The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 681 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again12

The Zheng family has indeed asked the Feng family for help.

After all, his family had life-saving grace for the Feng family, right?

And the Feng family did help.

They found the magistrate.

I originally wanted to press the matter, but I didn't expect that they were not given a chance at all. That Ji's family made such a big deal out of it that almost everyone in the county knew about it.

I heard the scolding of the Zheng family everywhere, and it was impossible to suppress it. Especially if it is related to the imperial examination, if it is passed to the next level, then it will be really troublesome.

Therefore, the county magistrate Cai had no choice but to hold a public trial.

However, although they dare not do anything openly, they can still slow down the progress secretly. For Magistrate Cai, he also hopes that this matter will be reduced to a minor issue. It is best to reconcile and not make it bigger again...

Halfway through the interrogation, Tao Ran, who had been secretly paying attention to Feng Er, saw him being pulled out by the Feng family's housekeeper.

Tao Ran followed quietly.

Feng Er didn't want to leave, so the two of them chatted on the side.

The housekeeper told him that his family could not openly interfere in this matter and asked him to leave quickly.

Feng Erze sneered and said that he knew that his family wanted to marry him the daughter of the Zheng family, but with the Zheng family's reputation reaching such a high level, would they still want him to marry Zheng Qinqin?

Go back and tell my father that I don't want Zheng's daughter to be a wife or a concubine! If he dares to force me, believe it or not, I won't go back to live here for the next ten days!

Feng Er said this resolutely.

But Tao Ran was not happy anymore.

Naturally, she doesn't hope that Zheng Qinqin will get her wish and become Feng Er's wife this time, but she also doesn't want Zheng Qinqin to completely break away from Feng Er!

Feng Er is not a good match, and Zheng Qinqin follows him. In the plot, even being a wife is very painful. This time, Zheng Qinqin will naturally continue to suffer even more. For example, being a concubine!

Be Feng Er’s concubine!

What a great idea!

Just like Ji Wenqing in the plot, he has no status, is played with, despised, trampled on, has no chance to fight, and is completely reduced to the kind of plaything that is an accessory!

Zheng Qinqin had to take the main responsibility for Ji Wenqing's tragedy. She turned Ji Wenqing into a concubine. This time, she naturally had to let her taste the feeling of having her destiny controlled!

Tao Ran felt that he had to make a plan! …

This case has been tried for one day, but it has not yet been completed.

Zheng and his son were taken into custody and said they would be tried again tomorrow. This extra night is actually to gain a chance for reconciliation for the Zheng family...

Although Tao Ran knew that Ji Xiucai had strong opinions on the Zheng family and would never reconcile, she still decided to do something after walking out of the yamen.

Therefore, when she came out of the Yamen, she said goodbye to the rest of the Ji family.

Liu Chun'e planned to blackmail the Zheng family, and planned to ask Chen Fang to take her to the hospital, pretending to be seriously ill, and then hire a carriage to go home...

Ji Xiucai, along with Muramasa and Ji Wenying, were left in the Yamen to talk...

After Tao Ran exchanged a few words with Ji Wencai, he entrusted him to the villagers to take him back to the village, and then planned to go to the county town for a while.

After going to buy some paper, she found that Feng Er was still following her on the other side of the road.


Seeing that it was getting late, Tao Ran decided to go home.

A gust of wind blew by, and her veil fell off, but she was unaware of it while holding the paper.

When Feng Eryi saw the handkerchief on the ground, he quickly picked it up.

He was overjoyed.

The girl's personal belongings fell into his hands, God help him!

He couldn't help but put the handkerchief to his nose and smell it. The faint fragrance of books and ink was completely different from the woman he had come into contact with before. Unfolding the veil is also... so special.

It was completely plain color, with no flowers at all and not a single word on it.

So chic!

So clean!

This girl is really different.

Also, what color, what words, what makes this girl special?

My heart is itching, I really want to have a beautiful woman in my arms! Taste this unique taste.

With this veil, he had one more opportunity to strike up a conversation and get close to the girl.

He wanted to catch up quickly, but then he thought about it. The county town was an unfamiliar place for this girl, so she must be very defensive. It seems that Ji Wenqing is going back to the village this time, so why not just wait until there are few people around and he will show up at the right time, just in time to take her home...

Once this idea comes out, there is no way to take it back.

As the sun sets in the wilderness, if he shows off his charm and shows his prowess, the little girl will definitely fall in love with him.

And right now... her stepmother is staying in the county for medical treatment, and her father and brother should be invited by the intermediary and Muramasa to reconcile and get entangled, so... isn't she the only one in her family?

Feng Er was a little excited.

It's not that he wants to do something, but he hasn't been to Xiaojiabiyu's boudoir yet! He is really curious!

How about going and taking a look?

When the time comes, just play it by ear. At the worst, he can explain his thoughts well. They had been engaged before, and it wouldn't be a big problem to bring up old things again, as long as he was sincere enough. Maybe when the young lady is moved, she will take the initiative to embrace her?

Feng Er was not afraid at all that anyone would discover them.

He paid a visit at night and was worried that it was the young lady whose reputation would be damaged. Therefore, she must not dare to speak out, but must cover him. What's more, he still has the veil of the young lady in his hand. After tonight, this lady, even if she doesn't want to marry him, will definitely become his concubine.

Ha, okay, let’s get this little lady first.

However, it seems to be five or six miles from here to that village, which is a bit far!

But what he lacks most is the strength and patience to chase girls! Just like hunting and fishing, the more time and energy you spend, the greater the sense of satisfaction will be later, right?

Feng Er followed Ji Wenqing with great interest...

Tao Ran originally just gave it a try, but Feng Er did not disappoint her at all. Or come alone. It’s true that God has eyes.

So Tao Ran didn't walk too fast.

She seemed to be far away, but at the right time, she showed Ji Wenqing's most beautiful figure under the sunset.

Several times, when she felt that Feng Er might not want to leave, she had to reveal her beauty trap, or stop to wipe sweat, wash her hands, drink water, show her wrist...

Feng Er has been attracted to Ji Wenqing for a long time, and it was at the time of infatuation that he followed her for several miles with this admiration.

As they approached the village entrance, they saw Ji Wencai already waiting there.

Tao Ran stepped forward and whispered a few words to him, then he felt relieved.

After giving him a few more instructions, Ji Wen ran away again, and Tao Ran also slowed down.

At this time, the sky was turning dark.

It was dinner time, so there was no one on the road. The two of them walked along the path, which was even more desolate.

Tao Ran quickened his pace, and Feng Er followed suit.

After turning a corner, Feng Er's eyes blurred. He probably saw Ji Wenqing, dressed in blue and plain clothes, disappearing into the room not far away.

He quickly followed.

Thirty breaths later, he arrived in front of this room.

He exhaled, this is the Ji family.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, and thank you Xiaoyao for the reward~

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