into the warm new house. Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the door, she was stopped by Mrs. Feng's nanny.

The nanny looked at her a few times with the lamp, then shook her head with disgust.

Ugly in appearance and slovenly in clothes, even country women know how important a woman's appearance is. I can't believe that the daughter of a scholar's family is so virtuous. In such a state, don't offend the second master's eyes. Take him to the courtyard first. Let’s educate him for a few days!”

Before Zheng Qinqin could react, she was sent to an abandoned courtyard and restrained. She was told to wait until she had copied the female commandments seven or forty-nine times before going to serve the second master...

She was still looking forward to Feng Er's coming to see her, but until dawn, Feng Er's shadow was not seen.

Therefore, Zheng Qinqin spent her wedding night on a small shabby bed in a dilapidated courtyard, eating cold steamed buns, covered with a small tattered quilt, with tears on her face, wearing makeup, and cursing...

There was absolutely no scene like what she had imagined, where the mandarin duck tent was warm, the red candles were flickering, the slaves were in groups, and the husband was subdued.

The next day, no one paid attention to her, and the family seemed to have forgotten about her.

Zheng Qinqin spent ten copper coins to learn from a woman that the second master was not at home at all.

She could only ask to see Madam.

Mrs. Feng asked her to stand in the wind and wait for two hours before seeing her.

Zheng Qinqin said that she was the second young master's concubine and was not suitable to live in a courtyard. She hoped that she could move to the second young master's courtyard as soon as possible.

What is a concubine?

Mrs. Feng asked with a smile. If you think that I can have a high bed and a soft pillow, and be served by a group of slaves, you are totally wrong. I am a slave, someone who serves people. Not only on the bed, but also on all aspects of life. .You can do it?”

I can!

I think I think very highly of myself! OK, I'll give you a chance.

Zheng Qinqin never expected that Mrs. Feng would recruit a mother-in-law.

You wash her feet, and I'll see if you can serve others.

You want me to wash a slave's feet?

I said, you are also a slave. Since you have equal status, why not? Moreover, my second master has a deep knowledge of foot massage and has high requirements for water temperature massage. If you don't know how to wash your feet, how can you be qualified to serve him? ?”

Mrs. Feng looked at Zheng Qinqin with a half-smile.

So what if you make things difficult?

She had many calculations against the Feng family before, but now it is only natural that they do double duty!

She had deliberately come to this home. If she dared to come, she must dare to play!

Zheng Qinqin naturally refused, so she was sent back to the courtyard by Mrs. Feng as she should.

In addition, Mrs. Feng also sent a rough lady over to teach her what it means to serve!

From that day on, Zheng Qinqin mopped the floor and washed clothes, but couldn't escape. But even so, she still had to be pinched and scolded by the mother-in-law many times every day. Her life was miserable...

After Feng Er came home, he completely ignored her and didn't even look at her.

Once, Zheng Qinqin finally found a chance to sneak out of the courtyard, found Feng Er drinking in the garden, and knelt down obediently.

Feng Er smiled and pulled the maid behind him to sit on his lap.

Zheng Qinqin gritted her teeth.

Feng Er pointed at the maid's face: Now I understand why I have never been interested in you at all? Which of my maids is not prettier and more interesting than you? They are just like you, chasing me, begging me, and waiting for me. So to me, you have no special features at all. You are not even as good as these maids.

As Feng Er said this, he thought of Ji Wenqing again.

As the name suggests, he is deserted, like an elusive fairy. It would be best if there is such a young lady to add fragrance to Hongxiu.


Whenever he thinks that it was because of Zheng Qinqin who first ruined his marriage and then interfered with his good affairs, causing him to still not be able to embrace his beauty, he becomes furious!

Facing Zheng Qinqin who bluntly said that he wanted to come to his backyard, he said something evil: If you want to come to my backyard, start by being responsible for the bucket. Otherwise, you can just study in the miscellaneous courtyard with peace of mind. Choose one of the two, you decide!

The reason why Feng Er was so unsympathetic was because he had been angry with Ji Wenqing recently.

He deliberately sent the prey he finally caught a few days ago to Murakami, but Ji Wenqing threw everything away.

Men and women are not close to each other, and they are not rewarded for no merit. Please, Mr. Feng, please stay away from me!

That's what Tao Ran said. But she was not as cruel to others as she was to him.

Recently, people in the originally deserted Ji family have begun to propose marriages, many of whom are acquaintances nearby. This is not only because Tao Ran has been getting closer to everyone recently, but also because everyone knows that the Ji family has made a little fortune recently.

Ji Xiucai has only one daughter, so the dowry will definitely be large...

So Feng Er came three times, and twice he met the person he wanted to marry.

Although the Ji family rejected it, he was still very unhappy.

He became even more attentive when he came to Ji's house.

Tao Ran told him, Be careful to avoid suspicion! You just took a concubine! I don't want to be a thorn in the Zheng family's side!

What you can't get is always the best. Feng Er is not giving up. He tells Tao Ran that he will never give up...

Tao Ran was thinking about other things.

After temporarily dealing with the Zheng family, the next target to be dealt with unexpectedly appeared.

Guo Wu.

That is, the scumbag who sold Ji Wenqing, got a bride, and even ignored the child's mother, which directly led to Ji Wenqing's death.

His and his mother's sins were no less than Zheng Qinqin's.

Although Tao Ran passes by the blacksmith shop at the head of the village every day, he has not yet found time to take care of him. But the Guo family has already arrived at their door.

Recently, Guo Wu came to help with a lot of the work in the Ji family's farmland.

After a few days, he became very familiar with Ji Wenying, and followed Ji Wenying to Ji's house several times, becoming familiar with Tao Ran.

Mother Guo also made various excuses to come to deliver things and chat with Liu Chun'e several times, asking about Ji Wenqing's affairs...

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